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News US Moves 2 Carriers, 4 Other Warships to South China Sea

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Currydom Discussion
so we'll be ruled by either jews or chinks, great
1. Based. Fuck the CCP.

2. No, the situation is nowhere near as tense as the Taiwan Strait Crisis in the 1990s. No WW3.

3. Why is this here?
USA is weak. China and Russia rapes it in the ass

You're smoking something if you think that the Chinese or Russians could take on the U.S. Navy.

China could be a formidable threat, but the Russian Navy would struggle in a surface engagement against the JMSDF or the Royal Navy, let alone the USN.
You're smoking something if you think that the Chinese or Russians could take on the U.S. Navy.

China could be a formidable threat, but the Russian Navy would struggle in a surface engagement against the JMSDF or the Royal Navy, let alone the USN.
Massive cope. Russia will nuke the west coast in half a second
no the US is stronger then China and Russia together
LMAO you're in for a massive surprise. US has good propaganda, but they haven't actually won a war in over half a century. Vietnam fucked their low iq ass up. China and Russia would literally ground America into dust
Hongkong and Taiwan need to be set free. Chinks should know their place.
Massive cope. Russia will nuke the west coast in half a second

LMAO you're in for a massive surprise. US has good propaganda, but they haven't actually won a war in over half a century. Vietnam fucked their low iq ass up. China and Russia would literally ground America into dust
They didn't lose Vietnam, they decided to withdraw because of political reasons


The US spends more then China and Russia together and also has access to better technology

Russia and China only have good numbers, but all of their shit is outdated
Russia has ton shit of tanks but majority of them are shitty T72s and T90s
They didn't lose Vietnam, they decided to withdraw because of political reasons
Imagine actually believing this. They got slaughtered. You have to be completely brainwashed to think otherwise

View attachment 285389
The US spends more then China and Russia together and also has access to better technology

Russia and China only have good numbers, but all of their shit is outdated
Russia has ton shit of tanks but majority of them are shitty T72s and T90s

The united states could spend a 100 times more than all countries combined on militairy, their men and equipment and strategy will always be weak. Russia will literally not think twice abouot nuking america. Don't get me started on how china will tactically bomb every single us base and completely neutralize all US forces. Quit coping. U.S is weak, they can barely finish wars against countries 1/50th their size
Massive cope. Russia will nuke the west coast in half a second

LMAO you're in for a massive surprise. US has good propaganda, but they haven't actually won a war in over half a century. Vietnam fucked their low iq ass up. China and Russia would literally ground America into dust

The Russian military is a Cold War relic

OK tankie, you can stop sucking Winnie the Pooh's dick now

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The united states could spend a 100 times more than all countries combined on militairy, their men and equipment and strategy will always be weak. Russia will literally not think twice abouot nuking america. Don't get me started on how china will tactically bomb every single us base and completely neutralize all US forces. Quit coping. U.S is weak, they can barely finish wars against countries 1/50th their size

The Russians aren't going to do shit, their GDP is smaller than South Korea's, for fuck's sake. I'd love to see the PLA try said tactical bombing considering the U.S.' international reach is far beyond the PLA's logistical capabilities.
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Fucking hate video articles. Either narrate, or let me read for fuck sake.

Anyway, US and China are dependent on each other, nobody is going to do shit, yet. :feelskek:
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Imagine actually believing this. They got slaughtered. You have to be completely brainwashed to think otherwise

The united states could spend a 100 times more than all countries combined on militairy, their men and equipment and strategy will always be weak. Russia will literally not think twice abouot nuking america. Don't get me started on how china will tactically bomb every single us base and completely neutralize all US forces. Quit coping. U.S is weak, they can barely finish wars against countries 1/50th their size
I am brainwashed? lmao
you sound like a vatnik lol
fuck the US, i hope their government gets shot in the fucking head (in call of duty)
I was wondering why they would fight over such tiny islands, so I looked them up.

" The archipelago is surrounded by productive fishing grounds and a seabed with potential, but as yet unexplored, oil and gas reserves. "

I get u mixed up with @your personality cuz u both have green letter Avi
They didn't lose Vietnam, they decided to withdraw because of political reasons
JFL at this burgercope.
The US spends more then China and Russia together and also has access to better technology
Yeah when I buy rice here in Sweden for $10 I get more than when I use those same $10 in China, right? :feelshaha:
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I don't know why you guys think that any of this is serious or will lead to World War 3.

This is nothing more than posturing.

This is the equivalent of one tribe colouring itself in paint and pretty clothing, and doing a dance outside of the boundaries of another tribe in some form of ritualistic encounter. Except we do that now with shiny metal birds and boats.
They didn't lose Vietnam, they decided to withdraw because of political reasons

View attachment 285389
The US spends more then China and Russia together and also has access to better technology

Russia and China only have good numbers, but all of their shit is outdated
Russia has ton shit of tanks but majority of them are shitty T72s and T90s
Sthsth diminishing returns. Sth higher personel cost. But in total they are prolly still stronger ngl.
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Currydom Discussion
And also, hope the burger soldiers don't spread their corona back to Eastern and South Eastern Asia, knowing amerifats, the whole fucking battle group is covid positive.
Inceldom Discussion
A c c e l e r a t e
I don't know why you guys think that any of this is serious or will lead to World War 3.

This is nothing more than posturing.

This is the equivalent of one tribe colouring itself in paint and pretty clothing, and doing a dance outside of the boundaries of another tribe in some form of ritualistic encounter. Except we do that now with shiny metal birds and boats.
Yeah, but the prospect of society self imploding is a nice day dream
USA is weak. China and Russia rapes it in the ass
Militarily??????? I don't know if they mean carriers or carrier groups but MOST countries in the world would fall against 2 carrier groups, and US has 10+
Let's hope so
> Inceldom discussion
Chinese soldiers would crush us in battle they are united by race something we dont have how will a nigger die for a spic but chinese will die for fellow chinese and for china
The usa has been moving carries around there for decades. They are just waiting for the "pearl harbor" to happen.
I just hope that chinacels and currycels start an actual hot war over regional squabbles and destabilize their spheres of influence in SEA, South Asia, and East Africa.

Should shake up global supply chains and further disrupt internal politics in the West. While the West is distracted, Russia can make moves in the Baltics and Ukraine - up the pressure on the EU as it faces another Eurocrisis AND a foreign threat - a let the chaos slowly consume the rest of the world.

Nobody is foolish enough to directly challenge the US who can easily crush any foreign threat with superior nuclear or conventional might. They need to be drawn in when it's already too late, and there are too many fires to put out.

Accelerate. Accelerate. Accelerate.
nice, war is cool
My nigs U realise violet is like purple.
Ur avi b green:
View attachment 285400

My bad, forgot violet is more like purple. Meant to say it looks more indigo colored to me. In your screenshot it does show my avi as light green but when I log on I see it looks more indigo colored and not green colored at all.

Idk maybe how color of avi looks depends on what device you are using to view this site or whether you are viewing from the person's account or not.

I don't know why you guys think that any of this is serious or will lead to World War 3.

This is nothing more than posturing.

This is the equivalent of one tribe colouring itself in paint and pretty clothing, and doing a dance outside of the boundaries of another tribe in some form of ritualistic encounter. Except we do that now with shiny metal birds and boats.

Countries never stop trying to mog each other.

The usa has been moving carries around there for decades. They are just waiting for the "pearl harbor" to happen.

Or another Gulf of Tonkin incident @Emba
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