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Serious We worship a false savior. Elliot Rodger wasn't an incel.



Jun 13, 2018
Look at him.
He has good jaw line and cheekbones are fine too. Hes face is ok. He isn't Chad but normie tier and no way near Incel or Subhuman. If he would have go lookmaxxing and approachmaxxing he could have get a gf. So basically he was just a crybaby volcel.

We shouldn't worship such a guy. Stop calling him saint ER.

Worship saint Blackops2cel is the only way to redemption. He is a true Incel.
What I've been saying all along.
he was fucked in the head but he understood the blackpill and helped promote it
just put yourself out there br0
How dare you commit blasphemy against St Elliott
Ban this junecel already.
Low IQ post, he was a fucking manlet with childish frame.
elliot was an ugly ass fuck half gook manlet and a total mentalcel on top of that.

blackops is just some random incel looking dude and an epic funnay reddit meme

he could be a total cuck IRL.

elliot proved himself through actions and words

all hail elliot rodger!
He's a chinaman with a female's frame. It was over for him.
He was creepy, thats all
If he would have acted normal, he probably would have gotten laid
The thing is, you have to have somewhat of a normal personality to get laid, if you are not giga chad
Elliot was not that good looking, to be able to pick up every chick even though his personality sucked

If your personality does not make a girl feel akward or bad about herself, you are good
But most Incels are creepy
Creepy in terms of their looks
And creepy in terms of their personality, so not being able to communicate, staring at a girl not knowing what to say, when she says something
Making unfunny jokes, having bad timing, being shy, bad body language, like not being able to hold eye contact, always looking to the floor, shaking, bad quiet voice, strange posture/walk/sitting position etc
Those are all normal things, that a normal human should be able to do in a normal manner
If you dont have those, you are creepy, and girls dont like that
The only way you pull that, is when you are like a 9 or 10

Elliots problem was not his looks
He was creepy, thats all
If he would have acted normal, he probably would have gotten laid
The thing is, you have to have somewhat of a normal personality to get laid, if you are not giga chad
Elliot was not that good looking, to be able to pick up every chick even though his personality sucked

If your personality does not make a girl feel akward or bad about herself, you are good
But most Incels are creepy
Creepy in terms of their looks
And creepy in terms of their personality, so not being able to communicate, staring at a girl not knowing what to say, when she says something
Making unfunny jokes, having bad timing, being shy, bad body language, like not being able to hold eye contact, always looking to the floor, shaking, bad quiet voice, strange posture/walk/sitting position etc
Those are all normal things, that a normal human should be able to do in a normal manner
If you dont have those, you are creepy, and girls dont like that
The only way you pull that, is when you are like a 9 or 10

Elliots problem was not his looks
Good post. This further re-confirms how ugly i am in the sense that I have female friends and would make girls laugh helplessly but still got rejected.
I've got a friend since childhood who pretty much looks like Elliot Rodger. He's been slaying hard since 8th grade.

Like someone said, Elliot's problem was being fucked in the head.
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His mother has to be a kike for him to be one. If he was true jewish, he probably could have shekelmaxxed and gotten a jewish wife.
hes a kike!!!!! hes the result of mixing with jew blood in you
He had a pretty weak chin plus he was a manlet.
he was a short ethnicel + mentalcel
ER is the perfect incel rep tbh. most of us here are around ER tier in looks anyway which is 3-5 range(dont believe me? check the ratings megathread kek) and elliot was mostly known for being a mentalcel. id wager everyone here besides troll accounts are mentalcels. he is a textbook incel with a solid backstory and manifesto. he is like the darth plaguis of inceldom.
Have you even seen his side profile?
Zero IQ post.
I'd rate ER as a solid 8/10, but that probably proves further that my autism prevents me from understanding normie beauty standards

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