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We're on VICE



Ragie Wagie
Nov 7, 2017

They literally compare us to the Church Shooter, who had a wife and kids. Also, they say r/MensRights is misogynist, out of all Men's Sphere subs.

They say Cho harassed women in the campus when it was literally the oposite, people not only excluded him, but also bullied him.

As always, they blame the "sexual entitlement", yet, single moms, obese people and welfare queens are entitled to our money and taxes.

Fucking normies.
I remember when Vice used to be good. No wonder Gavin left.
Lol, Vice is degenerate garbage, who gives a shit what they say.
What a time to be alive as a virgin male in 2017.
For those wondering what the author of the article looks like:


[font=HelveticaNeueArabic, Lora, Georgia, TazuganeGothic, serif]The radicalization of young men online is something that can be reduced: By pushing these clusters deeper into the web, they’re less accessible and harder to stumble upon.[/font]
Sure fucking thing fucking jews want to hide blackpill as far as they can, so people are still acting like sheep around.
CopingGymcel said:
I remember when Vice used to be good. No wonder Gavin left.

gavin is a bluepilled piece of shit too tho, and he has barely anything interesting to say on political issues as well other than muh cuckservative values and going after low-hanging fruits (i have nothing against shitting on sjw, but anons and incels are much better than him at that so i don't get why he and his buddies should reap all the rewards from our own culture wars)
CopingGymcel said:
I remember when Vice used to be good. No wonder Gavin left.

I don't remember.  Can someone tell me about this?
Our numbers grow every time we get mentioned. Let them try to spread their lies. People aren't stupid, most will wake up to the truth eventually.
Vice used to be a respectable outlet before 2011 or so. Now they're just another generic virtue signaling SJW clickbait factory.

They praise antifa, talk about how all white people are racist, and recently they posted an article from a woman who said she cheated on every man she dated and justified and glorified female infidelity as "empowerment".

Sneepysqar said:
I don't remember.  Can someone tell me about this?

They had some pretty good coverage of the Syrian war, Ukranian war and some other wars.
CopingGymcel said:
They had some pretty good coverage of the Syrian war, Ukranian war and some other wars.

They did a good piece on north korea where they actually sent journalists there who snuck in cameras.  They had some ballsy reporters back then.

But SJW clickbait is much cheaper and easier to make.  It's also just as profitable because not only are a very large chunk of millennials SJW, but there are anti-sjws who will post links to it complaining about it.  Then the SJWs can go and talk about how the people complaining about it evil bigots. Then the anti-sjws will argue with the SJWs calling them bigots.  etc. etc.  Meanwhile they're getting tons of free publicity and ad revenue.  

I don't expect things to change within my lifetime.
Ryo Hazuki said:
Vice used to be a respectable outlet before 2011 or so.  Now they're just another generic virtue signaling SJW clickbait factory.

They praise antifa, talk about how all white people are racist, and recently they posted an article from a woman who said she cheated on every man she dated and justified and glorified female infidelity as "empowerment".


And they don't talk about how these "empowerment" themed articles influence dumb young women to cheat on their SO's and end potentially good relationships.

What a piece of garbage of a website.
Anonymous said:
For those wondering what the author of the article looks like:



id fuck the lights out of her. these angry feminists need to just stop pouting about how chad wont lick their toes, and just be our gfs and solve the incel problem.
CopingGymcel said:
I remember when Vice used to be good. No wonder Gavin left.
I'd guarantee Gavin would hate incels, and would mercilessly rip on us. 

He's all about marriage, making your wife happy and everyone should be having kids.

This is the main reason I can't listen to conservative shit... they're the biggest cucks of all.
ICanOnlyFapToBDSM said:
id fuck the lights out of her. these angry feminists need to just stop pouting about how chad wont lick their toes and just be our gfs and solve the incel problem.
Grotesque said:
CopingGymcel said:
I remember when Vice used to be good. No wonder Gavin left.
I'd guarantee Gavin would hate incels, and would mercilessly rip on us.
He's all about marriage, making your wife happy and everyone should be having kids.
This is the main reason I can't listen to conservative shit... they're the biggest cucks of all.

I already know he doesn't like incels, but I still like him.
Vice are always bunch of lying dumb drug abusing hipsters.
anon_899 said:

They literally compare us to the Church Shooter, who had a wife and kids. Also, they say r/MensRights is misogynist, out of all Men's Sphere subs.

They say Cho harassed women in the campus when it was literally the oposite, people not only excluded him, but also bullied him.

As always, they blame the "sexual entitlement", yet, single moms, obese people and welfare queens are entitled to our money and taxes.

Fucking normies.




righttt. see i loved women before i discovered r/incels..... right.
Anonymous said:
For those wondering what the author of the article looks like:

Curryfem who sluts it with white chad
ilieknothing said:
Curryfem who sluts it with white chad

She looks like a transgender chimp capable of arboreal locomotion, like as if Mowgli swung through an American Apparel factory and crashed through the window on the way out.
Splintercel said:
ilieknothing said:
Curryfem who sluts it with white chad
She looks like a transgender chimp capable of arboreal locomotion, like as if Mowgli swung through an American Apparel factory and crashed through the window on the way out
I would still smash
i strongly suspect the writer is a member of cucktears.
Anonymous said:
For those wondering what the author of the article looks like:


Its a Jew, but is it a he or a she?
Ryo Hazuki said:
Vice used to be a respectable outlet before 2011 or so.  Now they're just another generic virtue signaling SJW clickbait factory.

They praise antifa, talk about how all white people are racist, and recently they posted an article from a woman who said she cheated on every man she dated and justified and glorified female infidelity as "empowerment".


What a fucking article. Do they have comment sections on those articles? I hope they ripped her to pieces.
How Reddit Is Teaching Young Men to Hate Women

Amid a global conversation about sexual assault, a group of men complaining about their "involuntary celibacy" have lost their central platform.

Couldn't even keep a straight story through the first sentence.
"How Reddit Is Teaching Young Men to Hate Women" Just lol at the idea of plebbit teaching us how to hate wymyn.
That female looks like subhuman garbage it should one of the first to be exterminated if eugenics were implemented.
Is that a currybitch? LOL!!

Also LOL at this: "The radicalization of young men online is something that can be reduced: By pushing these clusters deeper into the web, they’re less accessible and harder to stumble upon."

This is hugely flawed, not only does the "radicalization" does not happen online, it happens offline. It also does not offer an actual solution to eliminate inceldom. See how they don't mention anything about the blackpill? Normies are trying to hide the truth.
Splintercel said:
She looks like a transgender chimp capable of arboreal locomotion, like as if Mowgli swung through an American Apparel factory and crashed through the window on the way out.

ICanOnlyFapToBDSM said:
Anonymous said:
For those wondering what the author of the article looks like:

id fuck the lights out of her. these angry feminists need to just stop pouting about how chad wont lick their toes, and just be our gfs and solve the incel problem.
I find her pretty attractive actually.
Reddit didn't teach us to hate women. If anything, feminism taught us to hate women. 

If cults have taught us anything, it’s that the first rule of indoctrination is you try to get them while they’re young.

Ideology functions by creating a monolithic enemy: In the case of misogyny clusters, the enemy is the woman. Women can’t be incels—they are reduced to “femoids,” or “robot-like androids who only crave sex with Chads.”

Language is another aspect of indoctrination. To that end, these misogyny clusters have created glossaries for their acronyms, offer cheat sheets, and have their own language patterns.

She is literally describing feminism here. From a young age on, boys are taught that they are icky and that women are superior, that having sexual desires is sinful/sexist and "problematic", they create a monolithic enemy (men) and have created a cultish vocabulary ("cis*privileged men", "rape culture")
Anonymous said:
For those wondering what the author of the article looks like:



that is to say, women use feminism to play victim and extort economic gain.

Only piece of truth in that whole stinking pile of shit
That article makes us sound pretty cool. We should see how we can get mentioned more (without doing anything illegal).
Is that a currybitch? LOL!!
Also LOL at this: "The radicalization of young men online is something that can be reduced: By pushing these clusters deeper into the web, they’re less accessible and harder to stumble upon."
This is hugely flawed, not only does the "radicalization" does not happen online, it happens offline. It also does not offer an actual solution to eliminate inceldom. See how they don't mention anything about the blackpill? Normies are trying to hide the truth.

I'd say it's a very Jewish man.
Insha'BlackOps2Cel this will lead to more exposure and new recruits.

idkwattodowithlife said:
I find her pretty attractive actually.

It's more the style is a turn-off because it's so representational of a typical Buzzfeed / Tumblr / LGBTQXRTLMNOP android. Physically she is a looksmatch with a currycel but because men are less judgmental than women I'm sure many here would find her attractive. She is still probably craving Chad or Stacey though. 

This article just shows how weak Vice is in terms of investigative quality and accuracy though (as if it needed proving):

[font=HelveticaNeueArabic, Lora, Georgia, TazuganeGothic, serif]The radicalization of young men online is something that can be reduced: By pushing these clusters deeper into the web, they’re less accessible and harder to stumble upon. Similarly, radicalization can be reversed by breaking those siloes—one Redditor [/font][font=HelveticaNeueArabic, Lora, Georgia, TazuganeGothic, serif]claims[/font][font=HelveticaNeueArabic, Lora, Georgia, TazuganeGothic, serif] that reading different perspectives in the watchdog/parody community r/inceltears made him stop “prescribing [himself] such horseshit.” Reddit, as it implements new content policies, needs to do more than just crack down on objectionable content—it needs to find a way to de-radicalize the young men it’s responsible for.[/font]

The link leads to this profile: https://www.reddit.com/user/Nincomas?count=26&before=t1_dlt6kx1

A 3 month old account, no longer active and all-in-all active for a few days, which first posted on IncelTears claiming to be a former incel. That is their example: a fake account used to facilitate this propaganda. Radicalising sounds something akin to terrorism. I guess the answer to radical Islam is to show would-be terrorists opposing viewpoints as well, right? What has an incel actually done to anyone thus far? How is Reddit responsible for this radicalisation in any way and not society itself? I think Vice needs to be shut down for radicalising people into imbeciles.

Splintercel said:
It's more the style is a turn-off because it's so representational of a typical Buzzfeed / Tumblr / LGBTQXRTLMNOP android. Physically she is a looksmatch with a currycel but because men are less judgmental than women I'm sure many here would find her attractive. She is still probably craving Chad or Stacey though. 

This article just shows how weak Vice is in terms of investigative quality and accuracy though (as if it needed proving):

[font=HelveticaNeueArabic, Lora, Georgia, TazuganeGothic, serif]The radicalization of young men online is something that can be reduced: By pushing these clusters deeper into the web, they’re less accessible and harder to stumble upon. Similarly, radicalization can be reversed by breaking those siloes—one Redditor [/font][font=HelveticaNeueArabic, Lora, Georgia, TazuganeGothic, serif]claims[/font][font=HelveticaNeueArabic, Lora, Georgia, TazuganeGothic, serif] that reading different perspectives in the watchdog/parody community r/inceltears made him stop “prescribing [himself] such horseshit.” Reddit, as it implements new content policies, needs to do more than just crack down on objectionable content—it needs to find a way to de-radicalize the young men it’s responsible for.[/font]

The link leads to this profile: https://www.reddit.com/user/Nincomas?count=26&before=t1_dlt6kx1

A 3 month old account, no longer active and all-in-all active for a few days, which first posted on IncelTears claiming to be a former incel. That is their example: a fake account used to facilitate this propaganda. Radicalising sounds something akin to terrorism. I guess the answer to radical Islam is to show would-be terrorists opposing viewpoints as well, right? What has an incel actually done to anyone thus far? How is Reddit responsible for this radicalisation in any way and not society itself? I think Vice needs to be shut down for radicalising people into imbeciles.

I see what you mean, man. She definitely does look looksmatched to some currycels here; however, I have a feeling she's a self-hating Indian girl (which I've met plenty of em in uni).

Its kind of sad that some people would fake all the way through; it seems like nowadays its harder to trust people because of it. Also, a lot of imposters are around; we gotta be more careful now, I guess...
god fucking damn. why won't they just fuck off and die? seeing the way normies perceive internet speak clearly not understanding it over and over is so fucking infuriating.
commander_zoidberg said:
I'd say it's a very Jewish man.

I wouldn't be surprised. -_- Not that I have anything against Jews or anything. inb4 cuckcel

ilieknothing said:
Curryfem who sluts it with white chad

THIS!! LOL. Exactly what I thought of as well. :-/  Non-religious currybitches who don't date non-religious curryboys need to be stoned.

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