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Serious Ugly men are being removed from the gene pool at an insane pace. This is called a GENOCIDE



Nov 15, 2017
And yet SJWs are silent on this...
i disagree

any woman involved with dating apps and hypergamy doesnt have many children

muslims / africans / whatever poor country produces all the kids. giving women rights destroys birth rate.
no, thats natural selection.
as long as ugly short women and whales keep breeding incels will never go extinct
Considering the almost universal sub-2.1 birth rates of first and second world countries, whites and east asians are doing a good job genociding themselves by that "classification" of genocide. Also, as already mentioned, ugly women are responsible for the propagation of ugly men. Within a perfectly gender-fair selection system, we'd have a 99% 10/10s society in several dozen generations (the 1% being the constant rate of various genetic disorders).

Was the Holocaust of the Jews "natural selection"?
Genos (meaning kin) implies a functional self-propagating (i.e. breeding) group. Since ugly men are not able to breed with themselves, they aren't a genos and cannot be "genocided".
Why wouldn't we want ugly men to be extinct? Why would we want more people born into suffering?
ugly males will never go extinct as long as ugly foids reproduce
Why wouldn't we want ugly men to be extinct? Why would we want more people born into suffering?
I do want ugly people to go extinct. I'm merely pointing out the double standards and hypocrisy of humanitarians.
Actually, that's just natural selection.
Genocide is the deliberate killing of a people, based on their ethnicity, religion etc.
Just do this
Actually, that's just natural selection.
Genocide is the deliberate killing of a people, based on their ethnicity, religion etc.
True tbh (btw I think "white genocide" has always been a stupid concept). However this is merely verbal nitpicking and it exposes how the whole concept of human rights leaves much to be desired.
And yet SJWs are silent on this...

SJWs are totally against “social justice” in any form - they are just bullies who hate ugly men.
i disagree

any woman involved with dating apps and hypergamy doesnt have many children

muslims / africans / whatever poor country produces all the kids. giving women rights destroys birth rate.
Indeed. So many people on the right are angry at Muslims because they have lots of kids but the truth is that it's the fault of white women for making terrible life decisions that drive down the white birth rate and the fault of left-wing political groups for sacrificing long-term stability of their nation for more votes.

Instead of whites trying to save their countries, we should be warning Muslim men of the fact that "liberating" women will destroy them. If Islam continues the trend towards progressivism (it's not so common in muslim nations but there are places where the females wear a hijab with skinny jeans, etc) they will be the next to die out.
True tbh (btw I think "white genocide" has always been a stupid concept). However this is merely verbal nitpicking and it exposes how the whole concept of human rights leaves much to be desired.

Even though I'll never be a white supremacist as I think it's ludicrous the notion of any racial group superiority. Engineered miscegenation via heavily & I mean very heavily propagandized multiculturalism can be said to be that. That can be said of the "Silent Holocaust". Not sure if you believe that.

The Romans and the Sabine women. Many examples in history.
Engineered miscegenation via heavily & I mean very heavily propagandized multiculturalism can be said to be that.
A population who can be so easily influenced by Jews deserves to disappear
A population who can be so easily influenced by Jews deserves to disappear

The same kind of crap Herr Hitler came out with at the end of the war. How very Naziesque. Sieg Heil.

More of the same race baiting nonsense we've come to expect. Marvellous *sarcasm* :rolleyes:
Soon designer babies will come and the result will be the same: Ugly men(and females, not more genetically unfit roasties propagating our misery) will extinguish, and there's nothing wrong with that, advancing millions years of painful, cruel evolution that will lead to a personal paradise.

The inhuman thing is the method that the current sexually liberated society use for that, like if we were wild animals, they let us aside to rot and starve slowly as we are forced to watch everyone else enjoying life at his finest.
Sexual liberation only benefits Chad and Tyrone imo
Ethnic male genocide is greater.

>30% celibacy and rising.

I hope a meteor genocides the human species.
Ugly men are essentially grown up abortions. We are the mistakes of society and meant to be drones for keeping civilization afloat. We are deluded with illusions to give us hope and motivation so that we wagecuck and die.

There will ALWAYS be incel men in society because our looksmatch will always manage to have children while we rot.
Ugly men are better than normalfags. So many self hating cucks here. Albert Einstein and Nikola Tesla never got to reproduce.
Ugly men are essentially grown up abortions. We are the mistakes of society and meant to be drones for keeping civilization afloat. We are deluded with illusions to give us hope and motivation so that we wagecuck and die.

There will ALWAYS be incel men in society because our looksmatch will always manage to have children while we rot.

Painful and true.
Ugly men are better than normalfags. So many self hating cucks here. Albert Einstein and Nikola Tesla never got to reproduce.

Einstein had 3 children and slept with many women. Tesla had women coming to him in droves but his autism level was so high he chose his work (And rightful so I might add).

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