I wasn't pretty, but I was definitely called cute. When I was in the hospital at 1,5 years old because I broke my leg, all the nurses thought I was the cutest kid they'd ever seen. Aside from that, I was also called cute by girls that were like a year or two older than me. This was back in elementary school. As soon as I grew older, the injuries I sustained became more visible over the years, so as soon as I became a teen, I was the ugliest kid ever. I had a moustache at 12. I'm not even remotely kidding. Then some roastie in freshman year of high school made an online poll that questioned who the ugliest guy in the class, and I was one of the five options. Surprisingly, I got 0 votes whereas the others got like 5 votes on average. They most likely didn't vote on me out of pity.