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Experiment Using escorts or paid actresses to fake pre-selection to attract women, has it been tried? Would it work?



Jul 13, 2021
As far as I know, which is little, one of the very few things the Redpill claims that magically triggers a primal switch in women that makes them attracted to a man that has actual value, is pre-selection. The idea that women automatically want men desired by other women and it triggers a primal sexual response when encountering such men.

Because of this, since years the theoretical idea has crossed my mind about hiring good acting escorts and take them to a night club or similar place, making them get publicly touchy with me, show interest, etc. to see if it would had an effect in the nearby women or make me not get rejected if I approach one. This has been just a thought experiment because of lack of funds, or female friends to attempt this. I was wondering, has any similar experiment been tried? What were the results? If not, could it work?
Foids are pretty good at forcing their other foid friends to break up with a guy they think is ugly. So I don't think I'd work.
What about faking being gay or some other shit
What about faking being gay or some other shit

Being gay triggers nothing in female sexual behavior, aside from maybe making them lower their guard.
As far as I know, which is little, one of the very few things the Redpill claims that magically triggers a primal switch in women that makes them attracted to a man that has actual value, is pre-selection. The idea that women automatically want men desired by other women and it triggers a primal sexual response when encountering such men.

Because of this, since years the theoretical idea has crossed my mind about hiring good acting escorts and take them to a night club or similar place, making them get publicly touchy with me, show interest, etc. to see if it would had an effect in the nearby women or make me not get rejected if I approach one. This has been just a thought experiment because of lack of funds, or female friends to attempt this. I was wondering, has any similar experiment been tried? What were the results? If not, could it work?
If you dress well and have on "artifacts" of wealth (like a rolex or something) yeah it would work

But here's the thing, are you so ego obsessed that you'd spend like 5 times the money you could have just spent to fuck one of those escorts, just to pretend to have harem and get a woman to maybe let you fuck her?

I swear most men are truly blinded by their ego

Think about how convoluted that really is

Imagine that you have a pickaxe buried in the ground and the soil is composed of mostly hard rock, and in order to get that pick axe, you buy 3 pickaxes of similar quality and use them till they break to finally get to the pickaxe that was buried

That's how much sense it makes to hire escorts to increase your chances of getting a woman to fuck you

If you want to waste money like that go right ahead, but please see that it doesn't even make sense

Ask yourself, is there really a difference in shame when it comes to paying a woman for sex, and paying other women to pretend to like you so you can trick another woman into fucking you?

That woman would not fuck you without the trick, in the same way that a whore would not fuck you without payment, in the same way that those escorts you rented to pull off the trick would not be around you without payment

You really have to use mental gymnastics to not feel shame about this plan in the same way you'd feel shame for paying for sex directly lol
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If you dress well and have on "artifacts" of wealth (like a rolex or something) yeah it would work

But here's the thing, are you so ego obsessed that you'd spend like 5 times the money you could have just spent to fuck one of those escorts, just to pretend to have harem and get a woman to maybe let you fuck her?

I swear most men are truly blinded by their ego

Think about how convoluted that really is

Imagine that you have a pickaxe buried in the ground and the soil is composed of mostly hard rock, and in order to get that pick axe, you buy 3 pickaxes of similar quality and use them till they break to finally get to the pickaxe that was buried

That's how much sense it makes to hire escorts to increase your chances of getting a woman to fuck you

If you want to waste money like that go right ahead, but please see that it doesn't even make sense

Ask yourself, is there really a difference in shame when it comes to paying a woman for sex, and paying other women to pretend to like you so you can trick another woman into fucking you?

That woman would not fuck you without the trick, in the same way that a whore would not fuck you without payment, in the same way that those escorts you rented to pull off the trick would not be around you without payment

You really have to use mental gymnastics to not feel shame about this plan in the same way you'd feel shame for paying for sex directly lol

Black, I am not making the argument that this would be a good mating strategy, I was just academically willing to see if at least in theory, preselection could be used to turn around rejection. However I must ask, are you among the cels that support spending 10 times the price of an escort to subject yourself to painful surgeries to attract women via looksmax?

I do think if your goal was to attract a gilrfriend as opposed to just sex, then the strategy might be plausible as you could get at least temporary affection and you could get more value from sex if the relationship lasts enough to the point it would had been more expensive paying for escorts each time.
However I must ask, are you among the cels that support spending 10 times the price of an escort to subject yourself to painful surgeries to attract women via looksmax?
I think surgerymaxxing is for retards (with an exception)

Unless you have something that is obvious and needs to be fixed (like a cleft palate) then you are wasting your money doing surgeries on yourself

That shit is going to catch up to you in old age, especially the leg lengthening surgery

I do think if your goal was to attract a gilrfriend as opposed to just sex, then the strategy might be plausible as you could get at least temporary affection and you could get more value from sex if the relationship lasts enough to the point it would had been more expensive paying for escorts each time.
Having a girlfriend is never cheaper than fucking an escort (depends on the escort though)

You have to feed her, clothe her, buy her gifts, pay her bills, etc (its like raising a child that you fuck :feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:)

In the long run paying for it is cheaper (again, depends on what you are buying)

If you somehow got a cheap GF who likes going to regular restaurants to eat, and doesn't care much about jewelry and showing off, then yeah that would be a good deal, but how many women do you think are like that?

Women are the most vain and shallow between the sexes
As far as I know, which is little, one of the very few things the Redpill claims that magically triggers a primal switch in women that makes them attracted to a man that has actual value, is pre-selection. The idea that women automatically want men desired by other women and it triggers a primal sexual response when encountering such men.

Because of this, since years the theoretical idea has crossed my mind about hiring good acting escorts and take them to a night club or similar place, making them get publicly touchy with me, show interest, etc. to see if it would had an effect in the nearby women or make me not get rejected if I approach one. This has been just a thought experiment because of lack of funds, or female friends to attempt this. I was wondering, has any similar experiment been tried? What were the results? If not, could it work?
Preselection is very real I see it happen all the time, but at that point just pay to fuck the escorts
This should be tried.

I also want to see status experiments such as renting luxury cars yachts, faking your job etc. on Tinder.
It worked for me! (Said the pimp)


So gullible.
This should be tried.

I also want to see status experiments such as renting luxury cars yachts, faking your job etc. on Tinder.
When you think about it, isn't it just convoluted and illogical though?

You are spending a lot of money in attempts to MAYBE convince a woman to be attracted to you, SO YOU CAN FUCK HER

When you probably could have just paid an equally attractive woman SIGNIFICANTLY LESS TO FUCK HER

It doesn't make any sense

Its the logic of a man being blindly led by his ego

To use a funny analogy I previously used in this thread:
Imagine that you have a pickaxe buried in the ground and the soil is composed of mostly hard rock, and in order to get that pick axe, you buy 3 pickaxes of similar quality and use them till they break to finally get to the pickaxe that was buried

That's how much sense it makes to hire escorts to increase your chances of getting a woman to fuck you
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When you think about it, isn't it just convoluted and illogical though?

You are spending a lot of money in attempts to MAYBE convince a woman to be attracted to you, SO YOU CAN FUCK HER

When you probably could have just paid an equally attractive woman SIGNIFICANTLY LESS TO FUCK HER

It doesn't make any sense

Its the logic of a man being blindly led by his ego

To use a funny analogy I previously used in this thread:
In the long run this one should be cheaper because by doing this you create a fake image and the more women you fuck and you show it off you support that image. I mean it can be a waste at the end but everything is risky anyways. If you fuck her more than one time you are most likely profiting. I mean the image you created won't fade away it will stay to support you. Escorts are not cheap either. Though with this one you are wasting a lot of time so if your time is valuable this won't make sense then just make money and hire escorts.

Women are like sheep. Assuming they don't know those were escorts they will think that if those other women fucks this guy there should be something in him that I don't see. I mean let's think they are thinking those other women are golddiggers. It is fine they will perhaps still fuck until they get some expensive gifts from you. You are supposed to do that way not like spend a fortune before you fuck. I mean act like you will buy expensive shit for her but never give anything before fucking.
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Chads tend to have many foids competing for them and getting jealous when Chad is with another female. Redpill copers think this proves the theory of pe-selection. Enjoy wasting your money bud.
In the long run this one should be cheaper because by doing this you create a fake image and the more women you fuck and you show it off you support that image.
No, it definitely is not cheaper, to refer back to my analogy before, you are buying multiple pickaxes and breaking them one after the other, just to get another pickaxe buried in the ground that you place special value on for emotional reasons.

It is not cheaper, its a waste of money, you already have a pickaxe in hand.

Ever heard the saying - "A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush"?

What you are saying men should do is to use the bird in your hand to try and lure the other two in the bush, and on top of that you can just go to a store and cheaply buy another bird, it doesn't make sense.

I mean it can be a waste at the end but everything is risky anyways.
There's such a thing as "necessary risk", this isn't it.

If you can't see how retarded it is to pay someone that usually accepts money to fuck you, just to get them to pretend to like you so you can bait another woman into fucking you, I don't know what to tell you. :feelskek:

You literally have someone willing to fuck you right there and you'd have spent less money on them than you would on your "target".

That is peak delusion, that is being led by your ego, there is no logic to it.

Its like buying a car so that you can drive to a dealership thousands of miles away to buy another car of the same value. :feelskek:

If you fuck her more than one time you are most likely profiting.
No, this is that pathetic "oneitis" mindset a lot of men have. No woman is so "special" that you should go out of your way just to be able to fuck her more than once. There are a million "hers" that you can fuck, no need to place special weight on just one of her.

You can literally fuck a 10/10 in a country like Colombia for an entire night for like $50 to $100 dollars, so in what fucking world is any woman so valuable that you spend money on escorts to try and rope one in and then you have to buy her expensive gifts to "keep fucking her".

Women are like sheep. Assuming they don't know those were escorts they will think that if those other women fucks this guy there should be something in him that I don't see. I mean let's think they are thinking those other women are golddiggers. It is fine they will perhaps still fuck until they get some expensive gifts from you. You are supposed to do that way not like spend a fortune before you fuck. I mean act like you will buy expensive shit for her but never give before fucking.
What's the point of playing all these pointless mind games if your goal is the fuck and you are spending money for the sole purpose of fucking?

That's my point, you have play mental gymnastics games with yourself to not see how convoluted this all is.

You say "women are like sheep", I find that ironic, I'd say the men who think like you do are also like sheep, and your shepherd is your ego.
You can literally fuck a 10/10 in a country like Colombia for an entire night for like $50 to $100 dollars, so in what fucking world is any woman so valuable that you spend money on escorts to try and rope one in and then you have to buy her expensive gifts to "keep fucking her".
Ok if you get if for $50-100 a night then of course it is cheaper. In normal countries that are not shitholes this is easily $1000 and over a night. $50-100 is just one hour.

This has nothing to do with the oneitis mindset. You understood it all wrong. I was just writing from the economic point of view. Like let's say you spent just on the luxury car hire and you fucked 10 nights on different days with no extra spend then you are definitely profiting because as I said in many countries escorts are at least $1000 night that would end up $5000. It all depends on your costs in that location.
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It all depends on your costs in that location.
Why would you purposefully stay in a location where your costs are that high?

That's also my point, it doesn't make sense.

Like White Women? - Go to Czech Republic (Eastern Europe), the rates are extremely cheap and the cost of living is very low.

Like Black Women? - Go to the Dominican Republic (Caribbean), it has a known sex market in Sousa with cheap rates and the cost of living is very low.

Like Asian Women? - Go to Thailand (South East Asia), it has the most well known, cheap, easy to access sex market, and again, low cost of living.

Like Hispanic Women? - Go to Colombia (South America), it has a well known sex market with amazingly cheap rates, and once again, a low cost of living.




In normal countries that are not shitholes this is easily $1000 and over a night. $50-100 is just one hour.
Shithole countries are the normal countries actually lol.

Here's the question though, why would you even stay in a country where you have to pay $1000 to fuck?

Do you not understand how demographics works?

There are "rich places" in every country (even shit hole countries). You can live in a nice safe rich area in a shit hole country and it would be no different than living where you live now, and you'd have the added bonus of having access to cheap sex whenever you want it.

I don't know why so many of you guys are attached to the countries you are in when they have nothing to offer you.

This has nothing to do with the oneitis mindset. You understood it all wrong. I was just writing from the economic point of view.
You really weren't, the breakdown I did above is an economic point of you. You are being led by your ego and the idea of "EARNING" a woman's attraction, but its nothing but mental gymnastics because at the end of the day YOU ARE STILL PAYING FOR SEX.

Like let's say you spent just on the luxury car hire and you fucked 10 nights on different days with no extra spend then you are definitely profiting
You are definitely delusional if you think that's going to happen for an incel lol.

Chad with a lambo, YES.

You (incel) with a lambo, NO.

You will definitely have to spend extra and she may not even fuck you despite being baited by the lambo, just try to hook you around and see if you are a simp, and when she see's that she can't take advantage of you, she'll leave, but you still lost something, the money you spent trying to bait her and the time you wasted trying to fuck her.
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