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unpopular incel opinion thread

Don't hate women or wish any malice against them, don't resent society etc. (I'll admit it can be tough but I've got good control over my emotions and rationally have never let resentment build up). It is 100% my fault, there's also the fact that as rare as it is some people aren't cut out for life.

Goal is to help atleast x amount people/strangers before I off myself not too long from now
Spidey said:
A very autistic cope tbh.

muh jews
muh rothschild

Hypergamy has been present in European countries for a VERY LONG time.

African countries managed to stave it off.

Africa was just under different selective pressures than Europe. Aggresiveness, high impulsivity, muscularity were selected for there. Hypergamy 80/20 was still there
Weirdcel said:
Africa was just under different selective pressures than Europe. Aggresiveness, high impulsivity, muscularity were selected for there. Hypergamy 80/20 was still there

They were selected for and still hypergamy didn't occur. That's because there wasn't a huge portion of subhumans in Africa.
Spidey said:


inb4 muh it's only Tinder

Edit: Mentioned more people

Muh tinder is a good argument tho. It’s more like 80/20 because the 20 is only a swipe or two away
KV3 said:
Muh tinder is a good argument tho. It’s more like 80/20 because the 20 is only a swipe or two away

No because okcupid also supports it.

Also, the 20s are only a club away.
Master said:
Many women settle for less and still cheat, but most men are in relationships and we're the outliers.

I dont find bo2cel rly ugly. There are worser. Some ugly people can compensate that by beeing cute. The character on ice Age is also very similar looking to blackops2cel but he is considered as cute
decent woman still exist
Average girls are better than Stacy's. 
Most average girls aren't thin model looking sluts with porcelain faces who dress like sluts. I'd rather date a nerdy girl than a Stacy, tbh. I would date Stacy too, it's just that I feel more like murdering her than rising up a family with her.
I don't hate women at all

(I understand why other incels do obviously)
The Nazis were chads.
probably gonna get banned or some shit for this but here goes

1) i don't think looks actually matter as much as people here say they do, sure, they have the power to change your entire life based on how good they are, but no one is really that good looking irl. those types of people are rare as fuck and most people are average-slightly below average and still manage to do perfectly fine in life.

2) "sub8 is death" is a monumental cope. if you guys ever went outside your basement you'd see that like 98% of males are sub8 and still get into relationships and have sex.

3) i don't really hate females, the only ones i hate are the "stacy" types who are bitchy and condescending, the rest are aight. although i do hate their stupidity, complete inability to learn from experience, and backwards ass nature.

4) literally everyone here is a mentalcel. in fact, i'd say that's the biggest reason behind inceldom. i don't think it's as much about looks as it is about just being NT. i think it's a mix of complete social retardation and/or lack of experience, no social circles, which leaves the only option for 99% of people here to turn to online dating. now here's the part that's really fucked. just be nt/social circle game works irl, but it doesn't really do shit for you in online dating. now here's the place where you will get judged PURELY for your looks, and this shit is potent as fuck in creating incels tbh. even if you're average looking, you stand absolutely no chance in online dating, not even probably with a girl 3-4 points below your looks level.

inb4 "omg bluepilled fakecel gtfo ree"
can´t believe there are still people on here who deny that looks are everything in life.

Good luck approaching women as a non chad in clubs/bars/online.

Even if you luck out with a girl from social circle once chad appears you better believe she will cheat on you.
whogivesafucc said:
probably gonna get banned or some shit for this but here goes

1) i don't think looks actually matter as much as people here say they do, sure, they have the power to change your entire life based on how good they are, but no one is really that good looking irl. those types of people are rare as fuck and most people are average-slightly below average and still manage to do perfectly fine in life.

2) "sub8 is death" is a monumental cope. if you guys ever went outside your basement you'd see that like 98% of males are sub8 and still get into relationships and have sex.

3) i don't really hate females, the only ones i hate are the "stacy" types who are bitchy and condescending, the rest are aight. although i do hate their stupidity, complete inability to learn from experience, and backwards ass nature.

4) literally everyone here is a mentalcel. in fact, i'd say that's the biggest reason behind inceldom. i don't think it's as much about looks as it is about just being NT. i think it's a mix of complete social retardation and/or lack of experience, no social circles, which leaves the only option for 99% of people here to turn to online dating. now here's the part that's really fucked. just be nt/social circle game works irl, but it doesn't really do shit for you in online dating. now here's the place where you will get judged PURELY for your looks, and this shit is potent as fuck in creating incels tbh. even if you're average looking, you stand absolutely no chance in online dating, not even probably with a girl 3-4 points below your looks level.

inb4 "omg bluepilled fakecel gtfo ree"

I second that.
Cuck-Damage said:
this is a good video to watch

first 10 or so minutes anyway
couldn´t get past the first minute.

Do you want me to repost the pics of the RSD party again? Tyler is a complete fraud like all non good looking PUAs.
If you still count as an incel if you have sex with a hooker, women who can't get a romantic relationship (they do exist) can be incel too.
Sure, they can get sex from chadlite even if they are ugly, but she isn't getting validation either, because most men will just fuck every woman their age that lets them. And women can also be lonely, although I have to admit, there are probably way more men than women that are chronically lonely

SupremeG said:
Average girls are better than Stacy's. 
Most average girls aren't thin model looking sluts with porcelain faces who dress like sluts. I'd rather date a nerdy girl than a Stacy, tbh. I would date Stacy too, it's just that I feel more like murdering her than rising up a family with her.


whogivesafucc said:
4) literally everyone here is a mentalcel. in fact, i'd say that's the biggest reason behind inceldom. i don't think it's as much about looks as it is about just being NT. i think it's a mix of complete social retardation and/or lack of experience, no social circles, which leaves the only option for 99% of people here to turn to online dating. now here's the part that's really fucked. just be nt/social circle game works irl, but it doesn't really do shit for you in online dating. now here's the place where you will get judged PURELY for your looks, and this shit is potent as fuck in creating incels tbh. even if you're average looking, you stand absolutely no chance in online dating, not even probably with a girl 3-4 points below your looks level.

Also this. I came to the same conclusion. Most people here are at least to some degree mentalcel, and the most promosing tactic to ascend is as follows:

relatively nt, mainly lookscel ----> concentrate on building a bigger social circle, get out and do real life things, and approach girls in real life
decent looking, mainly mentalcel ----> concentrate on online dating (NOT tinder)
Getlooksordie said:
couldn´t get past the first minute.

Do you want me to repost the pics of the RSD party again? Tyler is a complete fraud like all non good looking PUAs.

post it, you probably got shit
whogivesafucc said:
probably gonna get banned or some shit for this but here goes

1) i don't think looks actually matter as much as people here say they do, sure, they have the power to change your entire life based on how good they are, but no one is really that good looking irl. those types of people are rare as fuck and most people are average-slightly below average and still manage to do perfectly fine in life.

2) "sub8 is death" is a monumental cope. if you guys ever went outside your basement you'd see that like 98% of males are sub8 and still get into relationships and have sex.

3) i don't really hate females, the only ones i hate are the "stacy" types who are bitchy and condescending, the rest are aight. although i do hate their stupidity, complete inability to learn from experience, and backwards ass nature.

4) literally everyone here is a mentalcel. in fact, i'd say that's the biggest reason behind inceldom. i don't think it's as much about looks as it is about just being NT. i think it's a mix of complete social retardation and/or lack of experience, no social circles, which leaves the only option for 99% of people here to turn to online dating. now here's the part that's really fucked. just be nt/social circle game works irl, but it doesn't really do shit for you in online dating. now here's the place where you will get judged PURELY for your looks, and this shit is potent as fuck in creating incels tbh. even if you're average looking, you stand absolutely no chance in online dating, not even probably with a girl 3-4 points below your looks level.

inb4 "omg bluepilled fakecel gtfo ree"

I agree 110%. Shame these memes flood every single incel forum and as a result make the whole inceldom a meme
whogivesafucc said:
probably gonna get banned or some shit for this but here goes

1) i don't think looks actually matter as much as people here say they do, sure, they have the power to change your entire life based on how good they are, but no one is really that good looking irl. those types of people are rare as fuck and most people are average-slightly below average and still manage to do perfectly fine in life.

2) "sub8 is death" is a monumental cope. if you guys ever went outside your basement you'd see that like 98% of males are sub8 and still get into relationships and have sex.

3) i don't really hate females, the only ones i hate are the "stacy" types who are bitchy and condescending, the rest are aight. although i do hate their stupidity, complete inability to learn from experience, and backwards ass nature.

4) literally everyone here is a mentalcel. in fact, i'd say that's the biggest reason behind inceldom. i don't think it's as much about looks as it is about just being NT. i think it's a mix of complete social retardation and/or lack of experience, no social circles, which leaves the only option for 99% of people here to turn to online dating. now here's the part that's really fucked. just be nt/social circle game works irl, but it doesn't really do shit for you in online dating. now here's the place where you will get judged PURELY for your looks, and this shit is potent as fuck in creating incels tbh. even if you're average looking, you stand absolutely no chance in online dating, not even probably with a girl 3-4 points below your looks level.

inb4 "omg bluepilled fakecel gtfo ree"

omg bluepilled fakecel gtfo ree

joking, I agree with most of those points. The thing about being sub 8 is that you are inferior to what consider ideal, while women will definitely date and have sex with sub 8's they fantasize about being taken by 8/10 6 foot 5 men. As soon as a 8/10 shows interest in your girl prepare to be kicked to the curb and this can definitely happen due to hypergamy.
I do not want to have plastic surgery for looksmaxxing.

I would turn down a 9/10 Stacy if she approached me for sex.

Gambler is indeed a higher-tier normie.

Orb is the best-looking member to have posted on PSLI forums, including misc.
No one here is blackpilled. It's cognitively impossible to admit that you're irrelevant genetic trash. You will always cope with something. Even if it's reveling in how shitty your life is, you're secretly hoping people will take pity on you and give you attention. Everyone copes. Everything you ever think and everything you ever write is cope. There's no way to fully accept looks law.

Tinder, feminism, the political left have nothing to do with why you're single. You're just uglier or more of a pussy than you think you are.

There is no such thing as a "normie"
all of you are mentally ill and a lot of ugly guys get laid
Akarin said:
all of you are mentally ill and a lot of ugly guys get laid

Stick to your lolis boyo and don't let the bluepill fools you.
Stanx22 said:
Stick to your lolis boyo and don't let the bluepill fools you.

bluepill aka not cope

both of my statements are true
Akarin said:
all of you are mentally ill and a lot of ugly guys get laid

Reported and deported
"accepting the black pill" = rationalizing complete lack of sex
in other words, we worship the black pill because we cant have sex, not because its rational or true. we wouldnt if we could.

btw, best thread ive seen in a while. that vid about the PUA almost kill me... i could not finish it.
Akarin said:
all of you are mentally ill and a lot of ugly guys get laid
Akarin said:
all of you are mentally ill and a lot of ugly guys get laid

no one would here would really actually admit that though, despite how true it is.

_incelinside said:
whogivesafucc said:
probably gonna get banned or some shit for this but here goes
1) i don't think looks actually matter as much as people here say they do, sure, they have the power to change your entire life based on how good they are, but no one is really that good looking irl. those types of people are rare as fuck and most people are average-slightly below average and still manage to do perfectly fine in life.
2) "sub8 is death" is a monumental cope. if you guys ever went outside your basement you'd see that like 98% of males are sub8 and still get into relationships and have sex.
3) i don't really hate females, the only ones i hate are the "stacy" types who are bitchy and condescending, the rest are aight. although i do hate their stupidity, complete inability to learn from experience, and backwards ass nature.
4) literally everyone here is a mentalcel. in fact, i'd say that's the biggest reason behind inceldom. i don't think it's as much about looks as it is about just being NT. i think it's a mix of complete social retardation and/or lack of experience, no social circles, which leaves the only option for 99% of people here to turn to online dating. now here's the part that's really fucked. just be nt/social circle game works irl, but it doesn't really do shit for you in online dating. now here's the place where you will get judged PURELY for your looks, and this shit is potent as fuck in creating incels tbh. even if you're average looking, you stand absolutely no chance in online dating, not even probably with a girl 3-4 points below your looks level.
inb4 "omg bluepilled fakecel gtfo ree"
omg bluepilled fakecel gtfo ree
joking, I agree with most of those points. The thing about being sub 8 is that you are inferior to what consider ideal, while women will definitely date and have sex with sub 8's they fantasize about being taken by 8/10 6 foot 5 men. As soon as a 8/10 shows interest in your girl prepare to be kicked to the curb and this can definitely happen due to hypergamy.

yep, i agree with that too. they literally only really desire chads but 95% of the time have to settle for way less.
Getlooksordie said:
can´t believe there are still people on here who deny that looks are everything in life.

Good luck approaching women as a non chad in clubs/bars/online.

Even if you luck out with a girl from social circle once chad appears you better believe she will cheat on you.

If they were not you wouldn't see females going crazy for them. What the he'l is wrong with people and denying the obvious.
Nazis were Chads. Communists were subhuman. Thanks to this huge faggot 
People like us exist.
Being NT and 3 and above you'll probably get laid and live a fine life.

Being not NT and 6 and below you may get laid a couple times and have some relationships, but you're going to have a shitty life and never be loved.
SupremeG said:
Nazis were Chads. Communists were subhuman. Thanks to this huge faggot 
People like us exist.

Stalin was a Chad when he was young

aut said:
Stalin was a Chad when he was young

He Looked like a jewish Kebab. If this is Chad, then every second muslim is Chad as well.

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