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Serious we all know how important genetics are but proper nutrition is underrated



Apr 6, 2020
I have two uncles on my moms side. one of them is a 6'3 Chad, like the type of genuine Chad you see in memes and shit. he looks 21 even though he's in his 30's, people assume that we're brothers when we go out in public. my other uncle looks like the archetypal soy cuck. balding, fat, glasses, shitty beard, short, low T, the whole works. seriously he looks exactly like this guy:

sure siblings aren't identical and some just inherit better genes. but the big factor here? my soy uncle would literally drink gallons of soda every week growing up. starting when he was a pre-adolescent all the way up in to adulthood he would drink multiple bottles of coca cola every day, his room was fucking full of empty coke cans. that amount of sugar and caffeine made him a fat ass, destroyed his T, stunted his growth, prevented him from developing any masculine traits and overall just fucking ruined his SMV forever. have not drank soda in years because every time I consider it I picture him and then I'm like "yeah I'd better not"

tldr: genetics is the main deciding factor in whether or not you will be attractive, but consuming inhuman amounts of soy, sugar, caffeine and other poisonous shit can ruin easily ruin your appearance
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proper nutrition dont mean shit nigga
the Westerndietpill is real tbhngl, let me tell ya
People overrate genetics and underrate epigenetics, in the wrong circumstances even someone with good genetics can end up fucked. Mouth breathing is a good example.
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the Westerndietpill is real tbhngl, let me tell ya
high IQ. genetics is the most important thing but chowing down on processed garbage, soy, sugar and caffeine every day will destroy you no matter what
I think drinking so much milk helped me grow taller. I'm taller than I should be doing the math with my parents' and relatives' height.
I think drinking so much milk helped me grow taller. I'm taller than I should be doing the math with my parents' and relatives' height.
I'm gonna go try, thanks for the advice
The only thing that fucks your genetic potential is mouth breathing. My brother didnt have a good diet growing up, yet he still mogs me by 5 points.
The only thing that fucks your genetic potential is mouth breathing. My brother didnt have a good diet growing up, yet he still mogs me by 5 points.

I used to play soccer everyday since I was like 6, ate healthy and shit, while my brother was morbidly obese until last year. He fucking mogs the shit out of me now, slays like crazy
It is important, but becomes less so as you grow up (unless you're just fat).

A pregnant raw vegan foid will give birth to an incel with autism and other problems 100%.
I think drinking so much milk helped me grow taller. I'm taller than I should be doing the math with my parents' and relatives' height.
Come to think of it, I drank alot of milk myself growing up, I heightmog both of my parents. That might be why I grew to be tall despite having a manlet father.
It is important, but becomes less so as you grow up (unless you're just fat).

A pregnant raw vegan foid will give birth to an incel with autism and other problems 100%.
indeed, it's most important during your developmental years. after that it's just about staying in shape.

also I really respect how you are still a graycel with no username despite spending 968 hours on this website. shows that you don't care about superficial clout and are just here for the genuinely good content
Come to think of it, I drank alot of milk myself growing up, I heightmog both of my parents. That might be why I grew to be tall despite having a manlet father.
My father heightmogs me but my mom is much shorter and the male height average on her side of the family is like 7 cm shorter than me.
I think drinking so much milk helped me grow taller. I'm taller than I should be doing the math with my parents' and relatives' height.
I feel the same
I want a soda now.

Cure my skinny
tldr: genetics is the main deciding factor in whether or not you will be attractive, but consuming inhuman amounts of soy, sugar, caffeine and other poisonous shit can ruin easily ruin your appearance

Sugar is not poison it's just nutrient-poor so you'll end up eating other stuff w/ calories to get your nutrients and end up in calorie surplus and storing fat.

Soy has phytoestrogen properties which wouldn't allow a genetic-mesomorph Chad to reach his full potential if he consumed them.

Mixed ideas on caffeine,we should discuss that more
Sugar is not poison it's just nutrient-poor so you'll end up eating other stuff w/ calories to get your nutrients and end up in calorie surplus and storing fat.

Soy has phytoestrogen properties which wouldn't allow a genetic-mesomorph Chad to reach his full potential if he consumed them.

Mixed ideas on caffeine,we should discuss that more
I use sweeteners like brown sugar, sorghum, honey, molasses, and maple syrup.

Only brown sugar is cheap.
Btw I don't think sugar by itself is unhealthy.

I found this article a couple months ago completely debunking the myth promoted by academia that sugar is bad for you.

Just throwing that out there for anyone interested. http://raypeat.com/articles/articles/glycemia.shtml

Sugar is not poison it's just nutrient-poor so you'll end up eating other stuff w/ calories to get your nutrients and end up in calorie surplus and storing fat.
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Feed children meat goddammit, the Germans were reported as at least a head taller than Romans because their nutrition was based around diary and red meat not some gay shit like bread and olive oil. Its incredible, food has never been so abundant yet it seems more people than ever are malnourished, especially children.
If I ever had a son, he would eat nothing but eggs, milk and meat so he could grow tall and strong.
Btw I don't think sugar by itself is unhealthy.

I found this article a couple months ago completely debunking the myth promoted by academia that sugar is bad for you.
you can pour sugar in a wound to absorb the moisture so bacteria won't grow there as much
but you gotta scoop the moist sugar out eventually
Important question

is your soy uncle older or younger than your chad uncle? The first child gets more estrogen
Important question

is your soy uncle older or younger than your chad uncle? The first child gets more estrogen
he is older I believe. never heard of this before though tbh
he is older I believe. never heard of this before though tbh
it's actually a brutal blackpill, notice all the chad younger brother threads
richard ramirez was a known drug addict, did that fuck up his SMV? not to mention he drank soda every fucking day.
it's actually a brutal blackpill, notice all the chad younger brother threads
ngl my younger brother is even more incel tier than me but I have an older half-sister so idk how that works out in my case
ngl my younger brother is even more incel tier than me but I have an older half-sister so idk how that works out in my case
is the half sister from your mom?
still completely missed the point I was making

she got all the estrogen then, the first child of a woman will be lower T/higher E so truecel if your parents had bad genetics
still completely missed the point I was making so let me spell it out for you very clearly

ramirez had extremely high tier genetics, which outweighs the effect of his shitty lifestyle. my soy uncle definitely inherited worse genes than my chad uncle, but he still squandered his decent genetic potential by consuming copious amounts of T-killing, growth stunting garbage during his developmental years
still completely missed the point I was making so let me spell it out for you very clearly

ramirez had extremely high tier genetics, which outweighs the effect of his shitty lifestyle. my soy uncle definitely inherited worse genes than my chad uncle, but he still squandered his genetic potential by consuming copious amounts of T-killing, growth stunting garbage during his developmental years
alright you convinced me lol
i never ate soy products, no tofu no soy sauce, no soy milk

also never have done testosterone blood tests, might do some in the future

my diet consists mostly of meat
I agree. A lot of things are required during an individual’s formative years to ensure they reach their max potential

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