The bigger problem than a lack of sex life or emotional connection with someone you feel has your back is how we are treated in our life overall by the general population. Unless you are a criminal with zero fucks given or rich enough to never have to worry about money then it's utter shit man, you're the joke to everyone as you're always alone, you're ugly, probably lack social skills & ppl feel the need to take the piss out of you to move their rank up within' a group. You're a loser 'cos no bitch wants you & no dude wants to be seen around you when bitches around, bitches will try to use you to do things for them if they're not currently in an ewww get away mood, we're automatically labeled as creeps by people & in turn we develop a really poisonous self destructive mind set.
When you have confrontation from all sides & feel like there is no way out you rope or go ER. It's not fucking difficult to understand at all; yet these normies are either blind to it or just choose to ignore as it is not their problem.
It's no different than an animal kept in captivity & forced to "perform" like the proverbial dancing monkey with limited freedoms & no mating rights.
I've seen on those murder investigation shows, no end of coping normies that held their foid as their whole world, they really did have no other validation than her & she leaves or whatever & the guy goes completely mental & loses his shit as he now has no one.