The whole website is a social engineering tool, the people who work there themselves probably give fake upvotes and boost posts to the frontpage, remember when /u/spez was such a seething libtard who got so triggered he edited a trump-users post? If you're that much of a seething sperg, I'm guessing you also have some other tools to your disposal to fuck with anyone who isn't a communist leftard that you can use without looking like the retard that he is.
There's probably also entire discords dedicated to upvote/downvote posts, create new accounts to upvote more and that's just from faggy e-warriors who do that as some kind of activism. Whose to say there aren't entire nations funding webcentres where people get paid to do this? Whether it happened with IT? I don't know, who gives a shit, it's dead anyways and I've seen normies say that IT is just as bad or are actually worse than incels.