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- Nov 9, 2024
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(Ok yes, slightly autistic but nothing too ND to not be able to fuck a ethnic woman)
Above guy is 5'11 MTN NT. Below guy 6'0 LTN NT. Both are fakecels, you can be khhv with those stats for sure but khhv not equal to involuntary cellibate.
With those stats you cant be an incel, you can easily ascend on asia or latin america cause JBW.
Sure... there is no much difference from 5'10 to 6'0 right? Mhm. Also there is no much difference between negative canthal tilt and positive, is just a few milimeters. There is no much difference between jaw angles... there is no much difference between blue eyes and dark eyes... there is no much difference between having a little bit more bone mass in the cheekbones...
Sure sure...
Its obvious 6'0 is a good height, even in south spain you could pull lot of girls, when i was in school i heard lot of times girls wanting a german 180cm guy. I'm not even gonna explain much, r/shortguys and any incel space have TERABYTES of evidence women care about height and 6'0 is a very good height.
Mods, are you gonna ban me for "harassing" this fakecels? I don't think that's fair, everyday i see posts of people saying they will go ER, or that they hate normies, foids, this and that etc. But i can't hate on fakecels? What, just because this guy got 40k posts he is more respectable than any other user even if he is fakecel??
You guys decide, you want an incel forum? (ALL INCELS ARE KHHVS BUT NOT ALL KHHVS ARE INCELS... REPEAT WITH ME, A L L I N C E L S A R E K H H V S B U T N O T A L L K H H V S A R E I N C E L S) or a KHHV forum? Those two things are completely different. You PHYSICALLY can't be involuntary celibate, being 5'11 MTN NT or 6'0 LTN NT...
At least be honest mods, i talked with some really OG incels, they all say me .is is a shitty place because of how many openly fakecels there is fetuscels, faggots etc. (again, you PHYSICALLY CANT BE INCEL IF YOU ARE 6'0 LTN NT AND WHITE, JBW JBT IS LAW AND THERE IS LOT OF PROOF OF IT. YOU MUST BE TURBOAUTIST, OR TURBO FACECEL SUB3 TO BE INCEL WHILE BEING SO TALL.)
(4:45) https://altcensored.com/watch?v=uAOL895MYD8
Asian male model complaining about how he got little success on dating apps, also in the same video an asian woman complaining about how she hates asian males.
(4:54) https://altcensored.com/watch?v=idfA4bbKHcY
source rehab room
I'm not going to go into the depths of just be white theories. I'm too lazy for researching studies, graphics, etc. But it is out there if you want to find it, rehab room often show studies. About height, r/shortguys also have a bunch of studies.
Not only just studies, I've been scrolling on the internet all day long for months about blackpill and i found lot of evidence like latinas talking about how they like white tall men, asian women saying same shit etc.
JBW is law.
Just be tall is law.
And this guys aren't even ugly as shit or neuro divergent. They are both MTN and LTN, perfectly NT (adhd or posting too much in .is doesn't count as ND lmao)
So yeah mods, its up to you what you want to do. Ban me, ban them and actually make a incel forum, ignore me and keep this as a khhv forum...
You pick, probably you will just let things be like they are.
I'm not trying to make a drama between incels, I'd just like to make this a real incel forum instead of a khhv forum.
This two users are two examples of fakecels, and im exposing the forum as a KHHV forum instead of an incel forum.