The west is the best!
However, the EU is no longer the best. The EU is getting almost as bad as china is, in terms of censoring free speech. Don't be surprised if fast banana is not available in EU.cuck in the next year or two. You can get arrested in most places over there for hate speech. Also, whenever I read about some incel getting arrested for trying PUA shit and doing day game and cold approaches, its always in the UK (which is leaving) or some part of the EU.
If you aren't succeeding in online dating, which is over 90% of the dating market in the US today, and you are saying "this is not real life, real life is offline", you are coping beyond measure. I can understand why some ethnicels would say that, because the dating market -is- offline for the most part in their home countries, eg Somalia, Bangladesh, Yemen, Pakistan, etc. My advice to these ethnicels is to go BACK there and try to get a date THERE where the market is offline. If you come back to America empty handed, then you can say that you really tried, and you can remain blackpilled forever. If you succeed well... Fuck, help some of us out? I have no idea.