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Blackpill Western civilization is becoming asexual (spoiler: they're murdering Freud)



Apr 19, 2020
For the last 70 years feminist cultural theorists firmly espoused that we lived in a phallocentric world and that, with the right critical googles on, one could see cock-shaped symbols -- from stripper poles to modernist skyscrapers -- marking masculine power and supremacy everywhere. This was because the core organizational principle of the western world was to cater to the male gaze. From antiquity to modern times cultural rendering of women was that of a passive erotic object meant to sexually gratify the male narcissist, the voyeur, the pervert.

When Derrida added that even privileging logos was a dick move in itself, everything could be interpreted as cock privilege -- and everything became subject to the male gaze. It became fashionable to play where is patriarchy's Waldo within visual arts, classical literature and pop music... Everything was presumed to be sexual and already sexualised by men and for men's pleasure, and exposing it for what it is was only the proper thing to do.

But a simple return to prudish modesty isn't an option, gaslighting is. Third wave feminists just went from interpreting everything as having a phallic or yonic shape to denying that the obvious huge cock stand-in could have anything to do with sex.
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stop sexualizing sex, you silly inkwell :soy::soy::soy:
Trying to wrap my head around that tweet rn
Trying to wrap my head around that tweet rn
Shaking her ass against a iron pole is her morning workout routine, not a reason to jack off... what is there not to understand?
Cannot comprehend how stupid that tweet is jfl
ok so why do you dress almost naked when you do this? you realize that naked people are more likely to be viewed sexually right? idiot
Cannot comprehend how stupid that tweet is jfl

Lurk more. A woman may as well be twerking with a 10$ bill between her ass cheeks, physically her ass might be right there, inches from your face, but it would take someone watching her through the lens of entitlement to interpret it as a invitation to consume her body.
Lurk more. A woman may as well be twerking with a 10$ bill between her ass cheeks, physically her ass might be right there, inches from your face, but it would take someone watching her through the lens of entitlement to interpret it as a invitation to consume her body.

Invitation to Chad only
Pole dancing arrived from strippers. Strippers are sexual. Pretty common sense.
All it takes to get thousands of likes on Twitter is being a female and posting something about male sexuality
Nuke the west
Correct me if I'm wrong but wasn't Freud a jew who was pushing tranny shit in his work.
The reason for this is that the female mind is unable to separate male traits from one another. They view male creations like art and skyscrapers as phallic objects because that is all foids view men as: walking sperm dispensers with penises. They judge males and their creations solely on their sexual abilities and likeness and nothing else.
Lurk more. A woman may as well be twerking with a 10$ bill between her ass cheeks, physically her ass might be right there, inches from your face, but it would take someone watching her through the lens of entitlement to interpret it as a invitation to consume her body.
Because its not entitlement when she decides its not. AKA, chad only. Entitlement is used by foids as a stand in for "an undesirable male wants to mate with me". Like all foid speak and thought, it is entirely self serving and meaningless.
Correct me if I'm wrong but wasn't Freud a jew who was pushing tranny shit in his work.
Freud acknowledged that gender identification was not 'hardwired' like conservatives thought , neither something you can consciously control and explore like tumblr thinks, but a subconscious prcoess when one failed to cleanse oneself from the 'other' gender during early childhood. Yeah, I'm calling it based.

The reason for this is that the female mind is unable to separate male traits from one another. They view male creations like art and skyscrapers as phallic objects because that is all foids view men as: walking sperm dispensers with penises. They judge males and their creations solely on their sexual abilities and likeness and nothing else.

Because its not entitlement when she decides its not. AKA, chad only. Entitlement is used by foids as a stand in for "an undesirable male wants to mate with me". Like all foid speak and thought, it is entirely self serving and meaningless.

The wars feminists had in the 1980s split them into two camps, the radical lesbian 'separatists' who hated pole dancing because it was devised to please male gazers, and sex positive feminists that had no qualms with it, but they also acknowledged that pole dancing was a sexually suggestive, but if a woman wanted to do it, more power to her. What is missing now is the consensous which all feminist fractions had, whether they thought pole dancing was empowering or degrading, is that it was undeniably erotic in nature.

The counterpoint of this perspective is massive gaslighting. It is now a matter of time when one of them comes up with the idea that her onlyfans isn't intrinsically pornographic.
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It is happening indeed. One of the reasons i read and watch stuff about the current japanese culture is because we are doomed like them. 40% of japanese males are virgins, birth rates on civilizational suicide and getting worse, asexuality AND porn are BOTH completely out of control, most japanese males are workaholics and hate themselves, their society and their job, most japanese females are hyperhypergamous... Asexualization is our common destiny.
To be honest, some people can afford sexuality (most foids and Chads). It just has become a expensive currency, and most "philosophy" written about this is just a way to alienate the ones that have no value in the sexual market. Derrida now gatekeeps sex, if you are ugly or socially retarded, your sexuality deserves to be deconstructed. If youre Chad, of course not lmao. Derrida helped those with sexual privileges to prevent low quality males to feel entitled to a natural, physiologic, biological necessity, and decosntruct it as a cultural traditional idea (which is not)

It is now a matter of time when one of them comes up with the idea that her onlyfans isn't intrinsically pornographic.

I would say, its just a matter of time that low value males are forced to deconstruct their ideas about onlyfans being pornographic. Look most female streamers, its basically porn but nobody ever mentions it. What you see is: Incels alienated from their true identity (so in denial) consuming a product that make them feel good (because its a sexual product and satisfies a natural necessity), but, at the same time, that product, for them, has nothing to do with sexuality, to which they are not entitled. We must consume it but be oblivious to its nature at the same time, because paying for watching a foid fuck a Chad while both get paid to do it could lead to very dangerous ideas about the sexual inequality required to this particular situation to occur.

When Derrida added that even privileging logos was a dick move in itself
Freud acknowledged that gender identification was not 'hardwired' like conservatives thought , neither something you can consciously control and explore like tumblr thinks, but a subconscious prcoess when one failed to cleanse oneself from the 'other' gender during early childhood. Yeah, I'm calling it based.
I liked Jung's work about animus and anima much better, it made a lot more sense than Freud's snowflaking but then again double digit IQ cannot comprehend Jungs ideas so that's why Freud's work were used as basis for modern psychology.
Our current society is more sexual than it has ever been though, and this is not a good thing. Porn, sex scenes in movies and slutty dressing did not exist before, for instance. Even though women might claim they are against sexualization of women, they do still sexualize men themselves and do not mind when Chad sexualizes them (they actually like it, and this is why they dress slutty). They are also having more sex with Chad than ever before.
I would say, its just a matter of time that low value males are forced to deconstruct their ideas about onlyfans being pornographic. Look most female streamers, its basically porn but nobody ever mentions it. What you see is: Incels alienated from their true identity (so in denial) consuming a product that make them feel good (because its a sexual product and satisfies a natural necessity), but, at the same time, that product, for them, has nothing to do with sexuality, to which they are not entitled. We must consume it but be oblivious to its nature at the same time, because paying for watching a foid fuck a Chad while both get paid to do it could lead to very dangerous ideas about the sexual inequality required to this particular situation to occur.
Derrida, Foucault, Sartre and Beauvoir should be dug out of their graves, brought back to life, and put on a netflix binge to watch how far we've progressed. A whole new underclass of men are now glued to their monitors, chronically fapping and simping for cam girls, throwing those 20 bucks a month for a glimps of e-pussy, never to reap the benefits of their sexual liberation. The sexual revolution was the reaganomics of 68' -- it never trickled down.

I liked Jung's work about animus and anima much better, it made a lot more sense than Freud's snowflaking but then again double digit IQ cannot comprehend Jungs ideas so that's why Freud's work were used as basis for modern psychology.
really? I thought that concept was some serious new age malarkey if I ever saw one. But they tortured me with Lacan before we ever really got to Jung.
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What is missing now is the consensous which all feminist fractions had, whether they thought pole dancing was empowering or degrading, is that it was undeniably erotic in nature.
Because the feminist zeitgeist determined that seperatism would hurt women more than help them and that they could extract more wealth and power through restricting sex to males who they deemed fit and sexually denying the others.

Everything feminism does is in service of the genocide against sub-6 males.
never to reap the benefits of their sexual liberation. The sexual revolution was the reaganomics of 68' -- it never trickled down.
Because they were never supposed to be liberated. The sexual revolution was engineered by cunning foids and delusional males in order to make chad available to more foids. That was the point of the sexual revolution. It wasn't a revolution. It was a coup against ugly men. Feminism exists solely to let ugly women have sexual access to chads.
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Our current society is more sexual than it has ever been though, and this is not a good thing. Porn, sex scenes in movies and slutty dressing did not exist before, for instance. Even though women might claim they are against sexualization of women, they do still sexualize men themselves and do not mind when Chad sexualizes them (they actually like it, and this is why they dress slutty). They are also having more sex with Chad than ever before.
Did you just forget the first rule of a sexualized society?
Imagine, just for a moment, that you're a happily married man with a little son, and you take your kid to one of those drag queen story hours. Your host that evening will be that 6ft3 trans queen Latisha who during story hour suddenly jumps on all fours and starts twerking restlessly, inches from kids faces, with xeir thong showing. The conservative man you are, you feel certain unease about the situation. Should you point out that flopping asscheeks is something that does not belong to a public library? But everyone else in the room has their sunday smiles on their faces and seems to be cool with it. Are you the only pervert in the room for interpreting it the wrong way?
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Cucks are responsible for this.
It is happening indeed. One of the reasons i read and watch stuff about the current japanese culture is because we are doomed like them. 40% of japanese males are virgins, birth rates on civilizational suicide and getting worse, asexuality AND porn are BOTH completely out of control, most japanese males are workaholics and hate themselves, their society and their job, most japanese females are hyperhypergamous... Asexualization is our common destiny.
To be honest, some people can afford sexuality (most foids and Chads). It just has become a expensive currency, and most "philosophy" written about this is just a way to alienate the ones that have no value in the sexual market. Derrida now gatekeeps sex, if you are ugly or socially retarded, your sexuality deserves to be deconstructed. If youre Chad, of course not lmao. Derrida helped those with sexual privileges to prevent low quality males to feel entitled to a natural, physiologic, biological necessity, and decosntruct it as a cultural traditional idea (which is not)

I would say, its just a matter of time that low value males are forced to deconstruct their ideas about onlyfans being pornographic. Look most female streamers, its basically porn but nobody ever mentions it. What you see is: Incels alienated from their true identity (so in denial) consuming a product that make them feel good (because its a sexual product and satisfies a natural necessity), but, at the same time, that product, for them, has nothing to do with sexuality, to which they are not entitled. We must consume it but be oblivious to its nature at the same time, because paying for watching a foid fuck a Chad while both get paid to do it could lead to very dangerous ideas about the sexual inequality required to this particular situation to occur.

High IQ
Because they were never supposed to be liberated. The sexual revolution was engineered by cunning foids and delusional males in order to make chad available to more foids. That was the point of the sexual revolution. It wasn't a revolution. It was a coup against ugly men. Feminism exists solely to let ugly women have sexual access to chads.

You're wrong with this one, and I could give you a chronological order on how it went, but it would be too long, so I'll do a schnell kurz here;

The only relevant force in the sexual revolution were thirsty male boomers. The plan was to free women from slutshaming and make them avalible on demand. When this was happening Betty Friedan was still advocating for the nuclear family, while a guy called Bernard Nathanson shilled for aborition to be accepted at the national women's convention as part of the official agenda of the women's movement. For many women abortion was a nasty, high-risk thing to do back then, but male hippie boomers enthusiastically endorsed it, since they wanted to keep taking turns on sluts in their communes uninterrupted.

Ask yourself this? Within months after the sexual revolution was at it's peak, the slogan 'FREE LOVE' was countered with a feminist saying 'LOVE ME LESS, RESPECT ME MORE', do you unironically think women were enjoying unsafe, promiscuous sex with those sub8 hippie grease balls? Don't be naive.
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When this was happening Betty Friedan was still advocated for the nuclear family
Because the idea of mass female employment hadn't taken off yet. Feminists wanted women to work to be "independent" (able to fuck chad without touching a betabuxxer). Abortion is ultimately a nonfactor when compared to birth control pills and foid employment, which feminists supported.
That only applies to non chads.
do you unironically think women were enjoying unsafe, promiscious sex with those sub8 hippie grease balls?
Do you think they were fucking them at all?
So those who don’t rope will turn bluepill eventually? Join the horde of asexual, e-girl worshipping male underclass?
Imagine, just for a moment, that you're a happily married man with a little son, and you take your kid to one of those drag queen story hours. Your host that evening will be that 6ft3 trans queen Latisha who during story hour suddenly jumps on all fours and starts twerking restlessly, inches from kids faces, with xeir thong showing. The conservative man you are, you feel certain unease about the situation. Should you point out that flopping asscheeks is something that does not belong to a public library? But everyone else in the room has their sunday smiles on their faces and seems to be cool with it. Are you the only pervert in the room for interpreting it the wrong way?
No. It would only mean that perversion has been normalized when most people are cool with it, which is bad. “Sexualizing” anything only means pointing out anything that can be objectively perceived in a sexual way. It is not the one who sexualizes it who is a pervert. Thus, it is women’s fault that men sexualize them, because they are the ones who do things which can be objectively perceived in a sexual way (such as pole dancing or dressing like sluts).
No. It would only mean that perversion has been normalized when most people are cool with it, which is bad. “Sexualizing” anything only means pointing out anything that can be objectively perceived in a sexual way. It is not the one who sexualizes it who is a pervert. Thus, it is women’s fault that men sexualize them, because they are the ones who do things which can be objectively perceived in a sexual way (such as pole dancing or dressing like sluts).
Perversion is just another male construct you freak! Nothing is sexual unless the creator intends it as such. :soy:
Do you think they were fucking them at all?

Boyo, anywhere outside the spirit of the hippie commune Charles 'manlet' Manson would be an incel and would have never been able to acquire a loyal following of 12 prime sluts that worshiped him like a God -- the sexual revolution of 68' was probably the only period in history where a sub8 could fuck like an alpha, if he were only at the right place at the right time.

No. It would only mean that perversion has been normalized when most people are cool with it, which is bad. “Sexualizing” anything only means pointing out anything that can be objectively perceived in a sexual way. It is not the one who sexualizes it who is a pervert. Thus, it is women’s fault that men sexualize them, because they are the ones who do things which can be objectively perceived in a sexual way (such as pole dancing or dressing like sluts).
You keep forgetting that objectivity is also part of the old phallocentric framework. We're past that empiricist shit. What is sexual is in the eye of the beholder. You see trannies twerking at kids as lewd obscenity, they see it as humanity transcending bigotry and prejudice.

So those who don’t rope will turn bluepill eventually? Join the horde of asexual, e-girl worshipping male underclass?
They will turn into lumpenproles, caged in their dark cumstained rooms, sorrouned with piss bottles, spending their neetbux on gamer girl bath water that will be deliverd to them with amazon prime airs.
You keep forgetting that objectivity is also part of the old phallocentric framework. We're past that empiricist shit. What is sexual is in the eye of the beholder. You see trannies twerking at kids as lewd obscenity, they see it as humanity transcending bigotry and prejudice.
Yeah, I forgot that I am one of the few sane people left in this clown world. My mistake.
It will be the end
Boyo, anywhere outside the spirit of the hippie commune Charles 'manlet' Manson would be an incel and would have never been able to acquire a loyal following of 12 prime sluts that worshiped him like a God -- the sexual revolution of 68' was probably the only period in history where a sub8 could fuck like an alpha, if he were only at the right place at the right time.
Manson was an example of dark triadmaxxing. He was a literal cult leader. For every Manson, there were likely 10 or 15 men that got scraps or nothing.
Manson was an example of dark triadmaxxing. He was a literal cult leader. For every Manson, there were likely 10 or 15 men that got scraps or nothing.

You've got your timeline all fucked up, Charlie was a psycho dark triaderr since the 1950s, but he was also a nobody till the late 1960s, only to become a international symbol of gurumaxxing in the 1970s. He managed to become a notorious a cult leader only because the counterculture era provided fertile grounds for a literal who to larp as the new age incarnation of Jesus Christ.
You've got your timeline all fucked up, Charlie was a psycho dark triaderr since the 1950s, but he was also a nobody till the late 1960s, only to become a international symbol of gurumaxxing in the 1970s. He managed to become a notorious a cult leader only because the counterculture era provided fertile grounds for a literal who to larp as the new age incarnation of Jesus Christ.
My overall point is that Manson was an exception. Most men like Manson didn't have his experience.

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