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ugly goys with hot girlfriends

  • Thread starter AutisticCopecel
  • Start date


Jan 2, 2019
whenever i have the chance to blackpill some normies about the female question they always come up with this stupid argument and im too autistic to come up with a proper counter argument so what is the the perfect counter argument in this situation?
LMS, or exception to the rule, tell them there's women engaged in lifeless objects ffs
Alot of people's idea of ugly is warped because of their own level of standards. If an obese guy has a pretty gf, then it doesn't matter that he's got a decent face, to many people being obese just equates to ugly.

Guess the bottom line is, if you're a little more objective, then no, you won't find actual ugly people with girlfriends (outside of extreme circumstances like arranged marriages, sugar babes or something).
muh danny devito
There are always outliers. A lottery winner isn't proof that you don't need to work hard to get rich, just that some people get lucky. Thanks to our population density we see thousands of people every day and as a consequence many extreme outliers too.
Ay yo nibba bring back Bateman, I liked him
Ya sometimes you see ugly guys with hot girlfriends but more then likely that guy has a good high paying job so he’s nothing more then a betabuxx and his gf is probably cheating on him with chad every chance she gets.

Yeah im sure if he was homelss foids would be all over him......... has nothing to do with fame and fortune obviously....... Teehe

Do they even fucking think? anything to undermine are struggle.
There are always outliers. A lottery winner isn't proof that you don't need to work hard to get rich, just that some people get lucky. Thanks to our population density we see thousands of people every day and as a consequence many extreme outliers too.
If an obese guy has a pretty gf, then it doesn't matter that he's got a decent face, to many people being obese just equates to ugly.
I never thought about this before. That makes a lot of sense.
whenever i have the chance to blackpill some normies about the female question they always come up with this stupid argument and im too autistic to come up with a proper counter argument so what is the the perfect counter argument in this situation?

Bluepill theory would tell you he has a good personality and was confident.

Redpill theory would tell you it has to do with ugly guy's money and status. Basically a betabuxx. You also have to consider in what sense "ugly" is used. If the guy is obese with a 6/10 face he can still be called "ugly" but really isn't.

Blackpill theory would tell you he got exceedingly lucky, because it's really about looks. You have to also consider the niche angle. Maybe there is even NO SEX involved, and it's just one of those silly platonic relationships. Just like how the term "ugly" can be used to describe someone who isn't really ugly, the word relationship can be used to describe friendship. That's the way I see it. Be careful of these bluepill cucks who gaslight you. Typically, after a statement like that, more information is needed. It's such a rare situation to the point where they both could be asexual. The guy could also be a 4/10 (and be labelled as ugly when he isn't), and the girl can be a 5-6/10 (and be labelled as good looking when she's really average). That type of relationship is not impossible, just difficult.
There are always outliers. A lottery winner isn't proof that you don't need to work hard to get rich, just that some people get lucky. Thanks to our population density we see thousands of people every day and as a consequence many extreme outliers too.
Bluepill theory would tell you he has a good personality and was confident.

Redpill theory would tell you it has to do with ugly guy's money and status. Basically a betabuxx. You also have to consider in what sense "ugly" is used. If the guy is obese with a 6/10 face he can still be called "ugly" but really isn't.

Blackpill theory would tell you he got exceedingly lucky, because it's really about looks. You have to also consider the niche angle. Maybe there is even NO SEX involved, and it's just one of those silly platonic relationships. Just like how the term "ugly" can be used to describe someone who isn't really ugly, the word relationship can be used to describe friendship. That's the way I see it. Be careful of these bluepill cucks who gaslight you. Typically, after a statement like that, more information is needed. It's such a rare situation to the point where they both could be asexual. The guy could also be a 4/10 (and be labelled as ugly when he isn't), and the girl can be a 5-6/10 (and be labelled as good looking when she's really average). That type of relationship is not impossible, just difficult.
i wasnt ready for this atomic blackpill holy shit but wait isnt the LMS rule on the blackpill theory too?
Bluepill theory would tell you he has a good personality and was confident.

Redpill theory would tell you it has to do with ugly guy's money and status. Basically a betabuxx. You also have to consider in what sense "ugly" is used. If the guy is obese with a 6/10 face he can still be called "ugly" but really isn't.

Blackpill theory would tell you he got exceedingly lucky, because it's really about looks. You have to also consider the niche angle. Maybe there is even NO SEX involved, and it's just one of those silly platonic relationships. Just like how the term "ugly" can be used to describe someone who isn't really ugly, the word relationship can be used to describe friendship. That's the way I see it. Be careful of these bluepill cucks who gaslight you. Typically, after a statement like that, more information is needed. It's such a rare situation to the point where they both could be asexual. The guy could also be a 4/10 (and be labelled as ugly when he isn't), and the girl can be a 5-6/10 (and be labelled as good looking when she's really average). That type of relationship is not impossible, just difficult.
The Redpill is PUA, just be confident shit, fake it till you make it, Blackpill is LMS, what you believe in is the result of OD'ing on blackpills and it's undeniably false
literally just ask them to bring a real life example (none celebrity). there you go, argument won.
i wasnt ready for this atomic blackpill holy shit but wait isnt the LMS rule on the blackpill theory too?

I have my own mind and views, my version of the blackpill can make most incels uncomfortable. LMS is red pill for me; blackpill is LLL, just looks (or almost all looks). Think about it, money and status are given to you by looks. Looks are really the foundation. A redpiller weighs LMS equally, 33% each. That's stupid and laughably incorrect. Why is a NEET Chad STILL MORE sexually desirable while a 6/10 normie with a decent paying job less desirable?

10/10 in face/height overrides everything... Being 10/10 in other categories doesn't really help the other two as much. If you believe that, then an equal weighing of LMS is fucking dumb.

Do you really think being 10/10 face/height is going to make you financially struggle? LOL... You won't have the problem with the other two aspects (M and S) if you are handed ABSOLUTE genetic victory in terms of physical appearance. All you would need is an IQ of 90 along with it and you're well off.

If you are 10/10 in money, it does NOT give you automatic victory in looks and status. You will do quite well as an ugly multimillionaire, no doubt, but we all know the truth is you have an unusually high chance of attracting a gold digging bitch. You escape inceldom the wrong way.

LMS is nonsense to me.

That said, if you think I'm OD'ing on blackpills, lot of what I said is true anyway. It could be an asexual relationship, or just platonic. They are just perceived to be in a relationship but really are friends. If there's sex, it's more on the side of sympathy sex. So many possibilities with such a retarded statement like "oh i know an ugly with a hot girl LOL DISPROVED U LOLLLLLL"
There is a saying " Even a blind squirrel finds a nut once in a while".
Exception does not equal rule.
Women HATE being alone so they will get into a relationship with anyone. That does not mean they are attracted to this ugly man and they will use every chance to cuck him.
The Redpill is PUA, just be confident shit, fake it till you make it, Blackpill is LMS, what you believe in is the result of OD'ing on blackpills and it's undeniably false

Read my lengthy post if you feel like it.

Then look at the difference between Jeff Bezos (moneymaxxed) and Arnold Schwarzenegger (looksmaxxxed).

Who did better in life?

Ask yourself, who's had more sex?

Which one of the two just had to walk around and say "I'll be back" to get paid and receive attention?

LMS my ass, fucking garbage, but at least it's much better than bluepilled bullshit.

L implies MS. M doesn't necessarily imply LS. To get MS with an ugly face is quite difficult. You will be in front of the mirror a large portion of your life biting your nails.

Thoughts on this dms from a redditor ngl?
Who did better in life?

Ask yourself, who's had more sex?

Which one of the two just had to walk around and say "I'll be back" to get paid and receive attention?
All of these have nothing to do with women being attracted to LMS. The blackpill does not say LMS applies to every aspect of your life. It only applies to what attracts women. And yes women have evolutionary reasons to be attracted not to just L but LMS. If you deny this you deny evolution and I can't argue with you. Also you certainly picked a poor example. Are you really asking me who did better in life, the guy who got cucked by a mexican goblin has been divorced raped more than once and is still paying child support is doing better than the multibillionaire who's happily married since 1993 with 4 kids? Not to mention that Arnold isn't just looksmaxxed he has the whole package L M and S while Bezzos has 2/3 (still not bad looking though)
All of these have nothing to do with women being attracted to LMS. The blackpill does not say LMS applies to every aspect of your life. It only applies to what attracts women. And yes women have evolutionary reasons to be attracted not to just L but LMS. If you deny this you deny evolution and I can't argue with you. Also you certainly picked a poor example. Are you really asking me who did better in life, the guy who got cucked by a mexican goblin has been divorced raped more than once and is still paying child support is doing better than the multibillionaire who's happily married since 1993 with 4 kids? Not to mention that Arnold isn't just looksmaxxed he has the whole package L M and S while Bezzos has 2/3 (still not bad looking though)

Deny evolution? It's the 21st century. Foids work and make money. The evolutionary model doesn't work very well with humans.

A 10/10 Face with 6'2" height overrides everything, because that type of man will be a selector, and he can just select a rich foid. That shows you the power of appearance. You will also be more social and less introverted growing up because of your elite looks. Status will follow naturally as you get invited to parties and everyone wants to know you.

Arnold came here as a poor immigrant and only had looks, and look what happened. Divorce raped? LOL... He doesn't care dude... He has such easy access to money that he doesn't give a shit. He's not going to sit down and calculate on the consequences of fucking a mexican goblin. He wants sex, he gets it, and women give it with consent.

Arnold at 5'6" would be unknown. Trump at 5'6" would not be president.

Bezos had to do a lot of thinking for his wealth, Arnold just had to show up with a few one-liners and get paid millions.
All of these have nothing to do with women being attracted to LMS. The blackpill does not say LMS applies to every aspect of your life. It only applies to what attracts women. And yes women have evolutionary reasons to be attracted not to just L but LMS. If you deny this you deny evolution and I can't argue with you. Also you certainly picked a poor example. Are you really asking me who did better in life, the guy who got cucked by a mexican goblin has been divorced raped more than once and is still paying child support is doing better than the multibillionaire who's happily married since 1993 with 4 kids? Not to mention that Arnold isn't just looksmaxxed he has the whole package L M and S while Bezzos has 2/3 (still not bad looking though)

Take a look at this if you want...

Some guy working in Target, who's a Chad... some foid takes a picture of him and posts it online, all of a sudden he becomes well known... Where's the money there? The status was given as a result of looks. He will make money now just walking around saying "Hi".

LMS is cope, LLL is reality.
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