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Serious We need a strict Patriarchy in order to put every single woman on a leash. They can not be allowed to have any freedom outside a man's influence.

  • Thread starter RodgersSecondAdvent
  • Start date


Nov 8, 2017
Every modern western woman nowadays is no better than criminal scum.

When you don't coursely discipline and keep women under control, they go loose like wild beasts and spread their ass cheeks for every second Chad they encounter who then goes on to pump his load in their every hole. Governed by pure lust, as if they have no mind of their own they keep trying to satisfy these basic carnal desires through instant gratification.

There isn't a single shred of long term thinking in their primitive minds so when the time comes where they feel their biological clock ticking, panic kicks in.

The sly filthy amoral foid then starts to look for a gullible weak man whom she can easily wrap around her finger. At that point, the disgusting used up cumrag who has devolved into a barbarian has lost all capacity for pair bonding. Don't even dream she's a type of person whom you can grow old with. No, she's long past that. Her primary incentive is to gain social points so that she doesn't feel left out. Her second motive is extracting resources.

While the poor husband is head over heels and mistakenly believes he's found a partner with whom he can build a relationship based on mutual understanding and love, his wife isn't even sexually attracted to him in the slightest. Every 2 months when the man's been a good boy, he gets his dead starfish sex while she fantasises about her past sexploits who happen to be taller, more masculine and above all better looking men. They degraded her, treated her as nothing more than a meathole and she loved every second of it.

Then comes a moment where the sly foid conceives a child or more. A couple of years later she files a divorce because "they grew apart" which really just means the foid has become bored of the bluepilled wimp, telling herself "I can do better than this". You must know that loyalty is a totally foreign concept to woman. For a man with principles, being able to keep his word is akin to his lifeforce. Being scrupulous, consistent and reasonable is what makes a man feel actually human. Women lack all will towards this higher from of being and will strictly adopt whatever that won't ostracize them from society or their social environment. Another thing to note, women are not capable of experiencing cognitive dissonance because they only pay attention to how something feels for them in the present moment and that feeling justifies whether something is right or wrong. Whether it's immoral, deceptive or downright evil plays no part. Usually this is done through thorough applying self-deception and doublethink.

When she's gotten bored of the wimp, the woman turns into an incredibly demanding histrionic dramawhore. She's trying to rationalize everything into being the man's fault upon an impending divorce from her part.

The children then experience a breakdown of the family which brings with itself only detrimental consequences for their future in respect to their mental well-being, education and lifechoices. The profound effects of divorce are well documented in multiple academic studies with single-motherhood making things much much worse because single mothers are horrible and stupid parents.

Women are first of all innately morally deficient and alogical creatures who go loose like rabid bonobo's when not firmly curbed and put on their place by men.

Foids will degenerate everything that is intelligent and virtuous on their path of heedless destruction because they have no fucking idea what the fuck they're doing. They can not think matters through, they just can't. Woman's entire persona consists solely of the surface it reflects. You can not find anything beneath it, it's void. Her entire persona is an absorption from external influences she molds into what then consists as her core identity stemming from extreme suggestibility. While women are mere empty individuals who can only act in accordance with the community, man is a higher form of life expressed as a differentiated individuality often referred to as the soul characterized by a strong will for greater truth and a deep connection with all that is. With the universe. It's for this reason that there has never been a single decent female philosopher nor will one ever emerge.

The fact that a man has a soul, gives birth to originality and creativity which is also a characteristic limited to men only. Woman can only reproduce it. Even among the poor and oppressed negro's of the USA; the blues, jazz, hip hop, rap all sprung out of young black men to draw an illustration. Let's not begin about science, classical music and ancient art. They speak for themselves. Women's achievements (always coming from the most masculine ones) bear no comparison.

Many men today are misled from what has been common knowledge since the dawn of humanity over all human societies that have ever surfaced. Emancipation of women isn't something enlightened or advanced from earlier patriarchal societies. It's pure stupidity and a product of capitalist policies in need for a larger wageslave force.

From a young age men are indoctrinated into a false idea of women. We are to believe women are capable of having agency, that they too are rational beings with whom we can have deep fulfilling conversations on worldly matters, that they are capable of unconditional love on the basis of who you are as a person instead of what you are, that they can breathe inspiration into your mind from insight on who you are, that women are all so different that there are certainly enough who fit these aforementioned criteria (not a single does). That a relationship where both parties stand on equal ground is possible. All these delusions are further exacerbated by media consumption. Take japanese animations for once, where the women are often a projection of the male producers their ideals.

A woman's natural inclination is submission and passivity.

She wants to be led, molded and derive her sense of identity from a man she considers to be in a dominant position. When a woman says she likes confidence, she means a man who's narcissism surpasses that of her own. A woman can not respect a man who does not assert himself as the chief in a relationship. All of this comes easier when the male is taller because greater stature is directly imposing, hence their avid preference for this trait. This puts neatly into picture how primitive women actually are. These are her primal instincts she's incapable of sacrificing for the greater good of a society. If you let them go their own way, they will instinctively over the course of time aim primarily for apex men which will heavily skew the ratio of men and women with offspring. You see a similar instance with wild beasts such as gorilla's and even chimpanzees. In fact, this push can already be observed in "progressive" societies such as Norway where the gap between biological fathers and biological mothers has been steadily widening since female emancipation. Such a social order could never promote a civilised society as it would induce a perpetual competition between men, barring them from cooperation.

A woman can not free herself from these impulses, only law and order pressed by men can guide an inherent amoral creature such as the woman towards intelligent and virtuous behavior.

I thus propose extraordinary strict and harsh countermeasures for the revival of a full on Patriarchy. Beginning with a law that punishes any woman that engages in fornication through capital punishment. The capital punishment is preceded by stripping the prosecuted woman of her clothes on a public square where she is submitted to hundreds of flagellations. Once her body is covered in blood, salt is added for more pain. This form is public humiliation and inflicting of pain needs to act as a necessary deterrent for any woman who's daring to think of fornicating.

When this procedure has been completed, the woman is put out of her misery with public stoning. This helps with fostering a wider disgust and hatred towards criminals such as fornicators, so young children should be encouraged in participating to the stoning.

I'd like to emphasize once again that I'm advocating for lawful procedures enforced by the State.

We'd also need laws that would ban all women from education, holding public offices, choosing their own partners, participating in politics etc..

They should be banned from pretty much any institution where they can exercise their mindless opinions or choices that could bear an influence on the societal structure. To women: Be beautiful, take care of the family and shut the fuck up.
Can I get a tl;dr?
That's a long post.
What is with the influx of newbies and crazy shit.
Mensa IQ post
Can I get a tl;dr?

Women shouldn't be allowed to have rights because they are soulless creatures who are closer to animals than to human beings. Human beings in this case are people with morals and who possess the capacity to act reasonable. Women on the contrary resemble pets more closely. They are like dogs with a humanoid appearance.
What is with the influx of newbies and crazy shit.

Who are you calling a newbie?
Women shouldn't be allowed to have rights because they are soulless creatures who are closer to animals than to human beings. Human beings in this case are people with morals and who possess the capacity to act reasonable. Women on the contrary resemble pets more closely. They are like dogs with a humanoid appearance.

Who are you calling a newbie?
Mostly agreed tbh
Women shouldn't be allowed to have rights because they are soulless creatures who are closer to animals than to human beings. Human beings in this case are people with morals and who possess the capacity to act reasonable. Women on the contrary resemble pets more closely. They are like dogs with a humanoid appearance.
Replace the word "Women" with "Children" and it's Talmudic pedo propaganda. Children aren't very intelligent, if children were given the same rights as adults, sexual liberation, the rights to vote, encouraged to be in the workplace, etc do you think the world would be a great place? Patriarchy and control shouldn't mean they're thought of as soulless trash. They're just innocent childlike beings who were given way too much freedom, and as a result have caused the destruction of the west.
Just wanted to say hi to the IT lurkers.
Replace the word "Women" with "Children" and it's Talmudic pedo propaganda. Children aren't very intelligent, if children were given the same rights as adults, sexual liberation, the rights to vote, encouraged to be in the workplace, etc do you think the world would be a great place? Patriarchy and control shouldn't mean they're thought of as soulless trash. They're just innocent childlike beings who were given way too much freedom, and as a result have caused the destruction of the west.

Women are not like children. They are amoral and opportunistic filth when not kept under control by men. A child would not fuck around like a wild animal, the way a foid would. Women don't feel true remorse when they are acting immoral, a (male) child does.

The only reason a woman will act if she regrets something is due to societal pressure and the fear of nog being cast out.
Obviously cucktears post.

Either way a patriarchy may appear to solve problems in the short term but women will still hate ugly men for being ugly and we will never know true love or belonging.
This is a high iq post and I agree with most of it apart from the stoning as a punishment. Have you considered moving to an Islamic country?
You have described the female psyche extremely accurately however one omission on your part is the mention of the unforgivable betrayal of beta white knights which have allowed this to happen.
If one observes IQ of males it is extremely skewed. You have genius males but you also have trash males and these trash males have demonstrated their weakness by allowing the matriarchy to rule.
Obviously cucktears post.

Either way a patriarchy may appear to solve problems in the short term but women will still hate ugly men for being ugly and we will never know true love or belonging.

If you're blackpilled, you should know by now that women are incapable of loving. The only know lust and infatuation. If you want women to behave decently, train them like a dog.
Women are not like children. They are amoral and opportunistic filth when not kept under control by men. A child would not fuck around like a wild animal, the way a foid would. Women don't feel true remorse when they are acting immoral, a (male) child does.

The only reason a woman will act if she regrets something is due to societal pressure and the fear of nog being cast out.
Take a look at how Children act in Mexico, or third world shitholes, or how about during the industrial revolution in the UK when the streets were filled with Urchins. If Marxism targeted Children the way it targeted women, we'd be having similar problems. I remember an ex tranny who took HRT described the experience of estrogen and how it clouded and altered the mind, in a similar way to how you lack the same cognitive ability and awareness as a child. I remember how my brain felt as a child, in comparison it was just much more foggy and unclear, I couldn't make rational decisions, I was extremely emotional, etc. Women act the way they do because of neurological and chemical differences which make them more childlike and emotional. Estrogen is one hell of a drug.

Also, Hello Cucktears.
If you're blackpilled, you should know by now that women are incapable of loving. The only know lust and infatuation. If you want women to behave decently, train them like a dog.
Gigacope. Love deniers are the biggest copers of all. We could not even begin to describe the great capacity for love in foid hearts but its solely reserved for normies and chads.
high iq post may this spread to all corners of the globe
If you ned patriarchy then it's over. The most honest sex is the one you get in a full matriarchical society. Anything else is cope
Gigacope. Love deniers are the biggest copers of all. We could not even begin to describe the great capacity for love in foid hearts but its solely reserved for normies and chads.

Lmao, the only love women are capable of expressing is for their children and that also is a very primitive undiscriminate sort of love because you see the same shit with all mammals to ensure survival of the offspring.

A woman wouldn't ever commit a selfless act such as sacrificing herself for the community, tribe or nation. No, they'll get conquered and will start to "love" their conquerors.
beyond god iq

very accurate and well articulated

its good that some of us see them for what they are,

that dogs in humanoids form statement ,to clever to be truth
gonna remember that one thats for sure
the oldschool .life posters are a dying breed sadly
You know, the societies that control women the most are societies that punish men even more. Look at the countries where men blow themselves up and are in constant warfare. Those are the societies where women are on a leash.

Trust me, the more controlled women are, the less free men are.

I'll pass. I love my freedom too much.
You know, the societies that control women the most are societies that punish men even more. Look at the countries where men blow themselves up and are in constant warfare. Those are the societies where women are on a leash.

Trust me, the more controlled women are, the less free men are.

I'll pass. I love my freedom too much.

It's a given that men need to exercise more responsibilities because women have no agency. Women are too subhuman to handle being held accountable. Your second is mistake is equating uncucked islamic countries as the archetype of a patriarchy when every single civilisation ever on earth started out with being a patriarchy where the thought of giving women equal rights was ludicrous and for a good reason too.
read every word.

very glad I did it was an amazing read.

but what you propose with the stoning and stuff will not ever happen in 2018
It's a given that men need to exercise more responsibilities because women have no agency. Women are too subhuman to handle being held accountable. Your second is mistake is equating uncucked islamic countries as the archetype of a patriarchy when every single civilisation ever on earth started out with being a patriarchy where the thought of giving women equal rights was ludicrous and for a good reason too.
Maybe so, but I prefer my freedom. So we'll have to agree to disagree.
The most honest sex is the one you get in a full matriarchical society.

No. No. No!

Also amazing post OP! Was a cool read.
Fucking lol at all the lookism cucks and newfags calling elliotsecondadvent(An r/incels OG truecel) "newbie"
this was just an copy paste btw, but that guy is still high iq ( reading his answers )

this was just an copy paste btw, but that guy is still high iq ( reading his answers )

That post is mine. I made it on /r/maleforeveralone before it got banned and reposted it here. I can provide proof if you want? I'm no plagiarist. Every word came from my mind.
Women are not like children. They are amoral and opportunistic filth when not kept under control by men. A child would not fuck around like a wild animal, the way a foid would. Women don't feel true remorse when they are acting immoral, a (male) child does.

The only reason a woman will act if she regrets something is due to societal pressure and the fear of nog being cast out.
High IQ posts.
That post is mine. I made it on /r/maleforeveralone before it got banned and reposted it here. I can provide proof if you want? I'm no plagiarist. Every word came from my mind.
well then wtf are you? a saint autistismian alien something?, or did your parents had god iq,

this is fucking insane, you mog everyones iq here and yea send prove if you can
That's the kind of post I was hoping to read when I decided to join this community.
High IQ cel ftw OP!
We need more of these if we want the incel movement to grow and maybe become a new "grand" ideology.
Did you guys notice how, nowadays, there seem to be no more ideology behind modern societies, except maybe the Grand Capitalism?
My broken English makes it tough for me to explain to you guys, but I think the non existence of Grand ideologies in modern world has a lot to do with inceldom rising and the society declining in all its aspects.
That's the kind of post I was hoping to read when I decided to join this community.
SAINT IQ (fixed) cel ftw OP!
We need more of these if we want the incel movement to grow and maybe become a new "grand" ideology.
Did you guys notice how, nowadays, there seem to be no more ideology behind modern societies, except maybe the Grand Capitalism?
My broken English makes it tough for me to explain to you guys, but I think the non existence of Grand ideologies in modern world has a lot to do with inceldom rising and the society declining in all its aspects.
If you actually wrote that then high IQ
foids are like mosquitoes. they will drain you often without you noticing. eventually it starts to itch so much that you gotta just smack them :lul::lul::lul:
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The decline of true femininity, and womanhood is because of the Marxist media, and the Commie agents that have been operating in the shadows. Filthy Jew mags like the Cosmopolitan are teaching women how to be whores. The Jewish controlled Hollywood propaganda machine has re-wired the brain. People want an overwhelming fulfillment of adventure. No longer do people want a quiet, and simple spiritual life. But rather one of adventure, action, and carnality. The female brain has been notched to the speed of the hare. The virtue of the tortoise is non-existent today.

Women want instant gratification. They don't want to be by the side of a developing male. They want the nice car, nice job, and well off man now. So that's why a lot of western whores like to date older men now. Not only are we competing against chads. But also against sugar daddies, and dykes who are taking our women.

I think the media, and the fast paced lifestyle is contributing to the decline of morality, and making women into total sluts who like the drama, and the abuse from the chads.

We must find representation that will clean up this mess. Promote old fashoined ideas, and return us to the way things were in the beginning. We need a male dominated world. The feminist, communist, and Jews must be purged out of this land like the Jews of old from the promised land. These brood of vipers are ruining it for everyone.

Just imagine a world were incels can find a woman, and procreate like jackrabbits. We would have all the cannon fodder to fight against the Jews, and commie cuckholds, and make America truly great again.

Now that females can compete with men in the workforce they can have all the commodity they want without a man. They can have their own place, car, provision ect ect... It used to be that a man provided these things through work. But now that the Jew has ruined our economy the 1950's way of living is gone. Now women don't need men. They just go to work, and provide for them-self. Women cannot handle it.. That is why they need to smoke weed, and take anti depressants / mood stabilizers.

Feminism must be destroyed the American way depends on it. If we lose this war it will be the end of masculinity itself. Soon a Hillery Clinton, or Oprah Winfrey will get in office. It is only a matter of time now.

Edit: I am in total agreement with the OP. Capital Punishment for fornication absolutely. I would like to see a Monarchy develop, and have a King who would fulfill these laws, and bring about the true natural order. Women need to be lead. They are being lead by the wrong people. By the Jews, and left winged communist. They have planted false ideas into their head, and radicalized them into weapons of Marx.
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women are fucking dipshits. screen shot this IT. do it pussies
Four digits IQ post
Patriarchy and control shouldn't mean they're thought of as soulless trash. They're just innocent childlike beings who were given way too much freedom, and as a result have caused the destruction of the west.
Fuck you cuck.
Call it what it is. Most females today are soul-less trash. Man-eaters who view men as nothing more than temporary commodity. Mind you 90% of classical romantic literature, poems, songs, and monogamous expression were written by males. Women are destroying our society in their soul-less conquest for total feminist domination.

A child may carelessly ruin an antique. A woman may carelessly rip out a man's heart making him a literal living dead. Without a soul just living scar tissue. Men are the masters of monogamy. True natural born leaders. And it's men who will lead women into such ideology. A woman will not lead us there.
TLDR rare inactive nov 8 cel

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