well it would be like a mini movie, the fact there would be no statistics just straight up good writing and directing.
I used to be an actor and screen writer back in the day, so i know how to write a screen play basically.
I thought a little more about what you'd want to show, in terms of showing how foids view incels as subhuman, you are basically trying to get someone to admit to something they don't really want to, and the true master of the art of getting people to look stupid on film is Sasha Baron Cohen (Borat). A few things from his playbook:
1. The interviewer should be someone they implicitly respect and trust (so eg. he uses a war vet or an Israeli security guy for repubs.
So for us that would be someone: female, attractive, clearly rich, famous (?), academic (?)
2. Everyone signs release statements up front, you just tell them you're filming and they might be in the background or something you downplay it.
3. You approach the real subject indirectly, first you warm them up and make them feel very safe, you only tangent to the subject so it's not clear what you're about.
I was thinking about like an experiment, we put Stacey in a room and show her pictures from 2 guys and ask her to describe them (maybe mix it with less obvious normies), only we've switched the expressions, clothes, settings from a Chad and an Incel. So obviously she thinks the Incel is stupid, weak, dishonest etc etc on the basis of his face.
Chad and Incel guy are watching via video and afterwards we explain the experiment, tell her how the incel is a good guy (whatever counts, he's PHD, lots of friends, does charity work) and bring them both out to talk to her alternately. She'd hopefully at this point feel some level of guilt about who she is, but watching her interact with the Incel and Chad alternately you'd still be able to see her repulsion and attraction, maybe we annotate the video.
That's kind of a super compelling blackpill scene.