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Discussion UK General Election



Oct 13, 2019
If there's any other brits on this site, who are you voting for in the upcoming general election?
I'm voting for are lad Bojo ofc
What happened to you buddy boyo i remembered that you postmaxxed for few days and disappeared
I wouldn't piss on boris if he was on fire. I fuckin loath him and his ilk. I'll be voting SNP probably. Sick of this Brexit shite. Really think England and Wales should do one. Rather than dragging us out with them. Anyway the union is finished. We'll be gone soon enough.
@RegisterUserName He cant vote.
I just hope labour doesn't win because soyboys and leftist trash around the world love them kek
I have always voted in elections in the past and voted Leave in Brexit, but within the past year or so I have realised that politics is just utter gigacope for me and always has been, in actual fact I literally couldn't give a fuck who runs this country or about Brexit etc, all I care about is that I continue to get my NEET money and I can continue to dickmaxx and looksmaxx.

If I go down to the polling station on December 12th, the only thing I will be voting for is a bigger dick and better looks, by writing this on the ballot paper and then putting a tick next to it.
I'm not a brit
What happened to you buddy boyo i remembered that you postmaxxed for few days and disappeared
In a shit place recently so I've just been studying or sleeping
I wouldn't piss on boris if he was on fire. I fuckin loath him and his ilk. I'll be voting SNP probably.

Good, you can ruin your country even faster by filling it to the brim with rapist paki's and afghans, you will be the new Ireland.

I'd imagine most people would vote Labour because they will massively upscale everyones benefits and handouts, and ensure everyone gets a free ride rite until the country crumbles entierly.

I personally won't be voting and will just continue to stockpile wealth in forms that the government can't confiscate off me.
Don't watch this video if you are gonna vote today

Make sure to turn on english subtitles.
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I'll vote consersative I guess, haven't really been paying attention to UK politics as of late.
Good, you can ruin your country even faster by filling it to the brim with rapist paki's and afghans, you will be the new Ireland
How so? Its england that's been flooded with loads of 'rapist pakis and Afghan' so what makes you thing they're coming here? They'd be here already. Scotland is 96% homogeneous so a couple of brown people won't affect that. Are you Irish or/and scared of brown people?
Conservatives will win this easily. Expect mass delusion from Labour supporters for the next 18 days though. Lib Dems will flop. SNP will have a strong showing (not that they will be going anywhere kek). I'm not sure how the DUP will do.
JFL at being interested in British politics though, we all live in rotton borough type constituencies unless we're in one of the rare marginal seats.
If you vote Tory you're either a stupid cunt or a selfish cunt. The difference depends on your salary. I cannae imagine many folks here earning 70k+ so youse would be the former.
If you vote Tory you're either a stupid cunt or a selfish cunt. The difference depends on your salary. I cannae imagine many folks here earning 70k+ so youse would be the former.
Tbh most people here won't even vote. If we had proportional representation, I would vote.
Tbh most people here won't even vote. If we had proportional representation, I would vote.
First past the post is fucking joke. It'll never change as the establishment parties would lose out. Looks like we're stuck to be like America, left to pick between two inadequate choices.
How so? Its england that's been flooded with loads of 'rapist pakis and Afghan' so what makes you thing they're coming here? They'd be here already. Scotland is 96% homogeneous so a couple of brown people won't affect that. Are you Irish or/and scared of brown people?

SNP basically have the same ultra pro EU stance that Ireland had, they want to be a European country, which means they will aggressively sell out and import as many foreigners as they can.

I'm mainly scared of Afghans because they are such rapists, they rape anything from women, animals, men, little boys. They are low inhib gods in that regard.
SNP basically have the same ultra pro EU stance that Ireland had, they want to be a European country, which means they will aggressively sell out and import as many foreigners as they can.

I'm mainly scared of Afghans because they are such rapists, they rape anything from women, animals, men, little boys. They are low inhib gods in that regard.

You sound a bit scared, are you American by any chance? I want to remain a member of the eu rather than go through a Tories brexit. I dunno how you're correlating aghans with the eu but okay. Also we're already a European country. What are we selling out an whats the motivation behind it?
You sound a bit scared, are you American by any chance? I want to remain a member of the eu rather than go through a Tories brexit. I dunno how you're correlating aghans with the eu but okay. Also we're already a European country. What are we selling out an whats the motivation behind it?

Nah im British. I don't want some un-elected official in Brussels ruling over me, or have European courts have the ability to overrule English law. Both of which will happen as the UK is increasingly smudged into Europe and the lines blur.

I find it hilarious that people are actively for a pro-one world government to rule over them. When the fuck did that become common desired consensus? I also find it hilarious you probably vote for independence from the UK, yet simultaneously want to enslave yourself to the EU and erase any non-geographical boundary that might exist.

Anyway I know for a fact my way of thinking is a dying thing, especially the younger you go. All people care about is reactionary politics "TORIES ARE CUNTS IM VOTIN XYZ" or voting for whichever party promises them the fastest free wifi. If I had my way, I'd suspend parliament entirely, execute every politician by hanging, and kill the poor.
no matter who you vote,it's over,VERY over

((( ) ) )
Democracy is a crock of shit.
Conservatives will win this easily. Expect mass delusion from Labour supporters for the next 18 days though. Lib Dems will flop. SNP will have a strong showing (not that they will be going anywhere kek). I'm not sure how the DUP will do.
JFL at being interested in British politics though, we all live in rotton borough type constituencies unless we're in one of the rare marginal seats.
It's a shit hole cuntree.
JFL at politicscels
Nah im British. I don't want some un-elected official in Brussels ruling over me, or have European courts have the ability to overrule English law. Both of which will happen as the UK is increasingly smudged into Europe and the lines blur.

I find it hilarious that people are actively for a pro-one world government to rule over them. When the fuck did that become common desired consensus? I also find it hilarious you probably vote for independence from the UK, yet simultaneously want to enslave yourself to the EU and erase any non-geographical boundary that might exist.

Anyway I know for a fact my way of thinking is a dying thing, especially the younger you go. All people care about is reactionary politics "TORIES ARE CUNTS IM VOTIN XYZ" or voting for whichever party promises them the fastest free wifi. If I had my way, I'd suspend parliament entirely, execute every politician by hanging, and kill the poor.

No I voted to remain. One of the main reasons being to stay in the eu. Obviously we're getting dragged out against our will so I'll vote to leave if it comes round again. It's ironic that you see the eu as being anti democratic while they give each member a vote. While in our union Scotland just gets told to shut the fuck up.
Btw I'm not a youngster. Im closer to 40 than 30. I remember the legacy of tories decimating this country, and well as the north of england. I remember the poll tax being runout in Scotland first as punishment for us launching out the tory mps up here. Again the Tories are cunts, it's a race to the bottom under them. Britain will be a cheap labour, low tax haven off the coast of europe under a Tory Brexit. Mogg and Johnston an the like are motivated to leave because of the new eu offshore tax which is coming out next year. Theres no Brexit scenario in which we're better off than the deal we have as a member state. But we live in a post truth society were feelings count for more than facts, and idiots get their news from rags like the sun and daily mail.
Haven't voted since the 23/06/2016 Brexit Referendum.

I just wanted a UK population reduction by sending EU fuckers home and to see if UK politicians would make good on their promise.

Low and behold nearly 4 years later......................

I'm not voting for shit and (((they))) chose 12/12/2019 cause they know most Brits will be too busy with Christmas shopping to bother voting.

The only time I'll vote if if the party makes a promise to
- Legalise Weed
- Legalise prostitutes
- Crackdown on feminism by promoting tradtionalism instead

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