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Vaginas are so perplexing

Deleted member 306

Deleted member 306

Incel Superior
Nov 8, 2017
I was a wathcing some porn the other day and I just realized how complex female genitalia is. The pussy has so many layers of skin in it. So many
contraptions your dick can fall in if you are not experienced. It's even worse if it has pubes since they make it really difficult to tell where the hole is.
Girls will NOT give you a second chance if you don't stick it in with the first try. They will just ditch you and go to a Chad they have already fucked.
Morevover, if you play it smart and suggest they come and ride you then they will suspect you are a virgin. Not that it matters though since
females are able to sense your inexperience from miles away the moment they meet you. If you are an incel it's so over.
Legit you need to have a four year degree in roastie penetration before you even try.
Anon313 said:
Legit you need to have a four year degree in roastie penetration before you even try.

Not only that but you must have also experienced many vaginas. Each pussy is different than the other. Some are tighter, some have bigger holes, some have stretched labia. You can never be safe otherwise.
Yea id say dick is better since when it gets hard you know for sure the girl likes you, with pussy you can't know if she's in to you or not, she might be acting and dying inside and fucking you only to get monies.
JovanD said:
Yea id say dick is better since when it gets hard you know for sure the girl likes you, with pussy you can't know if she's in to you or not, she might be acting and dying inside and fucking you only to get monies.

As part of my Islamic studies, last night I was grabbing some young thing's ass cheeks and pushing them apart at the local strip club, during which time she spread her pussy wide open so that I could see where her hymen used to be a thousand fucks ago. I'm never really turned on by this visual in pornography, but in person, a spread pink pussy looks so incredibly nice, and as OP mentioned, interesting. It's a shame that I'll never get to break a hymen myself. Hymen-destruction is reserved strictly for Chad nowadays. I of course also imagined what it would be like to touch and put my mouth on her, but was instantly reminded of the fact that her vagina is essentially, at this point, an oval petri dish. You know it's a sick world we live in when, even if given the opportunity, you wouldn't be able to simply go down on a femail without the terror of receiving some infection from the cock carousel.
"Vaginas are self-cleaning".

The most disgusting thing I've ever heard.
>watching porn

Absolute degenerate
I always thought vaginas were disgusting but intriguing at the same time
FACEandLMS said:
"Vaginas are self-cleaning".

The most disgusting thing I've ever heard.

For people who claim to be virgins you are experts on vaginal odour

Celibate said:
I always thought vaginas were disgusting but intriguing at the same time

I agree with this. Unfortunately, we are biologically programmed to like them no matter how disgusting they look. We can't rationalize it. It's oure instinct.

Mr_Mercedes said:
As part of my Islamic studies, last night I was grabbing some young thing's ass cheeks and pushing them apart at the local strip club, during which time she spread her pussy wide open so that I could see where her hymen used to be a thousand fucks ago.  I'm never really turned on by this visual in pornography, but in person, a spread pink pussy looks so incredibly nice, and as OP mentioned, interesting.  It's a shame that I'll never get to break a hymen myself.   Hymen-destruction is reserved strictly for Chad nowadays.  I of course also imagined what it would be like to touch and put my mouth on her, but was instantly reminded of the fact that her vagina is essentially, at this point, an oval petri dish.  You know it's a sick world we live in when, even if given the opportunity, you wouldn't be able to simply go down on a femail without the terror of receiving some infection from the cock carousel.

Eating pussy is cucklordy. Penetration or nothing.
incelman said:

It is, but a good one at least. It beast video games by far.
i would have already roped if it wasn't for my trans friend.
Most escorts I've been with grab my dick and stick it in.
If you miss and hit the peehole, it's gonna be game over
commander_zoidberg said:
Most escorts I've been with grab my dick and stick it in.

That may be true. However, non paid girls are too submissive to do that so expect you to takne your dick and slam dunk it in the hole.

wincel said:
If you miss and hit the peehole, it's gonna be game over

And back to inceldom you shall go. It's like an operation. One mistake and it's OVER. As soon as you hit the peephole she will get a major turn off, say some bullshit excuse like "I'm not ready. Maybe another time." or "I think we should just leave it." and dump you.
Try to find the right hole by fingering her first, then guide your peepee in there. It's not rocket science.
Solitarian_Walker said:
Try to find the right hole by fingering her first, then guide your peepee in there. It's not rocket science.

What if you finger the peephole? Won't she tell?
Jesus fuck, you guys. Haven't you even seen a cunt in porn? You aim for the big hole at the bottom, which is north of the asshole. I can't see how a guy could mistake the cockhole for their pisshole.

JovanD said:
Yea id say dick is better since when it gets hard you know for sure the girl likes you, with pussy you can't know if she's in to you or not, she might be acting and dying inside and fucking you only to get monies.

You can tell if they are into you, because their cunt opens up and gets wet.
BlackPill47 said:
Jesus fuck, you guys. Haven't you even seen a cunt in porn? You aim for the big hole at the bottom, which is north of the asshole. I can't see how a guy could mistake the cockhole for their pisshole.

You can tell if they are into you, because their cunt opens up and gets wet.

It has a fucking hole in a hole which is in another hole. Just look at the sheer complexity of the diagram. Labia major, labia minor, hymen. It's very easy to get disoriented.
Yeah sex is so hard and complicated that even 13 y old kids have it every day.
Pretty_When_I_Cry said:
Yeah sex is so hard and complicated that even 13 y old kids have it every day.

Women are very tolerant with 13 year old boys and will allow them to take their time to find the hole and posistion their freshly matured dicks.
incelman said:
Women are very tolerant with 13 year old boys and will allow them to take their time to find the hole and posistion their freshly matured dicks.

It is very easy to fuck a girl tbh. 
You are over thinking it. Especially if you have a big dick it just comes.in naturally. 

And before you ask I have a small one,which probably contributed to me being dumped so much lol.
Pretty_When_I_Cry said:
It is very easy to fuck a girl tbh. 
You are over thinking it. Especially if you have a big dick it just comes.in naturally. 

And before you ask I have a small one,which probably contributed to me being dumped so much lol.

incelman said:

Wtf why do you hate me so much? I thought we were friends and  had simmilar views tbh.
Pretty_When_I_Cry said:
Wtf why do you hate me so much? I thought we were friends and  had simmilar views tbh.

My friends have ascended to the skies years ago
incelman said:
My friends have ascended to the skies years ago

Come on dont be like that,I spent this entire year pretty much alone and posting and reading r/incels literally every day. I havent had any success anywhere,and I even went out and tried to do some approaching and was firmly treated like a subhuman and rejected all the time.
Pretty_When_I_Cry said:
Come on dont be like that,I spent this entire year pretty much alone and posting and reading r/incels literally every day. I havent had any success anywhere,and I even went out and tried to do some approaching and was firmly treated like a subhuman and rejected all the time.

You are genetically superior to us
knajjd said:
more like "repulsive". i ABHOR them. they look like infected axe wounds and sure do smell like it too.

If you have smelled a vagina you are a fakecel
incelman said:
It has a fucking hole in a hole which is in another hole. Just look at the sheer complexity of the diagram. Labia major, labia minor, hymen. It's very easy to get disoriented.

If she is lubed up and you rub your dick not to hard and then aim it downwards and push you should find the right opening. Its not to hard dude. You're over thinking. You should really become escortcel. I was full of all these questions until i screwed a few escorts.

Is it me or is the autism greatly magnified since we came to the forum? I'm a mild aspie and even i shake my head sometimes.
commander_zoidberg said:
If she is lubed up and you rub your dick not to hard and then aim it downwards and push you should find the right opening. Its not to hard dude. You're over thinking. You should really become escortcel. I was full of all these questions until i screwed a few escorts.

Is it me or is the autism greatly magnified since we came to the forum? I'm a mild aspie and even i shake my head sometimes.

This shit is too complicated to be done on first try.

Why would you say that about autism?
incelman said:
This shit is too complicated to be done on first try.

Why would you say that about autism?

Yeah. You need to become escortcel dude. Find a decent one. Tell her its your first time. You'll learn all the basics after 3 or 4 times.

Because its insane here. I should know I have a little myself. Its really overboard. All this passive aggressive sniping at each other and really strange questions and long threads going back and fourth about minor stuff.
Escortcel, the 1st whore saw said "it feels like I'm getting an examination" I was in awe of her lady bits
God bless professional whores man. They are 1000x nicer than regular femoids and are the only femoids who will have sex with an incel. I even told the first one i saw i was a virgin and she was really understanding.
commander_zoidberg said:
Yeah. You need to become escortcel dude. Find a decent one. Tell her its your first time. You'll learn all the basics after 3 or 4 times.

Because its insane here. I should know I have a little myself. Its really overboard. All this passive aggressive sniping at each other and really strange questions and long threads going back and fourth about minor stuff.

Inceldom fucks up your mental health

Incel801 said:
Escortcel, the 1st whore  saw said "it feels like I'm getting an examination" I was in awe of her lady bits

It is an examination. If you are a pathetic virgin loser you have to take your time with her.
incelman said:
Girls will NOT give you a second chance if you don't stick it in with the first try. They will just ditch you and go to a Chad they have already fucked.

I cannot imagine it happening. I mean, if she went to the point of having her pussy so close to your dick, I seriously doubt that if you missed the hole she would just immediately stand up and leave.

That assuming she went to that point because she considered you truly fuckable.
that is dumb, you just have to stick your cock its hole and rub its clit.
JovanD said:
Yea id say dick is better since when it gets hard you know for sure the girl likes you, with pussy you can't know if she's in to you or not, she might be acting and dying inside and fucking you only to get monies.


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commander_zoidberg said:
Yeah. You need to become escortcel dude. Find a decent one. Tell her its your first time. You'll learn all the basics after 3 or 4 times.

Because its insane here. I should know I have a little myself. Its really overboard. All this passive aggressive sniping at each other and really strange questions and long threads going back and fourth about minor stuff.

What would you say is the hardest part about sex for a first timer?
Morf12 said:
What would you say is the hardest part about sex for a first timer?

Staying hard and cumming. Stressed the fuck out, concentrating and you realise you're too used to jacking off.
Don't analyze pussy.

It's disgusting.

You just nut in it.
AngelOfDisease said:
I cannot imagine it happening. I mean, if she went to the point of having her pussy so close to your dick, I seriously doubt that if you missed the hole she would just immediately stand up and leave.

That assuming she went to that point because she considered you truly fuckable.

I can imagine it happening. There is a very tiny line betweeen a woman being horny and a woman being turned off.

Wot1994 said:
Ask her to put it in then, simple.

Then she will suspect your are a virgin
incelman said:
I can imagine it happening. There is a very tiny line betweeen a woman being horny and a woman being turned off.

Then she will suspect your are a virgin

Hope I do not offend because I surely do not intend to. It will sound inceltears as fuck but I believe you are overthinking based on pure speculation. Which makes me think you might be just a scared volcel.
AngelOfDisease said:
Hope I do not offend because I surely do not intend to. It will sound inceltears as fuck but I believe you are overthinking based on pure speculation. Which makes me think you might be just a scared volcel.

As an incel ALL you can do is overthink. You have all the time to think about stuff that is normal and naturla for most people. How exectly am I a volcel? I'm 23 years old KHV dateless virgin, I never had any opportunities and according to this forum my standards are extremely low.
Inceldom fucks your mental health for sure.
IsolationHurts said:
Inceldom fucks your mental health for sure.

Not really. It just makes you very rational, cynical and calculating. We are more NT than normies.
Morf12 said:
What would you say is the hardest part about sex for a first timer?

My first time. I was very nervous. The escort i was with was very understanding and gave me a back rub to calm me down before getting serious. I had trouble getting an keeping my erection and i had a lot of trouble finally cumming. I did eventually though. Next time i had much fewer problems.

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