Welcome to Incels.is - Involuntary Celibate Forum

Welcome! This is a forum for involuntary celibates: people who lack a significant other. Are you lonely and wish you had someone in your life? You're not alone! Join our forum and talk to people just like you.

We should try to make other people's lives as miserable as ours.



Jan 23, 2018
Be an asshole to people. If in a restaurant, never tip, order things in a rude manner. If someone asks for directions, send them the wrong way. Never be civil, never be helpful, never smile. Never whiteknight anyone. Be selfish, never have mercy, show no charity towards anyone. Never complitment anyone. Live for yourself only. Live for your own pleasure. Never pity yourself. Be strong. An eye for an eye a tooth for a tooth.
Then people will treat you even worse. They'll treat you like a villain. I wish I could do this, but it won't end well.
It does not matter because they will still have many positive experiences
OTaKu_WarrIOr_N said:
Then people will treat you even worse. They'll treat you like a villain. I wish I could do this, but it won't end well.

If you will see the person only once then take advantage of them/be a dick and run off
And it changes nothing. I've thought about being this way, but it's too much work (naturally nice and approachable) and it won't change anything at all. It's pretty petty revenge and nobody will give a shit, anyway.

It's all pointless and futile. LDAR is the only way.
Is there anything noble about suffering the slings and arrows of total rejection and still being kind as a show of strength?

I'm asking seriously, is there?
A Good Friend said:
Is there anything noble about suffering the slings and arrows of total rejection and still being kind as a show of strength?

I'm asking seriously, is there?

Not really
A Good Friend said:
Is there anything noble about suffering the slings and arrows of total rejection and still being kind as a show of strength?

I'm asking seriously, is there?

Nope, just another cope. If the situation is shitty, it's just shitty. You can try to sugar coat it, but at the end of the day it all just smells like shit.
Way ahead of you buddy boyo.

Though I'm not really rude per se, I never show any signs of kindness or tolerance for people.
Sub8Hate said:
Nope, just another cope. If the situation is shitty, it's just shitty. You can try to sugar coat it, but at the end of the day it all just smells like shit.

I understand that, but I mean more like the "I can crush a bug, I have the power, but I choose not to" type thing.

Like, a show of strength if only to yourself to know that you have some measure of control. idk
A Good Friend said:
I understand that, but I mean more like the "I can crush a bug, I have the power, but I choose not to" type thing.

Like, a show of strength if only to yourself to know that you have some measure of control. idk

No pussy, no win. I just can't come up with bullshit (no offense) to make me feel better. Pussy will make me feel great, but telling myself that I'm strong because I'm handling rejection well or whatever is pure cope.
Sub8Hate said:
because I'm handling rejection well or whatever is pure cope.

Not so much for that. That's a reason to get mad. But what if we found that that control kinda, idk, informed our character a certain way to instill a sense of well-being.

Like, maybe it's the ultimate destructive act to say "you all failed me, I know you're all fucking garbage, but I've truly found a way around letting you turn me into the broken asshole you all need me to be"

again, just kinda spitballin' here
A Good Friend said:
Not so much for that. That's a reason to get mad. But what if we found that that control kinda, idk, informed our character a certain way to instill a sense of well-being.

Like, maybe it's the ultimate destructive act to say "you all failed me, I know you're all fucking garbage, but I've truly found a way around letting you turn me into the broken asshole you all need me to be"

again, just kinda spitballin' here

That's fine, we just think differently. If you want to take a grim situation and turn it into a positive one, then more power to you. 

For me, it's just failure. No matter what I tell myself, no matter which rationalizations I may make, I just failed. I didn't get the pussy. I'm subhuman garbage that isn't even considered. I can't find solace in thinking that I'm not going to let things affect me, etc., because the only solace I could truly find would be in the arms of my lover, and she doesn't exist, so fuck my life. It isn't worth shit.
Sub8Hate said:
If you want to take a grim situation and turn it into a positive one, then more power to you.

I don't as much believe in all this as much as I wonder if it "means shit to a tree" as my father is so fond of saying. Like I dunno, maybe I'm the last person I have, so even though the boat has well and truly sunk, I still have the impetus to swim back to shore because I'm the only one that cares if I make it.

I'm at the same bottom you are. I've just been kicking dirt down here so long, maybe I'm imagining footholds in the wall to climb up and see the sun again. Cope.
A Good Friend said:
I don't as much believe in all this as much as I wonder if it "means shit to a tree" as my father is so fond of saying. Like I dunno, maybe I'm the last person I have, so even though the boat has well and truly sunk, I still have the impetus to swim back to shore because I'm the only one that cares if I make it.

I'm at the same bottom you are. I've just been kicking dirt down here so long, maybe I'm imagining footholds in the wall to climb up and see the sun again. Cope.

LOL now I feel guilty that I've brought you down to my level. 

Cope if you must, try to scale that wall. I'll keep the dirt down here at the bottom warm for you.
I try, but then some random fucker does something nice for me and I have to start over.
Sub8Hate said:
LOL now I feel guilty that I've brought you down to my level.

I've always been down here.

But if I'm not killing myself, I need to do something in the interim, so I'm just going to keep rolling that stone to the top of the hill.
A Good Friend said:
I've always been down here.

But if I'm not killing myself, I need to do something in the interim, so I'm just going to keep rolling that stone to the top of the hill.

I hear ya, I'm currently gymceling. Bleh.
fukmylyf said:
I try, but then some random fucker does something nice for me and I have to start over.

Lol, same.
Robinxyz said:
how's it coming along?

Well, thanks. About 70 pounds dropped so far. Just started exercising to speed up the process. Now I've got about 100 pounds left to lose, and then it'll be time to lift heavy, get my calories up, and to shoot test. LOL I'm going through all this bullshit to hopefully score at least a 5 /10, hopefully, as bitches just don't eat like pigs and then score Chads. Just lol. Poor wymyn!
Sub8Hate said:
Well, thanks. About 70 pounds dropped so far. Just started exercising to speed up the process. Now I've got about 100 pounds left to lose, and then it'll be time to lift heavy, get my calories up, and to shoot test. LOL I'm going through all this bullshit to hopefully score at least a 5 /10, hopefully, as bitches just don't eat like pigs and then score Chads. Just lol. Poor wymyn!

Im gonna start working out too. I currently weigh 190 pounds, but I'm only 5'7. If I make it to 140 pounds I'll be happy.
I’m still not understanding why I should? Try to ruin others for something beyond their control? Whose fault is it as to why I’m “suffering”? God? Nature?
Facade said:
It does not matter because they will still have many positive experiences

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