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JFL WeHuntedTheMammoth's article about our celebration on Valentine day (Angryatsociety GTFIH)



Nov 24, 2017
Painted stones at a memorial for the Parkland victims honoring the murdered students and school staffers that some incels are mocking today

By David Futrelle

Valentine’s Day is a shitty day for a lot of people who aren’t in happy relationships, and it’s an especially shitty day for incels who have put their bitterness over their own romantic and sexual failures at the core of their identity.

But some of the regulars on the Incels.is forums have found a perverse reason to celebrate the day this year — because today is not only Valentine’s Day; it’s also the first anniversary of the murder of 17 students and staffers at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida. Incels celebrated the attack when it happened, and some of them are celebrating it just as enthusiastically today.

“Valentines day feels a little more special this year,” Incels.is commenter @Angryatsociety declares in a post labeled “LifeFuel” today, announcing that he’s going to “block out my own meaninglessness and sadness” about the holiday and his life “with something that made me feel happy.” That is, the Parkland murders.

“I’m happy for Valentine’s day because this time around I finally have something to celebrate,” he explains.

[W]hen other high schools were painted red with flower decorations those hallways at the [Marjory Stoneman Douglas] freshman building were painted red with tiny puddles of blood and .223 shell casings. I FUCKING LOVE CARNAGE!!!!!!!!!

He recalls his reaction to the news a year ago:

That morning when I was sad about being alone was overturned with a sense of joy when I heard someone say theres been a shooting then checked the news on my phone and went to the snapchat map and saw that masterpiece vid of those kids screaming inside the classroom with gunshots ringing out (i hadn’t had that much of a field day since las vegas).

He especially enjoyed the cell-phone videos of Parkland students reacting in terror to the sound of gunfire in their school.

That moment when the burst of gunshots happened with some kid saying “omg holy shit omg” I chuckled right after the girl screamed her whoreish ass off.

He declares himself grateful that he lives in a world in which mass shootings have become almost routine.

I hate people and society so much and you know what? Everyone of these mass killings wheather done with a car, a knife, a bomb, starting a fire, poisoning, or an ar 15 super duber scary rifle……………….makes me glad I’m alive to watch the world that’s why I check the news every 30 min. Everytime I check the news, i get this hopeful feeling that somewhere in the world a mass causality attack happened

Luckily for him they do happen with alarming frequency.

i look at china first with their vehicle and knife attacks, because they draw the inspiration that no matter how many road barriers you put up, no matter how many guns you ban, no matter how many people are put under authoritarian surveillance…………………. there will still be a backback bomb detonating outside an elementary school.

Fucking monster.

Time to address the real problem society.

Nikolas cruz wasn’t the first and he is the furthest from being the last.

My only regret about that day is that he didint meet his goal of killing 20 people.

I’m in the mood for writing a long ass fan letter to him rn.

Oh, but he’s not encouraging mass murder; he’s just happy when it happens

I’m not inciting any crime or threat of violence, I’m just saying why I have something to really like about Valentine’s day now.

Live on hero, everyday I hope to see more just like you……………….. and i see the world ending another day hahahahahhahahahahahahahah.

In a followup comment, he said he thought

the bloodshed across the world will forever continue, I hope it gets so bad to the point where a sizeable amount of people are too scared to go out into puplic and theres armed guards with automatic rifles at every store, venue, event, etc.

I love the kind fear the public has.

While there were a few dissenters, most of those who responded to Angryatsociety’s post on Icels.is shared his sentiments.

“Fills me up with joy,” wrote @AsiaCel, a prolific contributor :cool: to Incels.is who has posted more than 3000 comments to the site.

I don’t support mass shooting, but my support/against won’t change anything it’s going to happen regardless. Might as well sit back and watch the show.

Others suggested that the bloodshed was necessary to bring attention to their inability to find dates. According to commenter @Hate_my_life,

All this pain and suffering is something that society and people deserve until they open their fucking eyes and ask: Is there a problem with us?

It will probably take millions of deaths before they even question that, but I’ll be waiting (Again, I’m not encouraging violence/shooting up schools).

I hate women indeed, but the world follows closely behind.

Someone called @FinnCel agreed:

No one talks about loneliness until a couple of students get shot.

Even then, it’s briefly mentioned and the discussion changes to gun control, instead of loneliness prevention.

I don’t support shootings but it is a necessary evil. Those brief moments when our loneliness is mentioned, when put together enough times, just might open the society’s eyes and we will finally be noticed

That’s the logic of terrorism.

Once again, I’m struck by how similar this particular incel argument is to Jordan Peterson’s infamous argument for “enforced monogamy.” Like the incels, Peterson suggested that this kind of male violence is the inevitable result of women rejecting certain kinds of men; indeed, he made his comments in response to a question about the Toronto van killer, a self-described incel. “He was angry at God because women were rejecting him,” Peterson declared in an interview with the New York Times. “The cure for that is enforced monogamy.”

It’s an argument that’s absurd on so many levels it’s hard to even know where to begin. Somehow cajoling (or outright forcing) women into dating the sort of guy who contemplates mass murder when he can’t get a date won’t solve the problem of male violence; it will simply shift the target of the anger. Men who are this angry about being told no outside of a relationship will almost certainly get angry about being told no in a relationship — and will have the perfect opportunity to take out this anger on their partners and children.

These men might not go and shoot up a school, but some of them would almost certainly end up murdering their partners and other family members. Indeed, these sorts of murder-suicides happen so regularly they almost never get national attention, and “enforced monogamy” would almost certainly make them much more common.

This sort of male violence is born from the same sort of aggrieved entitlement that drives the incels. You can’t solve it by forcing (or even by more subtly cajoling) women into giving these entitled men what they say they want, because they will simply find new reasons to feel aggrieved. That’s especially true of incels, whose entire identity is built around their sense of grievance. (Take a look at yesterday’s post to see an ex-incel talking about how aggrieved he remains even after finding several girlfriends.) The real problem isn’t that these men feel aggrieved; it’s that they feel entitled.

Depressing thoughts for Valentine’s Day, but then again this blog specializes in the worst people in the world. I’ll put up a Valentine’s Day open thread for those who’d rather discuss somewhat more pleasant things,

We Hunted the Mammoth is independent and ad-free, and relies entirely on readers like you for its survival. If you appreciate our work, please send a few bucks our way! Thanks!
He's racist against you because you're Asian. Use the SJW card against him!
Written by: David Futrelle
TL;DR Everyone except for us is allowed to celebrate Valentine’s Day.
Congrats for being famous mate.You're statusmaxxed now.

Also the only reason why that faggot hates Jordan is because he sympathize with theism in general and Christianity in particular.Death sentence to libs.
I wonder if he will say the same if the 'enforced monogamy' argument is worded with Marxist and progressivist vocabulary.
damn that shit was a year ago fuhhhg
>never got featured on WHTM
it is over
TL;DR Everyone except for us is allowed to celebrate Valentine’s Day.
They don't want incels to be happy.
He's racist against you because you're Asian. Use the SJW card against him!
I "would probably SJWmog him tbh, I was a former reddit Marxist.
Why do they use this site to attack? No one from here has ever committed any violence or mass shooting. Without this site as a vent, I can guarantee you that there would be a lot more ER type events.

I "would probably SJWmog him tbh, I was a former reddit Marxist.
I forgive you.
Why do they use this site to attack? No one from here has ever committed any violence or mass shooting. Without this site as a vent, I can guarantee you that there would be a lot more ER type events.

I forgive you.
News platforms like news sites, blogs and even forums loves to drum up content.

Anyone who shot up a place and spoken name elliot rodger for one time 3 years ago is instantly branded as a incel.. even Ted Bundy was named as a incel, with news journalists calling him the first incel.

They construct a image of "big evil incel army" to drum up fear and get people to feel bad, reading the article, generating views.

Unfortunately that method doesn't work. ISIS received the same treatment, and publicity made them very successful. Except ISIS is a terrorist organization abd weren't not, so that ends up benefitting us
Reminder that the owner of that site is a fat neckbearded that thinks shitting on MRAs in a never-ending quest to get laid.
Written by: David Futrelle
Looks like an even bigger faggot than usual. Also ironically labeling yourself a soyboy does not make you look cool amongst SJWs.
Somehow cajoling (or outright forcing) women into dating the sort of guy who contemplates mass murder when he can’t get a date won’t solve the problem of male violence; it will simply shift the target of the anger.
JFL at this reductionism. Men contemplate mass-murder because they're entirely alone and alienated, and get bullied and ridiculed and put down, not just because they don't have a date.

But this raises the question: who's getting the date instead of the incel? The Bad Boy who's bullying the incel gets the date. It then develops into an abusive relationship where he totally mindfucks her and gives her Stockholm Syndrome, because girls are inherently attracted to male violence. They see all the "red flags" of a violent personality before they get involved with the Bad Boy, but, if anything, find that red-hot. Girls stick with him for months if not years, until the (relatively small) logical side of their brain finally prevails over the emotional side which has become totally submissive and subservient to their abuser.

And meanwhile, the incel rots in despair until he finally decides to shoot up someplace. He will receive the first romantic attention he's ever gotten from females only after he dies or gets sent to prison, in the form of love-letters or fangirl tributes. If he had gotten that female attention back when he was a Nice Guy, a Supreme Gentleman, nothing bad would have happened; but girls were much more attracted to his bully, even after he "shifted his anger" onto them and abused them.

The problem of male violence is the girls who enable it, and they're allowed to enable it precisely because society does not restrain their anachronistic sexual impulses - like by enforcing monogamy.

incels, whose entire identity is built around their sense of grievance.
Complete projection coming from a feminist, who complains about the "wage-gap" despite the fact that women account for 85% of consumer spending (it's a huge problem though because women shouldn't have to be so reliant on sub-8 betabuxers in order to spend money on useless goods and pump up this depraved capitalist system!). Or complains about "manspreading" or other nonsense like "harassment" from sub-8 men who dare to express their sexuality towards women.
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Are you still a marxist?

If so, I will gladly give you a free HelicoptER ride, for free
Former Marxist. After a while you usually realize how flawed the communism idea is and Marxism is pretty a dead end stuck in the 1800s. You either sink deeper or jump out of the commiehole
He called us some of the worst people in the world. That's nonsense. We post on this forum and don't hurt anybody. The most I've done is pour water on people and insult them.
We just point out obvious issues, double srandards, and idiosyncratic parts of society.
By David Futrelle
David Futrelle (occasionally referred to as "FATrelle" or "Fatrolle") previously known as dimFlash is an overweight, former MRA, would-be child molester who spent the better part of the 90s indulging in his secret (but very transparent) love of hardcore S&M and CP by writing article after article defending rape, paedophilia, child pornography and movies about eating shit while being anally raped (that he watched with his sister), while attacking feminists and rape survivors young and old.

After pissing away what might have amounted to a career in journalism one day (probably not though), David is now a fat, middle aged man who owns way too many cats and runs a comically bad anti-MRA/MGTOW hate blog called "We Hunted The Mammoth" (formally "Manboobz" but now he wants people to know he's fat and hairy) where he uses single source reporting, screencaps from anonymous image-boards and misquotes to write ED worthy articles (if they were only funny and not written entirely out of butthurt) to instil in his community of borderline rapists and mentally deranged feminist readers a moral panic about men's rights activists and whip them into a frenzy so that they can contact the MRAs, random nobodies and other feminists who dared criticize him and threaten to murder their children.
So their argument against "enforced monogamy" is that domestic violence is so much worse than mass murder? I can't wait until one of ours murders one of his and he then bemoans our existence, demanding answers.
Who the fuck is this guy/foid?
uhm sweetie you're part of the problem, delete this article
“Somehow cajoling (or outright forcing) women into dating the sort of guy who contemplates mass murder when he can’t get a date won’t solve the problem of male violence”

“When he can’t get a date”

This is a common language trick they often use to trivialise the problems we suffer from.

Once again, he does nothing to address the real issues, just rants on in his obese retarded feminist garbage-spewing manner. Yawn.
Who the fuck is this
David Futrelle (occasionally referred to as "FATrelle" or "Fatrolle") previously known as dimFlash is an overweight, former MRA, would-be child molester who spent the better part of the 90s indulging in his secret (but very transparent) love of hardcore S&M and CP by writing article after article defending rape, paedophilia, child pornography and movies about eating shit while being anally raped (that he watched with his sister), while attacking feminists and rape survivors young and old.

After pissing away what might have amounted to a career in journalism one day (probably not though), David is now a fat, middle aged man who owns way too many cats and runs a comically bad anti-MRA/MGTOW hate blog called "We Hunted The Mammoth" (formally "Manboobz" but now he wants people to know he's fat and hairy) where he uses single source reporting, screencaps from anonymous image-boards and misquotes to write ED worthy articles (if they were only funny and not written entirely out of butthurt) to instil in his community of borderline rapists and mentally deranged feminist readers a moral panic about men's rights activists and whip them into a frenzy so that they can contact the MRAs, random nobodies and other feminists who dared criticize him and threaten to murder their children.
What a piece of shit pathetic cuck. Who cares what he thinks tbh
Not reading a single word of that horse shit
Cheers for mentioning me!!
WhatsApp Image 2019 02 15 at 135302
david futrelle is absolutely an incel in denial.
You know your telling the truth when you get entire articles written about you.
I had two threads about me on r/inceltears in one day yesterday.

I love how they will put an anti masculine or political spin to this. I for one am not alt right nor do I care about polictics.
David Futrelle (occasionally referred to as "FATrelle" or "Fatrolle") previously known as dimFlash is an overweight, former MRA, would-be child molester who spent the better part of the 90s indulging in his secret (but very transparent) love of hardcore S&M and CP by writing article after article defending rape, paedophilia, child pornography and movies about eating shit while being anally raped (that he watched with his sister), while attacking feminists and rape survivors young and old.

After pissing away what might have amounted to a career in journalism one day (probably not though), David is now a fat, middle aged man who owns way too many cats and runs a comically bad anti-MRA/MGTOW hate blog called "We Hunted The Mammoth" (formally "Manboobz" but now he wants people to know he's fat and hairy) where he uses single source reporting, screencaps from anonymous image-boards and misquotes to write ED worthy articles (if they were only funny and not written entirely out of butthurt) to instil in his community of borderline rapists and mentally deranged feminist readers a moral panic about men's rights activists and whip them into a frenzy so that they can contact the MRAs, random nobodies and other feminists who dared criticize him and threaten to murder their children.
didn't know about the cp and pedo stuff about him. But I'm not surprised.
david futrelle is absolutely an incel in denial.
hahahaahha fuck this cucked son of a bitch
Why is he banned? dude is based AF
That’s the logic of terrorism.
HAHAHA :feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:
man, those were come great quotes. well done boyos.

the mental gymnastics towards the end are amazing.
loled, thx.
HAHAHA :feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:
man, those were come great quotes. well done boyos.

the mental gymnastics towards the end are amazing.
loled, thx.

I like the "fucking monster" part, I so do love it when they start saying shit like that, I don't think they realize how gratifying that is, if I can't get society's co-operation and/or respect, I'll gladly accept your fear.

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