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Story [Truecel Confession] I've Been Larping Online As A 47yr Old Convicted Child Molester For Two Years Just So I Can Bask In The Hatred People React With

Wow brother, hell of a tale.

I can't imagine wanting more hate in my life. So reading about your larp freaked me out! It was so damn funny and twisted. Vicious about the ip seekers. So eager to hate someone...

I would make it my goal to fuck up the dood that ruined my life.
They guy who punched you deserves to get both arms cut.
Tell us this Chad's name so we can all harass him and fuck with him. you say you're killing yourself at the end of this summer, so you have nothing to lose right? unless this is all a larp.
My respect for you could not be higher right now. That is absolutely hilarious man, 2007 was a good year to choose, for some reason there’s just something very believable about that year when it comes to your made up narrative. Did you say you actually got punched in the face and it gave you your enopthalmos? What happened?

His friends didn't like my friends, he was a genetically superior Germanic and I was a genetic filth wop, we both liked the same girl and he used the opportunity to disfigure my face to prove his genetic dominance... He made me an incel until I rope and he got the girl.

That was the last time I ever had a crush, my first crush ever is what got my face disfigured. Never again, I will never have feelings for a foid because that's what led up to my disfigurement.

My fucking god. I didnt know. Brutal. The world is made for Chad an Stacy bro. Cant believe you are still alive.
Something similar happened to me,
but i cant write about it because i could get doxxed.
But i know how it feels like to get into a fight vs a Chad for the most retarded reasons and lose it.
My respect for you could not be higher right now. That is absolutely hilarious man, 2007 was a good year to choose, for some reason there’s just something very believable about that year when it comes to your made up narrative. Did you say you actually got punched in the face and it gave you your enopthalmos? What happened?
Yes, I explained in the comments above how I got punched in the face and got enopthalmos. If also fucked up my brow ridge. My whole left eye area looks inbred compared to my chadlite right eye area. 2007 is just an obscure year in people's heads. 2006-2007 are good years to pick for larps because it's just so fuzzy in everyone's mind.


My fucking god. I didnt know. Brutal. The world is made for Chad an Stacy bro. Cant believe you are still alive.
Something similar happened to me,
but i cant write about it because i could get doxxed.
But i know how it feels like to get into a fight vs a Chad for the most retarded reasons and lose it.
I just wish healthcare covered the corrective surgeries. I need way more surgery than just the ones to fix my eyes but if it wasn't for the eyes, I would be able to wagecuck for the surgeries and still make it our alive before it's too late. The disfigurement pretty much makes my surgerymaxxing twice and expensive as the average low tier incel's.
They guy who punched you deserves to get both arms cut.
All he got was a visit to from The Norwood Reaper and bad eyesight. He went from chad to normie in his mid twenties while I went directly to truecel with one punch right when puberty began. Fuck life. I literally never had a chance to even socialize before becoming a hideous freak.
Yes, I explained in the comments above how I got punched in the face and got enopthalmos. If also fucked up my brow ridge. My whole left eye area looks inbred compared to my chadlite right eye area. 2007 is just an obscure year in people's heads. 2006-2007 are good years to pick for larps because it's just so fuzzy in everyone's mind.

I just wish healthcare covered the corrective surgeries. I need way more surgery than just the ones to fix my eyes but if it wasn't for the eyes, I would be able to wagecuck for the surgeries and still make it our alive before it's too late. The disfigurement pretty much makes my surgerymaxxing twice and expensive as the average low tier incel's.
Are you american? Cant you get diagnosed some mental problem (i know ur problem is facial, i know) so you get paid for existing as a crippled person? Im honestly try to get my aspergers diagnosed after the quarentine so i can get some benefits.
Cant you get any kind of job? When i wanted to get my job i worked hard to get it. I mean, its not hard to have some motivation if you really think that what youre doing is getting you out of inceldom. I had no friends or gf, so i had a lot of time to study (while everyone has enjoying their youth. That motivation vanishes the moment you realize it never begun anyway, but maybe you can ascend. Maybe. Just never tell your future wife about the LARPing years lol
My respect for you could not be higher right now. That is absolutely hilarious man, 2007 was a good year to choose, for some reason there’s just something very believable about that year when it comes to your made up narrative. Did you say you actually got punched in the face and it gave you your enopthalmos? What happened?
2005-2008 were wonderful years for PC gaming. So many refreshing titles and devs were really passionate about their games. Now it's all poop microtranctions.

It's over if you haven't experienced the late 2000s. Literally the best era of my life. I was just a small kid playing vidya all the time. The Nostalgia man....:cryfeels::feelsbadman::feelscry::feelsrope:
Are you american? Cant you get diagnosed some mental problem (i know ur problem is facial, i know) so you get paid for existing as a crippled person? Im honestly try to get my aspergers diagnosed after the quarentine so i can get some benefits.
Cant you get any kind of job? When i wanted to get my job i worked hard to get it. I mean, its not hard to have some motivation if you really think that what youre doing is getting you out of inceldom. I had no friends or gf, so i had a lot of time to study (while everyone has enjoying their youth. That motivation vanishes the moment you realize it never begun anyway, but maybe you can ascend. Maybe. Just never tell your future wife about the LARPing years lol

JFL whores can get free tit jobs and Labiaplasty for Chad but a truecel can't get surgeries to become a normal human being JFL at the state of society :reeeeee::reeeeee::reeeeee::reeeeee::reeeeee:
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Are you american? Cant you get diagnosed some mental problem (i know ur problem is facial, i know) so you get paid for existing as a crippled person? Im honestly try to get my aspergers diagnosed after the quarentine so i can get some benefits.
Cant you get any kind of job? When i wanted to get my job i worked hard to get it. I mean, its not hard to have some motivation if you really think that what youre doing is getting you out of inceldom. I had no friends or gf, so i had a lot of time to study (while everyone has enjoying their youth. That motivation vanishes the moment you realize it never begun anyway, but maybe you can ascend. Maybe. Just never tell your future wife about the LARPing years lol
I'm American. I live in a red state so that means if I went on NEETbux for the mental/emotional challenges I have due to my face, I would only get about $700/month, compared to $1,200 in a blue state. I'm really trying to get a work from home job. I used to work without an eyepatch on but I would get really depressed seeing all the tall, white men with symmetrical faces and strong jawlines coming in the store. I would remember how much better they looked than me when I come home and cut myself and freak out in the bathroom looking at the mirror. I got fired because since they didn't let me wear my eye patch, I was always late for work because I would be freaking out in the mirror because of how fucked up I look when I was trying to get ready for work. I'm trying to find a work from home job but it's almost impossible, all I can find are insurance sales jobs which are basically scams and jobs that require college experience. The few places that are decent never call me back. I'm literally to ugly to even get a call center job. I have other brutal reasons why I can only work from home now, mainly my lack of transportation and the fact that my mother is so disabled that I need to be at home all the time to feed her.

It's pretty much over. I cannot afford surgery before it's too late. I cannot even get a job despite applying for at least two Work From Home jobs a day... It will all be over soon.
JFL whores can get free tit jobs and Labiaplasty for Chad but a truecel can't get surgeries to become a normal human being JFL at the state of society :reeeeee::reeeeee::reeeeee::reeeeee::reeeeee:
Literally Clown World. The Rope Portal is the only way out.
Yes, I explained in the comments above how I got punched in the face and got enopthalmos. If also fucked up my brow ridge. My whole left eye area looks inbred compared to my chadlite right eye area. 2007 is just an obscure year in people's heads. 2006-2007 are good years to pick for larps because it's just so fuzzy in everyone's mind..
It’s such a terrible feeling when you know the body you were born into and were supposed to have had would’ve been enough for you but some exterior force fucked everything up and now you’re stuck this way, I’m in a similar boat. Why did the guy attack you? I hope he was faced with serious consequences for that?
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It’s such a terrible feeling when you know the body you were born into and were supposed to have had would’ve been enough for you but some exterior force fucked everything up and now you’re stuck this way, I’m in a similar boat. Why did the guy attack you? I hope he was faced with serious consequences for that?
We were part of rival "groups" and he liked the same foid I did. (He got her too after disfiguring me, literal proof that human sexuality is barbaric animal competition). He didn't get in any trouble. I kicked him in the forehead and gave him whiplash. He went to the hospital to get scans after he got home and his sister called my phone and told me I was a pussy for kicking in a fight (he was standing up, I didn't kick him on the ground). Some people said I won the fight because the kick was the last thing that happened but I disagree. I left him with a large tumor looking bruise on his forehead that went away and his life was normal after that. He ruined my face to this very day with his fist and one punch prevented me from growing up with friends and talking to foids. He won the fight because he turned me into a disfigured hermit and got the girl. She was a whore too, she cheated on him with BBC a few months later.
I'm really trying to get a work from home job.
I hope you are lucky.

I'm really trying to get a work from home job. I used to work without an eyepatch on but I would get really depressed seeing all the tall, white men with symmetrical faces and strong jawlines coming in the store. I would remember how much better they looked than me when I come home and cut myself and freak out in the bathroom looking at the mirror.

Fuck. I know how it feels. I usually get fucking drunk and drugged when i come home. I just need to disappear and feel absolutely nothing. I need to avoid thinking about the whole day... about how subhuman i am the moment i go ourside. Interacting with humans and their culture is as painful as it gets as an incel. Thats when rejection is absolutely obvious, and the permanent humiliation is fucking hell. The human civilization is suifuel, i wish i could work from home, or that the quarantine never ends. Anyway, maybe you should try to get new copes? No pain is too much pain if you have the correct cope.

my mother is so disabled that I need to be at home all the time to feed her.

Wow. You are indeed very unlucky. At least my parents just hate me. I cant imagine how would i cope if i had to take care of any of them. In my country, if you cant get a job because you are supporting your old parents, you can get paid. I guess its not the same over there.
It's pretty much over. I cannot afford surgery before it's too late. I cannot even get a job despite applying for at least two Work From Home jobs a day... It will all be over soon.
I hope you can find a job. Its fucking awful that people like you cant get a chance. Our decadent civilization is fucking hell for ugly males. Dont kill yourself man. I dont know any good reason why you shouldnt, but... dont do it. They win if you do.
And, if you finally decide to end it all... do bad things to that fucking Chad that ruined your life. It could be the last thing you do, and it doesnt need to be something public and violent. If i make my mind and finally kill myself, i know a couple of persons whose lifes im gonna ruin before im get the fuck out of this existence.

Nice post btw.
We were part of rival "groups" and he liked the same foid I did. (He got her too after disfiguring me, literal proof that human sexuality is barbaric animal competition). He didn't get in any trouble.
Jesus, that is so infuriating, what happened in the immediate aftermath? Did you not realise your eye socket was permanently fucked until the swelling had gone down? Does he know to this day that he permanently disfigured you?

she cheated on him with BBC a few months later.
Thank god for degeneracy (in this one instance)
the permanent humiliation is fucking hell.
That's exactly how it feels. PERMANENT HUMILIATION. I even feel humiliated when I'm alone in my house. I constantly feel like a hideous truecel who is equal in ugliness to Danny DeVito as The Penguin.

In my country, if you cant get a job because you are supporting your old parents, you can get paid. I guess its not the same over there.
It's not like that here in Burgerland. It's the law of the jungle here. Ruthless competition and absolute lack of compassion is what this country was built on. Both my mother and I are expected to die in misery and shame for being poor and worthless subhumans. It's The American Way.

I hope you can find a job. Its fucking awful that people like you cant get a chance. Our decadent civilization is fucking hell for ugly males. Dont kill yourself man. I dont know any good reason why you shouldnt, but... dont do it. They win if you do.
And, if you finally decide to end it all... do bad things to that fucking Chad that ruined your life. It could be the last thing you do, and it doesnt need to be something public and violent. If i make my mind and finally kill myself, i know a couple of persons whose lifes im gonna ruin before im get the fuck out of this existence.
I have a deadline. I'm tired of getting old every day with absolutely no hope of getting a single shekel for surgery. Even if I got a job, I'd have to invest my money into something that could make me money faster because I need $50K before it's too late and there is no way I can get a work from home job that pays even close to $50K a year. Even if the enemies win if I catch the bus, the enemies win if I don't. I don't really have a chance of making it out of this and living a life worth waking up to every day. They win if I grow old with a hideous face. I'll be thirty in less than four years. It's already too late for me.

? Did you not realise your eye socket was permanently fucked until the swelling had gone down? Does he know to this day that he permanently disfigured you?

I actually had no swelling, no bleeding, no black eye. I didn't even know my eye was fucked up because I was in my emo/goth phase and my hair covered by left eye all the time anyway so I never looked at it. People would say I had retard eyes but I thought they were talking about me always being stoned or referring to both eyes. Eventually, after the Norwood Reaper hit me, I knew I had a fucked up brow ridge but I thought my eye asymmetry was just from being stoned because I smoked weed every day. Eventually, I looked in the mirror closely and noticed one eye is deeper in the socket, one eye has NCT, one eye has more lid exposure. I just used to think it was a weed/nerve thing. It's the soft tissue behind the eye. There is a surgery to fix it but I need multiple surgeries to make my eyes look normal because enopthalmos fucks up the lids over time. The guy who ruined my face has no idea. If someone told him, he would just laugh.

Thank god for degeneracy (in this one instance)
She was the one who introduced me to AWALT long before I was ever blackpilled or even into MGTOW shit.
I even feel humiliated when I'm alone in my house. I constantly feel like a hideous truecel
Drugs. I know you smoked a lot of weed when you were younger. Maybe you should go back to it. I smoked weed for years as a reward, while i was studying at my parents home.
Even if I got a job, I'd have to invest my money into something that could make me money faster because I need $50K before it's too late
I'll be thirty in less than four years.
I thought you were older. Call me bluepilled, but i think that, if you still have free time, you could try to study... anything. STEM. I dont think there is any other escape from inceldom (besides monkhood maybe). I got my job not because my looks or my social skills, but because i studied 12 hours a day for 4-5 years (after college). Have you tried to study computed science? There are lots of incels here that work from home for the same reason i am a fucking teacher, its one of the few options if you are an ugly and autistic male in the west. Also, i dont think its too late. If you really want to ascend, getting surgeries at 32-35 is not that bad. Most people in their thirties are unemployed in my country, so if you get a job before 30 you are doing well. Dont give up man. You are not stupid, try to focus on something that can help you ascend.
I actually had no swelling, no bleeding, no black eye. I didn't even know my eye was fucked up because I was in my emo/goth phase and my hair covered by left eye all the time anyway so I never looked at it. People would say I had retard eyes but I thought they were talking about me always being stoned or referring to both eyes. Eventually, after the Norwood Reaper hit me, I knew I had a fucked up brow ridge but I thought my eye asymmetry was just from being stoned because I smoked weed every day. Eventually, I looked in the mirror closely and noticed one eye is deeper in the socket, one eye has NCT, one eye has more lid exposure. I just used to think it was a weed/nerve thing. It's the soft tissue behind the eye. There is a surgery to fix it but I need multiple surgeries to make my eyes look normal because enopthalmos fucks up the lids over time. The guy who ruined my face has no idea. If someone told him, he would just laugh.
Fuck man that is terrible. You should just wear your eyepatch to your next job interview and tell them that you have a disfiguration and you will never be asked to remove it. Are there any other crazy things that people said did / hilarious reactions to people thinking you’re a pedo?
Drugs. I know you smoked a lot of weed when you were younger. Maybe you should go back to it. I smoked weed for years as a reward, while i was studying at my parents home.
Can't afford weed. It's mainly alcohol and tobacco for me right now.

I thought you were older. Call me bluepilled, but i think that, if you still have free time, you could try to study... anything. STEM. I dont think there is any other escape from inceldom (besides monkhood maybe). I got my job not because my looks or my social skills, but because i studied 12 hours a day for 4-5 years (after college). Have you tried to study computed science? There are lots of incels here that work from home for the same reason i am a fucking teacher, its one of the few options if you are an ugly and autistic male in the west. Also, i dont think its too late. If you really want to ascend, getting surgeries at 32-35 is not that bad. Most people in their thirties are unemployed in my country, so if you get a job before 30 you are doing well. Dont give up man. You are not stupid, try to focus on something that can help you ascend.
I don't want to study because that would mean going to a uni/community college which I cannot afford, plus I don't want to be seen by people. I'm trying to get a work from home job at a call center or something. I'm basically trying to get surgery money as quick as possible. I know that you can get surgery at 32-35 and still look in your 20's, but at that age... the only foids available will be single mothers and I'd rather die than date a single mother. I could pump and dump used up whores but I'd never have a relationship with someone I'm attracted too. I'd have to monkmaxx until waifubots and artificial wombs come out. I would have no problem monkmaxxing because AWALT, I just cannot really do anything in life because the depression from being so fucking ugly really wears me down.

Are there any other crazy things that people said did / hilarious reactions to people thinking you’re a pedo?
Well, I would call myself an incel too. So I got double hate because I told them I was an incel and larped as a pedo as well. There was actually a group of people who thought I was larping about being a a toddler fucker but was instead a 28 yr old JB raper. They came to this conclusion because they saw me spreading some some incel memes and calling myself the "Incel Messiah" so they found some British-American white dude on Facebook who mentioned the term "incel messiah" in a post and they were convinced he was me because he shared some of the same incredibly common incel memes as me and talked about lookism. They harassed the guy to the point that he sent them a voice message to prove he wasn't me but then they said I was just voice acting and it was me. To this day, they still think I'm that guy and he gets harassed. He mogs me though.
Can't afford weed. It's mainly alcohol and tobacco for me right now.

I don't want to study because that would mean going to a uni/community college which I cannot afford, plus I don't want to be seen by people. I'm trying to get a work from home job at a call center or something. I'm basically trying to get surgery money as quick as possible. I know that you can get surgery at 32-35 and still look in your 20's, but at that age... the only foids available will be single mothers and I'd rather die than date a single mother. I could pump and dump used up whores but I'd never have a relationship with someone I'm attracted too. I'd have to monkmaxx until waifubots and artificial wombs come out. I would have no problem monkmaxxing because AWALT, I just cannot really do anything in life because the depression from being so fucking ugly really wears me down.

Well, I would call myself an incel too. So I got double hate because I told them I was an incel and larped as a pedo as well. There was actually a group of people who thought I was larping about being a a toddler fucker but was instead a 28 yr old JB raper. They came to this conclusion because they saw me spreading some some incel memes and calling myself the "Incel Messiah" so they found some British-American white dude on Facebook who mentioned the term "incel messiah" in a post and they were convinced he was me because he shared some of the same incredibly common incel memes as me and talked about lookism. They harassed the guy to the point that he sent them a voice message to prove he wasn't me but then they said I was just voice acting and it was me. To this day, they still think I'm that guy and he gets harassed. He mogs me though.
Hahaha!! I’m actually tempted to do this after hearing this shit. The outrage is so hilarious, I wish you had a recording of the guy on PS4 who freaked out over you, I’d love to hear that. The cleverest thing about this whole situation is that you’re dissecting the way people are mentally responding to you as a result of your condition by bringing them out of their shell online, it’s actually genius, and you’re right - enopthalmos is a totally perceived pedo trait. People are so retarded, they genuinely see someone with it and assume they are a bad actor like a child responding time the visual cues for evil characters in a Disney movie.
Hahaha!! I’m actually tempted to do this after hearing this shit. The outrage is so hilarious, I wish you had a recording of the guy on PS4 who freaked out over you, I’d love to hear that. The cleverest thing about this whole situation is that you’re dissecting the way people are mentally responding to you as a result of your condition by bringing them out of their shell online, it’s actually genius, and you’re right - enopthalmos is a totally perceived pedo trait. People are so retarded, they genuinely see someone with it and assume they are a bad actor like a child responding time the visual cues for evil characters in a Disney movie.
I wish I could record it. One guy started yelling so loud and threatening him that I heard his wife in the background say "jesus christ, he's probably just a troll, quite the fuck down."... I really pissed them off because I would act proud and smug about it, describe in detail how the crime was committed and use words like "ragdoll" for dramatic effect. Multiple rednecks cocked guns on the mic to try to act tough. Men are so fucking pathetic with their virtue signaling. Some of the most enjoyable fun I've ever had on the internet. Somehow, most foids who heard me knew I was larping. The men would always lose their shit though because they wanted to act like tough guy heroes online.

Enopthalmos is a pedo trait. I can't believe healthcare doesn't cover the reconstructive surgeries for it. You literally cannot live a normal life and be respected as a human being when you look like this:


Child fucker on the left, normie on the right...


The dick on the guy on the left smells like pre school butt, the dick on the guy in the right smells like lotion because he's a low tier normie instead of a pedocel.
(He still looks like shit after the orbital volume augmentation because enopthalmos causes sagging of the lids over time which is why he has NCT in one eye. He still needs cantho surgery. Still better than the left.)


This ethnicel went from unibrow giga pedo because of his enopthalmos to regular pedo after the surgery.


"I know guys with asymmetrical eyes who have wives and children"- IT

This guy had it severe and had great results. He still has a fucked up eye area but for different reasons. My enopthalmos is 3mm which is the average for enopthalmos cases, I've seen a lot of perfect results of femoids with 3mm who got the surgery ...If I was rich or a foid, my eyes would be symmetrical.

You cannot have an eye area like that and not want to die. Humans look each other in the eyes when they talk to each other. Imagine not being able to look people in the eyes.
TIL I have enopthalmos
Brutal :feelsrope: :feelsrope: :feelsrope: :feelsrope: :feelsrope: :feelsrope:
I have enopthalmos
Enopthalmos is super expensive to fix. Unless you're rich, you're life is fucking over. Have a cup of Jonestown Kool-Aid with me brocel. There is no escaping our subhumanity. We are literally the walking dead,
Why not just do it? Its win win.
Almost impossible nowadays. Besides, it's not really my thing.

I would pose as a JB hunter so I could get Creep Catchers to meet me somewhere so I could go ER on them. I hate virtue signalers.
Enopthalmos is super expensive to fix. Unless you're rich, you're life is fucking over. Have a cup of Jonestown Kool-Aid with me brocel. There is no escaping our subhumanity. We are literally the walking dead,
Enopthalmos + small dick + wide hips + shitty jaw
God doesn't exist
Enopthalmos + small dick + wide hips + shitty jaw
God doesn't exist

The small dick and wide hips are the most brutal because they can't be fixed with surgery.

There was a guy with wide hips... he said he wore "mom jeans" because they were the one jeans that fit him.

Having a small dick is also a pedo trait too. People always accuse pedos of having small dicks.

You are literally a child molester just like me. You look like one, so you are one...

Welcome to the Child Molester Club.

The small dick and wide hips are the most brutal because they can't be fixed with surgery.

There was a guy with wide hips... he said he wore "mom jeans" because they were the one jeans that fit him.

Having a small dick is also a pedo trait too. People always accuse pedos of having small dicks.

You are literally a child molester just like me. You look like one, so you are one...

Welcome to the Child Molester Club.
Me and the boys at the CMC
Screenshot 20200411 143809 YouTube
This post just made me realize my eyes are asymmetrical
I have awakened about a dozen eye asymmetrycels so far.

Real shit though.
I don't doubt it bro. Your tale made laugh irl but I have infinite respect for you. Fuck normoids, fuck foids and fuck chad
I don't doubt it bro. Your tale made laugh irl but I have infinite respect for you. Fuck normoids, fuck foids and fuck chad
I hope you only have pseudo-ptosis and not enopthalmos.

Thanks brocel.

I hope normies, foids, and chads get corona from their cats.
I have finally found it. My favorite thread on incels.is!
I miss my innocence too, have you ever read ER's manifesto? very relatable NGL.
Unfortunately not. I'm fairly low inhib and NT so I couldn't really relate to him. I've heard that it's a good read though.
Legendary LARPing jesus christ :feelskek:
make a tldr version
Based larp. It's hilarious watching normies trying to act tough online when they see someone they hate.

[UWSL]Sparrow's Song[/UWSL]

[UWSL]The Veiled Prophet of ☽Incelabad☾[/UWSL] · From Truecel Mortal Body Prison, Ohio
Joined Dec 14, 2017
Last seen 12 minutes ago · Viewing thread [Truecel Confession] I've Been Larping Online As A 47yr Old Convicted Child Molester For Two Years Just So I Can Bask In The Hatred People React With
:feelswhere: :feelskek:

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