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It's Over [Venting] The agepill is hitting me like a train. Still longing for the teen love I never got.



Rotting collegecel. Women hate me for existing.
Nov 7, 2017
I just turned 19. I didn't even realize it was my birthday today for a couple minutes. I didn't even realize I was 19 for a couple minutes. It doesn't even feel like my birthday today.

Time's going so fast now, and it's much faster now that I'm LDARing in my room for 12+ hours a day after my college classes are over. I remember 7-8 years ago like it was fucking yesterday because I've been LDARing so much that I forget how large a specific timeframe really was.

What hits me the hardest is that I fucking hate how I never got to experience teen love. Just thinking that I missed out on that makes me want to rope.

I hate that I'm aging. I don't really want a college foid. They're all gross and went through multiple guys. I want to be slightly younger again, live in a rural area, [as a bonus] live in the 80s, and take a hot bodied 15 year old prime JB's virginity. All because I'm not Chad I missed out on this shit.

I may be still young, but shit, time's going so fast and I don't want to age anymore. What puts the cherry on top is that I'm being forced to work in an office with other 30+ year olds over the summer. I don't want to get a job. I feel unprepared. I still feel like I'm a young teenager.
There comes a time in most peoples lives where they realize all the good times they had passed. Then there comes a time in our lives where we realize all the times we missed and never had.
Happy little reminder that 15yo chad is fucking his JB classmates at parties and doing weed with his friends
Happy little reminder that 15yo chad is fucking his JB classmates at parties and doing weed with his friends
It's absolutely brutal thinking that this is happening while I'm typing. It never began tbh.
Oh boy. I turn 19 in 7 months. Well a little less than that
I'm 36 and the age pill has had no effect on my life whatsoever.
I’m 25 tomorrow and I’ve just been reflecting on my life for the past few days. My existence is laughably pathetic.

I want to die.
I’m 25 tomorrow and I’ve just been reflecting on my life for the past few days. My existence is laughably pathetic.

I want to die.
Damn bro. I can't imagine being that age and only waking up daily to LDAR or wageslave. Sounds like hell on Earth.
Spoiled ageist teen cunts deserve to be force married to 70+ old men
Spoiled ageist teen cunts deserve to be force married to 70+ old men
I agree, or they should be forced to marry truecels who've never had any romantic success.
I shat on you in past for being 18, but grim reaper really doesn't care.
Agepill fucks us all.

I can tell you from experience you will ever feel prepared. I didn't feel prepared when I started wagecucking or moved out, but it happened and I did it. You've no idea how fucking fast shit will start going once you start wagecucking
There comes a time in most peoples lives where they realize all the good times they had passed. Then there comes a time in our lives where we realize all the times we missed and never had.
Damn, depressing condition people like us find ourselves in.
I just turned 19. I didn't even realize it was my birthday today for a couple minutes. I didn't even realize I was 19 for a couple minutes. It doesn't even feel like my birthday today.

Time's going so fast now, and it's much faster now that I'm LDARing in my room for 12+ hours a day after my college classes are over. I remember 7-8 years ago like it was fucking yesterday because I've been LDARing so much that I forget how large a specific timeframe really was.

What hits me the hardest is that I fucking hate how I never got to experience teen love. Just thinking that I missed out on that makes me want to rope.

I hate that I'm aging. I don't really want a college foid. They're all gross and went through multiple guys. I want to be slightly younger again, live in a rural area, [as a bonus] live in the 80s, and take a hot bodied 15 year old prime JB's virginity. All because I'm not Chad I missed out on this shit.

I may be still young, but shit, time's going so fast and I don't want to age anymore. What puts the cherry on top is that I'm being forced to work in an office with other 30+ year olds over the summer. I don't want to get a job. I feel unprepared. I still feel like I'm a young teenager.
Practice lucid dreaming and go back to your youth and nail a 14 y/o JB girl
it doesn't get any better, i'm 30 and it seems i spent all fucking day today sitting behind kissing zoomer couples
Tell me about it, dude. In seventh grade I made the basketball team, and I actually had foids that supposedly liked me. I still think about it everyday.

What kind of loser daydreams about being in seventh grade again?
I can tell you from experience you will ever feel prepared. I didn't feel prepared when I started wagecucking or moved out, but it happened and I did it. You've no idea how fucking fast shit will start going once you start wagecucking
That gives me a little bit of hope, but that's depressing at the same time ngl. I don't like when time goes fast.
Anyone under 25 should not be allowed to whine about the age pill. 19? lmao sorry but that's total slap in the face to genuine oldcels or wizards
I just turned 19. I didn't even realize it was my birthday today for a couple minutes. I didn't even realize I was 19 for a couple minutes. It doesn't even feel like my birthday today.

Time's going so fast now, and it's much faster now that I'm LDARing in my room for 12+ hours a day after my college classes are over. I remember 7-8 years ago like it was fucking yesterday because I've been LDARing so much that I forget how large a specific timeframe really was.

What hits me the hardest is that I fucking hate how I never got to experience teen love. Just thinking that I missed out on that makes me want to rope.

I hate that I'm aging. I don't really want a college foid. They're all gross and went through multiple guys. I want to be slightly younger again, live in a rural area, [as a bonus] live in the 80s, and take a hot bodied 15 year old prime JB's virginity. All because I'm not Chad I missed out on this shit.

I may be still young, but shit, time's going so fast and I don't want to age anymore. What puts the cherry on top is that I'm being forced to work in an office with other 30+ year olds over the summer. I don't want to get a job. I feel unprepared. I still feel like I'm a young teenager.
I'm 26 and still with hope of finding my teen love
Anyone under 25 should not be allowed to whine about the age pill. 19? lmao sorry but that's total slap in the face to genuine oldcels or wizards
Realizing time is flying by while you're rotting doesn't take much age tbh.
Just to think all of the chads and stacy's were having the time of their life while people like us were suffering.
I'm gonna be 19 in a few weeks and it hurts to know that I wasted my youth not looksmaxxing. Still, I genuinely feel the most sympathy for incels over 25+. There's all sorts of different pills, but the age pill is the worst one, because age is something you have 0 control over.
I'm gonna be 19 in a few weeks and it hurts to know that I wasted my youth not looksmaxxing. Still, I genuinely feel the most sympathy for incels over 25+. There's all sorts of different pills, but the age pill is the worst one, because age is something you have 0 control over.
^This tbh.
its hard to ldar because you are incel on 19 yrs
its hard to ldar because you are incel on 19 yrs
In college it's really easy to, when you have no social life whatsoever.
Teen love is gay, I just want be chad and slay pussy now

Couldnt even be bothered to read the rest of your post, get out of here youngcel
In college it's really easy to, when you have no social life whatsoever.

its hard imo because other have sex and go to party and other social events go to beach do drugs , and your only option to be alive is to LDAR at your PC and post here

oldcels LDAR much easy imo .
Teen love is gay, I just want be chad and slay pussy now
I was kinda blackpilled from a young age and knew love was bullshit, but I still have a longing for those times and wish I at least tried to date/fuck girls back then. All I really care about now is getting laid tbh. Maybe that's why missing out on teen "love" doesn't bother me so much, because I can just fuck a legal adult teen foid and go on my merry way (assuming this ever happens).
Yeah OP, teen love is not for us , you're not alone man.
happy bday man u have 1 more yr to try to experience teenage love but theres honestly nothing u can do, when next yr comes around and u turn 20 then it will rly hit u
happy bday man u have 1 more yr to try to experience teenage love but theres honestly nothing u can do, when next yr comes around and u turn 20 then it will rly hit u
I will abhor that day the most. I know nothing's going to be different either. I feel like there's a staggering difference between 19 and 20.
Talking about the agepill at 19 JFL
I’ll be 23 soon, it’s truly over once you pass college age. All the foids at 23 already met their husbands in college or are already years into riding the cock carousel.
If the agepill is hitting you like a train at 19, just wait until you reach 25+ because that's when it really stops pulling its punches.
At leasy you won't be seen as a creep because of your age if you date 16 year old girl
At leasy you won't be seen as a creep because of your age if you date 16 year old girl
If I actually looked 19 and dated a 16 year old girl, there would be CuckTears types calling me out in public lmao. Americucks are retarded when it comes to the age of consent.
Agepill is the worst of all pills
Lmao 19... If you think shit sucks now you haven't seen nothin' yet.
23 was probably the worst for me because thats the end of your early 20s and when the fact that this IS your life really starts hitting home. If you survive that then 27 is going to be the next hump because now you're in your late 20s and have nothing of value to show for it.

I'm 29 now and I can't even get worked up like I did at those ages because I have lost all fear of death and have long since came to the conclusion that it simply never began.

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I agree, or they should be forced to marry truecels who've never had any romantic success.
JFL :feelskek::feelskek::feelskek: if I was only 19 I wouldnt be typing all the edgy shit you post...youre a b*tch ngl
Its only legit (over) when youre 21+
you fucking idiot, get out there be social even if you cant get pussy out of it, so you grow up with normal social skill
When I was your age, im out a lot just fooling around with my nerd friends not giving a fuck tbh

eat greens, a lot of healthy calories, and exercise, save all the money you can and research about growth hormone
exercise makes your body produce HGH, I read that somewhere
cant increase height by a lot, but will probably thicken your frame
and less likely to end up a framecel like me
instead of wasting your time bitching in here (will probably make you more pragmatic and anti-social and ruin your chances to live a happy life even more)
do it before you turn 22, thats when your body stops growing and its fucking o v e r. :cryfeels::feelsbadman:. . . . :reeeeee::reeeeee::woke::woke::woke:

I wish when I was 17+ someone woulda told me how important nutrition and exercise is :cryfeels:
Except im raised by single mother who dont gaf, and I was a really picky eater, and most the time I would just eat fucking chicken nuggets / sausage / instant food and I starved a lot (was to immersed in vidya to stop and eat), as a result Im a fucking manlet framecel :)....:reeeeee:
aint nothing worse than being a manlet and a framecel
Believe me bro, when youre my age (22) you feel worse for not absolutely growthmaxxing when you still had the chance.
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