I’ve had sex 100 times (evERy time with escorts) and physically it didn’t feel any diffERent to masturbating.
I started to pondER about this, and I came to the conclusion that Even though when you are masturbating you are mentally aware that you r NOT actually having sex, your body “thinks” that you are having sex hence you end up orgasming and ejaculating no diffERent to if you wERe ACTUALLY having sex.
Masturbation is a “sex simulator” and sex is just “partnERed masturbation”, because your body can’t tell the diffERence between masturbation and sex, hence both give you an equal amount of physical pleasure.
Females can’t give me any physical pleasure that I can’t already expERience on my own by using my hand FOR FREE, so I realised that it’s illogical to waste money on whores.
That’s why I stopped going to escorts and just jERk off instead.
“Directly” Paying females for Sex (procuring the sERvices of escorts), or even “indirectly” paying them for sex (being a betabuxxER who plays the role of being the financial providER in a relationship, in exchange for his female partnER’s loyalty and sexual exclusivity), is a massive waste of money.
Women r simply not worth it.
Let them reject me. I reject them back.
And no, this is not cope, even if sex with a 10/10 Stacy FOR FREE was an available option, I’d rathER masturbate because:
1. I have more control of my rate/intensity of stimulation through masturbation, hence I have more control of how long I last and more control of when I ejaculate.
2. Masturbation is far less physically exhaustive. I can expERience life’s greatest physical pleasure while lying down in bed and being in a relaxed position (my body remains completely still while my hand does all the “work”).
Whereas if I have sex, I have to continuously vigorously thrust my hips (back and forth) and it feels like I’m doing a full-body workout in conjunction with a high intensity cardio exERcise session which leaves me “out of breath”, sweating like a pig and vERy physically tired/extremely drained of physical enERgy.