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University is making me ANGRY



Jan 9, 2018
A lot of the classes I am taking are 70%+ female. There are so many Stacy and I can't take it anymore. I cannot focus in class because I get too horny, then I get angry because none of them would want to be with me.
Just lol at going to uni
University is miserable for the incel guy I regret my time spent there
Are you in liberal arts or something? What classes are 70% women
Do an ER and drop out of every class that has a female with a boyfriend in it.
Hated uni so glad I’m out.
It's horrible for me having to see all these hot girls in skantly clad clothing everyday and never getting a chance to be with them.
Yeah, it'll do that. My first year, I can remember constantly having a diffuse rage wash over me in waves as I ground myself into my seat listening to the din of vocal fry, lisps, and congested mumbling sounding from a hundred indistinguishable meat machines. Every day, a new whore and her fuckin' backwards-cap, Chad-aspirant orbiter would invariably find a way to get situated right behind me and talk through the whole lecture. Alone, you're cognizant that almost everyone enjoys a life refused you, but to constantly brush up against it, and see the severely degenerated beings that have been given it, will eat you away after a while.

Your best bet, if you're at all confident academically, is just to not show up, assuming you aren't bound by attendance/assignments. Don't feel compelled to hold tight to the conventional experience in all its trappings, telling yourself 'I'm paying money to learn, I've got to be in class." If you want to learn, pick up a book. If you're just looking to get the highest grades you can (which, really, should be your only concern here), figure out what's expected by reading into how the material is presented and emphasized and study lecture notes and readings. I absented myself from as much time on campus as possible and wound up with a near perfect record to show for it (just got hit by an 'enrichment, diversity. etc.' Anthropology course). If your experience is anything similar, dragging yourself through this kind of gauntlet everyday will only wear you down.

Alternatively, change your major to Electrical Engineering.
Yeah, it sucks man. I'm just glad i didnt get stuck with a Chad, or popular roommate. My roommate is a goodlooking guy who dosent ever bring girls or friends into the room and plays his Ps4 all day.
i was going to quit college but i need to finish what i started, but im never getting a job with my useless degree
damn son, what are you even majoring in for a 70% female rate
you are either to early in your major or your major is too easy.
When I found out about the "do it for the state" thing I had a blackpill meltdown and had to stay off the internet for a bit.
KV3 said:
Are you in liberal arts or something? What classes are 70% women

I have to take some arts courses for my degree and a lot of my arts courses are history based, so I did not expect so many females.

One of my courses is so bad that there were only 20 guys in 150 people class.
And people tell you that College or University is better than High School lol :').
Destroy your university.
spicycurry said:
A lot of the classes I am taking are 70%+ female. There are so many Stacy and I can't take it anymore. I cannot focus in class because I get too horny, then I get angry because none of them would want to be with me.

Just do computer engineering if you never want to see females. Unless your school has crazy unreasonable quotas, electrical engineering and computer engineering even moreso are basically male majors. Back in the day computer science would have worked too, but women took over that one because they're vapid cunts who just want to jump on the gravy train.
The worst part is theyre all wearing yoga pants.
Two years ago, my classes consisted of 90% girls, I remember our campus were mostly girls (again, 90%) and when we had classes in another building where there were a lot more guys, I heard girls say "Omg! Look at those hot guys." JFL. Roasties have no shame around ugly men.
theres about 7 girls and a few dozen guys in my engineering course cohort and none of the girls are above a 5/10. theres not even any chadlites except 1 or 2 guys that i can tell have good faces that could looksmax to 8/10 but they dress like shut ins and have unkempt hair and unfit bodies. despite this i would not be surprised if they had gfs.

there are quite a lot of hipster/alt girl tryhard types around campus who are probably doing art courses. they have fucked up hair with shaved sides and fringe as well as weird hipster fashion and makeup, i always have a strong urge to slash their throats in one of the alleys.
sit in the front so all stacys are behind you, they also can't see your face. just your lightbulb shaped head
I hate all the unicels humblebragging.
ropecel said:
Just do computer engineering if you never want to see females. Unless your school has crazy unreasonable quotas, electrical engineering and computer engineering even moreso are basically male majors. Back in the day computer science would have worked too, but women took over that one because they're vapid cunts who just want to jump on the gravy train.

Tfw when biological sex actually does exist despite all the crazy quota programmes of the left kek.
uni is literally hell on earth if you're incel in any way or high inhibition/aspie, etc. literally the worst fucking hell i ever experienced.

everyone excepts you to have your shit together, to not be shy or whatever, my classes weren't bad at all in and of themselves but the entire environment around you is literally surreal. it's almost like you're the only person in the world who is lonely, i am not fucking joking when i say that one time i was feeling angry/bitter and every single human being i saw had friends, girlfriends/boyfriends sitting with them meanwhile i was the only person alone.

keep in mind this is a city college, not even a state college. i don't even want to know what an experience in a DORM would be like. i would LITERALLY rather burned to death, resurrected, burned to death, resurrected, etc 10 times over.

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