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Weed's Tinder Experiment Pt.1 ["No fuckboys" teehe]



ded srs
Nov 8, 2017
This is part one. Sorry for just one conversation but the hypocrisy is fucking insane I had to post it. "No fuckboys pls". Selfies = girls won't be interested in you is a major cope too. Don't be a douchebag is a major cope too.




Lol the girl is a horse riding instructor, the horse pill is true.
Fuck, brutal man
Face > everything
This "fuckboy" mogs me into oblivion
Its over
Crustaciouse said:
Lol the girl is a horse riding instructor, the horse pill is true.

This. Girl would rather fuck a horse than an incel
All females are liars and hypocrites.
Bitch is 5'4 bet she wouldn't date her height match.
blackpill_incel said:
This. Girl would rather fuck a horse than an incel

There are girls that rather fuck a dog and make a video of it for everyone to see, then talk to one an incel.
Let that one sink in.
This has straight up potential to be a MOAB pill. We need to spread this.
ordinaryotaku said:
This has straight up potential to be a MOAB pill. We need to spread this.

Lol no fuck boys wanted my ass.

Just no SUBHUMAN fuck boys
Crustaciouse said:
Lol the girl is a horse riding instructor, the horse pill is true.

For women horses are a sort of pre sexual training relationship. Think about it. A horse is a highly unpredictable wild animal with the ability to kill you, just by treading on you they can easily kill you. A lot of people who ride them think they have a special bond with the horse and they have tamed the beast. In many ways this is like Chad. Women have a thing for dangerous, unstable and unpredictable men. They think that by riding them, they can tame them. It often doesn't work out that way though does it?
It never ceases to amaze me just how easily women make themselves available to Chad. As a comparison, let's look at my final attempt at trying to leave inceldom before finally submitting and realizing this Hell is a permanent part of my life.

She was a nice Christian girl. Didn't smoke, didn't drink, wasn't a virgin but her previous partners was something like one or two. (At least I thought. Roasties start having sex at 12ish and never stop riding the cock carousel) She had beautiful long hair, skin like snow, and an intoxicating positive attitude. Needless to say, I was smitten. After a lot of trying to hype myself up, I ask her out to lunch. She says yes and it was honestly one of the greatest moments of my life as I had never gotten a yes before. The day of the date comes and she tells me that she'll have to reschedule. "Haha okay" I think, my negative thoughts filling my brain. But women being the poison they are, she assured me we'd do it soon, that she wanted to. Really got my hopes up. In the final moments I was asking her when we were gonna go on our stupid fucking innocent lunch date and she always dodged my advances. I just started to ghost her at that point and here we are. 

You know what makes a blackpill a suppository? When you learn that Chad LITERALLY only has to SAY "lets fuck lol" and he'll have that Christian girl bouncing on his cock like a human Fleshlight while YOU have to go through these fucking dumbass steps like a good little cuck boy. 

Life is a joke. Only darkness awaits us.
Chads can literally say anything and get away with it.
I hate that term. Stupid ass white girls are always stealing slang from other cultures. They should be placed in concentration camps tbh.
Cannon Fodder said:
Where is pt. 2?

Coming soon.

I always wait for girls to message me first because there's no point in me luring them, I just want to prove the point that they're thirsty by them messaging me first. Notice in screenshot how she messaged me first too.

Valinor said:
It never ceases to amaze me just how easily women make themselves available to Chad. As a comparison, let's look at my final attempt at trying to leave inceldom before finally submitting and realizing this Hell is a permanent part of my life.

She was a nice Christian girl. Didn't smoke, didn't drink, wasn't a virgin but her previous partners was something like one or two. (At least I thought. Roasties start having sex at 12ish and never stop riding the cock carousel) She had beautiful long hair, skin like snow, and an intoxicating positive attitude. Needless to say, I was smitten. After a lot of trying to hype myself up, I ask her out to lunch. She says yes and it was honestly one of the greatest moments of my life as I had never gotten a yes before. The day of the date comes and she tells me that she'll have to reschedule. "Haha okay" I think, my negative thoughts filling my brain. But women being the poison they are, she assured me we'd do it soon, that she wanted to. Really got my hopes up. In the final moments I was asking her when we were gonna go on our stupid fucking innocent lunch date and she always dodged my advances. I just started to ghost her at that point and here we are. 

You know what makes a blackpill a suppository? When you learn that Chad LITERALLY only has to SAY "lets fuck lol" and he'll have that Christian girl bouncing on his cock like a human Fleshlight while YOU have to go through these fucking dumbass steps like a good little cuck boy. 

Life is a joke. Only darkness awaits us.

So fucking true
Weed said:
Coming soon.

Pt.2 gonna be a bigger experiment. Might take a month, might take two or even few days. I always wait for girls to message me first because there's no point in me luring them, I just want to prove the point that they're thirsty by them messaging me first. Notice in screenshot how she messaged me first too.

So fucking true

There are no innocent girls when a hot dude shows up
This is someone's future wife btw.
ItheIthe said:
This is someone's future wife btw.
Exactly. Obviously her betabuxx won't know what kind of degenerate she was and live a happy life while she remembers all chads that fucked her.
Revive/submit to r/evilcatfishing https://www.reddit.com/r/evilcatfishing/ 
(inb4 subreddit gets banned lmao)

if you can, it'd be helpful to track the number of right swipes. How many matches do you have so far?

when this was done w/ Ray Perr, IT retorted that:

[size=large]In conclusion

shit personality can ruin even a male model's chances. Pedo-chad got crazy swipes, but the number of messages he got was inexplicably low. While the average is 21% of matches that reach out, he received 3.9% from his matches; this would already be a huge dip in the case of a normal user, but factor in that he was a literal male model -- which gave him an undeniable edge over the normal dude -- and the answer is undeniable: Women everywhere took a look at his bio and collectively threw up a little, directly onto their "unmatch" buttons[/size]


21% of women on tinder message first, and 70% of women who message first do so with an hour of matching. Pedo-chad was messaged by 3.9% of the women he matched after waiting a week, and out of those 11, only 2 expressed interest in meeting up. Even looking at just raw totals, this undeniable 10/10 Adonis still did worse than an average 7/10 with a blank tinder profile. If bio really was irrelevant in favor or looks, pedo-chad should have beaten the average case, but instead he fell well short of it. Your bio matters, even on the world's shallowest hookup app. /r/incels is wrong.

This "21% of women on tinder message first" claim was the central litmus test used to discredit the entire Ray Perr experiment. This figure (which, btw, wasn't an average, but instead was the OVERALL figure) comes from https://arxiv.org/pdf/1607.01952.pdf , and below I show why it's dubious (hint: the paper made no attempt whatsoever to account for bots despite it taking place during Tinder's bot heyday), nevertheless, tracking messaging rate would be interesting. 



Note: it is possible the entire 21% could be accounted for by a handful of bots w/ varied first message delay settings sending messages to all of their test accounts. it wasn't until late 2016 Tinder really started to get a handle on the bot-pocalypse. Before then, if you were "right-swipe ALL crew" (which their test algorithm emulated), you often ended up with experiences like https://www.reddit.com/r/Tinder/comments/1yxyp5/woke_up_to_about_30_bots_in_a_row_today/
Only ugly guys can be creep.
Crustaciouse said:
Lol the girl is a horse riding instructor, the horse pill is true.

The horse pill? can you elaborate?
subsaharan said:
Revive/submit to r/evilcatfishing https://www.reddit.com/r/evilcatfishing/
(inb4 subreddit gets banned lmao)
if you can, it'd be helpful to track the number of right swipes. How many matches do you have so far?
when this was done w/ Ray Perr, IT retorted that:
[size=large]In conclusion
shit personality can ruin even a male model's chances. Pedo-chad got crazy swipes, but the number of messages he got was inexplicably low. While the average is 21% of matches that reach out, he received 3.9% from his matches; this would already be a huge dip in the case of a normal user, but factor in that he was a literal male model -- which gave him an undeniable edge over the normal dude -- and the answer is undeniable: Women everywhere took a look at his bio and collectively threw up a little, directly onto their "unmatch" buttons[/size]

21% of women on tinder message first, and 70% of women who message first do so with an hour of matching. Pedo-chad was messaged by 3.9% of the women he matched after waiting a week, and out of those 11, only 2 expressed interest in meeting up. Even looking at just raw totals, this undeniable 10/10 Adonis still did worse than an average 7/10 with a blank tinder profile. If bio really was irrelevant in favor or looks, pedo-chad should have beaten the average case, but instead he fell well short of it. Your bio matters, even on the world's shallowest hookup app. /r/incels is wrong.
This "21% of women on tinder message first" claim was the central litmus test used to discredit the entire Ray Perr experiment. This figure (which, btw, wasn't an average, but instead was the OVERALL figure) comes from https://arxiv.org/pdf/1607.01952.pdf , and below I show why it's dubious (hint: the paper made no attempt whatsoever to account for bots despite it taking place during Tinder's bot heyday), nevertheless, tracking messaging rate would be interesting.


Note: it is possible the entire 21% could be accounted for by a handful of bots w/ varied first message delay settings sending messages to all of their test accounts. it wasn't until late 2016 Tinder really started to get a handle on the bot-pocalypse. Before then, if you were "right-swipe ALL crew" (which their test algorithm emulated), you often ended up with experiences like https://www.reddit.com/r/Tinder/comments/1yxyp5/woke_up_to_about_30_bots_in_a_row_today/

Reminder of the Ray Perr experiment for the unaware:




Whoops -- neglected to link to the original r/IncelTears thread where they failcritiqued the Ray Perr experiment https://www.reddit.com/r/IncelTears/comments/6swgr0/black_pill_truth_bomb_part_2_now_with_extra/
>occupation: bully
How long did it take to get that many likes? That is insane.
Females are just a meme that went wayyyy too fucking far.

Honestly a thread with just this image should be stickied. This is the true blackpill.
ropecel said:

Honestly a thread with just this image should be stickied. This is the true blackpill.

Whoahh. I just had an epiphany. I hear a lot of females complain about the hordes of thirsty males who write uninspiring hello messages but then this LOL.
Not only that, but they all believe they are this guy's looksmatch or something.
FeminismsCancer said:
Whoahh. I just had an epiphany. I hear a lot of females complain about the hordes of thirsty males who write uninspiring hello messages but then this LOL.
Not only that, but they all believe they are this guy's looksmatch or something.

They don't believe they're his looksmatch. They know regardless of circumstances, he will fuck them. They want his cock even if he's 7 points above him.
Weed said:
This is part one. Sorry for just one conversation but the hypocrisy is fucking insane I had to post it. "No fuckboys pls". Selfies = girls won't be interested in you is a major cope too. Don't be a douchebag is a major cope too.





ropecel said:

Honestly a thread with just this image should be stickied. This is the true blackpill.





Hmm also: http://dirtytexts.site/2017/08/12/guy-poses-pedophile-tinder-responses-gets-horrifying/
Although they do express a more skeptical view:
Guy Poses As A Pedophile On Tinder And The Responses He Gets Are Horrifying

 August 12, 2017  dirt
Yesterday, a post was made in one of reddit’s most controversial communities. R/incels (short for involuntary celebates) labels itself as a support group for men who are struggling with what they perceive to be an overly feminized world and unreasonable dating standards. For a few days, one of the users named u/RippedRichAndIncel had been teasing something he called “The Atomic Blackpill.” To clear up the lingo a little bit, a Red Pill (like from The Matrix) is meant to be a piece of knowledge or understanding that wakes somebody up to the real world. A “black” pill is meant to be such a devastating knowledge bomb that it cannot possibly be ignored.
The Atomic Blackpill that RippedRichAndIncel revealed was a fake Tinder profile that he had created, where he attached a picture of a hot male model with a profile description that admitted to being a sex offender.

The profile, first name Ray, last name Perr (get it?) was designed to see just who would still be willing to match with a confessed pedophile. According to the rules of the stunt, “Ray” would only swipe right (or try to match with) women he perceived to be a “7” or higher.

Of the 204 women profiles “Ray” swiped right on, he claims to have matched with 162 different women.

Some people have suggested that he has simply created other fake profiles to match with Ray. Others have suggested that some of these matches could be law enforcement trying to track down a predator using Tinder to prey on children.

Even if these are all authentic matches, it is important to acknowledge the source. This person has created fake posts in the past simulating these kinds of results, designed for an online community that is hungry for stories like this. What his stunt does not do is confirm his proposed narrative that all women care about is a pretty face.

Hm. looks like there are a few of these. Here's 1 that popped f/ 4chan's archive 4plebs

All chads, roasties, and cucks must die a slow and painful agonizing death.
I still don't understand how normies are defending "look aren't everything". They're so fucking retarded it literally hurts my brain to the point that it makes me want to find out where they live and fucking pop their heads.
Fuaark.... he's my featuresmatch. If I hadn't broken my nose, I would pretty much look like that except brown instead of white.
Who is the model in this pic? @weed
LOL she's like a 5 at best. That she thinks she deserves Chad is hilarious. We can take solace in the fact that while Chad may use roasties like these for an easy pump and dump, they won't date much less marry them.

Of course, that just leaves lots of used up 35+ year old roasties for betas to choose from when they're ready to settle down, but still. Really, roasties are useless aside from their fuckholes. Betas need to continue to replace them with eastern mail-order brides rather than marry them.
Redpill Robert said:
LOL she's like a 5 at best. That she thinks she deserves Chad is hilarious. We can take solace in the fact that while Chad may use roasties like these for an easy pump and dump, they won't date much less marry them.
Of course, that just leaves lots of used up 35+ year old roasties for betas to choose from when they're ready to settle down, but still. Really, roasties are useless aside from their fuckholes. Betas need to continue to replace them with eastern mail-order brides rather than marry them.
I would bang
With all sincerity, it's never been more over for us, my friends.
'No fuckboys' proceeds to send you her number.

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