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Was anyone else here a bully?



Nov 7, 2017
A lot of people here have talked about having been bullied, but was anyone here a bully themselves?

I was back in high school. Part of it was anger from rejections and being called ugly by girls. I knew even then women were a protected class so I just ended up taking my anger on weaker guys.

Also while the whole "cyberbullying" thing is way overblown, there was one guy I fucked with A LOT for 2 years straight and ended up fucking up his life pretty badly.
I teased some autistic kid and thought I could become 'cool' by bullying them. I felt bad about this now.
Yes I found it enjoyable to bully weaker and autistic kids, exercising power over them was almost intoxicating I even got suspended multiple times for it. Unfortunately it has been years, college is a whole new ballpark where truly tormenting others is practically impossible, especially since most of them mog me facially.
yeah, in middle school. I hung out with a bad crowd. The difference is that I used to target the confident kids and other bullies. I guess I subconsciously enjoyed the challenge of breaking them. Felt like I was serving justice in a way. It didn't end well for me though.
Ryo Hazuki said:
Also while the whole "cyberbullying" thing is way overblown, there was one guy I fucked with A LOT for 2 years straight and ended up fucking up his life pretty badly.

What. How?
Woah, dark, lost some respect for you bro.

Hope the guy you bullied grew up to be a Chad.
How tf can you be a bully past primary and not get laid?

Even the ugliest most grotesque bullies still got action for being aggressive.
no wonder u r incel xd
Reminder the world is not just and you will live a better life than that kid, all because you are a tallfag. The world needs to get nuked.
Yes. A few time I bullied my bullies and I was cruel as fuck. It was lifefuel and suicidefuel at the same time. Taking revenge on bullies is fun but realising what you have to do in order to be just left alone is really depressing and it shows you how fucked up this life can be. But now after so many years of suffering I would enjoy to bully some people without regret :D
I wouldn't bully anyone except for bullies themselves until they stopped
Bullying is a very healthy of socializing. Ever noticed how every guy that bullied you has a hot gf while you rot  in your room? Bullying is a mechanism present in all mammal. It helps single out the genetically inferior and emphasize the genetic superiority of the genetically superior.
Women get wet from seeing men seeing bullying other men. The only thing women love more than men bullying/fighting/killing each other is men bullying/fighting/killing each other to compete for them.
Wow, you have to be a tall, big, ugly motherfucker if you manage to bully people instead of being bullied yourself as an sub 5.

I was taller that the majority of my bullies but since i looked like a Frog and my frame was shit it doenst`mattered at all.
Ryo Hazuki said:
A lot of people here have talked about having been bullied, but was anyone here a bully themselves?

I was back in high school.  Part of it was anger from rejections and being called ugly by girls.  I knew even then women were a protected class so I just ended up taking my anger on weaker guys.  

Also while the whole "cyberbullying" thing is way overblown, there was one guy I fucked with A LOT for 2 years straight and ended up fucking up his life pretty badly.

How do bullies end up incels? I was bullied a lot in high school and part of college and my bullies all have girlfriends and sidechicks. One of them is even in the NBA now. I'm still the nerdy loser who is destined to be a cuck AT BEST.
Not really. I was never bullied so I didn't feel much animosity towards classmates. Maybe I teased some of the more autistic/weak/ugly people, but hey, everyone did.

It wasn't physical, but I do remember there being one tall, skinny Somali guy with hearing impairment in highschool, and whenever he opened his mouth, I and like 5 of my friends would yell "he's lying!" over him repeatedly to make sure he was never heard. It was pretty funny, we did it virtually every day.

Scratch that, there was a curry guy and a fat chinese who people would gang up on in middle school, I do remember kicking them into the ground with the other boys, but again, it was just a social thing.
I was that autistic kid that you fags bullied. Now I have legit panic attacks. Every time I remember those days I get flashbacks, my heart rate goes up, start to sweat, can't think of anything else until I meditate. Funny how most those bullies grown up to be successful people with wives and lots of money.
Depends. I made some of some kids at the lunch table behind their backs. Shouldn't have done it. Not sure that really constitutes "bullying", though. Although in elementary school I definitely gave the Aspergers kid too much grief.
incelman said:
Bullying is a very healthy of socializing. Ever noticed how every guy that bullied you has a hot gf while you rot  in your room? Bullying is a mechanism present in all mammal. It helps single out the genetically inferior and emphasize the genetic superiority of the genetically superior.

That's basically the opposite of what he said. 

Do you even bother reading posts properly idiot?
Lmao nope. Too high inhib to literally do anything let alone being a bully.
Bullies deserve death
Some Chinese guy made fun of me for being a paki once, so I started making fun of his retarded voice and everyone else found it funny I guess so my whole year started doing it. I also started pointing out things to other people like his fucked up hairline and oval head, he was ugly as fuck. He cried multiple times lol. This went on for 2 months or so, only stopped when he got up in the middle of a lesson and tried to have a fight with me.

I wouldn't bully someone for no reason though
Nautica1983 said:
Bullies deserve death

Yeah bro, 100%, thought us incels are here because of bullying but it turns out we have a bunch of bullying faggots here

Krispinwah said:
Some Chinese guy made fun of me for being a paki once, so I started making fun of his retarded voice and everyone else found it funny I guess so my whole year started doing it. I also started pointing out things to other people like his fucked up hairline and oval head, he was ugly as fuck. He cried multiple times lol. This went on for 2 months or so, only stopped when he got up in the middle of a lesson and tried to have a fight with me.

I wouldn't bully someone for no reason though

Pretty fair tbh, dont bully and you wont get bullied
I was bullied in HS all the time, at some point I bullied back anonymously. It worked well bc my main bully was a girl who was the most vocal and powerful person in class. But she was the only black person there and I figured out that I could use that against her. I drew swastikas on everything she possessed, wrote threatening letters about eugenics and racial hygiene. It worked well tbh.
a-virgin-nigger said:
Lmao nope. Too high inhib to literally do anything let alone being a bully.
I was made fun of throughout school and taken advantage of in certain isolated situations, but not constantly bullied by a single person or group of people. I always had a good heart and felt bad when someone was made fun of or bullied.

People like you are disgusting and if I could go back in time I'd smash every bully's head in with a lead pipe. Fuck people like you. Like the other guy said, I assumed incels were people that were the ones that were bullied or made fun of.

You get no sympathy from me and I'm sure 95 % of this community except for the other cowards that bullied people, so what a nice outcome that you have to suffer being incel haha. 

Good to know some shitty people get what they deserve, unfortunate that a lot of decent people like us have to suffer as well.
I'll have to agree with QuantumDummy here. Bullies deserve every bad thing that happens to them.
Everyone who was a bully deserves to be an incel, including you OP

Ban to the bullycels
QuantumDummy said:
Good to know some shitty people get what they deserve, unfortunate that a lot of decent people like us have to suffer as well.

Only the small amount of bullies that are ugly "get what they deserve" the vast majority of bullies, both normies and Chads live a happy, fullfiling life.

There`s no such thing as good or evil, or morality, or karma, or any other cope, is just biology, like everything else in this world, and yeah ryo already payed for his sins considering that is a 30 years old wizard and his targets are probably happy with experiences that are a living dream for him.
alsalsk said:
Yeah bro, 100%, thought us incels are here because of bullying but it turns out we have a bunch of bullying faggots here

anon_899 said:
Everyone who was a bully deserves to be an incel, including you OP

Ban to the bullycels

Lol. People on here talk about how they want to do acid attacks on chads and stacies.

I beat up some good looking (but weak) guys (whom pretty much all had girlfriends) and I'm some sort of monster.

That's who I targeted by the way, popularish decent looking (but weak) guys who had girlfriends. I never fucked with other incels because I identified with them.
QuantumDummy said:
Like the other guy said, I assumed incels were people that were the ones that were bullied or made fun of.

I think with incels its sort of a combination of the two, especially when we're really high T, which in high school I was.

Back in high school girls called me ugly all the time and I couldn't do shit obviously. So I bullied and fucked with guys who just did minor shit. Guys who were weak that I could easily take on. A good example is some skinny manlet who had a fat girlfriend. They both made fun of my nose, which at the time was massive (before my rhino). So the next day I caught him alone and beat him up. Also keyed up his car and slashed his tires. Basically he was a target for me to unleash all of my pent up anger on.

Was it morally justified? Absolutely not, he did something very minor and I physically attacked him by surprise when he was completely defenseless. Does it make me a sociopath? Yeah, I've never denied being one.

I just want you to get an idea of what an incel bully mindset it like. The young high T incel is full of rage, something as petty as being laughed at or called a name can cause us to erupt violently and/or hold a grudge strong enough to fuck with for a long time over it.
Ryo Hazuki said:
Lol. People on here talk about how they want to do acid attacks on chads and stacies.  

I beat up some good looking (but weak) guys (whom pretty much all had girlfriends) and I'm some sort of monster.  

That's who I targeted by the way, popularish decent looking (but weak) guys who had girlfriends.  I never fucked with other incels because I identified with them.

The tragic irony of incel mentality
I'm sure you cels will appreciate this: one of my targets was femoids. I have done it to my oneitis, too. I'd either start poking them, or lightly slapping them, etc., and wouldn't let up. I'd say things like "what are you going to do about it," pushed them a little bit, and just pestered them LMAO. I've had a couple roasties punch me, but I'd just laugh at them. It drove them INSANE. I've even spanked a foid like a child once, lol. I got a couple of axes kicks for that one. They still hung out with me often, they can't deny an asshole LOL. I don't keep femoid friends at all anymore, but I just got the desire to get one so that I could fuck with her a little. Just kidding! Slag better be sloppin on it if we're chillin, real talk.
Ryo Hazuki said:
That's who I targeted by the way, popularish decent looking (but weak) guys who had girlfriends. I never fucked with other incels because I identified with them.
If this is the case, then nobody here should give a shit if you were a bully, what gives a crap about what happen to normies?
Ryo Hazuki said:
I think with incels its sort of a combination of the two, especially when we're really high T, which in high school I was.

Back in high school girls called me ugly all the time and I couldn't do shit obviously.  So I bullied and fucked with guys who just did minor shit.  Guys who were weak that I could easily take on.  A good example is some skinny manlet who had a fat girlfriend.  They both made fun of my nose, which at the time was massive (before my rhino).  So the next day I caught him alone and beat him up.  Also keyed up his car and slashed his tires.  Basically he was a target for me to unleash all of my pent up anger on.  

Was it morally justified?  Absolutely not, he did something very minor and I physically attacked him by surprise when he was completely defenseless.  Does it make me a sociopath?  Yeah, I've never denied being one.

I just want you to get an idea of what an incel bully mindset it like.  The young high T incel is full of rage, something as petty as being laughed at or called a name can cause us to erupt violently and/or hold a grudge strong enough to fuck with for a long time over it.

I think I misunderstood. If you "bullied" people that made fun of you or made you feel less than then I'm totally with you, lol. 

I thought you meant (maybe you do) that you fucked with people without provocation. Was it a combination of both? 

People made fun of me too and if I had the balls I would've done the same things you did. But I'd never bully someone that did me no harm or foul.
eggo said:
How tf can you be a bully past primary and not get laid?
Even the ugliest most grotesque bullies still got action for being aggressive.

it's not necessarily open aggression though. A lot of it is psychological

Red Shambhala said:
Women get wet from seeing men seeing bullying other men. The only thing women love more than men bullying/fighting/killing each other is men bullying/fighting/killing each other to compete for them.

very true. It applies to kids too. Got way more positive attention from females when I went through my bully phase. Especially from the innocent, goody-two-shoes types
QuantumDummy said:
I thought you meant (maybe you do) that you fucked with people without provocation. Was it a combination of both? 

There was always provocation but I'll be completely honest and say that I DEFINITELY crossed the line. There's self defense, there's standing up for yourself....and then there's just bullying as a means of revenge, and going too far in the process. The latter is what I did. When someone made fun of me, I'd lash out violently. Only when it was someone weaker than me though, and only males obviously.

There is one time (back in high school) I attacked a bigger and stronger guy though, just for making fun of how I talked. I knew i couldn't beat him in a fair fight so I stalked him and found out his full schedule so I could get him alone and defenseless and of course by surprise. I had a different lunch period than him so I "went to the bathroom" during class to go to the lunch room and I looked at the line and saw where he was and who was in front of him. I sat around and tried to look casual while keeping an eye on the line and who was coming out. When I saw the guy in front of him out out with his lunch, and quickly got in position, when he came out I hit him with a running sucker punch. I decided that would be the best moment to do it because he would be coming out holding his lunch with both hands thus not be able to get his hands up. Also the lunch trays at my school were the disposable styrofoam kind so even if he raised it to block it my fist would have gone through it and he wouldn't be able to use it as a weapon, though he was so off guard he couldn't do that. He just got hit with it full on. I stepped on him a couple times for good measure and ran off. Apparently it made him cry, though unfortunately I didn't see it. Got suspended and got in deep shit at home, but it was worth it.
fukmylyf said:
it's not necessarily open aggression though. A lot of it is psychological

In my case most of my bullying (at least in real life) was open aggression in it's purest form. I was too stupid and impulsive to engage in successful psychological bullying in real life so I just lashed out violently.
I was always the quiet kid in school plus I was taller and strongly built so not many of my classmates fucked with me, though one time I randomly beat up this kid for stepping on my drawing.
Ryo Hazuki said:
Lol. People on here talk about how they want to do acid attacks on chads and stacies.  

I beat up some good looking (but weak) guys (whom pretty much all had girlfriends) and I'm some sort of monster.  

That's who I targeted by the way, popularish decent looking (but weak) guys who had girlfriends.  I never fucked with other incels because I identified with them.

That's not bullying thought, if you attacked someone who said was bullying you, you're defending your honor
a bit in elementary school I think, don't remember that well
anon_899 said:
That's not bullying thought, if you attacked someone who said was bullying you, you're defending your honor

Yeah but like i said, there's a line between standing up for yourself and just getting revenge and going too far in the process. I crossed that line for sure. In some cases it was justified, like someone getting in my face or hitting me first. That was standing up for myself. But other times I hit people with sucker punches when they were completely off guard and defenseless.
Ryo Hazuki said:
Yeah but like i said, there's a line between standing up for yourself and just getting revenge and going too far in the process.  I crossed that line for sure.  In some cases it was justified, like someone getting in my face or hitting me first.  That was standing up for myself.  But other times I hit people with sucker punches when they were completely off guard and defenseless.

And when you were alone and this guy and his GF come to you to mock your nose? Is that justifiable? These people clearly have no morals or respect for other people, they deserve all the shit coming for them, even if that means getting caught off guard and getting your car fucked up.
I was a bully till 10th grade I think tbh :/
anon_899 said:
And when you were alone and this guy and his GF come to you to mock your nose? Is that justifiable? These people clearly have no morals or respect for other people, they deserve all the shit coming for them, even if that means getting caught off guard and getting your car fucked up.

I guess this is where morality becomes slightly blurry. Still, I'm confident most of society would agree that what I did in many cases was over the line and wrong.

How far should one be allowed to take revenge?

Physical violence?

Physical assault with a weapon?

The columbine shootings were largely motivated by bullying. Theres lot of evidence Eric and Dylan were bullied extensively. And while there's a small group of vocal people on the internet who sympathize with them, 99.99 percent of society agrees they were in the wrong.
Ryo Hazuki said:
I guess this is where morality becomes slightly blurry.  Still, I'm confident most of society would agree that what I did in many cases was over the line and wrong.

How far should one be allowed to take revenge?

Physical violence?

Physical assault with a weapon?

The columbine shootings were largely motivated by bullying.  Theres lot of evidence Eric and Dylan were bullied extensively.  And while there's a small group of vocal people on the internet who sympathize with them, 99.99 percent of society agrees they were in the wrong.

That is the same society that believe my tax money should go to morbid obese people and single moms. And the same society that believes virgins like us should be exiled, killed or just ignored altogether.

I personally think school shootings are overkill, but revenge against a person is totaly acceptable.
Ryo Hazuki said:
Lol. People on here talk about how they want to do acid attacks on chads and stacies.  

I beat up some good looking (but weak) guys (whom pretty much all had girlfriends) and I'm some sort of monster.  

That's who I targeted by the way, popularish decent looking (but weak) guys who had girlfriends.  I never fucked with other incels because I identified with them.

Hmm, fair enough. As long as it wasn't targeted towards a fellow incel. Everyone else is the enemy

I was though, I got into a lot of fights, spit in people's faces, I literally am still ashamed of myself for being that way when I was younger. My inhibition was also super fucking low, but this still didn't lead to any success with girls because F A C E

Thank god my inhibition is high as fuck now, and I have no friends.

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