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It's Over Utterly over for us blackcels not running thug game



Nov 8, 2017
Can't get black foids because they all want typical thug types
Can't get any other race because too ugly to overcome the disadvantage of being black.

I hate black foids the most. Not even because they don't want me, but because they're the reason the black community is in such a sorry fucking state. They continuously breed with these morons and end up single mothers. The kid has no father figure so he ends up becoming a delinquent (or in the case of a daughter, the mother is too low iq to teach them what to look for in a man) and the cycle repeats itself. Then they have the nerve to go on media and talk about "there are no good black men". JFL.

Any other blackcels here been shunned by their own people for speaking or acting "too white"?
Not black, but called out. jfl at proud ethnic culture being assbackwards
Not black, but called out. jfl at proud ethnic culture being assbackwards

What race are you?

Yap, one foid had the audacity to say the reason I was single was because I don’t date black chicks.

I honestly don't blame successful black men that date out of the race. Expecting someone to come back and date a race of foids that mocked him is fucking delusional.
be glad youre not a niga
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Yes but I've learned to just forget about it. And you can be a big black nerd though you will have to settle for an SJW

Source number one

Source number two: My uncle is a big black nerd and got married to a landwhale. She was semi-doable when they first met though

I do have to mention, even us ugly manlets can get 6 and 7.2/10s if we run max thug game. But the girls are usually with them to piss off daddy. You're going to have to drop what makes you you and become totally different.
Honestly I stopped giving a fuck about other black people ages ago. It's over for the black American community. Natural selection will weed us out. I embrace our extinction at this point. We've contributed nothing but misery to this world.
I do have to mention, even us ugly manlets can get 6 and 7.2/10s if we run max thug game. But the girls are usually with them to piss off daddy. You're going to have to drop what makes you you and become totally different.

I can't run a believable thug game even if I wanted to, it's just not how I was raised. I don't have the temperament, don't listen to rap music, don't talk like that, etc, etc. It would be a complete 180 of the type of person I am and keeping that facade up for so long just isn't feasible.
Not african American but I'm Nigerian I don't really have this problem tbh
Honestly the black community is a microcosm of what happens when you allow women to run your community.
Not african American but I'm Nigerian I don't really have this problem tbh
Yeah, africancels can't comprehend the dysfunction because they were blessed enough not to be born in it.
Can't get black foids because they all want typical thug types
Can't get any other race because too ugly to overcome the disadvantage of being black.

I hate black foids the most. Not even because they don't want me, but because they're the reason the black community is in such a sorry fucking state. They continuously breed with these morons and end up single mothers. The kid has no father figure so he ends up becoming a delinquent (or in the case of a daughter, the mother is too low iq to teach them what to look for in a man) and the cycle repeats itself. Then they have the nerve to go on media and talk about "there are no good black men". JFL.

Any other blackcels here been shunned by their own people for speaking or acting "too white"?
It's over for all races who aren't the top 20%. It makes me want to go out on a killing spree.
What race are you?

I honestly don't blame successful black men that date out of the race. Expecting someone to come back and date a race of foids that mocked him is fucking delusional.
Mixed (heavy mutt). A lil bit of everything but black, curry or asian. I might have a bbc ancestor, due to my shitty dry subsaharan hair.
I can't run a believable thug game even if I wanted to, it's just not how I was raised. I don't have the temperament, don't listen to rap music, don't talk like that, etc, etc. It would be a complete 180 of the type of person I am and keeping that facade up for so long just isn't feasible.
I was blessed with an "inside-out oreo" for a probably real but obviously step dad that makes me embrace my blackness every week because he wishes he was black so bad. So I know how to run thug game, even if I'm a manlet.
Never acted “too white” called being a “Oreo” but I know niggas like that we play ps4 together. Usually they date femoids who are not black, white girls or Latina.When I was high school I told a white girl to suck my dick .i said it with the most serious expression and tone I could muster .She and her friends were roasting me, and got all silent.Her face got all red and shit. Honestly , she didn’t say anything but I know she thought about it low key .
Is Incels.me the official hangout of the black man anime club?
Never acted “too white” called being a “Oreo” but I know niggas like that we play ps4 together. Usually they date femoids who are not black, white girls or Latina.When I was high school I told a white girl to suck my dick .i said it with the most serious expression and tone I could muster .She and her friends were roasting me, and got all silent.Her face got all red and shit. Honestly , she didn’t say anything but I know she thought about it low key .

Damn, respect for being so low inhib.
Yes that’s why I’m transitioning into a curry
Fuuark this thread has redpilled me

It's over for blackcels that use profile pictures of white anime characters

I made a thread about trying to run thug game. Didn't work out. I ended up taking it overboard and looking to pissed off at the time even though I was cause I was upset at everything back then.
not even sjw women want me
SJW's might fuck you out of race guilt for their ancestors slaving your ancestors.
not even sjw women want me
Not worth it tbh. The woman who falsely accused me of battery was some fat leftist whore. Stay away from these whores. From an oldcel to a youngcel.
This is far too relatable.

Problem is that it extends beyond the black community too. You're not just shunned for "acting too white" in the black community (WHAT THE FUCK DOES THAT EVEN MEAN!!?!?") you're shunned for it by everyone else too. Every living, breathing human being expects you to play to your stereotypes, every last one. It's what I hate most about being black, that i'm expected to act thug and hyper-masculine as though I can't just act like a normal human being.

You'll see this confirmed for you everywhere online. Tell a blue pilled individual that you're black and they'll go "No way, black people get girls all the time? Have you tried acting more tough? (Read: Have you tried running thug game)?" Here if you complain about the stereotypes you'll be called a coon. In real life you'll find no one really wanting to be your friend.

Being black but not acting "black" means being doomed to being a perpetual outcast no matter where you go, no matter what social group you try and fit in with, you'll always be an odd one out in a bad way.
Honestly the black community is a microcosm of what happens when you allow women to run your community.

Pretty much the case for whites as well, with a rather different outcome however. Imagine how much worse things will get for ethniccels when gynocratic imperialism metastasizes to their corner of the globe.
Also related;
have your tried BLM/SJW stuff? lots of woman are on these things
Also related;

The white male - black female pairing is rarely discussed here. Odd, because black women are so utterly easy for a white man it is scary.

You can say literally anything to a black female and she will eat it up if you are white and human-looking.

I think blacks may even be easier than Asians.
This is far too relatable.

Problem is that it extends beyond the black community too. You're not just shunned for "acting too white" in the black community (WHAT THE FUCK DOES THAT EVEN MEAN!!?!?") you're shunned for it by everyone else too. Every living, breathing human being expects you to play to your stereotypes, every last one. It's what I hate most about being black, that i'm expected to act thug and hyper-masculine as though I can't just act like a normal human being.

You'll see this confirmed for you everywhere online. Tell a blue pilled individual that you're black and they'll go "No way, black people get girls all the time? Have you tried acting more tough? (Read: Have you tried running thug game)?" Here if you complain about the stereotypes you'll be called a coon. In real life you'll find no one really wanting to be your friend.

Being black but not acting "black" means being doomed to being a perpetual outcast no matter where you go, no matter what social group you try and fit in with, you'll always be an odd one out in a bad way.

Being told you're too white basically means you don't act like a stereotypical hoodlum. For whatever reason, acting like an educated functioning human being is looked down upon in the black community. More focused on getting the last pair of the newest Jordans than developing as whole. Very ass backwards.
Pretty much the case for whites as well, with a rather different outcome however. Imagine how much worse things will get for ethniccels when gynocratic imperialism metastasizes to their corner of the globe.
The world will have no choice but to collapse. Matriarchies always fall. When have you seen a society that has heavy female input do anything more than build huts out of shit or walrus blubber? I'll wait.
Also related;
What else do you expect? It's hypergamy at its finest. JFL at all these guys thinking that any race of woman is different. All women are hypergamous and duplicitous.
have your tried BLM/SJW stuff? lots of woman are on these things
Doesn't work for unattractive guys. You'll just become their ugly beta male orbiter trying to get pussy. Trust me, stuff doesn't work.
Being told you're too white basically means you don't act like a stereotypical hoodlum. For whatever reason, acting like an educated functioning human being is looked down upon in the black community. More focused on getting the last pair of the newest Jordans than developing as whole. Very ass backwards.

In all honesty, this depends where you live and who you associate with.

Tons of "academic blacks" in around the universities within my area and they are not looked down upon (at least not that I know of).

On the other hand an academic black would likely get bullied in the projects.
Being told you're too white basically means you don't act like a stereotypical hoodlum. For whatever reason, acting like an educated functioning human being is looked down upon in the black community. More focused on getting the last pair of the newest Jordans than developing as whole. Very ass backwards.
Honestly, I don't want to turn this forum into blackcel vent hour, but American blacks are just done. I wouldn't even expense my energy worried about the shit tbh.
In all honesty, this depends where you live and who you associate with.

Tons of "academic blacks" in around the universities within my area and they are not looked down upon, at least not that I know of.

An academic black would likely get bullied in the projects.
Anti-intellectualism is rife in black America.
Anti-intellectualism is rife in black America.

I do not deny it. I can tell by both the music and the behavior I have seen on social media by black foidsties (they can be vile)
This is far too relatable.

Problem is that it extends beyond the black community too. You're not just shunned for "acting too white" in the black community (WHAT THE FUCK DOES THAT EVEN MEAN!!?!?") you're shunned for it by everyone else too. Every living, breathing human being expects you to play to your stereotypes, every last one. It's what I hate most about being black, that i'm expected to act thug and hyper-masculine as though I can't just act like a normal human being.

You'll see this confirmed for you everywhere online. Tell a blue pilled individual that you're black and they'll go "No way, black people get girls all the time? Have you tried acting more tough? (Read: Have you tried running thug game)?" Here if you complain about the stereotypes you'll be called a coon. In real life you'll find no one really wanting to be your friend.

Being black but not acting "black" means being doomed to being a perpetual outcast no matter where you go, no matter what social group you try and fit in with, you'll always be an odd one out in a bad way.

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