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Serious We should accelerate the gender war



Hope for more mass shootings in 2025
Nov 24, 2017
I've seen people denying that incels are "evil misogynists who want to bring American taliban". Yes, true, that we on average, commit less crimes and are less violent.

But does it matter at this point? Those who deny the incel bad trope are (rightfully) mocked for it, by both sides.

Young men are more conservative than ever, while women remain liberal. This is the form evidence that young men, are sick of it and are looking for alternatives.

Andrew Tate, is just a symptom of this. He is the manifesting of the worst, competitive, individualist traits that a man can spit out, given he is confronted with a dim future with a small torch of fire called "Hope"..

The sexless crisis, needs to be accelerated. Apparently, 50-60% sexless young men is not enough. The key is, gender war is a punching bag - you punch it, it will punch back, and therefore, mutually accelerate the hatred each side have for the another side.

In the end, men will win out and return to rigid and strict gender norms that would allow men to have a wife again. I believe, it will come in the form of a religious fundamentalist, fascistic movement, which I support.

Meanwhile at this moment, we should spread anti-feminist statements from fellow incels, to bitter divorce raped MGTOWs, to even tradwives (Islamic societies show that a female can and will work against her own interests).

Remember that, our situation, is caused by social related factors, not lifting harder or something; the solution lies in what normies call "extreme" patriarchy. It is unfortunate that the situation has come to this point, may I add, however, only can the truth be realized, there could be light at the end of the tunnel.
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I´ve seen so many women complaining online:
´Afraid to date, cause lots of men are Red Pilled and think all women are Trash´

They are not blackPilled yet, but we are heading into the right direction.
I think Undead Chronic uploaded a video about this exact topic, yesterday.
Women more progressive and liberal, while men are more conservative.
You can´t have a thriving society, when there is such a difference, in political views.
Based accelERationist posting.
I've seen people denying that incels are "evil misogynists who want to bring American taliban". Yes, true, that we on average, commit less crimes and are less violent.
Ironically, we are probably some of the most passive & least violent people on Earth.

The average normgroid who goes out drinking is more of a danger to society than some Inkler saying mean(but true) things online.
But does it matter at this point? Those who deny the incel bad trope are (rightfully) mocked for it, by both sides.
We're only seen as "bad" for the fact we speak the truth, hence why they are quick to throw ad hominem attacks on us whenever they try & "address" our points.
Young men are more conservative than ever, while women remain liberal. This is the form evidence that young men, are sick of it and are looking for alternatives.


And the fact that this isn't even just the US, but most developed "Western/Westernized" countries speaks volumes.
Andrew Tate, is just a symptom of this. He is the manifesting of the worst, competitive, individualist traits that a man can spit out, given he is confronted with a dim future with a small torch of fire called "Hope"..
Everyone on here knows he is a grifter, that is just evident: However, they fail to address the fact that

The sexless crisis, needs to be accelerated. Apparently, 50-60% sexless young men is not enough. The key is, gender war is a punching bag - you punch it, it will punch back, and therefore, mutually accelerate the hatred each side have for the another side.
The issue with this, is that foids have a much stronger in-group preference compared to us:

Four experiments confirmed that women's automatic in-group bias is remarkably stronger than men's and investigated explanations for this sex difference, derived from potential sources of implicit attitudes (L. A. Rudman, 2004)
In Experiment 1, only women (not men) showed cognitive balance among in-group bias, identity, and self-esteem (A. G. Greenwald et al., 2002), revealing that men lack a mechanism that bolsters automatic own group preference. Experiments 2 and 3 found pro-female bias to the extent that participants automatically favored their mothers over their fathers or associated male gender with violence, suggesting that maternal bonding and male intimidation influence gender attitudes.

Not to mention, many men have effectively been "mind washed" into adhering to the agenda & narrative instilled upon them.
In the end, men will win out and return to rigid and strict gender norms that would allow men to have a wife again. I believe, it will come in the form of a religious fundamentalist, fascistic movement, which I support.
Minus the religious part, I would be all in.

Blackpilled National Socialist uprising when?
I shared a video 2 days ago, called ´the incel revolution´.
Youtuber in question, had to Reupload it.
don´t know why, but most likely cause this topic is very sensitive.
You might want to check it out, if you haven´t watched it yet.
I shared a video 2 days ago, called ´the incel revolution´.
Youtuber in question, had to Reupload it.
don´t know why, but most likely cause this topic is very sensitive.
You might want to check it out, if you haven´t watched it yet.
I've watched it. I agree with what it says, it's a very based video. Many people think "incel revolution" will be basement dweller losers going out with signs and stuff; no, it will be aggressive religious takeover through demographics and politics
Many people think "incel revolution" will be basement dweller losers going out with signs and stuff
That´s considered a ´peasant uprising´, and they will always be crushed.
The national guard of the US and countries within Europe, will easily crush them.

Hence why I think, that the imbalance will eventually be so massive, politicians have no choice but to switch to an alternative.
I shared a video 2 days ago, called ´the incel revolution´.
Youtuber in question, had to Reupload it.
don´t know why, but most likely cause this topic is very sensitive.
You might want to check it out, if you haven´t watched it yet.
I'm planning on eventually making a thread addressing it.
if all men just suddenly decided tomorrow that toilets dont have rights anymore there would be nothing any pathetic useless weak toilet on the planet can do about it. we can only hope
if all men just suddenly decided tomorrow that toilets dont have rights anymore there would be nothing any pathetic useless weak toilet on the planet can do about it. we can only hope

We could also prevent any kind of global conflict from happening that way.
Based accelerationistcels, we are moving faster but we need to further step on the gas, big things will be using Worst Korea as an example of the fate of all feminists (i.e. extinction) and watch the country collapse due to demographics.
Based, I would be 100% willing to participate in a gender war! GIVE THEM NOTHING
And as for men becoming cuckservatives thats pretty Jewish because cuckservatives are foid sympathizers
Liberalism is a disease
I've watched it. I agree with what it says, it's a very based video. Many people think "incel revolution" will be basement dweller losers going out with signs and stuff; no, it will be aggressive religious takeover through demographics and politics
In the short term, I think we will see more and more men getting depressed with life and dropping out of the workforce or refusing to contribute as much to the economy. Historically, men worked to attract women and then provide, but if not that, then what's the point?

In the long term, politics and demographics will change more and more. Organizations like the National Coalition for Men will probably gain more and more members too.
In the short term, I think we will see more and more men getting depressed with life and dropping out of the workforce or refusing to contribute as much to the economy. Historically, men worked to attract women and then provide, but if not that, then what's the point?

In the long term, politics and demographics will change more and more. Organizations like the National Coalition for Men will probably gain more and more members too.
Meh refusing to contribute, in current stage, is more effective than simply going on shooting rampages. Remember, every person consumes and contributes. If men, somehow consumes more but contribute less (similarly to single mom welfare queens), it's like throwing a Thor hammer into the system.

If you kill people they just don't exist and don't consume. Being a parasite is more effective to take down the system.
I like how trannies make hardcore feminazis seethe. Unlike those fake feminists that call themselves TERFs, as a fifth wave intersectional extradimensional feminist I will happily support my trans allies in their journey to overcome oppression by heteronormative cis women that don't get with the times and stubbornly can't accept that they don't get to define what a real woman is. :feelsclown:
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