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Experiment What age of females are you sexually attracted to?

What age of females are you sexually attracted to?

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Feb 11, 2021
I want to see if we can solve the public image of ourselves once and for all with this experiment because I hate seeing inceldom being lumped up with pedophiles. :feelsjuice:
I hate seeing inceldom being lumped up with pedophiles.
You should have included a category for under 10, other wise it's not really pedophilia.
I sometimes have milf fantasies, kek
:feelshehe::feelsaww: Between 18-30 is the sweet spot, personally - according to my porn tastes.
For me concerning my own current age group I would say females between the ages of 18-40. :feelsjuice:
You should have included a category for under 10, other wise it's not really pedophilia.
In the west generally speaking any female younger than 16 is viewed as pedophilia automatically hence the language of questions regarding our thread poll here. :feelsjuice:
Does it irk you somewhat that you weren't able to grow older with a female? Getting into a relationship with a 30+ year old vs an 18 year old and maturing alongside her seem like vastly different experiences (the latter perhaps being more desirable). Knowing the baggage that older women tend to bring with them, I am somewhat jaded. Though, being incel, it shouldn't matter to me regardless.
It upsets me that at the age of 36 I'm unmarried, single, and childless. Something I think about daily at least once. What angers me the most is that I don't ask for much, I'm not even that picky, and my standards are pretty fucking low, still nothing all these years of my life. So yeah, it irks me. :feelsjuice:
According to studies, foids attractiveness peak at 14.

When I was young and hopeful, I just wanted a girlfriend, any girl would do. My oneitis was ugly, short, bad skin, small-framed and nerdy. Had we procreated, the kid would've been absolutely subhuman.

Now at age 37, after decades of extremely brutal treatment received daily, in almost all non-trivial interactions, I'm too blackpilled to get seriously involved with foids, or normies. I only have superficial interactions now.
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Physically at least small boba and developed face.
Understandable, yes. Leaves a bitter taste in my mouth - I am still young so can only empathise to a certain extent. One can only hope that our situation will improve; life has a funny way of telling us to go fuck ourselves, haha. It is difficult for me to reply to such posts as there is an overwhelming feeling of anger (for lack of a better term) - the other sex truly has no idea (yet) of how alienatingly miserable many men's lives are. What to do...
I try to be productive with my anger which is why I do a lot of reading and mental reflection on various things, but yes, the bitterness is always forever present. :feelsjuice:
What a nice weather today!
I want to see if we can solve the public image of ourselves once and for all with this experiment because I hate seeing inceldom being lumped up with pedophiles. :feelsjuice:
how is that virtue signaling workin for ya? got pussy yet?
Non chalant
Any that is not fat and doesn't have a ton of make-up
Some of you guys are genuinely weird. I’ll never be attracted to a minor. WTF.
I don’t live in the USA which considers a 17 year old slut as an innocent child so I picked the last option.
how is that virtue signaling workin for ya? got pussy yet?
View attachment 696066
It's that I care about the future of our counter movement against feminism, that is all. Perhaps I care too much, but I really want to see a better world for myself and the rest of you as well because I know in detail what ails us. I want to see all of our lives improve someday in the future. :feelsjuice:
I’m 21. I’d prefer to date someone in my age range, preferably within three years or so, my tinder preferences are 18-24. However I wouldn’t mind dating someone slightly older then 24 either.
i know i always edgyposted about pedo shit but in reality i like girls my age

im 23 so guess girls in the 19-23 range

of course personality is more important than looks or age, all i want is have someone who likes me and that i can trust but i know that all girls are the same so its over
If it can make babies it can handle my cock
17-25 (I’m 16 so fuck off IT troons)
well lumping people who are into developed adolescents with kiddie lovers ain't the good way to go about it.
It's a controversial subject to be sure full of cross cultural taboos and stigmas, just talking about the subject makes people feel uneasy. There certainly is a more intelligent ways of discussing the subject, however, there is a general lack of cultural or intellectual will to do so where until that changes it is what it is. I do understand western sexual standards of consent is not the same for the entire planet, although here in the west we like to believe it is. :feelsjuice:
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It's that I care about the future of our counter movement against feminism, that is all. Perhaps I care too much, but I really want to see a better world for myself and the rest of you as well because I know in detail what ails us. I want to see all of our lives improve someday in the future. :feelsjuice:
I find myself very often sexually attracted to milfs or even grannies at only 18, so I must be the opposite of a pedophile jfl :feelskek:
Does it irk you somewhat that you weren't able to grow older with a female? Getting into a relationship with a 30+ year old vs an 18 year old and maturing alongside her seem like vastly different experiences (the latter perhaps being more desirable). Knowing the baggage that older women tend to bring with them, I am somewhat jaded. Though, being incel, it shouldn't matter to me regardless.
Yep. I am 38. Not even eligible to become a baggage handler.
The options leave out 16-17 year olds.

Personally I’m oldcel so I prefer 24 and up as far as dating. However I can find girls 16 and up attractive
I'm in my early 20s. I'm primarily attracted to women who are 30-40, but I have found women as young as 14 attractive before
The options leave out 16-17 year olds.

Personally I’m oldcel so I prefer 24 and up as far as dating. However I can find girls 16 and up attractive
In my humble opinion, the ages 16-17 is a grey area, it's still considered pedophilia to a lesser degree even though it is only a two year run off. In my opinion the age of 18+ being the official age of sexual consent over the last several decades was chosen arbitrarily for litigation purposes in a bizarre fashion. :feelsjuice:
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In my humble opinion, the ages 16-17 is a grey area, it's still considered pedophilia to a lesser degree even though it is only a two year run off. In my opinion the age of 18+ being the official age of consent over the years was chosen arbitrarily for litigation purposes in bizarre fashion. :feelsjuice:
Only a retard would do anything with a 16 or 17 year old. No pussy is worth jail. I would only fuck with 18+ (not that I have any options)
Only a retard would do anything with a 16 or 17 year old. No pussy is worth jail. I would only fuck with 18+ (not that I have any options)
Of course. :feelsjuice:
Best looking 15-23 Solid looking 24-33 OK looking 34-42, more than that and she needed to be giga Stacy in prime to still be fuckable.
Age of consent and up is "politically correct" answer which is big cap.
I want to see if we can solve the public image of ourselves once and for all with this experiment because I hate seeing inceldom being lumped up with pedophiles. :feelsjuice:
Over 18 onry, officer mang

Some females grow boobs/ass at 13-14
Females around my age tbh
Animated females only
In the west generally speaking any female younger than 16 is viewed as pedophilia automatically hence the language of questions regarding our thread poll here. :feelsjuice:
Germany has an age of consent of 14, most other countries 16. That means in most country a 25 year old and a 16 y.o can consent
im attracted to foids of my own age but they are all taken by asiamaxxing foreigners from the west :feelsree:
Nothing older than 22/23. After that point they’ve seen it, been there, done that and have been with a lot of guys so their pairbonding ability goes down
20-55 or around there honestly
Germany has an age of consent of 14, most other countries 16. That means in most country a 25 year old and a 16 y.o can consent
Here the laws are more interesting in the United States, even an eighteen or nineteen year old male can be accused of being with an underage female if the female is younger than eighteen themselves. I think the United States has some of the strictest age of consent laws in the entire world by comparison. Definitely way more stricter than say Europe. :feelsjuice:
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