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JFL [ULTIMATE OPIOID PILL] SSRIs are LESS effective than placebos for depression

Atavistic Autist

Atavistic Autist

Intersectional autistic supremacy
May 28, 2018

In a study of fluoxetine (Prozac) for adolescents, researchers found that the placebo effect predicted good outcomes, but the actual drug treatment did not. After accounting for “treatment guess” (those who figured out that they were receiving an intervention rather than placebo), the drug was not effective in depression treatment.

So given that the placebo effect is demonstrated to work for depression, but not SSRIs, then what accounts for the placebo effect? :feelshehe:

Placebo Effects Mediated by Endogenous Opioid Activity on μ-Opioid Receptors​

The placebo effect is explained by ENDOGENOUS OPIOID RELEASE.

Thus exogenous opioids (i.e., opioid drugs) can be expected to work for depression too. And what do you know? They do, as I've written many posts about.

SSRI shills like @suicidecase who constantly shit up my ope pill threads BTFO. They have such a need to convince themselves that their shitty jewpills are working to maintain their placebo effect that they can't help but muddy the waters on actual information about depression. Ironically they're as much of a "junkie" to endogenous opioids as anyone :feelskek:

They're depressed because they're lonely losers and thus low in endogenous opioid activity, just like the rest of us, but they're so low IQ that being given some sexual dysfunction causing snake oil by a pseudoscientist is enough to make them feel nice and warm inside :lul:

Keep on with that kid, while us adults use real OPE
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@SocialzERo @DottKo334 Will SSRI shills ever recover from this? Their placebo effects might just be nullified by reading this thread, and given that they are too high and mighty to ever use "muh hard drugs" (JFL), then I guess they'll just have to kill themselves :feelshaha:

Well, one thing @suicidecase has going for him is that he can't read, so I guess he's safe then :feelsahh:
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@SocialzERo @DottKo334 Will SSRI shills ever recover from this? Their placebo effects might just be nullified by reading this thread, and given that they are too high and mighty to ever use "muh hard drugs" (JFL), then I guess they'll just have to kill themselves :feelshaha:

Well, one thing @suicidecase has going for him is that he can't read, so I guess he's safe then :feelsahh:
SSRI shills like @suicidecase who constantly shit up my ope pill threads BTFO. They have such a need to convince themselves that their shitty jewpills are working to maintain their placebo effect that they can't help but muddy the waters on actual information about depression. Ironically they're as much of a "junkie" to endogenous opioids as anyone :feelskek:
Do you have a humiliation fetish or something?
They're depressed because they're lonely losers and thus low in endogenous opioid activity, just like the rest of us, but they're so low IQ that being given some sexual dysfunction causing snake oil by a pseudoscientist is enough to make them feel nice and warm inside :lul:
My sex drive always has been, and still is, insane. Antidepressants have no impact on it for me. The opposite in fact, suicidal depression kills my sex drive, saps my testosterone and turns me, emotionally, into a woman. Sertraline numbs my emotions and turns me back into a man. And you've never experienced genuine depression if you think it can be cured by placebo.
Keep on with that kid, while us adults use real OPE
Why are you so infatuated with convincing the world being a junkie is a good thing? Misery loves company, I suppose. Enjoy living blissfully in a tent on the streets, begging for loose change with no teeth.
Do you have a humiliation fetish or something?
>Look! I found a study publicized by big pharma which said the opposite thing!

Of course there would be studies saying that SSRIs are more useful than placebo or else they would've never been marketed. It just so happens that pharmaceutical companies tend to not publish the data which shows that their drugs don't work lol, as investigations into the FDA's library of unpublished data have revealed.

Sertraline numbs my emotions and turns me back into a man. And you've never experienced genuine depression if you think it can be cured by placebo.
Interesting perspective. I don't think emotions are inimical to masculinity, especially since emotions are what fuel one's passions. But as I've said, if it does actually work for you and you're not just a placebo case, then bravo. You're part of the minority of people for whom SSRIs work.

When I was on an SSRI, the lack of emotions made me feel like a zombie without libido. And I suspect it caused excessive oxidative stress and inflammation in my body. If you're going to give me a placebo, then at least actually make it a sugar pill, and not some nasty drug with horrible side effects, tbh.

Upwards of 50%+ people get at least temporary sexual dysfunction from SSRIs so you're a real aberration here.

Why are you so infatuated with convincing the world being a junkie is a good thing? Misery loves company, I suppose. Enjoy living blissfully in a tent on the streets, begging for loose change with no teeth.
I'm enjoying every day, with a full ability to feel positive emotions, including pleasure :feelscomfy:

Do you remember how that's like? :feelshmm:

I remember how having a sex drive was like before SSRIs. Now I can only temporarily bring it back to life with high dose antioxidants/anti-inflammatories.
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Don't take jewpils worst idea of my life tbh
btw @suicidecase, try quitting your jewpill and notice the withdrawal effects you get, you totally not a junkie.

I have talked to someone who gets horrible withdrawal symptoms when attempting to quit his SNRI. You develop dependence upon these drugs just like any other, and trying to quit them without a taper will cause non-depression related issues like brain zaps :feelsseriously:

The only difference between "hard drugs" and jewpills is that jewpills don't even make you feel good; they tend to be dysphoric and "numb" you, getting rid of both your good and bad emotions. That doesn't sound like being freed from depression to me, TBH.

Opioids specifically get rid of your negative emotions (sadness/anger/pain), while restoring your ability to feel good (hedonic tone and consummatory pleasure).
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Don't take jewpils worst idea of my life tbh
What did the jewpills do to you bro? They all but castrated me. But fortunately due to my industriousness, I have resolved a good deal of the problem.
the authors excluded studies with patients who also had bipolar depression, symptoms of psychosis or treatment resistant depression
Considering that 30% of people are said to have treatment resistant depression, this is a pretty big cohort that was excluded from the study you linked @suicidecase

It seems that 1/3rd of people respond to SSRIs and benefit from the emotional deadening they cause, 1/3rd get the placebo effect, and 1/3rd don't get the placebo effect and are termed "treatment resistant."
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What did the jewpills do to you bro? They all but castrated me. But fortunately due to my industriousness, I have resolved a good deal of the problem.
When i was on zoloft it made me really angry and it worsened my depression and anxiety also when i wanted to coom it would make cooming difficult i would jerk off for like 20 minutes and still couldn't coom.I have been off zoloft for over 2 years thankfully
When i was on zoloft it made me really angry and it worsened my depression and anxiety also when i wanted to coom it would make cooming difficult i would jerk off for like 20 minutes and still couldn't coom.I have been off zoloft for over 2 years thankfully

Be very thankful that those symptoms didn't persist after discontinuation, like they do with many people.
Take it with a grain of salt sweaty.

Most people with “depression” are foids who are sad that it took chad more than 5 seconds to text them back. I saw a post where a foid was “depressed” because she licked chads asshole and gave him head and he wouldnt lick her rotten hole in return.

It might actually work for real depression.
The therapeutic value of SSRIs, as our resident SSRI expert has testified, is to emotionally numb you.

They reduce all your emotions, often to nothing, and can take away your sex drive too.

It's clear to me that the fact they help some people with their depression is purely incidental. Depression is not an issue of excessive emotions. Indeed, people often describe their experience of depression as feeling "dead inside" to begin with. They precisely LACK feeling, and want to feel alive.

Is it any wonder that those folx would benefit from "hard drugs" that fulfill the purpose of making you feel alive (by targeting the dopaminergic and opioidergic systems)? They don't need to feel deader than they already are with an SSRI, JFL.
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Ive been on SSRIs. I agree that they don’t work for most people, but others have had great success with them.

The “emotional numbness” thing mostly pertains to atypical antipsychotics, not SSRIs.
Antipsychotics are definitely worse than SSRIs on this matter, but emotional blunting is always caused by SSRIs.

It's just that some people experience it more strongly than others, and for some unfortunate folx, it persists past discontinuation and they never feel the same again.

This has a lot to do with individual genetics related to drug metabolism, I suspect, which psychiatrists don't even test for before prescribing their jewpills, JFL. They just prescribe everybody the same doses and don't investigate what type of metabolizers they are beforehand, thereby severely overdosing some.

Indeed, for all their scientific pretentions, psychiatrists don't really test their patients at all.
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>Look! I found a study publicized by big pharma which said the opposite thing!
Yank moment :feelsclown:
Of course there would be studies saying that SSRIs are more useful than placebo or else they would've never been marketed. It just so happens that pharmaceutical companies tend to not publish the data which shows that their drugs don't work lol, as investigations into the FDA's library of unpublished data have revealed.
Nobody pays for medication outside of Yankland. There is no "market". There's the antithesis of a "market", in that Doctors and hospitals actively don't want to prescribe you shit because they're overburdened with work and patients, they just want you to fuck off.
Interesting perspective. I don't think emotions are inimical to masculinity, especially since emotions are what fuel one's passions.
It isn't a coincidence men have higher sex drives and women are more emotional. Testosterone and male hormones are associated with anger, stoicism and a high sex drive. Estrogen and female hormones are associated with neuroticism, weepiness and a dead sex drive. My extreme bouts of depression manifest themselves physically, I get a strong, persistent sensation in my gut and I cry a lot. My sex drive dies and I'm filled with extreme empathy. I function like a woman. It isn't wholly bad, because it provides a different perspective, but Sertraline stops these symptoms within days. This isn't a placebo. The change is too extreme for it to be a placebo.
But if it does actually work for you and you're not just a placebo case, then bravo. You're part of a minority of people for whom SSRIs work.
Countless studies have proven that they work. Particularly for severe cases of depression. Do they work well and immediately enough to save the lives of people DEEPLY suicidal and at rock bottom? No.
Upwards of 50%+ people get at least temporary sexual dysfunction from SSRIs so you're a real aberration here.
You've plucked that figure from the ether. Because reliable data on that doesn't exist.
Do you remember how that's like? :feelshmm:
No. But I don't want to inject heroin to feel what it's like. I remember what wanting to die to relieve the aching sensation in my stomach and constant cry sessions was like, and Sertraline relieves me of that. Medicine is supposed to relieve pain, not be something you're dependent on for joy and happiness in life.
I remember how having a sex drive was like before SSRIs. Now I can only temporarily bring it back to life with high dose antioxidants/anti-inflammatories.
Yes, I'm sure it was SSRIs which killed your sex drive. Just like it was the COVID jab which caused your Grandma's death.
btw @suicidecase, try quitting your jewpill and notice the withdrawal effects you get, you totally not a junkie.
I don't get withdrawal effects. I don't take them all the time and don't take them consistently. The only time I do take them consistently is when I need them and am having a bout of severe depression (with physical symptoms). Which doesn't happen when I'm taking them half-arsedly. It only happens if I go off them for months.
I have talked to someone who gets horrible withdrawal symptoms when attempting to quit his SNRI. You develop dependence upon these drugs just like any other, and trying to quit them without a taper will cause non-depression related issues like brain zaps :feelsseriously:
My brain is fried anyway. You put too much emphasis on prescription pills and what effect they can have. And, likely, not enough on other factors such as diet, social life, mental stimulation etc.
Opioids specifically get rid of your negative emotions (sadness/anger/pain), while restoring your ability to feel good (hedonic tone and consummatory pleasure).
They don't restore your ability to feel good, they make you feel good.
Yank moment :feelsclown:

Nobody pays for medication outside of Yankland. There is no "market". There's the antithesis of a "market", in that Doctors and hospitals actively don't want to prescribe you shit because they're overburdened with work and patients, they just want you to fuck off.
We've had this exact same discussion before.

First of all, if a doctor is overworked, then of course he'd want to just prescribe you something! He'll give you a jewpill and then tell you to fuck off, instead of actually examining your issues and trying to find out the cause of your problems and all :feelshaha:

And no wonder because the cause of these problems, when it comes to depression, won't even be medical in nature! It'll be socio-economic, which the doctor can't even do anything about.

But I disagree with your premise too. Just because your medical industry is nationalized, it does not mean that it is in the interests of doctors to neglect their patients, because the more patients they statistically "treat," the higher their government budget will be!

Hell, in the United States, the criminal justice system is obviously (mostly) nationalized and you can see that it imprisons just about the most people on earth per capita :feelsclown:

This is because while the overall government loses money due to a wasteful and bloated criminal justice system, the criminal justice system itself benefits greatly and makes a ton of money from it. This makes police unions and the like very happy!

Considering this, you can make the argument that government bureaucracies are actually more wasteful than privatized systems. And this is true in many contexts. A private insurance company can certainly be stingy and less willing to pay for treatment than a government which prints the very money that it uses, JFL.

But when it comes to scientific research in particular, that meta analysis you linked is obviously incorporating research that was funded and sponsored by pharmaceutical companies, which BTW do exist in Europe too. Patented medications exist in Europe. It's just that the government pays for them instead of insurance companies.

And anyway, Western Europe is a satellite of the US, so what happens in the US culturally and economically will obviously influence what happens there, even insofar as there are different incentives at play.

You've plucked that figure from the ether. Because reliable data on that doesn't exist.
No, it was from research that I read. Decreased libido is a common side effect of SSRIs, and it makes sense because serotonin is literally a competing neurotransmitter to dopamine, which obviously governs sexual arousal.

You are an extreme anomaly if SSRIs increase your libido, but I have seen someone reporting this before, so it's not impossible.

Remember the unpublished studies I talked about?

The initial labels for all SSRIs when these drugs were launched clinically stated that less than 5% of patients in clinical trials reported sexual dysfunction. But in some unpublished phase 1 trials, over 50% of healthy volunteers had severe sexual dysfunction that in some cases lasted after treatment stopped.
Over 50% becomes less than 5% primarily because in clinical trials investigators have innumerable boxes to tick, almost entirely devoted to the question of whether the drug works, and minimal space and time to record adverse events. They may not, therefore, record a problem, in particular one that can be passed off as a feature of the illness.

Yes, I'm sure it was SSRIs which killed your sex drive. Just like it was the COVID jab which caused your Grandma's death.
I noticed how my libido immediately decreased on SSRIs, and after the third time using them for a prolonged period, it never came back.

Considering the fact that many people report the same thing, I'd say it's highly obvious what caused this. The only question is how. SSRIs, in my estimation, caused excessive inflammation and oxidative stress, and there is physical evidence for those reporting PSSD having damaged genital tissues, seemingly due to oxidation.

No. But I don't want to inject heroin to feel what it's like. I remember what wanting to die to relieve the aching sensation in my stomach and constant cry sessions was like, and Sertraline relieves me of that. Medicine is supposed to relieve pain, not be something you're dependent on for joy and happiness in life.
You're literally the only one talking about heroin here. Do you realize that there are safe opioids you can take in a low dose? My other thread contained a study which researched one. That you still didn't read despite responding to it, JFL.

It isn't a coincidence men have higher sex drives and women are more emotional. Testosterone and male hormones are associated with anger, stoicism and a high sex drive. Estrogen and female hormones are associated with neuroticism, weepiness and a dead sex drive. My extreme bouts of depression manifest themselves physically, I get a strong, persistent sensation in my gut and I cry a lot. My sex drive dies and I'm filled with extreme empathy. I function like a woman. It isn't wholly bad, because it provides a different perspective, but Sertraline stops these symptoms within days. This isn't a placebo. The change is too extreme for it to be a placebo.
I believe that SSRIs ameliorated these symptoms for you, but if anything, SSRIs increase estrogen, so it's not doing what you think hormonally...

All SSRIs relatively increased the estrogen/androgen ratio, indicating stimulating effects on the aromatase.

It's interesting that you mention empathy and crying though, because psychedelics are known to increase empathy and cause spontaneous crying, and SSRIs are said to function as the inverse of psychedelics. Certainly, whereas SSRIs numb emotions, psychedelics enhance emotions.

Speaking about that horrible feeling in the gut, psychedelics DEFINITELY exacerbates it for me. When I'm on a psychedelic and about to fall into an inextricable depression, it feels like there's a hole in my soul that I fall into and can't get out of.

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i wasnt depressed in the classical sense, i have Generalized Anxiety Disorder and panic disorder.And Escitalopram reduced the symptoms by about 90%. So theres no way im going off them. feeling like a zombie is exactly what i need/ want. And the lowered sex drive also comes in handy. Oh and ive tried everything before, nothing else worked. It really depends what ur issue is.
They don't restore your ability to feel good, they make you feel good.
I take such a low dose that it still makes a difference what I do in my life.

The opioid enables me to feel the pleasure of my accomplishments, and the dopamine (from my stimulant) motivates me to work towards these accomplishments in the first place. Combined, and my depression is resolved.
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feeling like a zombie is exactly what i need/ want. And the lowered sex drive also comes in handy. Oh and ive tried everything before, nothing else worked. It really depends what ur issue is.
You tried OPE and DOPE? Opioid and stimulant combo?

Imagine treating your depression and feeling alive.
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You tried OPE and DOPE? Opioid and stimulant combo?

Imagine treating your depression and feeling alive.

no opiods, i just take benzos every now n then to cope with work ( like once or twice per week max and never over 1 mg Ativan). I also have ADHD and i feel like the SSRIS do alleviate that as well ( less inner turmoil)
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I also have ADHD and i feel like the SSRIS do alleviate that as well ( less inner turmoil)
"Inner turmoil" sounds more descriptive of depression/anxiety than ADHD.

Given that SSRIs do not help the dopaminergic situation in the brain, it is odd to find them helpful for ADHD.

In terms of the ADHD symptom of an overactive mind, a stimulant will slow that down, while enabling greater focus/concentration.
no opiods, i just take benzos every now n then to cope with work ( like once or twice per week max and never over 1 mg Ativan). I also have ADHD and i feel like the SSRIS do alleviate that as well ( less inner turmoil)
hey man, what happened to your channel?
you used to make the dopest videos

opiods bro opioids solve everything
just do opioids bro
opioids opioids opioids opioids opioids

i cant, they're super illegal and super expensive
i find your arguements kind of of persuasive, it seems to me like our societie's judeo christian values have made life a lot worse for bottom of society losers who need opiates to cope, but still opiates will ruin my life, as theres no way i can afford them
Been saying this for years SSRI actually makes your depression worse by fucking up your serotonin receptors (may even destroy them for life) and then making you even more depressed and suicidal than before taking jewpills, they are only good for anxiety/phobias and that's it.
i cant, they're super illegal and super expensive
i find your arguements kind of of persuasive, it seems to me like our societie's judeo christian values have made life a lot worse for bottom of society losers who need opiates to cope, but still opiates will ruin my life, as theres no way i can afford them
They are not expensive at all so long as you know what you're doing.

It's much more expensive to pay for therapy and psychiatry appointments than to use a low dose opioid agonist and stimulant, JFL.

And in terms of legality, you gotta take risks in life, especially when you're on the bottom of the social hierarchy.

Opioids will not ruin you so long as you approach them carefully and systematically, and keep a regimented routine of taking the same dose the same amount of times daily. You have to deal with the rebound effect not by redosing the opioid, but by taking another anxiolytic substance.

And this can all be made redundant by taking an opioid with a very high half life, like buprenorphine, if you can access it. It would prevent any rebound effects from happening, of course.
"Inner turmoil" sounds more descriptive of depression/anxiety than ADHD.

Given that SSRIs do not help the dopaminergic situation in the brain, it is odd to find them helpful for ADHD.

In terms of the ADHD symptom of an overactive mind, a stimulant will slow that down, while enabling greater focus/concentration.

interesting. ive heard that before, a friend of mine told me how some guys with ADHD tend to get really calm and focused on cocaine or speed-

and yes i have GAD, im a complete nervous wreck without the SSRI.
Been saying this for years SSRI actually makes your depression worse by fucking up your serotonin receptors (may even destroy them for life) and then making you even more depressed and suicidal than before taking jewpills, they are only good for anxiety/phobias and that's it.
I concur that SSRIs are only useful for anxiety/phobias, not depression. But the way in which they remove anxiety/phobias throws the baby out with the bathwater, and zombifies you, stripping you of your passions and drive (including sex drive).

They zombify you and make your depression worse not because they damage serotonin, which has nothing to do with depression, but by damaging dopamine. Technically the damage is done to the 5-ht1a "serotonin" autoreceptors, which have a dopaminergic effect and are supposed to limit serotonin.
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it was nuked. but i made a new one.
can you link it?
i fucking LOOOOOVED your old channel
it was HARD goated. seriously man, you made some of the best blackpill videos

i wish you uploaded all your content on some site where we can watch it, still

It's much more expensive to pay for therapy and psychiatry appointments than to use a low dose opioid agonist and stimulant, JFL.
LOL i would never pay for that garbage out of MY pocket in my life. thats not a valid comparison, because we both know therapy has zero merit to it

And in terms of legality, you gotta take risks in life, especially when you're on the bottom of the social hierarchy.
hmmmm..... maybe, if the risks are worth it, and i think in 2023, for me its not worth it, because the singularity is around the corner, and ive more or less been able to survive life to this point without killing myself, at my 33 years old virginity

i do think theres merit to this thinking. i think if you are honestly about to end it, opiods are a legit option. if i could id move to some heroin heaven country where its cheap and not prosecuted

Opioids will not ruin you so long as you approach them carefully and systematically, and keep a regimented routine of taking the same dose the same amount of times daily. You have to deal with the rebound effect not by redosing the opioid, but by taking another anxiolytic substance.
>just control yourself, bro
quite a horrible argument and makes me lose respect for your position. i cant even control myself with food, you have to be bad faith to suggest "just control yourself, bro", especially to dysfunctional people
i dont think i could control myself with a drug that make me feel like im in heaven, with a girl's head on my chest, listening to love music

And this can all be made redundant by taking an opioid with a very high half life, like buprenorphine, if you can access it. It would prevent any rebound effects from happening, of course.
maybe. i dont know how to go about getting subboxone though
and yes i have GAD, im a complete nervous wreck without the SSRI.
There are better ways to treat your anxiety than SSRIs.

I was using them because I liked how they helped my anxiety too, but the damage they do to the body and the brain is not worth it.

Opioids get rid of anxiety too, as do GABAergics like benzos as you know. But honestly opioids are safer than benzos for long-term, low-dose use. :feelshaha:
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There are better ways to treat your anxiety than SSRIs.

I was using them because I liked how they helped my anxiety too, but the damage they do to the body and the brain is not worth it.

Opioids get rid of anxiety too, as do GABAergics like benzos as you know. But honestly opioids are safer than benzos for long-term, low-dose use. :feelshaha:

which opiods would you suggest?
quite a horrible argument and makes me lose respect for your position. i cant even control myself with food, you have to be bad faith to suggest "just control yourself, bro", especially to dysfunctional people
i dont think i could control myself with a drug that make me feel like im in heaven, with a girl's head on my chest, listening to love music
Opioids will not make you feel like heaven if you take a reasonable dose. They will simply wipe away your depression and make you feel normal.

I have issues with controlling myself too when it comes to many things, but as concerns my use of drugs, I am very regimented and do not allow myself to be subject to any impulses.

The one time I took too much of a stimulant and felt immediate cravings to redose, I simply made a point to not do so. The cravings went away after a day. When I used the same substance at a reasonable dose on a later day, I didn't get any cravings. Preventing "addiction" is that simple!
There are better ways to treat your anxiety than SSRIs.

I was using them because I liked how they helped my anxiety too, but the damage they do to the body and the brain is not worth it.

Opioids get rid of anxiety too, as do GABAergics like benzos as you know. But honestly opioids are safer than benzos for long-term, low-dose use. :feelshaha:
I'm using Kratom and I love it. But it doesn't do anything for my social anxiety. From your experience are real opioids better at that?
Society rather poisons and lock up people than seek actual solutions like this https://incels.wiki/w/Netherlands_government's_model_for_combatting_inceldom for simple problems. Those meds can make obese and even chemically castrated with countless of other negative symptoms. I got bloatmaxxed rapidly when I had to eat risperidone when I was kid due to being aggressive. Now I have some sort of ED.
I'm using Kratom and I love it. But it doesn't do anything for my social anxiety. From your experience are real opioids better at that?
Synthetic opioids will give you a more consistent effect than kratom in general.

I think my social anxiety is caused in large part due to sensory oversensitivity, a symptom of autism. And opioids definitely decrease your senses!

GABAergics might be more of what you need for the causes of your own social anxiety. Indeed, SSRIs seem to only work for anxiety because of how they increase GABA in the first place. So you might as well just take a GABAergic compound that isn't serotonergic, and thus remove the potential for side effects.

Benzos aren't the only GABAergics, btw.
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I have issues with controlling myself too when it comes to many things, but as concerns my use of drugs, I am very regimented and do not allow myself to be subject to any impulses.

The one time I took too much of a stimulant and felt immediate cravings to redose, I simply made a point to not do so. The cravings went away after a day. When I used the same substance at a reasonable dose on a later day, I didn't get any cravings. Preventing "addiction" is that simple!
your shitty annecdotes are not an argument
a great many otherwise disciplined people have lost control over their habit and sold everything they had for it. it ruined a great many people's lives

>heh, i could control myself, so its just that simple
this is not an argument. your anecdotes are not an argument for the safety of opioids under a system of government where its illegal. for someone so passionate about opioids, the more you defend this position, the more clowny your takes become
you cannot just pretend that a great many people didnt blow ALL their money, go to jail, lose their jobs (probably a good thing debatably), all for their love of heroin. people would go through like 500$ a day on it, and not work, because its just so good

if i felt like i had my korean teenage love dream with me and we were both high listening to music all day, i also would blow all my money and whatever i could get to feel like that
Opioids will not make you feel like heaven if you take a reasonable dose. They will simply wipe away your depression and make you feel normal.
from what i heard, it makes you feel euphoric and like you're in heaven, but i suppose that also depends on the drug

i do think it should be legal, and i do think theres strong arguments to make for it, but it is HIGHLY addictive
Do you have a humiliation fetish or something?

My sex drive always has been, and still is, insane. Antidepressants have no impact on it for me. The opposite in fact, suicidal depression kills my sex drive, saps my testosterone and turns me, emotionally, into a woman. Sertraline numbs my emotions and turns me back into a man. And you've never experienced genuine depression if you think it can be cured by placebo.

Why are you so infatuated with convincing the world being a junkie is a good thing? Misery loves company, I suppose. Enjoy living blissfully in a tent on the streets, begging for loose change with no teeth.
Only reason i can think of incels need sex drive is to Jack Goff
your shitty annecdotes are not an argument
I didn't realize that I was arguing with you :lul:

a great many otherwise disciplined people have lost control over their habit and sold everything they had for it. it ruined a great many people's lives
Well, if you're a blackpilled incel for whom "it's over," then why does this risk concern you so much? What exactly do you have to lose?

Especially since statistics show that only a minority of people who take illicit drugs actually end up becoming addicted to them. Anywhere from less than 10%, and up to 19%!

The potential for drug addiction is highly overstated due to the War on Drugs™

So long as you understand that drugs must be respected, and they're not something to take hedonistically, then you are probably good.

But if you approach drug use like a sub-80 IQ retard wanting to get "high," or as a psychopathic CEO snorting cocaine off of his desk every hour in order to "enhance his workflow," then yeah, you might just have a bad time in the end.

this is not an argument
Okay Stefan Molyneux

your anecdotes are not an argument for the safety of opioids under a system of government where its illegal. for someone so passionate about opioids, the more you defend this position, the more clowny your takes become
you cannot just pretend that a great many people didnt blow ALL their money, go to jail, lose their jobs (probably a good thing debatably), all for their love of heroin. people would go through like 500$ a day on it, and not work, because its just so good
There are many compulsive masturbators who coom not because they're sexually aroused all the time, but because they're addicted to the endogenous opioid release that comes with ejaculation.

The ejaculation is just too good for them to forfeit.

When you give these coomers a reasonably dosed opioid, they will no longer need to coom, because their opioid activity will get normalized.

That's the key word: normalized. Depression is an issue of abnormally low endogenous opioid activity. You can take a reasonable dose of an opioid and correct this deficiency. Or you can take an excessive amount if you're impulsive and retarded and further complicate the problem on a long-term basis. The choice is yours.

Stimulating my reward system with reasonably dosed opioids and stimulants has actually ameliorated my addictive behaviors, from cooming to autistic stimming, because it stops my need to try to stimulate dopamine and endogenous opioids behaviorally! I think you'd find that it would stop your overeating too, for example.

When it comes to the illegality of drugs, if you research the issue, you'll realize that lots of people whose lives get ruined by drugs are ruined because of their illegality in the first place. The War on Drugs™ makes it so that what is sold on the market tends to be the most powerful shit, and thus a culture of ignorance and drug abuse is encouraged, instead of education and reasonable consumption. Not to mention that many people who are prosecuted for drug possession aren't even hopeless addicts at all, and their lives get ruined precisely because they obtain a criminal record to begin with (a low social credit score, if you will).

As for opioids not making you want to work: touché. They remove your need to keep up social pretenses, because you no longer need to stimulate endorphin release behaviorally, and the main way humans stimulate endorphins is through signals of being socially accepted (which is achieved by social conformism). This makes opioids the perfect drug for an autistic NEET :feelshaha:
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Well, if you're a blackpilled incel for whom "it's over," then why does this risk concern you so much? What exactly do you have to lose?
first of all, its a contradiction to say that preventing "addiction" is just that easy, and then insinuate that opiates have very serious dangers to them
second of all, you have your life to lose, being in jail for a long time (freedom to lose). your life is important because of the potential wave of ai sex robots. this is a non-negligible possibility for all trucels to feel love and sex

Okay Stefan Molyneux
thats a ad hom (another non-arguement)
+ this is your profile picture

also, please dont compare me to that clown. he got shat on SO HARD in vegan debates ive seen of him, thank you

There are many compulsive masturbators who coom not because they're sexually aroused all the time, but because they're addicted to the endogenous opioid release that comes with ejaculation.

The ejaculation is just too good for them to forfeit.

When you give these coomers a reasonably dosed opioid, they will no longer need to coom, because their opioid activity will get normalized.

That's the key word: normalized. Depression is an issue of abnormally low endogenous opioid activity. You can take a reasonable dose of an opioid and correct this deficiency. Or you can take an excessive amount if you're impulsive and retarded and further complicate the problem on a long-term basis. The choice is yours.

Stimulating my reward system with reasonably dosed opioids and stimulants has actually ameliorated my addictive behaviors, from cooming to autistic stimming, because it stops my need to try to stimulate dopamine and endogenous opioids behaviorally! I think you'd find that it would stop your overeating too, for example.

sure. im of the position that these drugs should be legalized, and that judeo christian religions hurt the bottom of society that would benefit the most from these drugs
im sure a lot of otherwise suicidal people would live bearable enjoyable lives if these drugs became legal and plentiful
they hurt nobody besides some egostitical anally retentive bible thumper that thinks its good for drug addicts with severe trauma to be homeless and in jail, or suffering alone

but thats irrelevant, because we live in a society where it is illegal, and a great many people need more and more and degenerate into further and further addiction
i dont know of any heroin heaven, where you can get it cheaply and you wont have to worry about police putting you in a cage for wanting to cope with your trauma

i wont lie, if i wasnt a absolute massive nerd who had great copes with videogames, and if i was bullied more growing up or had worse deperssion, i probably would be shooting up in some alley in toronto
i was homeless where a whole bunch in the past, and i know if i had more severe trauma that i couldnt cope with i would be mainlining the hardest drug, for sure
first of all, its a contradiction to say that preventing "addiction" is just that easy, and then insinuate that opiates have very serious dangers to them
second of all, you have your life to lose, being in jail for a long time (freedom to lose). your life is important because of the potential wave of ai sex robots. this is a non-negligible possibility for all trucels to feel love and sex
If you take an SSRI, then you may never get to enjoy AI sex robots either due to the permanent sexual dysfunction they can induce.

You can recover from a drug addiction, even if you are careless enough to fall into one, but you cannot cure PSSD.

The danger with opioids is in how you use them. "The poison is in the dosage," as the famous saying goes.

Are you injecting heroin contaminated with fentanyl? Or are you orally dosing an innocuous opioid agonist at a low dose? Literally the former is the only way you'll die :lul:

And the meme that taking illicit drugs will INEVITABLY lead to injecting heroin contaminated with fentanyl is false. If drugs were legal, then even addicts would be using much safer drugs, and in a much safer fashion.

but thats irrelevant, because we live in a society where it is illegal, and a great many people need more and more and degenerate into further and further addiction
i dont know of any heroin heaven, where you can get it cheaply and you wont have to worry about police putting you in a cage for wanting to cope with your trauma

i wont lie, if i wasnt a absolute massive nerd who had great copes with videogames, and if i was bullied more growing up or had worse deperssion, i probably would be shooting up in some alley in toronto
i was homeless where a whole bunch in the past, and i know if i had more severe trauma that i couldnt cope with i would be mainlining the hardest drug, for sure
Just like @suicidecase, you have an intractable fixation with heroin, when there are plenty of ways to take opioids that do not involve injecting yourself with a dirty, HIV-ridden needle.

But you do make a good point that the police are eager to send anybody they can into the clutches of the criminal injustice system, and drug possession is a lucrative way for them to do so.

This has already unfortunately happened to me. I was caught with a psychedelic after the pigs abused my 4th amendment rights and illegally searched my vehicle after employing a drug dog. Psychedelics give off no odor, and I never had any drugs that the dog could've smelled in my car, yet it "signaled" just like the pig wanted it to :feelshaha:

But guess what? This experience has actually made me a better person. If I could go back, I wouldn't stop it, because the spiteful energy it has given me is tremendous. I might just beat the case, which would be great. But if not, then I am so fueled with anger and hatred for soyciety that I live my life to the fullest just to spite it!

If you're really concerned about the police, then the main risk is with having drugs in your vehicle. Do not keep drugs in your vehicle, but if you must ride with them, then keep them ON YOUR PERSON (in your sock, for example). You do not need to consent to any searches, but even if they use a drug dog to force their way into your vehicle, they cannot force their way into your sock :bigbrain:

The last time a pig messed with me, and pretended to "smell" something in my car as a way to try to search it, I had my stash safe up in my sock. He soon after admitted that he didn't smell anything in particular, even despite his fishing inquiry about alcohol :feelskek:
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Society rather poisons and lock up people than seek actual solutions like this https://incels.wiki/w/Netherlands_government's_model_for_combatting_inceldom for simple problems. Those meds can make obese and even chemically castrated with countless of other negative symptoms. I got bloatmaxxed rapidly when I had to eat risperidone when I was kid due to being aggressive. Now I have some sort of ED.
Risperidone is complete poison. I am sorry that (((they))) did this to you.

I saw a case where an autistic teenager was given finasteride by his psychiatrist to manage his aggression, even though it stunts puberty! Antipsychotics are thus interchangeable with antiandrogens, which would explain your ED.
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Risperidone is complete poison
yes it is!
i was given this drug, i took ONE pill, and hide side effects for several months. most people who trust doctors and take this drug have permanent side effects like twitching. a great many drugs like this are absolute POISON with permanent side effects

this is why askapatient.com is so useful. you should never trust any medical professional without being skeptical of them a bit, because you are their money making machine. there is a perverse incentive to make money at the expense of your health
its a very old website, i used it since 2006

you shouldnt trust this psychiatric industry, making these unnatural drugs and profiting off your suffering
yes it is!
i was given this drug, i took ONE pill, and hide side effects for several months. most people who trust doctors and take this drug have permanent side effects like twitching. a great many drugs like this are absolute POISON with permanent side effects

this is why askapatient.com is so useful. you should never trust any medical professional without being skeptical of them a bit, because you are their money making machine. there is a perverse incentive to make money at the expense of your health
its a very old website, i used it since 2006

you shouldnt trust this psychiatric industry, making these unnatural drugs and profiting off your suffering
If you enter the criminal injustice system, (((they))) can decide to mandate "mental health treatment" for you, including antipsychotic injections :whatfeels:
If you enter the criminal injustice system, (((they))) can decide to mandate "mental health treatment" for you, including antipsychotic injections :whatfeels:
its actually incredibly dangerous to be in mental hospitals against your will
i was involuntarily commited once for 2 weeks
i tried my absolute HARDEST to be as polite, nice, respectful, and just indicate that i was safe and i felt very uncomfortable not having rights

if you refuse their injections, you will be put in jail, which is probably better than getting injected
i remember, i felt like i was walking on eggshells the entire time. they will have you injected with such drugs if they feel disrespected
i remember, i felt like i was walking on eggshells the entire time. they will have you injected with such drugs if they feel disrespected
The way they treat these things as a punishment reveals that they're not meant to help you at all.

It reminds me of a post I saw yesterday on Reddit's r/probation:

View: https://www.reddit.com/r/probation/comments/18w25jp/comment/kfuxoyu/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3

The OP was complaining about not being able to drink alcohol on his 21st birthday due to the terms of his criminal probation, and this guy responds by saying that he should be blaming himself instead of the system. If not for "his actions," then he would be able to drink alcohol on his 21st birthday!

But wait a minute. The stated reason for probation prohibiting alcohol is because alcohol is supposed to be bad and contribute to criminality. It's not supposed to be a punishment, but supposed to "help" the probationer and "help" society :feelshaha:

But that pretense very quickly goes away here, and it's revealed that probation just wants to make your life difficult. And indeed, probation officers are very typically sadists who like to mess with people, not unlike cops but even fatter, dumber, and more abusive.
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You put too much emphasis on prescription pills and what effect they can have. And, likely, not enough on other factors such as diet, social life, mental stimulation etc.
We both agree that the true cause of depression is rooted in social problems.

But if you're an autistic incel, then you cannot just easily correct these social problems. They are largely intractable, hence the blackpill.

I posit that opioids directly address these social problems, by stimulating feelings of social belonging. Instead of having to miraculously obtain a social circle and get a girlfriend, your loneliness can be eliminated synthetically.

The type of dysphoria and pain that loneliness used to cause me is no longer an issue thanks to opioids, which are making up for a neurochemical deficit induced by social rejection/isolation. A protracted state of this deficit is what is known as "depression," which goes on to decrease not just endogenous opioids, but dopamine as well.
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