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LifeFuel UFC fighter Khabib Nurmagomedov publicly humiliates a feminist provoker

Teutonic Knight

Teutonic Knight

Mar 2, 2019

An obnoxious Westerner feminist (full of shirk and kufr) asked the UFC fighter Khabib if he has any advice for women who want to become fighters. This was clearly a provocation since Khabib is a devout religious Muslim who understands that the role of women is to be at home and to be mothers. He is not some munafiq who pretends to be Muslim and wants to be liked by the West. He is a proud Dagestani warrior who fights for his culture and his religion.

He quickly put the provoker in her place and answered, "For female I have very good advice: be fighter inside your home... And always finish your husband!"
Should've smashed her through the fucking screen
These are the only two photos of Khabib's wife on the internet:



Dagestan is one of the rare places on the planet which isn't cucked. A fortress of dignity and culture of proud mountain warrior men.
Feminists are the best friends of Muslims and vice versa. Their agendas are exactly the same.
Based, I’m actually glad khabib beat mcgregor now tbh.
Feminists are the best friends of Muslims and vice versa. Their agendas are exactly the same.

No they're not. The Westerners only like the liberal Muslims in the West. Their big project was to turn Muslims into Westerners, that's why they mobilized the SJW left to promote Islam. But now that they failed to subvert Islam to the extent they subverted Christianity, they mobilized the right wing cucks and white knights to attack the things that are actually good in Islam. The leftist feminists simply can't go back and they don't attack Muslims as much, why would they need to anyway when they have the right wing cucks to do it for them?
No they're not. The Westerners only like the liberal Muslims in the West. Their big project was to turn Muslims into Westerners, that's why they mobilized the SJW left to promote Islam. But now that they failed to subvert Islam to the extent they subverted Christianity, they mobilized the right wing cucks and white knights to attack the things that are actually good in Islam. The leftist feminists simply can't go back and they don't attack Muslims as much, why would they need to anyway when they have the right wing cucks to do it for them?


Muslims in Western Europe are all leftist criminals who sell drugs. Their women dress like slusts and fuck white Chads only.

Why do you think Pakis in England and Afghanis in Sweden are all raping kids? Coz their women only want white Chads and nothing else.

Islam is a false religion. Their prophet was a complete degenerate Chad who had countless wives/sexual slaves who told incels to go Jihad and kill themselves so he can fuck more women.

Daghestanis are African tier subhumans and this Khabib won't change anything.

Muslims in Western Europe are all leftist criminals who sell drugs. Their women dress like slusts and fuck white Chads only.

But Khabib doesn't live in Western Europe so your argument is irrelevant. The vast majority of Muslims are not Westerners and are not under the direct Western influence. Western feminists don't like Muslims in countries like Iran and particularly not in the North Caucasus. They have a whole campaign against Kadyrov.
But Khabib doesn't live in Western Europe so your argument is irrelevant. The vast majority of Muslims are not Westerners and are not under the direct Western influence. Western feminists don't like Muslims in countries like Iran and particularly not in the North Caucasus. They have a whole campaign against Kadyrov.

Keep dreaming.

Jews have not touched Islam yet because they need low IQ tribals fucking Muslim countries with war and force Muslim refugees in Europe. In turn Muslim low IQ violence will force European Jews into Israel.

Islam is just a Jewish Psyop like Nazism/Fascism to make their endtime prophecy real. Their fake Jewish Messiah/AntiChrist will rule the World from Jerusalem and destroy Islam.

Keep dreaming.
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The West is so fucked that a guy named "Teutonic Knight" is siding with muslims... It's not Muslim Vs Christian anymore... It's believers Vs. Cucks... Next time The Holy Land gets invaded, it will be Muslims and Christians against ((them))...
The West is so fucked that a guy named "Teutonic Knight" is siding with muslims... It's not Muslim Vs Christian anymore... It's believers Vs. Cucks... Next time The Holy Land gets invaded, it will be Muslims and Christians against ((them))...
Muslims invading is a result of the jews...
looks like I found a new favourite fighter
These are the only two photos of Khabib's wife on the internet:



Dagestan is one of the rare places on the planet which isn't cucked. A fortress of dignity and culture of proud mountain warrior men.
She's beautiful.
These are the only two photos of Khabib's wife on the internet:



Dagestan is one of the rare places on the planet which isn't cucked. A fortress of dignity and culture of proud mountain warrior men.
Not really
That's not his wife, it's some Russian roastie celebrity. I don't know why people are so dumb that they think that's his wife.
And i will believe you over credible journalists?
If its one thing I like about islam, its that they are based when it comes to foids
And i will believe you over credible journalists?

What credible journalists? This isn't his wife lol. It's the Russian celeb roastie Olga Buzova, the same woman who had Meeks star in her video.

Khabib even denied it himself

This is Olga Buzova with Meeks in her video:

JFL if you think Khabib would have anything with a whore like this.
What credible journalists? This isn't his wife lol. It's the Russian celeb roastie Olga Buzova, the same woman who had Meeks star in her video.

Khabib even denied it himself

This is Olga Buzova with Meeks in her video:

JFL if you think Khabib would have anything with a whore like this.

I got btfoed u are such a high IQ NIGGER.
Muslims are based. They know the role and purpose of women in society.
No they're not. The Westerners only like the liberal Muslims in the West. Their big project was to turn Muslims into Westerners, that's why they mobilized the SJW left to promote Islam. But now that they failed to subvert Islam to the extent they subverted Christianity, they mobilized the right wing cucks and white knights to attack the things that are actually good in Islam. The leftist feminists simply can't go back and they don't attack Muslims as much, why would they need to anyway when they have the right wing cucks to do it for them?
Lmao, feminists "mobilize" the right wing? Fuck off
Based. AlhamduliLLAH.

Feminists are the best friends of Muslims and vice versa. Their agendas are exactly the same.

Best friends of westernized, modern "so-called" Muslims (aka Non-Muslims). True and pure Muslims HATE leftists, feminists, transgender-scum etc. and wanna see them guided or killed.
Their prophet was a complete degenerate Chad who had countless wives/sexual slaves who told incels to go Jihad and kill themselves so he can fuck more women.

Mohammed was a truecel. If you study his youth, he did not have much friends. All the young kids in the pre-islamic Arabia was enjoying music, dance, sex and booze while he was pursuing spirituality. He had no female sexual partner although the Arabian society was degenerate as fuck (women could have sex openly and get married to multiple men). He was poor as fuck and used to work under a 45 year old Christian roastie widow, whom he later married and lost his virginity. He was not described as "very good looking", instead he was described as an average Arab. He started a beta uprising that turned into a religion. As he was deprived of music, dance, sports, sex and booze during his youth, he later outlawed them when he assumed power and forced all women to wear veil. As most probably he was shunned by women during his youth, he fucked numerous women as a revenge when he became the head of the state. Therefore, Islam is the least degenerate and based doctrine still in function today. Mohammed was not a degenerate chad.

For the record, I am not a Muslim.
Based. AlhamduliLLAH.

Best friends of westernized, modern "so-called" Muslims (aka Non-Muslims). True and pure Muslims HATE leftists, feminists, transgender-scum etc. and wanna see them guided or killed.

Exactly. Just look at how watered down and cucked Christianity is right now. They have submitted to feminists, trannys, gays, etc. The absolute dregs of humanity. Suifuel for Christians. It’s a sad sight.
Clickbait I thought he was gonna punch her
Suifuel for Christians. It’s a sad sight.

Christians still mog Muslims badly in terms of looks. Muslims get cucked by Christian Chads and Stacys.
Feminists are the best friends of Muslims and vice versa. Their agendas are exactly the same.

Holy fucking kek.

Feminists like muslims just because alt-righters hate muslims -- "The enemy of your enemy is your friend."

Clearly you have no fucking idea what you are talking about.

Islam is the only most misogynistic, homophobic and anti-degenerate ideology currently operating in the world.

It's really sad that alt-righters will never get it.
Islam is the only most misogynistic, homophobic and anti-degenerate ideology currently operating in the world.

Islam is very sexual and often promotes different kinds of degeneracies. Islam promotes marriage and betabuxxing over volceldom. Also it's Arab-based in linguistic terms so accepting Islam as a non-Arab is very cucked.
Even for Dagestani's he seems the most based. Most men and women are more lite-Muslims despite being in a conservative part of Russia.

Although, men and women can't touch - this is what they do in their spare time:

Most muslims wouldn't approve of this.

I guess it's not as bad as western countries where they are literally twerking on each other in a club - irrespective of which gender does it on which.
Most muslims wouldn't approve of this.

Because they're local culture destroyers. They want some empty globalized arabized culture where you're not allowed to do anything. They're even against fighting. Technically Khabib shouldn't even be in MMA as a Muslim because MMA is "haram".
No they're not. The Westerners only like the liberal Muslims in the West. Their big project was to turn Muslims into Westerners, that's why they mobilized the SJW left to promote Islam. But now that they failed to subvert Islam to the extent they subverted Christianity, they mobilized the right wing cucks and white knights to attack the things that are actually good in Islam. The leftist feminists simply can't go back and they don't attack Muslims as much, why would they need to anyway when they have the right wing cucks to do it for them?
Because they're local culture destroyers. They want some empty globalized arabized culture where you're not allowed to do anything. They're even against fighting. Technically Khabib shouldn't even be in MMA as a Muslim because MMA is "haram".
Because they're local culture destroyers. They want some empty globalized arabized culture where you're not allowed to do anything. They're even against fighting. Technically Khabib shouldn't even be in MMA as a Muslim because MMA is "haram".

Yes I'm aware of this. But like I said in a previous thread, Islamic legal theory is incredibly complex. This haram-halal dichotomy can't be universalized for fiqh (things that require understanding/deduction) issues where there is ikhtilahf (agreement to disagree on certain issues). Those who quote the hadith which prohibits punching someone on the face are not usually the same ones quoting the hadith which shows the prophet watching Abyssinians dancing in front of him.
Yes I'm aware of this. But like I said in a previous thread, Islamic legal theory is incredibly complex. This haram-halal dichotomy can't be universalized for fiqh (things that require understanding/deduction) issues where there is ikhtilahf (agreement to disagree on certain issues). Those who quote the hadith which prohibits punching someone on the face are not usually the same ones quoting the hadith which shows the prophet watching Abyssinians dancing in front of him.


You realize IslamQA.info is the opinion of a well-respected figure - Muhammad Al-Munajjid who is well-known for his legal opinions within the Salafi movement, whose opinion has no bearing on the other 4 schools of Islamic legal thought - which virtually all Sunni Muslims follow?

It's a shame his website dominates search engines in the West, and name of the website fools low IQ noobs into thinking everything he's talking about is normative Islam.

Even Saudis banned IslamQA and arrested him once for diverting too far from their own opinions - which isn't exactly representative of even 10% of Muslims.
You realize IslamQA.info is the opinion of a well-respected figure - Muhammad Al-Munajjid who is well-known for his legal opinions within the Salafi movement, whose opinion has no bearing on the other 4 schools of Islamic legal thought - which virtually all Sunni Muslims follow?

It's a shame his website dominates search engines in the West, and name of the website fools low IQ noobs into thinking everything he's talking about is normative Islam.

Even Saudis banned IslamQA and arrested him once for diverting too far from their own opinions - which isn't exactly representative of even 10% of Muslims.

Muslims don't have a church so why should you respect any other school anyway?

This is why religions other than Catholicism don't make any sense to me. If there is no Church, there is no religion because anyone can just make up whatever he wants and create his own interpretation.
These are the only two photos of Khabib's wife on the internet:



Dagestan is one of the rare places on the planet which isn't cucked. A fortress of dignity and culture of proud mountain warrior men.
Dagestan is literally white shariah :lul: :lul: :lul:
Islam is very sexual and often promotes different kinds of degeneracies.

Lmao, like what?

Islam promotes marriage and betabuxxing over volceldom.

In a patriarchal society, betabuxxing is not a problem though, the human civilization thrived because of patriarchal betabuxxing. Women were dependent on men's resources and that was good. They at least used to stick with the family and women were easy to wrangle.

Also it's Arab-based in linguistic terms so accepting Islam as a non-Arab is very cucked.

Christianity is not a European religion, it's an imported ideology from the middle-east. Jesus never spoke Latin, he used to speak Aramaic (archaic Arabic) or Hebrew. So you are already cucked (assuming you are a Christian).
You will never see a christcuck with this much BALLS
Muslims don't have a church so why should you respect any other school anyway?

This is why religions other than Catholicism don't make any sense to me. If there is no Church, there is no religion because anyone can just make up whatever he wants and create his own interpretation.

There are hadiths about the 4 schools and their respective founders (they were all teachers/students of each other). The idea that anyone can make up and interpret things (hence protestantism) is a modern idea, it's a Salafi idea. If you include the "Wahhabis" it started in late 18th century, but only got going in the 20th century (Muhammed Abduh, Rashid Rida). The Salafists are Muslim protestants, this is a modern idea which had no precedent apart from a completely different sect within Islam called the Kharijites.

In fact, Salafis consider most Muslims in the world as errant Muslims (not disbelievers). They see their legal and theological schools as later innovations that are heterodox. Muslims have always followed their legal/theological schools prior to the modern age, but when they became to insular to deal with modernity and cucked by political leaders, Salafis (both legal and conservative) gained a lot of traction, but they are nowhere near representative of any Muslims. It's essentially a sect within Sunni Islam, that is in itself fractionalised a thousand times.

Most Muslims have faith in the 1000+ year old scholastic tradition that have thought and re-thought about what the Quran/Hadiths say, there are libraries full of books by medieval scholars on fiqh and what the Sharia is and what it entails. No one (other than ignorant Muslims) will listen to the timebound prejudices of someone who was born a few years ago and has the arrogance to start interpreting Islam from scratch.
There are hadiths about the 4 schools and their respective founders (they were all teachers/students of each other). The idea that anyone can make up and interpret things (hence protestantism) is a modern idea, it's a Salafi idea. If you include the "Wahhabis" it started in late 18th century, but only got going in the 20th century (Muhammed Abduh, Rashid Rida). The Salafists are Muslim protestants, this is a modern idea which had no precedent apart from a completely different sect within Islam called the Kharijites.

In fact, Salafis consider most Muslims in the world as errant Muslims (not disbelievers). They see their legal and theological schools as later innovations that are heterodox. Muslims have always followed their legal/theological schools prior to the modern age, but when they became to insular to deal with modernity and cucked by political leaders, Salafis (both legal and conservative) gained a lot of traction, but they are nowhere near representative of any Muslims. It's essentially a sect within Sunni Islam, that is in itself fractionalised a thousand times.

Most Muslims have faith in the 1000+ year old scholastic tradition that have thought and re-thought about what the Quran/Hadiths say, there are libraries full of books by medieval scholars on fiqh and what the Sharia is and what it entails. No one (other than ignorant Muslims) will listen to the timebound prejudices of someone who was born a few years ago and has the arrogance to start interpreting Islam from scratch.
Interesting stuff. Any book out there on this?
Lmao, like what?

They're just another version of Protestants, banning everything under the sun in the name of some angry "god" (which has nothing to do with the real God) for the sake of banning it. Bans music, art etc. Promotes marriage over volceldom, no monastic life, nothing. Also most Muslims look very out of shape.

If Muslims are so non-degenerate why do they get mogged so hard by "degenerate" Westerners in all types of athletic events?

While the West is degenerate in general, the top tier men in the West are moggers and quite healthy.

In a patriarchal society, betabuxxing is not a problem though, the human civilization thrived because of patriarchal betabuxxing. Women were dependent on men's resources and that was good. They at least used to stick with the family and women were easy to wrangle.

It is a problem because it creates a situation where men can get married by the virtue of having some lame job. For example if you look at 'patriarchal' Muslims and Indians who have arranged marriages they look badly out of shape. They don't do sports, they don't looksmaxx, they don't go to the gyms.

I don't really see why I should want a society where fat liberal-minded nice guy boomers can get married to young women.

First and foremost, men should want to become volcels because that's literally what it's said in the Bible. Marriage is inferior to that and is only a necesity to continue the humanity. But it should not be on the first place.

Islam doesn't have monastic life.

Christianity is not a European religion, it's an imported ideology from the middle-east. Jesus never spoke Latin, he used to speak Aramaic (archaic Arabic) or Hebrew. So you are already cucked (assuming you are a Christian).

Christianity is universal and allows separate ethnic cultures to flourish. Also Christianity originated in what was then European civilization. The lands from which Christianity originated were part of what was technically 'Europe' for a long time, since hellenism. The New Testament was written in Greek.

The entire territory of Roman Empire is basically Europe and should belong to European civilization. Everyone else is just visiting.

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