This is a pretty spicy take for a greycel to be making.
But these points are good ones. I have very VERY mixed feelings about ER.
He wrote about his anguish and his despair well, and in his mind he was as incel as anyone else here, he wanted sex and validation and a GF and he found those things to be completely out of his reach. That's my definition of incel fwiw. So I have no problem with calling him incel.
But he was a good-looking dude and his problems were 100% a mix of mentalcel and high standards cel IMHO. So he's a pretty weak exhibit for anyone trying to make a case for the blackpill.
I mean, he was barely blackpilled himself. He could see white Staceys wanted white Chads but his writing showed little insight beyond that.
There are big problems with him as a mascot for inceldom IMHO, he was a privileged little fuck and a lot of his "problems" were the kinds of problems a lot of us on here would be happy to have. Plenty of dudes with much less than he had, seem to manage to leverage what they have to get pussy. But somehow, ER crawled up his own ass into some weird seething mental state where he thought he should be able to just drive around Staceyville Beach, California in his Mommy-funded BMW and his mommy-funded Armani jeans, waiting for blonde Staceys to come to their senses and form a queue to climb on his dick. And every time that isn't work he seethed and chimped out a little bit more.
And again, I have sympathy for that. That's mentalcel and it kept his dick just as dry as yours or mine. But I would argue that a lot of us are dealing with much worse than him, and we're coping much better than he did.
So I'm not an ER fan, tbhngl dedsrs.