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Serious Violence doesn’t solve anything.



May 26, 2024
Violence, murder, threats of rape or worse do not improve our social standing as an oppressed group of people. The state has no reason to support what they deem as a group of terrorists-in-the-making. Incels have been referred to as school shooters, ect., and this negative stigma stops us from committing any real change. Lookism cannot be erased, but it can affect us less if government considers us as peoples with disability. To have a deformed or ugly face, to put it simply, is a form of disability. Your instrument (face) that is responsible for the overwhelming majority of social interaction is not doing its purpose correctly.

The only real (dubious) thing that could affect us positively, that being the support from those better than us, is impossible if the general populace keeps us in negative view. The stigma needs to be erased and fought back against.

This doesn’t mean we have to stop criticizing lookism, hypergamy or rejecting the blackpill. This doesn’t even mean that we can’t insult women.

It just means that certain things need to be shunned out. Glorifying mass murderers, for example, is something that we get a lot of shit for. Or making threads about raping women. To put it bluntly, this hurts our reputation. Simple as. I don’t care if some of you have one sexual fetish or another - keep it to yourself, keep it in the realm of fantasy - and I don’t have a problem. And believe me, nobody else will either.

Back to the point. I hope there is at least one person here that believes what I say. Listen to me. If autists get support, if aspies get support, even trannies, with all the negative dogshit rep they have online, get support, then what stops us, incels, from getting it? Trans community has a very negative stigma online yet they have rights that stop them from being discriminated. Laws that, if broken, are used to punish the person breaking it. Are there laws that protect deformed men? Men with dwarfism? Or any other deformity that greatly lowers their SMV? Sure, depending on what country you live in, there might be some - but now answer me this.

Are they actually being used? Do people go to the streets when ugly men get bullied or picked on? No.

That’s what can be changed. If it’s not okay to bully X person or Y person, or women, or trans women, why would it be okay to bully ugly men, or neurodivergent men?

It wouldn’t be. And if you try to justify it “it’s just society, bro! It’s just the rule of the jungle, bro!” - then you are part of the problem, even if what you say is correct. We must push against this stigma. We live in 21st century, people. Let’s not let those people treat us as animals. Let’s actually do our part to improve our reputation, and push for changes that improve our quality of life and lower our pain. Even 500 neet bucks a month go a long way when you are an incel.

TL;DR for dnrchads: Keep pushing the blackpill, keep calling women out for bullshit, disingenuous or entitled, immature behavior, but don’t call for murder, or rape, even as a joke. It’s bad reputation and we should strive to improve the public opinion of the incel community.

And finally, as this should go without saying, we shouldn’t let bluepillers or redpillers, or women, into the forum. For obvious and well-known reasons (hopefully).
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This is partly why White Nationalism will fail imo
Just dont threat rape theory
I like edging tbh
I agree that our public image should be improved, especially when some groups want to frame us as evil.
Violence is a reality of the world.
I agree. But edgelord larpers will still go on about "going ER" as an unironic solution
Cope harder. This will never work, normies will never take us seriously. Even if they did the Feds would just have to instigate one mass shooting for all of our "PR" to get thrown out the window.
I agree tbh

Truth is, most Incels would never go ER: In fact, many "ERs" have been fakecels by various metrics here, including the one the term was coined after jfl.

The fact of the matter is, IT is too retarded to understand that a lot of what we say is just satire, being edge lords, etc. & this case goes for normgroids as well.

Even if they do know, they will twist it to use against us.

Sadly, the actual blackpill itself has to be spread to the masses of males before we can push for any meaningful change.
I agree. But edgelord larpers will still go on about "going ER" as an unironic solution
A lot of those guys are possibly Feds, Redditors, etc. trying to post it in hopes of pushing someone over the edge, slandering us more, etc.
This is partly why White Nationalism will fail imo
Sadly, that is probably a case for this also.
Joke or not, it’s just damaging to our reputation. Yes, normie retards will take us seriously and think we aren’t satirical - but it still causes bad reputation. And for all the copers saying that it’s not going to work - would you rather let things be as they are, till you drop dead? Or would you at least try to get yourself a small, small piece of the cake? We aren’t getting laid, that’s a given regardless of what we do - but - we can still try to fight for others benefits - monetary one being the first on the potential list, with social goodwill being close second. We incels are bullied, shunned, mocked and seen as terrorists. Sometimes deservedly, as for the less inhibited members of the community, but most of us probably don’t want to take up arms and hunt women. Yet we get treated the same. Again, why would you ever want this awful stereotype to continue? This isn’t about getting laid or pussy. We aren’t getting any regardless of whatever social benefits we manage to scrounge up - I have to repeat that because I can already predict someone accusing me of this. This is about money, and simple peace of mind, ideally without constant harassment from Redditor apes (please remember that Reddit would be the first platform to change once bullying incels becomes shunned and frowned upon, since in its history it was always the first to grow through this change. Happened with gays, trannies, it could happen with incels for all we know.

Again. You say there is no point - but we should at least try. If it doesn’t t work, it doesn’t work. We go back to rotting and we’ll be dead in 40 to 50 years anyway. That’s nothing in the face of eternity.

We could at the very least try for once.
did not fucking read

another greyshit 2024cuck trying to win by optics

Lookism cannot be erased, but it can affect us less if government considers us as peoples with disability.
That wont happen though because lookism keeps people from wanting to help us or improve our lives in any way
violence solves everything :feelsdevil:
I have a super weird and fucked up fetish. And I have and will keep sharing it here because it’s the only place I can talk about it
I have a super weird and fucked up fetish. And I have and will keep sharing it here because it’s the only place I can talk about it
I don’t care and don’t judge for fetishes you have as long as they stay as just fantasies. What bothers me is that people obviously go through this forum. People that don’t like us. Subreddits like IncelTears are there and they will probably take your post and write “Eww that’s why those silly inkwells don’t get laid, im Stacy btw tee hee”. Enough of those posts and a certain image gets created in the public’s mind, over the span of few years. Again, why accelerate it? I understand that trying to wrangle cels on this forum is a fool’s errand, but we can at least try a little. Anyway, I said what I have to say, if someone dnr’s, so be it.
Incels are entirely men which is why they are hated. A troon could be a biological female so they get support. Plus theyre gay and being gay is glorified in modern countries.
Not only are you completely wrong but you're so confident about it and the gullible users here are praising you for it
I don’t care and don’t judge for fetishes you have as long as they stay as just fantasies.
What do you mean by staying as fantasies? I would 100% do my fetish if I had a girlfriend and I could convince her to do it
What bothers me is that people obviously go through this forum. People that don’t like us. Subreddits like IncelTears are there and they will probably take your post and write “Eww that’s why those silly inkwells don’t get laid, im Stacy btw tee hee”. Enough of those posts and a certain image gets created in the public’s mind, over the span of few years. Again, why accelerate it? I understand that trying to wrangle cels on this forum is a fool’s errand, but we can at least try a little. Anyway, I said what I have to say, if someone dnr’s, so be it.
I agree with the main point of your post. Still though, trying to act all good and nice is futile, as they will hate us regardless. I don’t have a problem with anything here as long as it’s not something demented like that one post I saw where a guy said his fetish is fucking a hole in the head of a dead woman. Like, nigga, WTF, even I of all people find that absolutely horrifying if it’s not IT bait. Even if it is only IT bait, it’s still ridiculous.
What do you mean by staying as fantasies? I would 100% do my fetish if I had a girlfriend and I could convince her to do it

I agree with the main point of your post. Still though, trying to act all good and nice is futile, as they will hate us regardless. I don’t have a problem with anything here as long as it’s not something demented like that one post I saw where a guy said his fetish is fucking a hole in the head of a dead woman. Like, nigga, WTF, even I of all people find that absolutely horrifying if it’s not IT bait. Even if it is only IT bait, it’s still ridiculous.
Not nice and subservient. No, no, no. I don’t want anyone to bend over and kiss Chads asshole hoping for scraps to get by. Just act normal and state your demands. I want my disability to be seen as disability, monetary support, government-funded therapy sessions (if you are into that), ect. Asking to get women is laughworthy and won’t happen.

As for your fetishes, I thought it was something NSFL. Ultimately if it’s done between two consenting people I don’t give a damn and the rest of the world also doesn’t, but there is a lot of jailbaitfags who rot this forum and, again, are part of the reason the rep we get is so shit.
Not only are you completely wrong but you're so confident about it and the gullible users here are praising you for it
You are welcome to do nothing, stay mad, do bait posts and funnel our reputation into the black hole if that’s what you want. This isn’t a debate so I won’t ask you what part of my post is ‘wrong’. Just I’ll say this: don’t mistake something difficult (getting positive feedback from the government) with something impossible (getting a partner, or having sex). Yes, it’s hard to make inceldom seen as a disability, but believe it or not, that’s what it is. And that means we are owed financial and mental support.
Keep pushing the blackpill, keep calling women out for bullshit, disingenuous or entitled, immature behavior, but don’t call for murder, or rape, even as a joke. It’s bad reputation and we should strive to improve the public opinion of the incel community
For this reason I think we should take a strategic approach to put forward our perspective, backed by evidences we can collect.

We really should solidify our takes, hypocrisy of modern society and establish blackpill and prove that Inceldom is caused by things out of a person’s control.

Any new idea faces backlash in the beginning and it shouldn’t keep us away drom at least giving a try. We'll are practically LDARing for most of the time, at worst we'll be here after these efforts.
Not nice and subservient. No, no, no. I don’t want anyone to bend over and kiss Chads asshole hoping for scraps to get by. Just act normal and state your demands. I want my disability to be seen as disability, monetary support, government-funded therapy sessions (if you are into that), ect. Asking to get women is laughworthy and won’t happen.
I see and I agree mostly
As for your fetishes, I thought it was something NSFL. Ultimately if it’s done between two consenting people I don’t give a damn and the rest of the world also doesn’t, but there is a lot of jailbaitfags who rot this forum and, again, are part of the reason the rep we get is so shit.
It is pretty nasty. My fetish is to force feed a woman an insane amount of food till she is overfull and super bloated. I’d then want to keep force feeding her till she begins to feel sick. I’d get turned on by her sick burps and gags. I’d want to keep feeding her until she couldn’t take anymore all the while she’d be moaning in discomfort. Then I’d fuck her like crazy while her belly sloshes around and after that she’d probably throw up. This turns me on more than anything man. I had this fetish since age 10. I have watched tons of videos of men force feeding women lots of food like 10 cheeseburgers in one sitting or an entire large pizza and 2L coke. Also saw one where a woman at 1 dozen donuts and another one where a woman drank a gallon of milk till she threw up and then continued drinking it.

It’s really brutal to have a fetish like this because no woman is likely ever gonna be ok with it, even if she thought my looks were enough. Heck, I think even Chad would struggle to get a woman to do this.
I agree with your general message but there are some points I want make.
1. The reason trannies have so many protections is because the elites profit off them so much, The entire industry was worth $4 billion in 2022, Trannies make up less then 1% of the population if they can push propaganda enough to get that to 5% it will be a multibillion dollar industry and the elites will be lining there pockets. Currently the elites cannot profit of off incels so we will not recieve the same kind of protections that trannies get

2. Which is why we should be pushing hard for AI android companions to become a thing, The elites can profit and we can prosper. With the elites behind our back if foids try to stand against us on our way to AI Android Ascension they will crushed. The only real problem will be the elites trying to exploit us at every turn like forcing us to make monthly payments to keep our new gf online but that can be solved with black market solutions.

3. From what I see all the people making rape threats/threatening violence or supporting rape/violence are usually newcels from 2024 or 2023 the edgiest of newcels are always done with this site after a couple of months of using this site.
Touch grass and read history books, violence solved multidude of problems in human history.
Why the fuck should we conform to soyciety that treats us like subhumans over traits we can't control? Jfl if you genuinely think we have a chance at appealing to normgroids. It doesn't matter if we act on our best behaviour, nobody (especially not women) will side with sub5s EVER.
I don’t care and don’t judge for fetishes you have as long as they stay as just fantasies. What bothers me is that people obviously go through this forum. People that don’t like us. Subreddits like IncelTears are there and they will probably take your post and write “Eww that’s why those silly inkwells don’t get laid, im Stacy btw tee hee”. Enough of those posts and a certain image gets created in the public’s mind, over the span of few years. Again, why accelerate it? I understand that trying to wrangle cels on this forum is a fool’s errand, but we can at least try a little. Anyway, I said what I have to say, if someone dnr’s, so be it.
Doing so solves nothing because IT and normies will still hate us regardless. It's an internet forum where lonely men go to vent, it's not meant to be taken too seriously.
Then stay mad and keep seething. You’re part of the reason why incels are so hated, Mr. Edgelord.
I'm not mad. I'm merely stating the obvious lil greycuck. but I won't fault your 2024cel ass for not understanding this basic tenet. once you pass the age of 16 however it'll start to get worrisome still trying to appeal to normalfags and femshits. even now it's a bit sus you know what I'm saying :feelsYall:
Why the fuck should we conform to soyciety that treats us like subhumans over traits we can't control? Jfl if you genuinely think we have a chance at appealing to normgroids. It doesn't matter if we act on our best behaviour, nobody (especially not women) will side with sub5s EVER.
I'm not asking you to conform, I'm asking to do the bare minimum to make people emphasize with us more. If we make death threats and act like edgelords, our reputation will suffer. This isn't about bending over and letting society run a freight train on you, It's about making demands - and to make demands, of any kind - you need to be allowed to speak. Can Incels speak about their problems without an overwhelming amount of hatred and vitreol thrown their way - No, they can't, because society hates us. Why does it hate us?

YES, Looks are part of the reason. We are ugly, short, balding, ect. That's one reason to hate us, I acknowledge and understand it, but most interactions with incels nowadays happen online. Our looks are irrelevant until the person on the other side of the screen actually sees us.
And for the more important reason: People like Elliot, Alek... They are the ones who FUCKED us over. They did their stunt, killed people, and what? Did it solve anything? No. It only made our situation worse. We had some power to make demands, but now, after what they did, it's next to impossible without trying to fix our behavior. Those people single-handedly completely ruined our reputation. What do people think about when they think about Incels? Elliot Rodger. Don't you understand that this is the primary reason why people hate us? Because some mentally ill idiots killed some normies (which didn't solve shit) and we basically turned 90% of the population against us?

Addendum to what I wrote. When I say '90%' of the population, I also include the bluepilled incels. They are also basically normies, since they actually 'conform' to soyciety and don't question lookism. In that way, they are just like normgroids who hate us. Or people like IncelTearcucks who are incel losers themselves but act like online chihuahuas for foids. They are also basically normies.
If you want change, you'd have to either, 1. Actively attempt to get "inside" legislation over the course of years in politics and get certain laws made.. or hell, just have enough push using lobbyists for men's rights / the plight of western men to maybe get some sort of ball rolling... or 2. Let the fucking system fail itself, collapse on itself and from there.. take over. Anything other than those two, is either barbaric or passive.

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