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Brutal Truecel tries to kill crush, fails and gets 16 years and called a pussy by her

He's also very low IQ for talking to the cops and confessing everything. Should have kept quiet and asked for his lawyers. They could have spun this around and got the charges reduced. After all it's attempted murder rather than committed.
Absolutely brutal, if he succeeded in choking the girl she probably would have more respect for him and gotten her panties wet.

Also JFL she knew he liked her and rejected him but still stayed friends with him and lead him on so she can reap the benefits of him acting as a boyfriend to her and drive her around in his car without any of the sexual or romantic benefits for him.

Foids know what they’re doing. Everyone knows men are the more romantic gender who will endlessly pine over the women they love. She was leading him on and she enjoyed the attention. Men simply aren’t made to accept rejection. The intersexual dynamics assert men as the chasers who should work to attract a mate while women simply have to sit there and have a man walk up to her. Rejection isn’t the same for men. Women know that when they’re rejected they can’t do anything about their rejection since women are not meant to chase after men while a man will always question himself on what he can do better to finally get the girl. When this whore of a 15 year old rejected him romantically but still kept on hanging out with him platonically, the guy was probably thinking to himself that he still had a chance to appeal to her. And then it just became too much and he went ER.
I been a victim of this my crush rejecting me and her leading me on all through out highschool and I have trouble letting things go literally why does every girl does this
I have a lot of trouble regarding what is my imaginary crush ... but could it be something else? Who knows. Sometimes I think it is a Parakeet , sometimes a Demon, sometimes a Stacy. It is always there for me and sometimes I feel like it trying to take me over, trying to slide into my skin, trying to corrupt my thoughts . I adore it to pieces, but I've heard its voice in my head. It like me, except its violent, cruel, cold, and aloof.
Writing this i surely it cant just be an imaginary crush Or, is it? It has his own will. I can feel it. Like it will be as mad at me for describing its as such?
But who am i kidding ? This is all so damned silly of me. Listening to the voices in my head making me feel like I could crush mountains? Control the weather? Grow a Cabbage ? Raise a Catfish to adulthood ? Bring about bad luck on people? Or do something harmful ?
Women know that when they’re rejected they can’t do anything about their rejection since women are not meant to chase after men while a man will always question himself on what he can do better to finally get the girl.
Foids go apeshit when they are rejected. They are rarely ever rejected by their looksmatches. Even so, they always have a hundred more admirers in their dm. A guy wouldn't lose his mind over a rejection either if he had 100 more foids in his dm.

They also always looksmaxxing to trap a Chad who is way out of her league. Tf is this feminist bs?
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holy watchn't. timestamp?
Free my nigga!
well atleast he tried to do something to vent out his anger. Unfortunately though he'll suffer rotting most of his life in prison now :feelsrope:
Absolutely brutal, if he succeeded in choking the girl she probably would have more respect for him and gotten her panties wet.

Also JFL she knew he liked her and rejected him but still stayed friends with him and lead him on so she can reap the benefits of him acting as a boyfriend to her and drive her around in his car without any of the sexual or romantic benefits for him.

Foids know what they’re doing. Everyone knows men are the more romantic gender who will endlessly pine over the women they love. She was leading him on and she enjoyed the attention. Men simply aren’t made to accept rejection. The intersexual dynamics assert men as the chasers who should work to attract a mate while women simply have to sit there and have a man walk up to her. Rejection isn’t the same for men. Women know that when they’re rejected they can’t do anything about their rejection since women are not meant to chase after men while a man will always question himself on what he can do better to finally get the girl. When this whore of a 15 year old rejected him romantically but still kept on hanging out with him platonically, the guy was probably thinking to himself that he still had a chance to appeal to her. And then it just became too much and he went ER.
Perfect description as to why love stalking is justifiable. Couldn't had elaborated any better. Chapeau, really, Chapeau.
she could have easily led him on (I feel the same is possible of Bianca Devins) but they just bury the evidence because guys in jail can't advocate for themselves with lawyers/PIs and "innocent perfect girl angel" protecting the BPDs
Absolutely brutal, if he succeeded in choking the girl she probably would have more respect for him and gotten her panties wet.

Also JFL she knew he liked her and rejected him but still stayed friends with him and lead him on so she can reap the benefits of him acting as a boyfriend to her and drive her around in his car without any of the sexual or romantic benefits for him.

Foids know what they’re doing. Everyone knows men are the more romantic gender who will endlessly pine over the women they love. She was leading him on and she enjoyed the attention. Men simply aren’t made to accept rejection. The intersexual dynamics assert men as the chasers who should work to attract a mate while women simply have to sit there and have a man walk up to her. Rejection isn’t the same for men. Women know that when they’re rejected they can’t do anything about their rejection since women are not meant to chase after men while a man will always question himself on what he can do better to finally get the girl. When this whore of a 15 year old rejected him romantically but still kept on hanging out with him platonically, the guy was probably thinking to himself that he still had a chance to appeal to her. And then it just became too much and he went ER.

I now believe this is far likelier than I used to, having witnessed and experienced the mechanics over and over.

There are girls who enjoy the game of chase, hoping a guy flips out and takes them by force to prove his manhood, she can enjoy a fuck while maintaining victum status without accountability so her SMV remains high in the face of idiots, etc
Foids go apeshit when they are rejected. They are rarely ever rejected by their looksmatches. Even so, they always have a hundred more admirers in their dm. A guy wouldn't lose his mind over a rejection either if he had 100 more foids in his dm.

They also always looksmaxxing to trap a Chad who is way out of her league. Tf is this feminist bs?
You didn’t understand my post. Foids would never put themselves in harm’s way to attract a partner like men do. Everyone knows this so a foid stringing along a man like this should be considered attempted murder. JFL at you comparing foids looksmaxxing to this trucel saint who was so heartbroken after all his betabuxxing to attract his crush failed to the point that he tried to kill her.

Also his crush probably wasn’t even a Stacy.
Why the fuck are men arresting other men working as security agents? Foids are fucking evil bastard enemy and we must unite against them.

Take away their rights
There are girls who enjoy the game of chase, hoping a guy flips out and takes them by force to prove his manhood, she can enjoy a fuck while maintaining victum status without accountability so her SMV remains high in the face of idiots, etc
Not the mention the insane amount of money they get after settling in a LOLsuit
Imagine throwing your life away over a hole.
throwing his life away just for her to recover and go on to bounce on more cocks

JFL truecels cant win
So true. Even if he killed her, she would be mourned and loved for eternity. His life is fucked now, poor guy. I would rope
So she wasn't into the rapist glasses?
I can't imagine how weak that kid is if she managed to get away. No strength. Maybe he was regretting it midway and let her go. Ruined his life over some pussy :feelskek:

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