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SuicideFuel [VANFUEL] The more you learn about women's true nature, the more DEPRESSED you get



I Should KMS
Nov 8, 2017

A male relative called me up today. He is old and nearly blind. He wanted me to help him set up his tablet computer. When was the last time you called a WOMAN to help you with something technical, electrical, scientific, etc?

I was watching a Colttaine video on YT and it's yet more depressing facts about how half of our species thinks and feels

From 48:53:

Women are against porn or at least don't care about it. But when the UK banned facesitting (women sittting on faces) in UK-made porn, feminists and women were suddenly saying that it infringes on women's empowerment and that censorship is wrong. FEMINISTS saying that CENSORSHIP is wrong!!!!!

This was after Colttaine discussed how porn is bad cuz it gives men the wrong idea about women in terms of domination and being sexually aggressive. Then it delved into the #1 best-selling sexual-aggression story of all time: 50 Shades of Grey. For women.

The more I learn about women is the more I want to live on a planet where they're not allowed. I don't hate them. I just can't cope with the difference between what they portray themselves as and what they turn out to be. I would rather just not be around them. 80% of women don't consider blowjobs as sex? I mean. Imagine asking your wife her laycount knowing that she doesn't consider blowjobs, sex on vacaction, rekindled sex with boyfriend 2, after dating boyfriend 3 for a year, as a new lover, etc.

Women write to high-status and goodlooking male PRISONERS. Women will try to change a goodlooking CRIMINAL. Women will tell an ugly male friend: "you CAN get a gf, you're a great person! I find you funny and charming", then immediately tell that guy that he's not their type if he tried to hit on them.

If you luck out and get a 40 yo used-up woman who only coupled with you due to her falling sexual market value, imagine her giving your son a kiss goodbye as he goes off to school - a kiss tainted with sperm from 30 or so past lovers, which by the way, you'll be contaminated with too.

The TRUTH about women is DEPRESSING. They can't pairbond after a certain number of ex-partners. They will always have a softspot for their the BF that took their virginity and their babys' fathers. You can't compete with FEMALE BIOLOGY.

It almost brings a tear to my eye.

The true nature of women is LITERALLY SUICIDEFUEL.

I can't cope, guys. The blackpill is too much.

@Bagelcel @13k
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The positive from this is eventually you'll never want a relationship with a female after learning enough about them. Unfortunately, the sexual urges never go away.
but agreed with the title, along the years that i blackpilled myself and learned about lookism, blackpill and the true nature of women i was amazed to realise how over it is for an ugly male like myself and many others.
daily reminder that women never lose
but agreed with the title, along the years that i blackpilled myself and learned about lookism, blackpill and the true nature of women i was amazed to realise how over it is for an ugly male like myself and many others.


read the bold
And yet women are the only ones who can cure us
There is a brutal evolutionarybiology-pill that made me stop longing for an LTR.
Women maintain a dual-mating strategy. They evaluate men in two categories 1) whether they are good long-term providers and 2) whether they carry good genes for their offspring. These two factors are often not satisfied by the same man.
So if you LTR a foid, you are now in the first category, which is somewhat cucked.
They are backward and destructive, and ruin everything they come in contact with.
I agree you can't fight against inherent female biology, they are truly despicable creatures in the dating "Game".
Also find it hilarious the levels at which feminists will virtue signal, from all the people i've met in my life i've found that women that identify as feminists are the MOST vivaciously anti-rape but as soon as they get in the bedroom are the MOST overwhelmingly likely to have extremely aggressive rape fantasies.
Also find it hilarious how feminists will virtue signal about "MUH MUHSLAMIC IMMIGRANTS NEED RIGHTS" while outright demonising and hating on white men to the MAX..... You'd think these feminists would only be sleeping with ethnic men due to their extreme hate of white men...... NOPE they're sleeping with right wing aggressive chads.
-Womens virtue signalling knows no bounds.

This video is further proof of that, also didn't know you watched colttaine too :feelsokman:
Yup. Women have always been like this, except now they feel more entitled and have unchecked access to Chad. And the ways in which men used to prevent or curtail this kind of behaviour in women have been socially deprecated. Women are not supposed to be our friends. We're supposed to impregnate them and work alongside them to rear children, take care of a family, and do the productive work that sustains us.
I agree you can't fight against inherent female biology, they are truly despicable creatures in the dating "Game".
Also find it hilarious the levels at which feminists will virtue signal, from all the people i've met in my life i've found that women that identify as feminists are the MOST vivaciously anti-rape but as soon as they get in the bedroom are the MOST overwhelmingly likely to have extremely aggressive rape fantasies.
Also find it hilarious how feminists will virtue signal about "MUH MUHSLAMIC IMMIGRANTS NEED RIGHTS" while outright demonising and hating on white men to the MAX..... You'd think these feminists would only be sleeping with ethnic men due to their extreme hate of white men...... NOPE they're sleeping with right wing aggressive chads.
-Womens virtue signalling knows no bounds.

This video is further proof of that, also didn't know you watched colttaine too :feelsokman:

This thread won't make it onto IT because, although I am being "disrespectful" to women (if facts are such!), I am being so by listing ACTUAL TRAITS OF WOMEN, so if I.T. want to screenshot the op, they will also risk listing true but unpleasant characteristics of women too.
This thread won't make it onto IT because, although I am being "disrespectful" to women (if facts are such!), I am being so by listing ACTUAL TRAITS OF WOMEN, so if I.T. want to screenshot the op, they will also risk listing true but unpleasant characteristics of women too.
They don't care about your facts, all they care about is the "Feelings" you're projecting, it's 2018 @FACEandLMS we live in a post-facts world now.
It's a mythical place where YOU don't even need to identify as ethnic anymore OR a man, therefore you can ascend anytime you want teehee! truly amazing time to be alive:feelsrope:
Here some van fuel

Fuel can 20

I just wanted to include that there is a certain phenotype of male that can't be incel.
Spot on. I think the biggest issue that guys, especially young guys face today is that they don't know about female behavior. I especially despise the bullshit that they are fed related to dating like what makes guys attractive and what kind of men women like. And many guys get caught in this maze where they try to have personalities, learn stupid stuff to develop skills and get hobbies in the hope that it would attract women, follow redpill and think GAME will help them etc.

And all this time women keep on deluding them. At least don't lie to these guys. I hate when foids say looks don't matter or they had a crush on a guy who looked like so and so, was ugly, was 5'2'' etc. Realizing true female nature is one of the biggest eye opening things in life.
The positive from this is eventually you'll never want a relationship with a female after learning enough about them. Unfortunately, the sexual urges never go away.

EXACTLY!!! And that's why women will "win" in the end.......
The positive from this is eventually you'll never want a relationship with a female after learning enough about them. Unfortunately, the sexual urges never go away.
ain't that strange?
this is the part I don't understand.

My hate for them has subsided. I just recognize that I was not built chadly or tyronely enough to get a woman. They can't help their hypergamous biology. Women aren't trying to be evil, they're nature is just that way. I am not trying to have high T/a high sex drive, I am just built that way. Same thing.
i do fine when not around but watching them flirt with real men makes me sad..

i hate that i want their hot asses and giggly boobs
My hate for them has subsided. I just recognize that I was not built chadly or tyronely enough to get a woman. They can't help their hypergamous biology. Women aren't trying to be evil, they're nature is just that way. I am not trying to have high T/a high sex drive, I am just built that way. Same thing.
have you seen the latest on TellemT? I want to die right now
My hate for them has subsided. I just recognize that I was not built chadly or tyronely enough to get a woman. They can't help their hypergamous biology. Women aren't trying to be evil, they're nature is just that way. I am not trying to have high T/a high sex drive, I am just built that way. Same thing.
Yeah, it's not just women that hate incels; it's everyone that isn't us.
this is the worst suicidefuel i've ever seen
oppenheimer tier iq
have you seen the latest on TellemT? I want to die right now

No, but it wouldn't surprise me if he has a gf. He was always a fakecel. Like most of this website TBH.
No, but it wouldn't surprise me if he has a gf. He was always a fakecel. Like most of this website TBH.
300+ matches on tinder, including legit Stacys. They sent him nudes too. I feel like a such a retard for getting trolled like this.
Also can you ban Imperator from your discord? I think he's a bluepilled faggot from inceltears

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