Lol you are out of your mind if you think I am normie. I am personally planning on roping at some point and I stated my opinion.
Stop being so butthurt about others preferences. Not everyone wants to go ER.
>I am personally planning on roping at some point
>Not everyone wants to go ER
I'm confused, doing the second half of going ER is alright somehow, you have to see how idiotic that is, oh I'm going to kill myself, but killing other people before that, nah that's just crazy lol.
Going ER doesn't have to mean mass murder though, I hope somebody one day breaks the mold and creates other avenues of ER, we need some pioneers, why hasn't a guy locked himself in a room full of women and instead of shooting and killing them, he rapes them then kills himself, why hasn't a guy spent a few years working at a sperm bank replacing samples with his own sperm and then up and outs himself in a suicide note literally saying "fuck you" to society. Use some imagination dude, you don't even have to do the kill yourself part.
Problem is a lot of you here are followers, you can only think of going ER in terms of mass murder and then suicide, when it can be anything you want as long as its a form of revenge and it has a large scale/body count.
Sabotage/blow up an abortion clinic
Poison a schools water supply tanks, not with a quick working poison, but something that "builds up" in your body and then has negative effects (so that there's time for more people to be infected)
Maybe one day going ER may not even mean fucking peoples lives up "directly", if one of us becomes wealthy enough, maybe he'll fund and even pioneer the creation of the first legitimate male contraceptive pill, that will surely throw a wrench into women's plans, mess with the power structure a bit. Maybe one of us gets into politics and helps get prostitution legalized in countries where its illegal, etc.
Going ER can be so much more, but I digress, point is, if you're going to kill yourself anyways, you might as well take some normies with you so the rest of us alive don't have to deal with them lol. You're already "taking one for yourself", might as well "take a dozen for the team" kek.