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Theory Universitycels are volcels and fakecels.



Incelius Savage is The Godfather of Inceldom
Jul 23, 2021
They go to adult equivalent of daycare where they get to live on campus with slutty, horny foids every single day that all want to have sex with as many men, get invited to weekend parties, where they can easily fuck drunk girls and only rich 6’3 white athletic chads get accepted to university, which they themselves admit to complaining.

View: https://youtu.be/Up63hqjkwc4
@Incelius Savage
another day another @Zer0/∞ IQ Thread




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Bullshit, the highest IQcels are in STEM and many great STEM colleges have a male to female ratio higher than 5:1
When I was in university, I was so bogged down with work that all I did was study and sleep. I didn't go to any gatherings or parties, and neither did most of my STEMcel peers. You only go to parties if you're in a liberal arts major, business major, or something easy.
Most subhumans who manage to get accepted into a university are not in fact the ones getting invitations to parties and getting with foids; it's true that the population of more "elite" institutes such as Harvard have a much higher quantity of white Chads and foids, but being able to get a loan/scholarship to go at a local university doesn't exactly make you a fakecel... :feelsjuice:

Foid standards, hypergamy, and the discrimination and subsequent treatment towards subhumans remains no matter if in a university, college, or workplace. :society:
I left the university the virgin i came in.
Another fake cel fat titty boy

Maybe loose a few of those lard chins before you try to tell me what a fake cel is
Now try to imagine living all this in the foreground without being able to take part in it :feelsaww:
True af. Collegecels are volcels or were too stupid and didn’t looksmaxx and are stuck in their dorms.
My university was nothing like this jfl
Not true at all. I have been in university for the last few years and in fact, my chances of ascending were even LOWER than in high school by a significant amount. For actual incels, university is hell (yes there are some benefits like increased social interaction chances, especially with other incels, or being able to join clubs/sports/etc, or networking, and of course getting a degree and education). It is like the classic example of showing a starving prisoner a delicious 5-course meal behind a bulletproof glass wall and letting him smell it, but never even get to touch, taste, or eat it.

If you are truly an incel or non-NT (I am both), it is brutal. Are there a bunch of good-looking, hot, young women around who are wanting to fuck? Yes. Are they fraternity Chad only? Yes. That's about as simple as it gets.

To give some context, before I transferred to my current university, I went to a notorious "party school" in my area. (I actually only went there because I am low-IQcel and it was one of the only ones which accepted me). This university unironically had a 70/30 female-to-male ratio (likely because historically it was a female-only institution). AND I STILL DID NOT GET EVEN THE SLIGHTEST TASTE OF ASCENSION. My current university is more around the 60/40 ratio of female-to-male students, and of course no luck there either.

Also, universities have many people who are not 6'3 white athletic Chads as you suggest, OP. All of the fraternities are, however. But the general university population usually has many different people. There are actually many subhumans who are not aware they are incels. Depending on where you go the races are different too. At my old university, it was mostly Europeans (white) and Africans (black) but at my current one, there are of course whites and blacks, but also many browns and yellows. The current one actually has a lot of South/East Asians, and also South/Central Americans. Some of this is, no doubt due to the university's (and society as a whole) constant shilling of diversity.

And it does not matter what you do as a truecel, nothing will help. I am not very active at my current university, but at my old one I was in 4 different clubs, on 1 sports team, and went to the gym 4 days a week to try and gain muscle for my skinnycel frame. I made friends (who were usually unsuccessful subhumans like myself), went to parties (only the lame ones that were not invite-only or had a fee to get in), and nothing helped me ascend.

To actually get the social benefits of college/university you MUST be Chad. You need to get into a fraternity or exclusive social group that will invite you to exclusive social gatherings, many of which are with sororities with women. Almost all women at colleges are Chad-only, even landwhales. I would know because I've witnessed this myself. Women of any type are usually allowed into parties free of charge or without invites, while the uninvited men are turned away by the doorman instantly. I cannot count how many times I was turned away at a party door due to my subhumanity. The frat parties are the most revered because they have the most alcohol and the most women (the frats are obsessed with keeping a "ratio" at the parties, typically 1 man for every 3 women AT THE LEAST, and this is why they are so exclusive because they do not want it to be a "sausage party"). If you are not Chad and in a fraternity with many social connections, you will suffer massively in college. You will have few to no friends, and get no woman. Your schedule will consist of whatever mundane clubs and sports you do, and school, and that is it. This is the case, especially in the United States and Canada, but it is not unreasonable to assume many foreign universities operate in a similar manner.
room temperature IQ thread
At least in my country all you need to do to get in uni/college is get good grades in school and do well in the SAT equivalent. Unless you're willing to argue that all incels are retards, being in uni by itself doesn't mean shit.

Besides, you got it wrong. Women don't whore themselves to your average joe even when drunk, but only for chad. Going to parties also isn't easy at all as a lonely, social outcast subhuman. Even if you succeed in doing all these things, i.e. sneaking into a party then drug a girl, if you ever get caught your whole life is now pretty much fucked since you'll get charged for rape and ultimately expelled, perhaps even put in prison with Tyrone fucking your ass 24/7 until your sentence expires.
They go to adult equivalent of daycare where they get to live on campus with slutty, horny foids every single day that all want to have sex with as many men, get invited to weekend parties, where they can easily fuck drunk girls and only rich 6’3 white athletic chads get accepted to university, which they themselves admit to complaining.

View: https://youtu.be/Up63hqjkwc4

Since I attended university - noone is inviting ugly men to a party, lol.
Ugly men when they meet in real life are making online appointment to play LOL or Cod together, while toilets are orbiting chads 24/7.
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There is no place that is more Chad only than university.
Another pointless thread by this guy... :feelsjuice:
No, mainly because universities are systems that are anti-Male: the ratios are unimportant. It´s a system that attracts females for a reason and they have the institutional force in their sides.
Why do white normies enjoy screaming so much? Viking gene remnants?
If you're truecel it doesn't matter how many people are around you, women will never be interested in you.
they are going through what ER did
Bruh. Most guys in university are not chads.
I dont know why lately you've been posting so many low iq threads
They go to adult equivalent of daycare where they get to live on campus with slutty, horny foids every single day that all want to have sex with as many men, get invited to weekend parties, where they can easily fuck drunk girls and only rich 6’3 white athletic chads get accepted to university, which they themselves admit to complaining.

View: https://youtu.be/Up63hqjkwc4

DO you think 6'3 white chads only get accepted into universities?:feelsgah::feelsgah::feelsgah::feelsgah::feelsgah::feelsgah::feelsgah::feelsgah::feelsgah::feelsgah:. There are literally universities in the US with 100 percent acceptance rate or very close to that. YOU yourself can attend university so easily and tons of loan sharks will give you loans willingly. Very stupid post
When I was in university, I was so bogged down with work that all I did was study and sleep. I didn't go to any gatherings or parties, and neither did most of my STEMcel peers. You only go to parties if you're in a liberal arts major, business major, or something easy.
ye I literally have 0 time for parties im always studying/doing work its fucking crazy. On top of that I cant even get into parties because I have no friends

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