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What are you doing with your summer? Let's share experiences, maybe you see what someone did and you'll want to do it too.

  • Thread starter Deleted member 7448
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Deleted member 7448

Deleted member 7448

Name is Abdu, live in Laos, born on 24.08.1992.
May 16, 2018
This is the last summer of my life when I'm not a wageslave, gotta make it count.

So far I have wasted it so much I'm trying to remember what I did and I can't remember. Hell, quarantine classes (which were just a long list of assignments to do each day) ended in the middle of May, since then I've been rotting even harder than usual. In September I'll have to do shitty assignments every day again, so I gotta take advantage of this summer and enjoy it while I can.

I go to sleep at 1:30am usually, 2 at the latest. I wake up at ~10am. So I wake up and the day already feels half gone. Like 1 hour passes for me to feel truly awake and bam, the day is literally half gone.

Let's, for like 3 weeks I've installed and uninstalled League of Legends every day (every time I uninstall it swearing this time it's for good). I'm not even good at the game after all these years, still a low rank. Playing League is like time travel, you play a few games and the day is over.

Hmm, what else? Browsed .co, browsed less reddit than usual I guess. Watched a lot of random youtube shit. I have the same sitcoms in the background as usual, and actually watching them for a few hours a day. It's literally rotting, rewatching sitcoms over and over is the closest thing to sleep while being awake, I guess that's why I'm doing it. Comfy and literally no energy wasted. Damn my energy is so low.

I guess at least gaming-wise I've been doing better. I have several games installed on my PC, unlike the past few years where I'd play for 5 minutes and uninstall. Maybe I'll actually stick with one game this time, I really wish a game could retain my interest.

Didn't read one god damn book, been postponing that for months. I used to read a ton of web novels a few years ago, so I guess that kinda burned me out on reading. After overdosing on light novels, normal books seem lackluster. Like doing crack and then weed just ain't doing it for you. Seriously I used to read thousands of chapters of Chinese/Korean drivel. I guess after that reading sort of lost its wonder, it's magic to me. I now see it on a weird existential or maybe transcendent level, idk it's hard to enjoy.

Huh, that's it. Literally didn't do one other god damn thing. If you don't include basic stuff like shitting and eating, I have literally just described everything I've done this summer. Left the house like 2 times to buy some sweets, my parents usually buy the food so I don't need to leave the house at all.

I don't want even having vague feelings of wanting to leave the house anymore. I just want to find something I can enjoy on my PC. I've been looking for something to actually enjoy for years. Ohh well, I'll definitely end up just playing games I barely enjoy and browsing the internet for the rest of my summer.

Ohh right I remember trying to get into programming at the start of summer. Had it on my mind for weeks, put in like 30 minutes of studying and then I got really bored and ran out of energy too. I think my personality is really compatible with programming, but my brain is too rotten and lacking discipline, even games drain too much energy from me nowadays, much less actually doing something. Uhh wageslaving is gonna suck for me.

Yep, I think this is it. I am literally trying to remember what else I did and I'm drawing a blank. I should at least try to salvage this summer by not rewatching sitcoms and browsing the same sites over and over. There's time for that in the autumn, I should at least play games during the summer, to feel like I'm actually interacting with the world, not merely laying in bed and vegetating in a half-asleep numbness.
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LDAR of course
Wageslaved ofc, bought a car.
idk man. I was in mental hospital for a week. Lunch and breakfast buffet was quite nice compared to the samey, overcooked and fatty shit at home. When I left it I went through some nice meadows and victorian quarters on my way to the train station. Other than that, I really don't know. Just directionless rotting. I tried to do better, but it crushed all over my head.
Hey, at least you're doing something with your life, congratulations!
I forgot to mention. As soon as I bought it (two weeks ago, engine light comes on)
I fucking hate warranty fuckers.
idk man. I was in mental hospital for a week. Lunch and breakfast buffet was quite nice compared to the samey, overcooked and fatty shit at home. When I left it I went through some nice meadows and victorian quarters on my way to the train station. Other than that, I really don't know. Just directionless rotting. I tried to do better, but it crushed all over my head.
Ohh man, I hope you're feeling better. Mental hospitals are hell from what I've read, they're completely clueless about your problems and actually actively cruel and ignorant.
I forgot to mention. As soon as I bought it (two weeks ago, engine light comes on)
I fucking hate warranty fuckers.
Yeah that's why I hate making big purchases. Every fucking time there's something wrong. I don't think I've ever bought something that didn't turn out to be a lemon in one way or another.
I have only really played video games and posted here
Ohh man, I hope you're feeling better. Mental hospitals are hell from what I've read, they're completely clueless about your problems and actually actively cruel and ignorant.
Well cops send me there cuz I threw a chair at my dad, when he didn't stop insulting me.

Ye clueless seems quite accurate. My psychiatrist was quite nice and I liked it better than at home though. But my mental and physical state was to bad to deal with some hurdles there. Also they were really restrictive for one because corona, but aso because of boomer tech fears. Last mental hospital even had even free fast w-lan...

Oh we did one cool thing. We put all four tables in the meal room togetherr and played table tennis on them. Was quite cool especially with the somewhat bigger playing field. Normal table tennis has not enough feet movement for me.

I really enjoyed the different deserts and mildly sweet strong cocoa, the tea they had there every day. Also started to make roibos milk tea and cold brew green tea lemon there again. Was quite good.

I was kinda like on cocaine there (adrenaline?) and quickly burned out though.
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Yeah that's why I hate making big purchases. Every fucking time there's something wrong. I don't think I've ever bought something that didn't turn out to be a lemon in one way or another.

Next time I buy a fucking car it's gotta be brand fucking new. Fuck muh depreciation blah blah blah. THIS SHIT FRUSTRATES ME. IT SHOULD BE A DEATH PENALTY TO SELL SOMEONE A CAR THAT BREAKS DOWN IN LESS THAN 3000 FUCKING MILES. I PAID 10K+ FOR THIS SHIT! I DID NOT PAY FOR THIS TO HAPPEN TO ME.
Well cops send me there cuz I threw a chair at my dad, when he didn't stop insulting me.

Ye clueless seems quite accurate. My psychiatrist was quite nice and I liked it better than at home though. But my mental and physical state was to bad to deal with some hurdles there. Also they were really restrictive for one because corona, but aso because of boomer tech fears. Last mental hospital even had even free fast w-lan...

Oh we did one cool thing. We put all four tables in the meal room togetherr and played table tennis on them. Was quite cool especially with the somewhat bigger playing field. Normal table tennis has not enough feet movement for me.

I really enjoyed the different deserts and mildly sweet strong cocoa, the tea they had there every day. Also started to make roibos milk tea and cold brew green tea lemon there again. Was quite good.

I was kinda like on cocaine there (adrenaline?) and quickly burned out though.
That's a tough situation man. Incredibly hard to escape too. One the one hand, you can't just stop living your parents, even if you got a job living on your own is expensive. On the other hand, it seems like your parents are really treating you very poorly (while of course they see themselves as faultless and completely in the right). I hope you somehow find a way out.
I notice that I tend to daydream from one time period to the next.

At work, daydream. At night before sleeping daydream about snuggling or cuddling with a oneitis.

Otherwise, im buried in reading articles on the web.
I am doing cold water baths, oculltism bullshit, have gone back into anime coping after 2 years break, also I am reading more philsophy books as cope as well.

I also walk around aimlessly for hours in my city. It's somewhat suifel seeing all the Chads and Stacies being a foot taller than me. But it's still decent cope
Smoked like a wine aunt when my parents were gone and get drunk everyday
Currently working for my dad and drawing stuff on Adobe İllüstratör
The same shit I always do: work, study, gymcel, and the occasional vidya.

With all of this covid-19 mess gymcelling is out. It was good that it got me out of the house to get some sun and fresh air, outside of errands. Now I'm mostly stuck doing calisthenics at home.
working, but i was working before and will after
I forgot to mention. As soon as I bought it (two weeks ago, engine light comes on)
I fucking hate warranty fuckers.

I bet its spark plugs. :feelskek:
Honestly not much.

I'm back home from my work due to COVID. They're still paying me, so literally all I'm doing is collecting NEETbux while staying at home.

Aside from exercising daily, I've gotten back into playing Runescape and other games I used to be into.
Playing multiplayer co-op games against pc bots, it is very relaxing.
But i need to go outside, i´m pale as fuck because im always at gym or at home.
just working from home, and doing stuff on my projects, pretty slow progress on both. listen to loads of loud music on my speakers and flip out to pass the time.
i thought maybe this lockdown shit would create some kind of opportunity, like any upheaval, but nope.

When I left it I went through some nice meadows and victorian quarters on my way to the train station. Other than that, I really don't know. Just directionless rotting. I tried to do better, but it crushed all over my head.

man that sounds cool, like an urban exploration (urbex) type thing, fits with the inceldom lifestyle of being on the outskirts, wandering.
just working from home, and doing stuff on my projects, pretty slow progress on both. listen to loads of loud music on my speakers and flip out to pass the time.
i thought maybe this lockdown shit would create some kind of opportunity, like any upheaval, but nope.

man that sounds cool, like an urban exploration (urbex) type thing, fits with the inceldom lifestyle of being on the outskirts, wandering.
I hope you can at least slack off on your job projects while working at home.
Play videogames
I hope you can at least slack off on your job projects while working at home.
you bet i do, it's not as comfy lately since they want us to write a short summary of what we did each workday, but it's manageable
man it's really nice to not have to see your boss, though
you bet i do, it's not as comfy lately since they want us to write a short summary of what we did each workday, but it's manageable
man it's really nice to not have to see your boss, though
Ohh yeah I remember you saying you hate your boss and that he even insults you. It's great that you can get a break from all that, good for you man. The summary part does sound like a pain in the ass, but maybe you can find some way to streamline it and make it easier for you.
I have got back into OSRS, anyone playing hit me up I try to PM anyone here who I notice mentioning it + animemaxxing of course
Ohh yeah I remember you saying you hate your boss and that he even insults you. It's great that you can get a break from all that, good for you man. The summary part does sound like a pain in the ass, but maybe you can find some way to streamline it and make it easier for you.
yeah, man, it's really nice to be away from all that, think it'll be like this... until the end of the year maybe? I should try to make a good impression anyway so maybe I can keep working from home once this is over.

oh yeah, for you what might help with getting into programming, is figuring out some way to make it fun and get results.
since you play games, you could try a really simple tutorial to create like a sidescrolling game or something like that, to see how that type of game works and get results fast.
i usually don't like programming that much either when i can't see results.
yeah, man, it's really nice to be away from all that, think it'll be like this... until the end of the year maybe? I should try to make a good impression anyway so maybe I can keep working from home once this is over.

oh yeah, for you what might help with getting into programming, is figuring out some way to make it fun and get results.
since you play games, you could try a really simple tutorial to create like a sidescrolling game or something like that, to see how that type of game works and get results fast.
i usually don't like programming that much either when i can't see results.
Ohh man that's great, working from home could be a great thing for you. It gives you more free time, you don't have to interact with other people that much. Hell, there's all kinds of things that you can do make it easier, like playing a tv show while working etc...

As for me, there's no point in me learning programming. Even if I became pretty good at it, the market is pretty saturated. Making an app that sells well is a pipe dream, very unlikely. And to get a job you need a degree, at least around here. And freelancing is tough if you're not an American or something and you can get irl connections, otherwise I'd end up competing with millions of indians for $1 an hour.

So I gave up on it, I just don't see the point. I do feel this strong need to learn a proper skill, something tangible that I can become an expert at, I've always wanted to become an expert at something. But I don't think programming is it for me, my attention span is a joke, I can't focus and I get bored easily.
I have got back into OSRS, anyone playing hit me up I try to PM anyone here who I notice mentioning it + animemaxxing of course
I got 2 weeks of membership for free a while back, and I played for like 2 hours and quit. Even tried to force myself to play and couldn't. For some reason the game just doesn't do it for me anymore, it's like my brain developed a tolerance to the utter waste of time that is that grinding simulator, finally after thousands of hours wasted over the years.
As for me, there's no point in me learning programming. Even if I became pretty good at it, the market is pretty saturated. Making an app that sells well is a pipe dream, very unlikely. And to get a job you need a degree, at least around here. And freelancing is tough if you're not an American or something and you can get irl connections, otherwise I'd end up competing with millions of indians for $1 an hour.

So I gave up on it, I just don't see the point. I do feel this strong need to learn a proper skill, something tangible that I can become an expert at, I've always wanted to become an expert at something. But I don't think programming is it for me, my attention span is a joke, I can't focus and I get bored easily.
I mean, you're not wrong, but I think it'd be an interesting pasttime at least, since you're looking for that. Your call.
Fantasizing about a suicide I’ll probably never do.
Working mostly
Gym, American football practices, friends,

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