When Trump says shit like this, I wonder if he's saying it out of genuine stupidity or if he's just trying to appease his core supporters. Either way, not something to admire nor is it particularly good for the country.
I'm pretty far left economically and obviously don't support trump, but I can understand why some people do. I'm pretty strongly against political correctness and outsourcing, the latter of which was a major part of his platform and the former which was a common theme throughout his candidacy. But he hasn't helped with either of these issues. And most importantly, his economic policies are going to fuck over the poor, who ironically make up a large percentage of his core supporters. That's the thing about trump, he does a good job of pretending to care about issues affecting the working class while quietly fucking them over. He never gets called out on it either, at least not to a significant extent, because the really vocal anti-trumpers are too busy going hysterical at every offensive tweet trump makes. I suppose it makes sense that they care more about Trump's tweets than shit right wing economic policies since most of them (the vocal anti-trumpers) are upper middle class numales/tumblrinas/hipsters/yuppies.
What I can't even comprehend are the super pro-trump people who think everything he does is pure genius. He's "playing 87 dimensional chess across the multiverse". This is literally how people on The_Donald talk. It's so crazy that the first time I saw that sub, I thought it was satire like /r/pyongyang.
Most of the hysterical and vocal anti-trumpers are just as annoying though. Most of them are just virtue signaling numales and tumblrinas who care more about virtue signaling and shouting SJW buzzwords like "NAZI RACIST SEXIST HOMOPHOBIC MISOGYNISTIC FUCKING WHITE MALE!!!" at opponents than actually attacking Trump on his economic policies (which most Americans would be against if they were informed enough).
That's just my 2 cents on Trump, which no one asked for.