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Toxic Femininity were you bullied by foids ?



NW king, oldman
Nov 2, 2019
here in brazil it's pretty common that boys bully each other and for me it was fine, but have you been bullied by some cunts ?
it happened to me one single time but was really harsh, i was 14yo.
there was this group of whores (3) and two of them made me believe that the other one was interested in me(jfl), she was a little fat but i went obssessed with her right away. for the next 2 or 3 months i followed her whenever i could and i keep asking her about things and all. someday i went to her and right away i saw her 2 slut friends laughing in the back and then i figured it out.
i was shocked by the evil of it and i felt so embarrased for myself ( i feel embarrased of it even today), my angry started to increase after this.
anyway guys, did the scum of earth did something like this to you ?
they never did the fake GF shit with me they just insulted me with their boyfriends, and it was usually the same shit the boys did besides most of the physical stuff so spitting, occasional hitting (Couldn't do anything because if I laid a finger on them chad would break my face) some note passing insults and some just plain insults.
These dumb group of foids tried to play the "fake GF" thing on me in middle school at one point. I saw right through it and didnt buy their bullshit for a second. Some dumb bitch tried that again on me this year. Again, I saw right through it.
Some insults from time to time , But i was never getting bullied regularly by anyone
Yes, thats probably why i have fucked up beta fetishes.
Just once. I was around 20, walking to home from university with an incel friend and two foids said something like "look at the nerds". I was never sure they were referring to us but he said they were. I was on doubt, if it happened today i'd called them sluts.
wise advice for us youngcels tbh
i was such a beta in my school time, i gave the females an easy time
youngcels should give them a hard time
If i was bullied by foids? Fuck man, every single time when i was in school :cryfeels: people are just so rude for no reason... i hate this world gonna rope soon
Yes, it was always the fat landwhales and the occasional Stacy
All my life. Grew up with 2 POS autistic, retarded stacies and a feral bipolar becky as sisters. They'd often get mood swings and would lash out at me and break my things. When I was in pre-school I had a girl bully who would steal my food and gang up on me with other foids. In primary school a religion teacher foid would call over kids to mock me when my mom brought my meds during her break from work. Some foids would also make fun of me in class because I was the only mixed raced kid. Foid once pushed me off a slide (because I was taking too long) which broke my front teeth. When my permanent teeth grew, they were too big and misaligned as a result. In secondary school they laughed at me for being fat and they'd sometimes take my bag and hide it somewhere until I told one of the teachers and he/she would call them out. They also talked behind my back and look at me like I'm some vermin. One who I thought of as a friend backstabbed me just to entertain and get closer to popular kids... There's more stuff in that time period but digging it would make my day feel even more terrible. In college, they'd team up with me for group work and never do anything, making me do 5-men projects alone/with another guy and get free credits. They'd then ignore me when I asked them to do their part. One day while I was buying vegetables at the supermarket, some foid bumbed into me and slapped me for no reason. She apologised but it didn't feel sincere. Many of my female colleagues have resting bitch faces and are a pain to deal with. Also the female bank tellers are the worst! They're so goddamn stubborn when they amke a mistake. All online intereactions with self-identified women I've had were either neutral or negative. Especially the so called 'feminists' in he gaming, olympic lifting and anime communities. Why are foids so awful? Are they devoid of human compassion?
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One day while I was buying vegetables at the supermarket, some foid bumbed into me and slapped me for no reason.
Tf, I would've punched her.
Yes regurlarly during middle school and femoid litterally stoped noticing I was existing in high school
Fake gf has happened to me once in middle school, but foids still try to do it but i see through it easily. Foids still laugh at me and make fun of me, so do their boyfriends. One who makes fun of me for the majority is literally all of the things described in negative xp - scott pilgrim vs the world ruined a entire generation of women, dyed hair and obnoxious clothes, gave head in middle school and had sex then, all of it.
I wish a foid would try to bully me now
Yes, a whore used to hit me and i was such a retarded cuck that i never hit back
I was mocked and laughed at by foids my whole life. I was also bullied by teachers. Guys didn't bother me because i'd defend myself against them. I couldn't do anything against teachers and girls though.
Guys actually didn’t even give a shit about me until I started getting bullied by foids, they then started bullying me to impress muh lady
All the time. Girls would give me fake compliments/pretend to flirt with me to bully me for being ugly. They would say that they like my clothes or my eyes and then go giggle with their friends. Meanwhile one of my friends had a girl he didn't even know come up to him and start making out with him on the bus. Another one of my friends had a girl get her friend to come up to him and ask him if she likes him despite him rarely talking at all. This is what girls actually do if you aren't ugly.
I looked like this by the way
I wouldn't say I was bullied, but they all hated me and laughed at me a lot.
Yes. Cunts threw stuff at me, insulted me etc.
Back when bluepilled, I've been bullied for doing 'u need to put yourself out there bro' and 'just talk to her bro' . yea i followed the meme advice so 'what do i now bro'
All the time. Girls would give me fake compliments/pretend to flirt with me to bully me for being ugly. They would say that they like my clothes or my eyes and then go giggle with their friends. Meanwhile one of my friends had a girl he didn't even know come up to him and start making out with him on the bus. Another one of my friends had a girl get her friend to come up to him and ask him if she likes him despite him rarely talking at all. This is what girls actually do if you aren't ugly.
I looked like this by the way
Thats brutal, I had a girl who pretended to ask me out and went back laughing with her foids
All the time. Girls would give me fake compliments/pretend to flirt with me to bully me for being ugly. They would say that they like my clothes or my eyes and then go giggle with their friends.
this part made me sad, it never began
Back when bluepilled, I've been bullied for doing 'u need to put yourself out there bro' and 'just talk to her bro' . yea i followed the meme advice so 'what do i now bro'

Thats brutal, I had a girl who pretended to ask me out and went back laughing with her foids.
I feel u man I really do. Kill them all (in Minecraft)
No. If a girl tries to bully me I'll rape her pussy to teach her how wrong she is
They always chat and say rancid shit behind my back but none of those sluts actually did it to my faces because im gymceled and would murder them and their orbiters.
It's funny how women will gaslight and make pages on social media that mockingly say "men are always the victim" yet more so than not it is in fact women who are doing all of this "toxic" shit towards us and men in general. Unlike them, our complaints are stemmed in reality and are actually warranted because of this. Men aren't trying to "always be the victim"(also unlike them). They'll never acknowledge this because "muh feminism", "muh women always get raped fallacy", and all of the other classic over-exaggerated bullshit they spew. Society needs to open its eyes and see that women can be the bad guys too. Endlessly taking their side no matter what and coddling them is the reason why they act the way they act: Ignorant, hypocritical, and emotional brats/children.

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