Warning: I might need to reupload this but for now here's the link.
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When my neck is pumped for sure kekDo u have a thicker neck than your avi?Kek
I can't even angle-fraud, JFL, my nose is way too asymmetric because I broke it twice. It's also big in size, and wide as well. I can't eat in front of people either. Heck, I can't even order food.
Exactly. It's the reason I am a truecel because it has completely ruined my facial harmony. Just look at pictures of people with a broken nose and then when they get it fixed.Lmao every psl bastard should mention the nose problem more. Its a feature that can destroy your whole face and drop you by like 2 points wtf
Exactly. It's the reason I am a truecel because it has completely ruined my facial harmony. Just look at pictures of people with a broken nose and then when they get it fixed.
Also JFL I realized you have the same guy in your avi as @Tellem--T except he's fatter in yours, JFL.
Nah bro your nose is better than mine, I remember your side profile pic, mine looks even worse from the side, as if I'm a Jew.Yea man. I get your point. Broken nose + big nose must be rly bad but in terms of lenghts i guess mine is more ogre.
Lmao i think it isnt the same guy. His tyrone has blue shirt and mine a black hoddie xd but yea irs pretty rare to find a guy with such a double chin lmao. I find him soooo cute
Nah bro your nose is better than mine, I remember your side profile pic, mine looks even worse from the side, as if I'm a Jew.
It's definitely the same guy, he just looksmaxxed in your picture. I wanna hug him tbh, he's adorable. A big teddybear.
I think after being arrested at least twice, he wouldn't mind getting some hugs from two brown guys (well you're not brown, but still). And no way, side profile is not a massive cope, check your privileges. It's worse when it looks bad from the front AND back.Bro side profile is just massive cope and i think that my side profile was in that pic just very good.
Bro i think he would knock both of us if we would try to hug him lmaoo
I wouldnt start if i was in your position but you always can try. But it might be time wasting if your nose is rly huge and your fwhr is bad
Yeah, im probably not going to. Its usually always white guys who can pull of the losing weight thing and revealing a chiseled jaw and good bone structure underneath. I don't have that facial structure, facial harmony, or good bones. My nose ruins any potential i would have if it was smaller and thinner. Its over.
I think after being arrested at least twice, he wouldn't mind getting some hugs from two brown guys (well you're not brown, but still). And no way, side profile is not a massive cope, check your privileges. It's worse when it looks bad from the front AND back.
Yeah, im probably not going to. Its usually always white guys who can pull of the losing weight thing and revealing a chiseled jaw and good bone structure underneath. I don't have that facial structure, facial harmony, or good bones. My nose ruins any potential i would have if it was smaller and thinner. Its over.
you should look into a rhinoplasty
I wish I had "Yakov's" inhibition and attitude. also idk why but your videos give me both a sense of dread and happiness
Go outside and u will have hapiness u fakecel
It's true.Ogres like me shouldn't even look at girls.
I used to be a hardcore gymcel, i dont lift much anymore, just every once in awhile to help maintain my size and frame. And i keep thinking i'm replying too Tellem-T because of that guy in your profile pics, kekLDAR is the solution i guess. Kek but going gym for healthy reasons is always legit.
No, you SHOULD look at girls if it makes them feel uncomfortable. Fuck them and their feelings. In a less cucked world, they would know their fucking place.
See, that's why I'd rather have a straight nose... then I'd be 4.5/10.Lmao imagine we both hugging him from both sides so he cant breath anymore due to his thick neck. Kek i rly wanna hug him like a teddybear awwww :¥
Yea youre right at that
No, you SHOULD look at girls if it makes them feel uncomfortable. Fuck them and their feelings. In a less cucked world, they would know their fucking place.
I looked and all the black males barely had any improvement and some made themselves look worse. Only black woman had decent improvement. It dosent really change the size of your nose, just the shape, and the problem with mine isnt the shape, but the size.you should look into a rhinoplasty or something
i remember how you look and that's just about the only advice i can give.
If you can't fuck them, might as well fuck their feelings.
I looked and all the black males barely had any improvement and some made themselves look worse. Only black woman had decent improvement. It dosent really change the size of your nose, just the shape, and the problem with mine isnt the shape, but the size.
Hell yeah! That's what I'm talking about! They don't give a shit about us so why should we give a shit about them?
The video about the racepill will fuck a lot of people up. Especially black men.
He'll reupload ittoo bad its down.
Look at his post@FACEandLMS did (((YouTube))) take it down already?