Yeah it really is. With every big war anywhere that spans a continent with thousands of soldiers taking part.. many of them hot blooded males with primal hate ingrained in them of anything or anyone different to them (Lookism proves this of society.. even though society will defend against it to their last breath)… this is a recipe for disaster and atrocities to occur.. the commanders cannot be everywhere at once so the soldiers will take the chance to murder, pillage and rape what they can and have as much fun at their captives expense as possible. All wars have this same thematic, countless crimes committed and never spoke of again, usually because when the crime is committed they are then often executed. I don't doubt that this happens. How much and how often I can't be certain of.. who could be certain of such a horrific toll against human decency.. one would have to be present at every rape, murder and torture committed throughout history. That would make a man lose his lunch.