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Blackpill "We have nothing against virgins. teehee



Nov 8, 2017
"only a terrible person could end up a virgin." "We don't hate virgins, some of my best beta orbiters friends are virgins! We just hate those pathetic misogynistic incels who are entitled and blame their problems on whamenz! Work on ur shitty personality" teehee

"The reason I can get face-fucked by 10 Chads on Tinder in a rape-play session is due to my impeccable 'social skills', my vagina's functionality as a moral compass, and the fact that all it takes to get a partner is some basic human decency and hygiene! If you're unable to get a partner, that's because you are fundamentally inferior to me both psychologically and morally in every way possible, otherwise you'd have no problem finding someone" teehee

Normie logic. At every opportunity, they claim to have nothing against the 'normal', PC, left-wing yet non-volcel virgins who do not identify as incels, how much more admirable they are than incels, and so forth, positing that incels are uniquely depraved for the crime of standing up to gynocentric gaslighting. As soon as they are confronted with the fact they are committing a chronological fallacy ( You can't develop "sour grapes" attitudes without experiencing shunning, ostracism and discrimination in the first place ), or whenever circle-jerking themselves about how laughable and absurd the situation of sexually excluded men is, they always inform you that even if you do not HATE WYMNZ or participate in wrongthinking, and yet still fail to garner even the tiniest shred of sexual attention from women, then clearly the only possible factor you should be considering is that you are an unimpressive, unaccomplished, worthless shitty person who should assign all blame to his own undefined failings ( Women's attraction being the chief authority on these matters ) o :soy: :soy: :soy: :soy: :soy: :soy: :soy: r else risk the wrath of the matriarchy for even daring to entertain notions like evolutionary biology, hypergamy, disgusting femoid sexuality, femoids Sexual selection, published psychological research, and other problematic ideas.

Now, putting the mountain of braindead NPC bullshit and endless documentation ( Including according to women's description of their ex-sexual partners and rants on social media ) about women's incredibly machiavellian and perverse mating criteria which we all know and love, the Mean Girls and their male enablers have clearly backed themselves into the corner of shameful cognitive dissonance with their mindless antiques, given that their mindset extends to all of the supposed token, submissive virgins they profess to have nothing against. TEEHEE

If all you need to get laid or have a girlfriend is some of that muh basic human decency, personaliteehee, social etiquette, showers and 'not whining ' etc ( insert more normie platitude bullshit here), then what those women and men are saying is that every single male virgin they know of in their life who does want sexual or romantic intimacy must be an indecent, socially retarded, filthy, pathetic, value-less whiny piece of trash. Damn thats a lot of people! :soy::soy::soy::soy::soy::soy::soy::soy::soy::soy:What other reason could there be for them to get rejected for so long? Truly, any 'non-incel' virgin would be lucky to have such fine folk as his friends and family.

But hey, it's cool! Just because I think that the virgins I fraternize with are the scum of the earth and pitiful losers who are worse human beings than any man who's ever stuck his dick in a girl's hole doesn't mean I'm hateful or prejudiced against them! It's uhhh, not the same, you understand. To their credit though, it must be said that some of those 'ex-permavirgin' preacher types do follow up on their own premise - by attributing their past virginity to their own worthlessness and deficiencies as woman-approved humans, which may indeed be a valid observation in their case given how philosophically stunted they are, yet one which unfortunately they project on everyone else and insist on blind adherence to - you're either a self-flagellating virgin, or a world-blaming loser.

For this reason, you find women and normies stammering all over themselves in various subreddits during times of social expediency ( Most of the time though in AskWomen and the like, they'll just launch into a full tirade about how inferior and defective the poster must be, and how good it will be for him to accept that ) to mask the logical extension of their mindsets whenever some virgin man comes prostrating himself before them, prefacing his thread with countless apologies, before expressing his sorrow over not achieving their sexual transcendence. At which point, several damage control first responders might awkwardly come out with the following:

Teehee, I'm sure there's a right person somewhere, it took me 10 years of College sex partying before I finally met the husband of my dreams! We are alike! College sex isnt everything teehee"
"Uhhh, errr, durr, emm, w-w-what do you even need to think about sex and relationships for? Just focus on uh.. other things and just..wait...nervous glances
INCEL : : But I want to know exactly why is that -
"Shut up you piece of shit! You don't want to sound like an entitled whiny incel, do you? Just go participate in more hobby groups and patiently keep your head down until you're magically in a relationship. And don't ever ask any questions about women's decisions ever again, women are sexually free and are perfectly fine to be so, stop acting like they owe you something!"

Of course, none of the answers that any virgin will be getting are going to rationally explain why is it that for the majority of someone's life, no woman ever finds him to be 'her type', nor eager and welcoming to his advances as much as she will be to any crass 'creepy PM' from a Chad on Tinder, for as long as women and normies refuse to recognize the Halo Effect, Gender Dimorphic sexual selection, Dark Triad psychology and overall, the indisputable historical and scientific truth that the correlation between being a Just person, wisdom, and other profound concepts to sex appeal is completely null, and that only a weak correlation exists even for being an interesting conversationlist or 'muh confidence' in comparison to appearance, dominance and power.

And so their only choice is either deflect, deflect, deflect, or own up to the fact that they hold each and every single involuntary virgin they ever met in their life in contempt, as an inferior person and non-decent human being who must be patronized about their flawed and despicable existence as the reason of failing to gain traction with women's base instincts. ( But remember, they love diversity and hate othering of deviant and non-binary social groups ).

You can't have it both ways, friend-o's. You either accept the facts of sexual dynamics throughout human evolution and their amoral, reactionary nature, or you admit just how much toxicity, smug self-superiority and disdain you harbor toward every single virgin on the planet who is not abstinent by choice.
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They've been attractive enough to find sex and relationships organically their whole lives. They can't reckon the life of anyone who isn't. What makes them think we lack basic hygiene and social skills is them thinking, "you know, the only way I'd end up in that situation is if I lacked all basic hygiene and social skills, so these incels must lack those things!" They are myopic and narrow-minded.
IT only reacts to @Napoleon de Geso posting these days tbh
I’ve been featured on IT 5 times this week, I howl with laughter whilst reading their comments. All you have to do is mention them in the thread title and they’ll put you on, it is very entertaining.
"only a terrible person could end up a virgin." "We don't hate virgins, some of my best beta orbiters friends are virgins! We just hate those pathetic misogynistic incels who are entitled and blame their problems on whamenz! Work on ur shitty personality" teehee

"The reason I can get face-fucked by 10 Chads on Tinder in a rape-play session is due to my impeccable 'social skills', my vagina's functionality as a moral compass, and the fact that all it takes to get a partner is some basic human decency and hygiene! If you're unable to get a partner, that's because you are fundamentally inferior to me both psychologically and morally in every way possible, otherwise you'd have no problem finding someone" teehee

Normie logic. At every opportunity, they claim to have nothing against the 'normal', PC, left-wing yet non-volcel virgins who do not identify as incels, how much more admirable they are than incels, and so forth, positing that incels are uniquely depraved for the crime of standing up to gynocentric gaslighting. As soon as they are confronted with the fact they are committing a chronological fallacy ( You can't develop "sour grapes" attitudes without experiencing shunning, ostracism and discrimination in the first place ), or whenever circle-jerking themselves about how laughable and absurd the situation of sexually excluded men is, they always inform you that even if you do not HATE WYMNZ or participate in wrongthinking, and yet still fail to garner even the tiniest shred of sexual attention from women, then clearly the only possible factor you should be considering is that you are an unimpressive, unaccomplished, worthless shitty person who should assign all blame to his own undefined failings ( Women's attraction being the chief authority on these matters ) o :soy: :soy: :soy: :soy: :soy: :soy: :soy: r else risk the wrath of the matriarchy for even daring to entertain notions like evolutionary biology, hypergamy, disgusting femoid sexuality, femoids Sexual selection, published psychological research, and other problematic ideas.

Now, putting the mountain of braindead NPC bullshit and endless documentation ( Including according to women's description of their ex-sexual partners and rants on social media ) about women's incredibly machiavellian and perverse mating criteria which we all know and love, the Mean Girls and their male enablers have clearly backed themselves into the corner of shameful cognitive dissonance with their mindless antiques, given that their mindset extends to all of the supposed token, submissive virgins they profess to have nothing against. TEEHEE

If all you need to get laid or have a girlfriend is some of that muh basic human decency, personaliteehee, social etiquette, showers and 'not whining ' etc ( insert more normie platitude bullshit here), then what those women and men are saying is that every single male virgin they know of in their life who does want sexual or romantic intimacy must be an indecent, socially retarded, filthy, pathetic, value-less whiny piece of trash. Damn thats a lot of people! :soy::soy::soy::soy::soy::soy::soy::soy::soy::soy:What other reason could there be for them to get rejected for so long? Truly, any 'non-incel' virgin would be lucky to have such fine folk as his friends and family.

But hey, it's cool! Just because I think that the virgins I fraternize with are the scum of the earth and pitiful losers who are worse human beings than any man who's ever stuck his dick in a girl's hole doesn't mean I'm hateful or prejudiced against them! It's uhhh, not the same, you understand. To their credit though, it must be said that some of those 'ex-permavirgin' preacher types do follow up on their own premise - by attributing their past virginity to their own worthlessness and deficiencies as woman-approved humans, which may indeed be a valid observation in their case given how philosophically stunted they are, yet one which unfortunately they project on everyone else and insist on blind adherence to - you're either a self-flagellating virgin, or a world-blaming loser.

For this reason, you find women and normies stammering all over themselves in various subreddits during times of social expediency ( Most of the time though in AskWomen and the like, they'll just launch into a full tirade about how inferior and defective the poster must be, and how good it will be for him to accept that ) to mask the logical extension of their mindsets whenever some virgin man comes prostrating himself before them, prefacing his thread with countless apologies, before expressing his sorrow over not achieving their sexual transcendence. At which point, several damage control first responders might awkwardly come out with the following:

Teehee, I'm sure there's a right person somewhere, it took me 10 years of College sex partying before I finally met the husband of my dreams! We are alike! College sex isnt everything teehee"
"Uhhh, errr, durr, emm, w-w-what do you even need to think about sex and relationships for? Just focus on uh.. other things and just..wait...nervous glances
INCEL : : But I want to know exactly why is that -
"Shut up you piece of shit! You don't want to sound like an entitled whiny incel, do you? Just go participate in more hobby groups and patiently keep your head down until you're magically in a relationship. And don't ever ask any questions about women's decisions ever again, women are sexually free and are perfectly fine to be so, stop acting like they owe you something!"

Of course, none of the answers that any virgin will be getting are going to rationally explain why is it that for the majority of someone's life, no woman ever finds him to be 'her type', nor eager and welcoming to his advances as much as she will be to any crass 'creepy PM' from a Chad on Tinder, for as long as women and normies refuse to recognize the Halo Effect, Gender Dimorphic sexual selection, Dark Triad psychology and overall, the indisputable historical and scientific truth that the correlation between being a Just person, wisdom, and other profound concepts to sex appeal is completely null, and that only a weak correlation exists even for being an interesting conversationlist or 'muh confidence' in comparison to appearance, dominance and power.

And so their only choice is either deflect, deflect, deflect, or own up to the fact that they hold each and every single involuntary virgin they ever met in their life in contempt, as an inferior person and non-decent human being who must be patronized about their flawed and despicable existence as the reason of failing to gain traction with women's base instincts. ( But remember, they love diversity and hate othering of deviant and non-binary social groups ).

You can't have it both ways, friend-o's. You either accept the facts of sexual dynamics throughout human evolution and their amoral, reactionary nature, or you admit just how much toxicity, smug self-superiority and disdain you harbor toward every single virgin on the planet who is not abstinent by choice.

When normfags find out you’re a virgin they always act like it’s a fucking disease and you’re subhuman garbage for having it
Even if its LARP it hurts too much to read
All you have to do is mention them in the thread title and they’ll put you on, it is very entertaining.
Bullshit. I always mention them but they never feature me because my threads are too high iq
Mother fucking astronomical high IQ post & thread OP. Wowza. Pure class reading.
They will just ignore all arguments in OP post.

They've done that all the time.
"only a terrible person could end up a virgin." "We don't hate virgins, some of my best beta orbiters friends are virgins! We just hate those pathetic misogynistic incels who are entitled and blame their problems on whamenz! Work on ur shitty personality" teehee

"The reason I can get face-fucked by 10 Chads on Tinder in a rape-play session is due to my impeccable 'social skills', my vagina's functionality as a moral compass, and the fact that all it takes to get a partner is some basic human decency and hygiene! If you're unable to get a partner, that's because you are fundamentally inferior to me both psychologically and morally in every way possible, otherwise you'd have no problem finding someone" teehee

Normie logic. At every opportunity, they claim to have nothing against the 'normal', PC, left-wing yet non-volcel virgins who do not identify as incels, how much more admirable they are than incels, and so forth, positing that incels are uniquely depraved for the crime of standing up to gynocentric gaslighting. As soon as they are confronted with the fact they are committing a chronological fallacy ( You can't develop "sour grapes" attitudes without experiencing shunning, ostracism and discrimination in the first place ), or whenever circle-jerking themselves about how laughable and absurd the situation of sexually excluded men is, they always inform you that even if you do not HATE WYMNZ or participate in wrongthinking, and yet still fail to garner even the tiniest shred of sexual attention from women, then clearly the only possible factor you should be considering is that you are an unimpressive, unaccomplished, worthless shitty person who should assign all blame to his own undefined failings ( Women's attraction being the chief authority on these matters ) o :soy: :soy: :soy: :soy: :soy: :soy: :soy: r else risk the wrath of the matriarchy for even daring to entertain notions like evolutionary biology, hypergamy, disgusting femoid sexuality, femoids Sexual selection, published psychological research, and other problematic ideas.

Now, putting the mountain of braindead NPC bullshit and endless documentation ( Including according to women's description of their ex-sexual partners and rants on social media ) about women's incredibly machiavellian and perverse mating criteria which we all know and love, the Mean Girls and their male enablers have clearly backed themselves into the corner of shameful cognitive dissonance with their mindless antiques, given that their mindset extends to all of the supposed token, submissive virgins they profess to have nothing against. TEEHEE

If all you need to get laid or have a girlfriend is some of that muh basic human decency, personaliteehee, social etiquette, showers and 'not whining ' etc ( insert more normie platitude bullshit here), then what those women and men are saying is that every single male virgin they know of in their life who does want sexual or romantic intimacy must be an indecent, socially retarded, filthy, pathetic, value-less whiny piece of trash. Damn thats a lot of people! :soy::soy::soy::soy::soy::soy::soy::soy::soy::soy:What other reason could there be for them to get rejected for so long? Truly, any 'non-incel' virgin would be lucky to have such fine folk as his friends and family.

But hey, it's cool! Just because I think that the virgins I fraternize with are the scum of the earth and pitiful losers who are worse human beings than any man who's ever stuck his dick in a girl's hole doesn't mean I'm hateful or prejudiced against them! It's uhhh, not the same, you understand. To their credit though, it must be said that some of those 'ex-permavirgin' preacher types do follow up on their own premise - by attributing their past virginity to their own worthlessness and deficiencies as woman-approved humans, which may indeed be a valid observation in their case given how philosophically stunted they are, yet one which unfortunately they project on everyone else and insist on blind adherence to - you're either a self-flagellating virgin, or a world-blaming loser.

For this reason, you find women and normies stammering all over themselves in various subreddits during times of social expediency ( Most of the time though in AskWomen and the like, they'll just launch into a full tirade about how inferior and defective the poster must be, and how good it will be for him to accept that ) to mask the logical extension of their mindsets whenever some virgin man comes prostrating himself before them, prefacing his thread with countless apologies, before expressing his sorrow over not achieving their sexual transcendence. At which point, several damage control first responders might awkwardly come out with the following:

Teehee, I'm sure there's a right person somewhere, it took me 10 years of College sex partying before I finally met the husband of my dreams! We are alike! College sex isnt everything teehee"
"Uhhh, errr, durr, emm, w-w-what do you even need to think about sex and relationships for? Just focus on uh.. other things and just..wait...nervous glances
INCEL : : But I want to know exactly why is that -
"Shut up you piece of shit! You don't want to sound like an entitled whiny incel, do you? Just go participate in more hobby groups and patiently keep your head down until you're magically in a relationship. And don't ever ask any questions about women's decisions ever again, women are sexually free and are perfectly fine to be so, stop acting like they owe you something!"

Of course, none of the answers that any virgin will be getting are going to rationally explain why is it that for the majority of someone's life, no woman ever finds him to be 'her type', nor eager and welcoming to his advances as much as she will be to any crass 'creepy PM' from a Chad on Tinder, for as long as women and normies refuse to recognize the Halo Effect, Gender Dimorphic sexual selection, Dark Triad psychology and overall, the indisputable historical and scientific truth that the correlation between being a Just person, wisdom, and other profound concepts to sex appeal is completely null, and that only a weak correlation exists even for being an interesting conversationlist or 'muh confidence' in comparison to appearance, dominance and power.

And so their only choice is either deflect, deflect, deflect, or own up to the fact that they hold each and every single involuntary virgin they ever met in their life in contempt, as an inferior person and non-decent human being who must be patronized about their flawed and despicable existence as the reason of failing to gain traction with women's base instincts. ( But remember, they love diversity and hate othering of deviant and non-binary social groups ).

You can't have it both ways, friend-o's. You either accept the facts of sexual dynamics throughout human evolution and their amoral, reactionary nature, or you admit just how much toxicity, smug self-superiority and disdain you harbor toward every single virgin on the planet who is not abstinent by choice.
You went off like a mad man.
Love it.
cunttears are fighting against a fabrication
too bad IT will not touch this

all they can do is complain about men attracted to jbs
Spatial Tier IQ Post,
Op do you have any bad experiences you can bless our knowledge with?
Nobody respects a virgin man. NOBODY! They act like it is the most important thing in the world even though they say the opposite. Liars!
I hate it when a post looks good but I cbf to read all of it.
Virgin: [Asks a well thought out and scientific question about the Hypergamy of women]
Women/soys/whitknights/cucks/"""society""": [ree's autistically]
This is why I don't talk about stuff that goes on with me with normies anymore.. what is the actual point when they look down on you like you are a Jew in Nazi Germany for ever talking about being different or thinking differently? It's honestly like they never think about anything else or learn and are as close to AI that does nothing but consume and spew garbage advice as possible.
Imperial Spaceship IQ
Tidal Wave IQ

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