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Serious We need to allow more Muslim immigrants in the west



The chad of unattractiveness
Sep 22, 2021
As much as I believe in preserving the purity of white race, I am pessimistic and I don't think anything can be done now. The white race has been totally destroyed by feminism, sjw, woke and other forms of cuckoldry.

Tbh all races have been but whites are just on another level. Their foids have become spoilt brats who fuck and eat all day, are NEET and expect men to pay for all their whims while they are busy getting drunk. And you can't complain lest you become a "misogynistic pig" and get shunned by soyciety.

The intellectual contribution of whites is also declining, because 1)They are now more busy focusing on gender and pronouns than science and tech, and thus changs overtaking them, and 2)Foids only wanting to mate w low IQ males bringing the average IQ down, in a phenomenon called reverse Flynn effect.

As of now only muslims are least cucked, even the self identified liberal ones are against things like cheating. White race has been damaged beyond repair and the only thing which can save them are muslims and their patriarchal culture.

The left is willing to tolerate everything muslims do, and that's a very nice opportunity to destroy the cuckoldry within by the very thing they sympathize with so much (muslims).

We should let in more and more muslims, especially the more conservative ones and let them spread the message of Islam all over.

It's a trade-off between racial and cultural purity of whites and repairing the irreversible damage done, and it's up to you what you want: Preserve the white race but let their cancer (like feminism and sjw) spread everywhere, or heavily dilute them but in return remove the gangrene.
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What race are you?
Afghanistan. My ancestors migrated to India few generations ago and I have Indian citizenship and passport
The white race has been totally destroyed by feminism, sjw, woke and other forms of cuckoldry.
cope, the plague did not destroy it and these dark times won`t
however there will be a major crisis, which is ok, it is either a fully blown war (which will not occur because of the nuclear weaponry) or a cultural rework
cope, the plague did not destroy it and these dark times won`t
however there will be a major crisis, which is ok, it is either a fully blown war (which will not occur because of the nuclear weaponry) or a cultural rework
Plague was a different thing. People actively avoided plague and getting infected was not encouraged/seen as politically correct.
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I watched American troops being ambushed by Afghans live on G+. Google lost control and had to take the whole platform down. It was cram full of Kike Haters, lol.
It will lead to the liberalization of Islam and not to the Islamization of the liberal West, demographic replacement, feminism, degeneracy and a stronger left are phenomenons that are inseparably interwoven with each other and they contribute to each other in an autocatalytic process.
It will lead to the liberalization of Islam and not to the Islamization of the liberal West, demographic replacement, feminism, degeneracy and a stronger left are phenomenons that are inseparably interwoven with each other and they contribute to each other in an autocatalytic process.
Islam won't get liberalised that easily believe me. Even so, I would prefer liberal Islam than a liberal west because it is far less cucked
Death to you. Don't laugh at my Afghan brother.
lol preserving the white race.
how are you going to preserve it if white bitches don't want to fuck with you? :smonk:
imagine being incel and caring about your "race":feelskek:
if you are here it is because surely the people of your race turned their backs on you.
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Islam won't get liberalised that easily believe me. Even so, I would prefer liberal Islam than a liberal west because it is far less cucked
It's not the case.

This can be seen with most migrants of second or even higher generations. Most chaddams beat low-status whitecels while emulating/worshipping white chads and while simping for white stacies, they are Muslims in name only and use their religion as a justification to bully whitecels as filthy kuffars while not restricting themselves in alcohol consumption or with any other principle.

Many muslim women in the West are nowadays involved in the party life, go to unis, don't wear the Hijab, fuck around/drink alcohol and almost nobody cares about it. Muslim feminists are all over the news here. It's visible in Germany, Sweden and everywhere where the multicultural experiment took place.

Demographic replacement is undeniable, Islamization not. Liberalism can and will consume everything and turn it into a parody of its former self. With almost complete certainty it's over (at least on a wider social scale), on an individual scale however some people might still escape with their mind intact and have happy lifes.
lol preserving the white race.
how are you going to preserve it if white bitches don't want to fuck with you? :smonk:
imagine being incel and caring about your "race":feelskek:
if you are here it is because surely the people of your race turned their backs on you.
1) I am not white
2)[UWSL]Not just my race, foids of all races. If foids of X race hate you but Y race would prefer you then you are fakecel. [/UWSL]
Afghanistan. My ancestors migrated to India few generations ago and I have Indian citizenship and passport
Of course youd want that :feelskek:
I don't think anything can be done now. The white race has been totally destroyed by feminism, sjw, woke and other forms of cuckoldry
Youre not white so you dont get to say about white people retard. You've never lived around us you don't know shit jihadi fuck suicide bomber
Islam cant do anyhing against wokeness, leftism and bullshit.
Arabs and turks in Germany become retarded like everybody else.
I have even seen arab sluts supporting Black lIves Matter while looking like prostitutes.
Youre not white so you dont get to say about white people retard. You've never lived around us you don't know shit jihadi fuck suicide bomber
You are not muslim so you don't get to say about us retard. You've never lived around us you don't know shit degenerate cumskin.

You people are the ones responsible for spreading feminism, liberating foids and throwing all of us in the misery of inceldom. Abrahamic religions (all started by non whites) had beautifully kept them in control for most of history
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It will lead to the liberalization of Islam and not to the Islamization of the liberal West, demographic replacement, feminism, degeneracy and a stronger left are phenomenons that are inseparably interwoven with each other and they contribute to each other in an autocatalytic process.

Jews push degeneracy and soy
jews want Muslim/Islamic immigration
Muslim/Islamic immigration is degeneracy and soy
Stop putting white people on a pedestal.:feelsUgh:
Sorry you lost your privilege to use the word "cumskin" the moment you said this:

Man fekr mikardam afghaani haa behtar az in baashan
They used to be a genius, innovative and high IQ race because of which I still have some admiration left for them. The current generation ones are just retarded fucks. As I say in the post, they are cool and genius but have completely ruined themselves.
They used to be a genius, innovative and high IQ race because of which I still have some admiration left for them. The current generation ones are just retarded fucks. As I say in the post, they are cool and genius but have completely ruined themselves.
They were tree huggung barbarians who had no culture. It took the Romans to fuck them in the ass to give them some resemblance of civilization.
Afghanistan. My ancestors migrated to India few generations ago and I have Indian citizenship and passport
Mogs me
View attachment 510321
It will lead to the liberalization of Islam and not to the Islamization of the liberal West, demographic replacement, feminism, degeneracy and a stronger left are phenomenons that are inseparably interwoven with each other and they contribute to each other in an autocatalytic process.
Tbh the modern capitalist economic system requires degeneracy to grow and grow. It is incompatible with Conservative Islam sadly.
They were tree huggung barbarians who had no culture. It took the Romans to fuck them in the ass to give them some resemblance of civilization.
True meds>Nords most of history till recently
They were tree huggung barbarians who had no culture. It took the Romans to fuck them in the ass to give them some resemblance of civilization.
Cope. Recorded and outwardly significant White history started with the indo aryans, far far before the Romans. The Romans weren’t even a thing yet when indo aryans came into your Indian shithole and made Hinduism and Buddhism.
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Cope. Recorded and outwardly significant White history started with the indo aryans, far far before the Romans. The Romans weren’t even a thing yet when indo aryans came into your Indian shithole and made Hinduism and Buddhism.
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First of all, where am I from retard?
Second of all, you don't know jack shit about the Yamnaya culture and Indo-Europeans.
Third of all, whatever your argument is because it's honestly hard to make out your point, it should also apply to you. Tell me what you know about Neolithic Europe (Europe prior to Indo-European invadions.) Probably not much or nothing at all.
And finally, at least Indians have done a better job at preserving Indo-European culture than you cumskins. Go worship a kike on a stick while complaining about the Jews :feelskek:
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First of all, where am I from retard?
Second of all, you don't know jack shit about the Yamnaya culture and Indo-Europeans.
Third of all, whatever your argument is because it's honestly hard to make out your point, it should also apply to you. Tell me what you know about Neolithic Europe (Europe prior to Indo-European invadions.) Probably not much or nothing at all.
And finally, at least Indians have done a better job at preserving Indo-European culture than you cumskins. Go worship a kike on a stick while complaining about the Jews :feelskek:
Who cares about Neolithic Europe? That’s why I said meaningful white Aryan history started at the indo aryans. The Romans are just one of the like 10 times white European people took over the known world.
Ethnics can do the jobs if they want so I can stay NEET
Who cares about Neolithic Europe? That’s why I said meaningful white Aryan history started at the indo aryans. The Romans are just one of the like 10 times white European people took over the known world.
Misusing the term Aryan here but tell me what did "Aryans" look like?
Misusing the term Aryan here but tell me what did "Aryans" look like?
It’s exactly what you think it looks like. Blonde hair blue eyed giants originally from hypoborea.
1F22B9B3 55AD 4A08 BACF C4C187102F63
how are you going to preserve it if white bitches don't want to fuck with you? :smonk:
He's not even cumskin :feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:
Islam cant do anyhing against wokeness, leftism and bullshit.
Arabs and turks in Germany become retarded like everybody else.
I have even seen arab sluts supporting Black lIves Matter while looking like prostitutes.
Stop putting white people on a pedestal.:feelsUgh:
you'll get used to these kinds of cumskin worship threads don't worry
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It’s exactly what you think it looks like. Blonde hair blue eyed giants originally from hypoborea.
View attachment 510368
Except you're 100% incorrect

Blondism was very rare in Indo-Europeans and in Bronze Age European in general: Just watch this guy explain it
View: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=eahGL7HyMRM

There are also sources to suggest Blondism was already there in Neolithic Europe and that while still rare it was a more common feature in Neolithic European populations than Indo-Europeans.

Another thing to note is that Neolithic Europeans were lighter skinned on avg than Indo-Europeans.

Sorry for shattering your one and only cope in bits and pieces.
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Except you're 100% incorrect

Blondism was very rare in Indo-Europeans and in Bronze Age European in general: Just watch this guy explain it
View: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=eahGL7HyMRM

There are also sources to suggest Blondism was already there in Neolithic Europe and that while still rare it was a more common feature in Neolithic European populations than Indo-Europeans.

Another thing to note is that Neolithic Europeans were lighter skinned on avg than Indo-Europeans.

Sorry for shattering your one and only cope in bits and pieces.

Ok so then why in everywhere indo aryans touched were the people blonde hair blue eyed??

the Tamir basin mummies, Buddha’s statues, the Egyptian tombs, they all have blue eyes and blonde hair. Must just be crazy that all indo aryan mummies we know of have colored hair and eyes. LMFAO.
47D498FE 3962 478F 809B A72550AF3BAE

But you’re right. The indo aryans were actually black eye black haired negroids!! Despite archaeological evidence that shows the exact opposite.
Muslims who come to the west become westernized.
If they are true Muslims, they will never travel to the west.
Ok so then why in everywhere indo aryans touched were the people blonde hair blue eyed??
Where in my post did I mention blue eyes? Learn to read :feelskek:
Blue eyes were in fact introduced to Europe (and other places) by Indo-Europeans.

As far blond hair is concerned, watch the video though you probably don't have the attention span to sit through it even if it's a topic you seem to be interested in.

Moreover you have to understand just because a feature was introduced into a population by Indo-Europeans, it doesn't mean it was common within Indo-Europeans themselves.

the Tamir basin mummies, Buddha’s statues, the Egyptian tombs, they all have blue eyes and blonde hair. Must just be crazy that all indo aryan mummies we know of have colored hair and eyes. LMFAO.
Where's the colored hair? even if there were wouldn't prove anything.

But you’re right. The indo aryans were actually black eye black haired negroids!!
LMFAO again strawmanning and putting words in my mouth because you can't argue against my actual points.
Where in my post did I mention blue eyes? Learn to read :feelskek:
So now the indo aryans had blue eyes but not blonde hair? WTF, when do you hear of a blue eyed person that isn't blonde. Now you're stepping over yourself.
Blue eyes were in fact introduced to Europe (and other places) by Indo-Europeans.
Who were also blonde.
Moreover you have to understand just because a feature was introduced into a population by Indo-Europeans, it doesn't mean it was common within Indo-Europeans themselves.
But it was present at every single tomb of the aryans? -_-
Where's the colored hair? even if there were wouldn't prove anything.

Every single place theyve dug up archeological evidence of indo aryans they are shown with blonde hair. They had blue eyes (you don't seem to dispute that) and almost always have either blonde or red hair. They never had black or whatever you're trying to imply.

Idk why an ARYAN PEOPLE from EUROPE) who were born out of a COLD PERIOD/ICE AGE would have anything else but aryan features (blonde hair blue eye giantism)
I'm not stepping over myself at all.
Some Indo-Europeans were blond and blue eyed, most weren't. They introduced these traits into Europe and other places they invaded, such as Iran or North India. As long as skin color is concerned, neolithic Europeans were lighter skinned.

Understand that there's not one gene that automatically makes you blond and blue-eyed. Eye and hair color is controlled by many different genes. Being blond and blue eyed requires a combination of genes most of which are recessive. Meaning you can carry the genes needed to make blond, blue eyed babies while not beind blond and blue-eyed yourself. Which was exactly the case with most Indo-Europeans.

Blondism wasn't as popular within Indo-European populations as it is in modern day Europe.
So how did that happen? Simply because blondes (neotanous trait) are perceived as more atteactive by men. Higher class men in medival Europe would opt for blond wives, and by the virtue of their wealth and power they could also afford to have more children. Over time, blondism became more and more common in Europe and also associated with the upper classes.

Idk why an ARYAN PEOPLE from EUROPE) who were born out of a COLD PERIOD/ICE AGE would have anything else but aryan features (blonde hair blue eye giantism)
Look at the map you've referenced. Does it look like the Indo-Europeans homeland was Europe? Or does it look like they came from modern day Anatolia which is located in Turkey which itself is part of THE MIDDLE EAST.
There is no population today that is 100% Indo-European. If you're a curry you're part Dravidian part Indo-European, etc. If you're European, you're part Neolithic European part Indo-European, etc. As far as genetics is concerned (since that seems to be your basis) a curry's claim to his Indo-European heritage is just as valid as a European and vice versa.
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Afghanistan. My ancestors migrated to India few generations ago and I have Indian citizenship and passport
You are coping hard, most afghans look just like any other curry, especially North Western curries. Also, the fact you want to bring in huge numbers of Muslims while being Muslim yourself is suspect af.

So now the indo aryans had blue eyes but not blonde hair? WTF, when do you hear of a blue eyed person that isn't blonde. Now you're stepping over yourself.

Who were also blonde.

But it was present at every single tomb of the aryans? -_-

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Every single place theyve dug up archeological evidence of indo aryans they are shown with blonde hair. They had blue eyes (you don't seem to dispute that) and almost always have either blonde or red hair. They never had black or whatever you're trying to imply.

Idk why an ARYAN PEOPLE from EUROPE) who were born out of a COLD PERIOD/ICE AGE would have anything else but aryan features (blonde hair blue eye giantism)
Yamnaya population all had dark hair and eyes, and those are the original Indo-Europeans. Those mummies from China are actually not Indo-Iranian (Aryan), and are an older group that separated from the proto-Indo Europeans and have their own migration history, with the oldest Tarim mummies not even being Tocharians because they migrated to different places before coming to China. Their language was a centum indo-European language rather than a satem language, meaning they are not aryans. It doesnt much detective work to come to that conclusion though to prove that though, just look at the presence of R1A in India and compare that to the presence of light hair and eye alleles in the populations to realize your claim doesn’t add up.
Tbh, Islam is the only existing thing in this world that could save men like us.

An ideology where women are dependent on men, because they are not allowed to work or participate in politics.
The ultimative solution.
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Yamnaya population all had dark hair and eyes, and those are the original Indo-Europeans. Those mummies from China are actually not Indo-Iranian (Aryan), and are an older group that separated from the proto-Indo Europeans and have their own migration history, with the oldest Tarim mummies not even being Tocharians because they migrated to different places before coming to China. Their language was a centum indo-European language rather than a satem language, meaning they are not aryans. It doesnt much detective work to come to that conclusion though to prove that though, just look at the presence of R1A in India and compare that to the presence of light hair and eye alleles in the populations to realize your claim doesn’t add up.
T. Jew who literally says "Duhh aryans dont exist duhh they're iranians"

look tranny, all of these words that i dnr don't answer the obvious; it's quite coincidental how EVERY SINGLE INDO ARYAN IMPRINT OF CIVILIZATION show them to be blonde hair and blue eyes.


"The aryans were AKSHUALLY black negroids!!!! It just so happens that all their tombs and people we dug up were blonde/red haired and blue eyed"
T. Jew who literally says "Duhh aryans dont exist duhh they're iranians"

look tranny, all of these words that i dnr don't answer the obvious; it's quite coincidental how EVERY SINGLE INDO ARYAN IMPRINT OF CIVILIZATION show them to be blonde hair and blue eyes.

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"The aryans were AKSHUALLY black negroids!!!! It just so happens that all their tombs and people we dug up were blonde/red haired and blue eyed"
Aryans did exist, they are the Indo-Iranians. The terms literally come from the Vedas and Avestas, which means it was used by the Indo-Iranian people, while there is no evidence it was a term used by any other Indo-European group. Stop being a coper just because Hitler highjacked the term and used it incorrectly.

You are cherry picking images that were most likely artistic designs in most these cases. Just like I showed you before, even the Romans almost always depicted themselves as dark haired and dark eyes olive skinned manlets. Most of the rest of these groups had nothing to do with the Indo-Europeans (except the Buddha).

The Egyptian one is different though, although genetic studies show modern Egyptians are the direct descendants of the ancient ones, many like king tut had things like r1b haplogroup (indo-European) and ramses II had red hair. From my research, Ramses II was part of the 19th dynasty of Egypt, which came into being after Horemheb, the last king of the 18th dynasty named Ramses I as his successor as he had no heirs. I’m guessing that this family had partial ancestry from the Hittites or something, although hard to say. Keep in mind this is part of the new kingdom, and that Egypt had existed for millennia before.
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i dont support this , muslims who move to the west will also inevitability and eventually become cucked
[UWSL]are you serious?????[/UWSL]

Tbh, Islam is the only existing thing in this world that could save men like us.

An ideology where women are dependent on men, because they are not allowed to work or participate in politics.
The ultimative solution.

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