Banks and Financial firms make an investment tool that bundles mortgages together. Banks and Financial firms start selling shitty Mortgages (Subprime Mortgages). Banks and Financial firms get the Rating Agencies to label these mortgages Triple A. This pumps up the Real estate market sky high. Banks and Financial firms use the money they made from selling these shitty investments to buy whole companies and stocks. This pumps up the stock market. Eventually, it blows up. The common man and woman lose their job and investments. It's Economic Armageddon. Instead of the government punishing these criminals with jail time and letting their companies fail, the government bails them out by printing money and taking from Social Security fund. The common man has to foot the bill by being a wage slave. Banks and Financial firms use the money they got to invest in companies. Federal reserves keeps on printing money (quantitative easing) to pump up the market. Politicians allow this to happen because they don't want the economy to blow up while their party is in control. Companies use the money to buy back their stocks and give out bonuses. The economy recovered they say. US and China start a Trade War while, both countries are in more debt than ever.