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It's Over Very negative article about incels at New Yorker magazine



Nov 9, 2017
Writer describes herself as a roastie and a becky


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>Incels aren’t really looking for sex. They’re looking for absolute male supremacy.

jajajjajajajaja if everyone here had sex today this forum would lose like 90% of it's userbase
>expecting mainstream media to do actual educated research on incels

Lmao, Im sure they get their definitions for all those terms on urban dictionary or some cucked place like that
So we’re white supremacists, male supremacists, ugly and entitled. Am I missing anything?
Writer describes herself as a roastie and a becky

I wonder if she has ever dated an Asian guy ...."Why would I, I am Italian, Tolentino is an Italian name!"

Oh surprise surprise...she is dating a white guy who has low value among attractive white feeemayles..

Jia Tolentino on Twitter: "Lmao my fucking boyfriend looks so much like Ryan Fitzpatrick

She's some Asian who tries to look white. Compare this cartoon interpretation to her actual image. Pathetic.

Tolentino jia 1

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She's some hapa who tries to look white. Compare this cartoon interpretation to her actual image. Pathetic.

View attachment 13677

Asian feeemayles are TRULY the most pathetic women on the planet. They are basically living breathing sex dolls for white men. Makes me feel kinda bad for Asian guys who STEMcel, gymcel, upgradeToyotaenginecel, and still get cucked by the average WhyyyyGuy!
We're nothing more than a weapon for them. They don't give a fuck about us, they want a new insult they can scream at their opponents to shut them down. They're just stupid slimy scumbags, nothing more.
We are not human ,we are unemotional robot for normies/femoids.Their philosophy is "Idc about others if I am happy".
What a bad article. Not surprising though. No real research and she wouldn't have written a fair account anyway.
Asian feeemayles are TRULY the most pathetic women on the planet. They are basically living breathing sex dolls for white men. Makes me feel kinda bad for Asian guys who STEMcel, gymcel, upgradeToyotaenginecel, and still get cucked by the average WhyyyyGuy!
She's not even hapa, she's a full Asian. Her demonizing white men is pure hypocrisy.
I wonder if she has ever dated an Asian guy ...."Why would I, I am Italian, Tolentino is an Italian name!"

Oh surprise surprise...she is dating a white guy who has low value among attractive white feeemayles..

Jia Tolentino on Twitter: "Lmao my fucking boyfriend looks so much like Ryan Fitzpatrick



all whites out now
JFL, that guy looks like a numale. Fitzpatrick...she’s delusional.
looks like this whore feminist and other femiscum try to provoke women to hate incels and betas. It is already giving results. Many female youtubers made videos about incels and all of them are very negative. Females in comment section as well hate and loathe incels.

I think war beetween women and incels is underway:

I'm ready.
Imagine wasting tons of money majoring in liberal arts only to come out writing C-grade hot takes on virgin internet subculture?

Imagine being a self hating asian cunt trying oooo sooo hard to assimilate to western culture you have to settle for white roastie leftovers?
its looks like the author tried to turn this into a womans victim club
Imagine wasting tons of money majoring in liberal arts only to...

No, she didn't waste her money...she got herself a TALL WHYYYY GUY!
That is the ultimate achievement in life for ANY Asian woman born & raised in the West.
Feelz for her kids though whom she will resent for reminding her
that she is the reason they don't look white.

The things an Asian woman will do to make her Hapa son
(who looks entirely Asian) seem more White.

Not all mainstream media takes on us has been bad. This NYT article by a Steve looking white guy gets it, just can't spell it out:


"By this I mean that as offensive or utopian the redistribution of sex might sound, the idea is entirely responsive to the logic of late-modern sexual life, and its pursuit would be entirely characteristic of a recurring pattern in liberal societies.

First, because like other forms of neoliberal deregulation the sexual revolution created new winners and losers, new hierarchies to replace the old ones, privileging the beautiful and rich and socially adept in new ways and relegating others to new forms of loneliness and frustration.
Second, because in this new landscape, and amid other economic and technological transformations, the sexes seem to be struggling generally to relate to one another, with social and political chasms opening between them and not only marriage and family but also sexual activity itself in recent decline.

Third, because the culture’s dominant message about sex is still essentially Hefnerian, despite certain revisions attempted by feminists since the heyday of the Playboy philosophy — a message that frequency and variety in sexual experience is as close to a summum bonum as the human condition has to offer, that the greatest possible diversity in sexual desires and tastes and identities should be not only accepted but cultivated, and that virginity and celibacy are at best strange and at worst pitiable states. And this master narrative, inevitably, makes both the new inequalities and the decline of actual relationships that much more difficult to bear …

… which in turn encourages people, as ever under modernity, to place their hope for escape from the costs of one revolution in a further one yet to come, be it political, social or technological, which will supply if not the promised utopia at least some form of redress for the many people that progress has obviously left behind.

There is an alternative, conservative response, of course — namely, that our widespread isolation and unhappiness and sterility might be dealt with by reviving or adapting older ideas about the virtues of monogamy and chastity and permanence and the special respect owed to the celibate.

But this is not the natural response for a society like ours. Instead we tend to look for fixes that seem to build on previous revolutions, rather than reverse them."

This is just a way better and more thorough take than this new yorker roastie gooks bullshit. It's weird because the New Yorker is supposed to be for smart people/ supposed to have the best writing and NYT is considered for the proles. the feminist neolib matriarchal hegemony has ruined even the best of normie writing.

fucking jesus.


Didn't even read, guarantee it's just a roasting of whites meanwhile she's probably sucking one off as we speak. God look at that ugly moonface. Her male equivalent is jerking off into a sock right now. No offense asiancels but I'd really like to genocide every one of your disgusting whore women myself.

The article is probably the same horseshit as usual. Construe your opponents into being entitled white men. With such a wildly off-base premise and a lack of understanding of incel demographics, the sky's the limit with this fish-faced gook.
She's some Asian who tries to look white. Compare this cartoon interpretation to her actual image. Pathetic.

View attachment 13677

Didn't even read, guarantee it's just a roasting of whites meanwhile she's probably sucking one off as we speak. God look at that ugly moonface. Her male equivalent is jerking off into a sock right now. No offense asiancels but I'd really like to genocide every one of your disgusting whore women myself.

The article is probably the same horseshit as usual. Construe your opponents into being entitled white men. With such a wildly off-base premise and a lack of understanding of incel demographics, the sky's the limit with this fish-faced gook.
Oh by all means, kill those filthy race trading cunts.
Its the ongoing to debate of what is worse. Asian foids vs Curry cunt vs Slutty Muslims
No, she didn't waste her money...she got herself a TALL WHYYYY GUY!
That is the ultimate achievement in life for ANY Asian woman born & raised in the West.
Feelz for her kids though whom she will resent for reminding her
that she is the reason they don't look white.

The things an Asian woman will do to make her Hapa son
(who looks entirely Asian) seem more White.


What a bunch of miserable, confused, racist cunts. If there's any argument for white privilege, it's that asian women confer it onto white men in whole. How funny Asian women try "so hard" to dismantle the system THEY built and maintained.
"The idea that this misogyny is the real root of their failures with women does not appear to have occurred to them". Stopped reading at this point. Nobody here was born a misogynist - our 'misogyny' is a result of our failures, not a reason for them. All our misogynistic feelings are born out of being rejected and treated like subhuman scum by women for our entire lives.
Not all mainstream media takes on us has been bad. This NYT article by a Steve looking white guy gets it, just can't spell it out:


"By this I mean that as offensive or utopian the redistribution of sex might sound, the idea is entirely responsive to the logic of late-modern sexual life, and its pursuit would be entirely characteristic of a recurring pattern in liberal societies.

First, because like other forms of neoliberal deregulation the sexual revolution created new winners and losers, new hierarchies to replace the old ones, privileging the beautiful and rich and socially adept in new ways and relegating others to new forms of loneliness and frustration.
Second, because in this new landscape, and amid other economic and technological transformations, the sexes seem to be struggling generally to relate to one another, with social and political chasms opening between them and not only marriage and family but also sexual activity itself in recent decline.

Third, because the culture’s dominant message about sex is still essentially Hefnerian, despite certain revisions attempted by feminists since the heyday of the Playboy philosophy — a message that frequency and variety in sexual experience is as close to a summum bonum as the human condition has to offer, that the greatest possible diversity in sexual desires and tastes and identities should be not only accepted but cultivated, and that virginity and celibacy are at best strange and at worst pitiable states. And this master narrative, inevitably, makes both the new inequalities and the decline of actual relationships that much more difficult to bear …

… which in turn encourages people, as ever under modernity, to place their hope for escape from the costs of one revolution in a further one yet to come, be it political, social or technological, which will supply if not the promised utopia at least some form of redress for the many people that progress has obviously left behind.

There is an alternative, conservative response, of course — namely, that our widespread isolation and unhappiness and sterility might be dealt with by reviving or adapting older ideas about the virtues of monogamy and chastity and permanence and the special respect owed to the celibate.

But this is not the natural response for a society like ours. Instead we tend to look for fixes that seem to build on previous revolutions, rather than reverse them."

This is just a way better and more thorough take than this new yorker roastie gooks bullshit. It's weird because the New Yorker is supposed to be for smart people/ supposed to have the best writing and NYT is considered for the proles. the feminist neolib matriarchal hegemony has ruined even the best of normie writing.

fucking jesus.

Wow, very interesting. Thanks.
My initial response to the article was just exhaustion. The first few stories, videos and other media pieces regarding our sad little tribe in the wake of Minassian's attack was indignation: a sensationalist media hungry for its next scandal decided to exploit an act of violence to not only undermine the pain of the undesirable and unloved but to demonize it. They scoured our forums for the most incriminating quotes, the angriest sentiments and the most lurid fantasies. Eager to manufacture an army of devils to wage yet another virtuous war against, our detractors harrowed our little Hell only long enough to snatch fragments of our most vicious dreams while we languished in the throes of our collective nightmare. The jokes told as gallows humor, the joyless mirth of the condemned waiting for Mother Nature to tightening the noose around their throats, were represented as gospel to an audience desperate for a reason to conflate the natural evil of ugliness with the moral evil of the criminal. Yes, it hurts to be despised for the sin of being repulsive, it hurts to be excluded from the natural course of things and, yes, we'll scream. But the cries of a deformed animal are sad, unpleasant. They inspire pity rather than righteous indignation and, let's be honest with ourselves: righteous indignation is so much more invigorating, so much more fun. So let's file the misbegotten animal's teeth into fangs, surround it with a miasma of sulfur and smoke and perhaps, maybe just maybe, we can convince everyone its pathetic moans are actually the roars of some rough beast that's risen up and needs to be slain.

After seemingly endless articles trying to work the same slight-of-hand, my resentment toward the conjurers trying to make a show of us guttered out. They always employed the same tricks, the same tired phrases, invoking "entitled" and "misogyny" the way some half-rate illusionist would utter "abracadabra" before pulling a stuffed toy from his plastic top hat as he performed for a crowd of spoiled children. I suppose, at long last, I had grown numb to it all and that's more or less how I felt reading this article. At least until the author tried to imagine what it would be like to see the world the through eyes of an incel. What an intriguing thought experiment.

So what did our author see when she looked at the world through our eyes? Did she see the disgusted, dismissive looks of women when we so much as dared look in their direction or, God forbid, smile in the most casual way at them? Did she watch the faces of those women tighten into cold masks before rushing past us or, sometimes, even crossing the street to avoid our path? Did she feel a pang of jealousy when she saw couples walking side by side, talking with each other, laughing with each other? Did she see young parents playing with their children and lament the fact that she would have to go down to the grave never having the opportunity to do the same? Did she look in the mirror and feel an overwhelming hatred of the hideous ghoul she saw reflected back at her? Did she wrestle with the temptation to smash the looking glass in a wild attempt to banish the revolting face that had caused her so much pain? Borrowing the use of a monster's eyes, did she watch her friends find mates, marry, have children and eventually leave her behind to grow old, alone and afraid?

Of course not. Deftly reaching past our ugly faces, she palmed the eyes of the bad angels tormenting us and claimed they were ours, a cheap bit of jugglery from a sleazy performer more interested in weaving lurid illusions than revealing truth, of stoking animosity than fostering understanding. Having done so, our good author ends her piece by claiming "in spite of everything, women are still more willing to look for humanity in the incels than they are in us" implying, of course, she is one such woman.

Were that actually the case, our good woman wouldn't have seen some blood-drenched inferno of sexual violence when she borrowed our eyes. She would have used those eyes to watch a world forever closed off from her, knowing if she dared reach out to it that her hand would be slapped away. She would have closed those eyes as she fell asleep alone just as she always had and always would and perhaps, every so often, when it was so late at night that neither God nor the Devil were awake to hear her, she would have used those eyes to weep.
LOOOOOOOL of course NYT would write something negative about us, screw those fuckin' liberals.
my culture is not your prom dress.

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