IT users lack any serious cognitive abilities, it's why they don't understand that MGTOW and Incel are two different things that don't see eye to eye, many have zero idea what the Blackpill even is because they all get their information off of each other, which is naturally steeped in bias. They are bullies, they attempt to dox and ridicule a group of people that literally created a private space to chat. They think that saying mean things on the internet is illegal and make hilarious posts about what super serious business it is to report us to the FBI (Which couldn't give less of a fuck about us).
There's no nuance to that place, they're all intellectually bankrupt mongoloids that would crumble if they tried to actually debate with anyone, so they deliberately go out of their way to find the most extreme posts we make because it allows them to write it off as stupid then they all sit around smugly congratulating each other. Earlier today I was mentioned in the IT Mega thread that a post of mine had been put on IT, I looked at the comments and not a single one actually disproved or even grasped what I said. They just latched onto the language used and started taking things out of context or autistically literally, because it just helps them feel smart, I guess.
They also have this hilarious idea that they're 'normal'. They literally spend their time reading conversations that we have so that they can find things to run back to their cesspit with to get virtual goodboy points, they are all failed normies or LARPers pretending to be female.
That place is a confusing mess. They cannot differentiate between Redpill, Blackpill, Incel, MGTOW, Nice Guys, Love Shy, Robots or any other online community because they're incapable of actually understanding the different views these groups have.
They'd crumble if they actually engaged in a conversation with nearly anyone here.