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SuicideFuel Trucel trait: you have r/IncelsWithoutHate displayed on your “active communities” tab



Jun 14, 2023
I vowed not to open leddit for the rest of this year but I had to resurrect one of my barely used older accounts for LARPing purposes and this shit hit me out of nowhere.

Newfags just dont get it

Normies miss their 237th ex, I miss my r/IncelsWithoutHate, jfl. :feelsclown:
@Iranianoldcel, I still vaguely remember that ‘my co-workers bullied me for the clothes I wear’ thread of yours which was one of the main reasons why I initiated that conversation with you back then ‘cause of how infuriated I was and wanted to make sure you were doing okay. Simpler times.
Does any of the OGcels here remember that one r/Incelselfie autist who kept cropping his face next to two other chadlites? His username had something to do with the word ‘tree’ if I remember correctly. :feelskek:

I wish I had screenshotted some of his posts. They were top kek and that sub in general was next level LARP.
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Does any of the OGcels here remember that one r/Incelselfie autist who kept cropping his face next to two other chadlites? His username had something to do with the word ‘tree’ if I remember correctly. :feelskek:

I wish I had screenshotted some of his posts. They were top kek and that sub in general was next level LARP.
Nah, I was mostly on r/JBW
I vowed not to open leddit for the rest of this year but I had to resurrect one of my barely used older accounts for LARPing purposes and this shit hit me out of nowhere.

View attachment 878487

Normies miss their 237th ex, I miss my r/IncelsWithoutHate, jfl. :feelsclown:

Weren't those communities closed?
I probably posted on it on a banned Reddit account. I always get permanently suspended every few months. I slip up and say either faggot, nigger or tranny which gets you IP banned
@Iranianoldcel, I still vaguely remember that ‘my co-workers bullied me for the clothes I wear’ thread of yours which was one of the main reasons why I initiated that conversation with you back then ‘cause of how infuriated I was and wanted to make sure you were doing okay. Simpler times.
Now that you mentioned it ,it is coming back to me. I just checked my reddit to see if I can find the chat history but these faggots have deleted it all for everyone.

I really liked incels without hate. It was fun. I was unsure to join here back in the day. IWH was enough for me.

Some screenshots of that time.

Screenshot 20230920 172940

Screenshot 20230920 172802

Screenshot 20230920 172839
but these faggots have deleted it all for everyone.
Oh yeah, and I believe you ended up getting banned cause of some beef you had with Boardi at the time jfl.

I really liked incels without hate. It was fun. I was unsure to join here back in the day. IWH was enough for me.
Same. Nothing will ever replace the sheer levels of basedness that sub had to offer and this forum doesn’t even hold a candle.

I loved these types of threads so much. :feelskek::feelskek:

Man. Good times. :feelsbadman:
Was r/IncelsWithoutHate cucked?

Genuinely asking, I'm not familiar with it... Just know the name.
Was r/IncelsWithoutHate cucked?
No. Not at all. Not even in the slightest. I’d say it was by far the most level-headed incel community I’ve ever been to and I’ve yet to see anywhere else topping it; the main moderator was allegedly a fat black woman and some of the users were a little young but aside from that, everything else was peak comfy. I did migrate to smaller subs that came afterwards (r/kindnesscels, r/chillcels, r/lonely_men to name a few) but they didn’t last that long cause of the IT cucks’ mass reports. Earlier this year we had r/ilovesoy and r/beholdthechads and although they were somewhat based, still a little too unhinged for my taste.
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No. Not at all. Not even in the slightest. I’d say it was by far the most level-headed incel community I’ve ever been to and I’ve yet to see anywhere else topping it; the main moderator was allegedly a fat black woman and some of the users were a little young but aside from that, everything else was peak comfy. I did migrate to smaller subs that came afterwards (r/kindnesscels, r/chillcels, r/lonely_men to name a few) but they didn’t last that long cause of the IT cucks’ mass reports. Earlier this year we had r/ilovesoy and r/beholdthechads and although they were somewhat based, still a little too unhinged for my taste.
Ah, got it!
This is IT shooting themselves in the foot, really.
If to them, Incels.is is like the peak of Incel Evilness or whatever, wouldn't it be better to leave a community like IncelsWithoutHate up?

But I don't really expect much strategic thinking from them.

Look! A tamer/level headed version of Incels.is! Should we leave them the fuck alone and move on with our normie ass life and touch grass, or should we report them? So they can go to Incels.is, and turn into the big EVIL boogeyman of society?

Ah, got it!
This is IT shooting themselves in the foot, really.
If to them, Incels.is is like the peak of Incel Evilness or whatever, wouldn't it be better to leave a community like IncelsWithoutHate up?
They’re not hating on us for the reasons they want you to believe, you know. I can vividly recall how they literally just straight up bullied and humiliated this one guy on IWH who claimed that he’s suffering from severe social anxiety to a point that he had to bail out on the pizza he had ordered or whatever only because there were teenage girls inside the diner. This is what I mean when I say that if we can get rid of all the shitty bait threads on this forum (which, hilariously enough, are proven to be made by the same people), IT will start targeting the lesser “extreme” stuff and inevitably show their true misandristic colors.

Even our head mod (the black girl I mentioned) constantly berated us for the smallest things even when we were complying with the rules. It’s just so easy to mortify and belittle lonely men who’re already down.

Look! A tamer/level headed version of Incels.is! Should we leave them the fuck alone and move on with our normie ass life and touch grass, or should we report them? So they can go to Incels.is, and turn into the big EVIL boogeyman of society?

It’s to do with the “thank God I’m not THAT guy” notion that’s plagued the internet since its inception. Helps people feel better about themselves and their shitty lives they’re stuck with forever.
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This is what I mean when I say that if we can get rid of all the shitty bait threads on this forum (which, hilariously enough, are proven to be made by the same people), IT will start targeting the lesser “extreme” stuff and inevitably show their true misandristic colors.
Completely agree with that. "We" are throwing easy punches for them to counter (It's pearl clutching at the end of the day, but that's enough to convince people to hate us, and that's what they capitalize on. The "KILL KILL RAPE NIGGER NIGGER JEW" posts)
It’s to do with the “thank God I’m not THAT guy” notion that’s plagued the internet since its inception. Helps people feel better about themselves and their shitty lives they’re stuck with forever.
Totally... People who are ACTUALLY happy or satisfied with their life, wouldn't be caught dead on communities based around mocking "cringy" people.
That’s all they have. It’s their only excuse. Take it away and they’ll disintegrate. We’ve had many instances of threads proving that they’re photoshopping posts on IWH.

For as long as I can remember now, they’ve always loved to deliberately fabricate as an attempt to deem themselves morally superior and pretend that they’re in good faith, where in actuality, they just enjoy crowning themselves in an imaginary battle against le evil misogynisticy inkwellies who must be stopped at all cost! :foidSoy:

And again, it’s all to further help escape from your own misery and make it look like your life has some sort of meaning.

Totally... People who are ACTUALLY happy or satisfied with their life, wouldn't be caught dead on communities based around mocking "cringy" people.
In spite of how it’s becoming more and more mainstreamed now unfortunately, most “normal” human beings are still somewhat clueless what an incel even is jfl.
Take it away and they’ll disintegrate.
A good example of this is r/shortguys, btw. @MillionBashStream97

They targeted some very tamed and pretty much meaningless posts from that sub and now r/shortguys has seen them for what they are.

View: https://www.reddit.com/r/shortguys/comments/16n161f/_/?share_id=S2oVkKGnhxmZTyvY40FIy&utm_content=1&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_source=share&utm_term=1

View: https://www.reddit.com/r/shortguys/comments/16m7kjt/inceltears_clown_fiesta_at_the_peak/?share_id=OLmJ6Z4BIhp8Mm2NcL1Vz&utm_content=1&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_source=share&utm_term=1

This is what happens when you run out of excuses to hate on lonely men. Love to see it.
That’s all they have. It’s their only excuse. Take it away and they’ll disintegrate. We’ve had many instances of threads proving that they’re photoshopping posts on IWH.

For as long as I can remember now, they’ve always loved to deliberately fabricate as an attempt to deem themselves morally superior and pretend that they’re in good faith, where in actuality, they just enjoy crowning themselves in an imaginary battle against le evil misogynisticy inkwellies who must be stopped at all cost! :foidSoy:

And again, it’s all to further help escape from your own misery and make it look like your life has some sort of meaning.
They deserve hell, every single one of them.
A good example of this is r/shortguys, btw. @MillionBashStream97

They targeted some very tamed and pretty much meaningless posts from that sub and now r/shortguys has seen them for what they are.

View: https://www.reddit.com/r/shortguys/comments/16n161f/_/?share_id=S2oVkKGnhxmZTyvY40FIy&utm_content=1&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_source=share&utm_term=1

View: https://www.reddit.com/r/shortguys/comments/16m7kjt/inceltears_clown_fiesta_at_the_peak/?share_id=OLmJ6Z4BIhp8Mm2NcL1Vz&utm_content=1&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_source=share&utm_term=1

This is what happens when you run out of excuses to hate on lonely men. Love to see it.

True, yeah...

The guy/girl down there is asking for proof that short men are treated poorly.
How do you even argue against people this bad faith and ignorant?

The way they talk about lonely undesirable men is beyond disgusting and vitriolic. FOR WHAT?

Evil is indeed very petty.
The guy/girl down there is asking for proof that short men are treated poorly.
How do you even argue against people this bad faith and ignorant?
They’re asking for proof and yet, literally the two comments before them have “little guy” and “little dude” written in them. You really can’t make this shit up, holy fuck. :lul: :lul:

It’s not that they can’t see it, they DON’T want to see it.
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:feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek:
And of course we get insulted and patronized for something out of our control
"Why are you so devoid of hope cancer patient, I don't care that the world hates you for something genetic just don't address it you terrorist:foidSoy:"
It’s all just so tiring and depressing honestly.
They’re asking for proof and yet, literally the two comments before them have “little guy” and “little dude” written in them. You really can’t make this shit up, holy fuck. :lul: :lul:

It’s not that they can’t see it, they DON’T want to see it.
Not to mention Twitter, dude. The "people" there are OPEN about hating manlets. It's not subtle at all.

Also, real fucking life? I had a classmate that was openly bullied for being a manlet. If it wasn't for me and two other niggas that used to hang around with him, defending him, he would have gotten beaten up one time by some idiots.

Nigga was deeply insecure with girls. He later got one, because he wasn't bad looking at all, and was white (Brazil, whites are loved).
But either way, this is just ONE guy. Normie tier guy at that. Imagine how subhumans get it.

How can you be alive in this planet, and not know how manlets are treated poorly? If tall niggas are worshiped, how do you guess manlets get treated?!

They are so gross.
True but I love it when these monsters show their true colors, better is open rebuke than hidden love
But will they ever realize they’re not as morally superior as they think they are? Probably not.

Not to mention Twitter, dude.
I try not to think about it anymore. The doomscrolling can really fuck with your head and I stopped reading anything written by a woman like three years ago.

Also, real fucking life? I had a classmate that was openly bullied for being a manlet. If it wasn't for me and two other niggas that used to hang around with him, defending him, he would have gotten beaten up one time by some idiots.

Nigga was deeply insecure with girls. He later got one, because he wasn't bad looking at all, and was white (Brazil, whites are loved).
But either way, this is just ONE guy. Normie tier guy at that. Imagine how subhumans get it.
I barely even see shorter men than myself when I go outside jfl.
Why some of you choose to use soyddit and other normfag social media I don't understand, nothing beneficial for subhumans there
i miss incelselfie
Oh yeah, and I believe you ended up getting banned cause of some beef you had with Boardi at the time jfl.
Holly shit. :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: I had totally forgotten about that. Damn. Yeah bro. I don't remember why though. I fucking hated her. Haha.

Good old days :cryfeels::cryfeels::cryfeels:
I loved these types of threads so much
"Chad, Stacey ,blackpill? What the fuck were you mumbling in your sleep, jigaram? Come on. Sit and relax. I have made you some gol Gav zaboon ba noon ghandi azizam. "
Holly shit. :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: I had totally forgotten about that. Damn. Yeah bro. I don't remember why though. I fucking hated her. Haha.
It was so annoying to have her approve our posts. :feelsUnreal:

Good old days :cryfeels::cryfeels::cryfeels:
Kamtar fakecel bood oon moghe.

"Chad, Stacey ,blackpill? What the fuck were you mumbling in your sleep, jigaram? Come on. Sit and relax. I have made you some gol Gav zaboon ba noon ghandi azizam. "

Hey, hey! Looks like you just blanked out for a second there. Gymmaxing? Oofy doofy theory? The rope is calling? What are you on about right now? Let’s just go out and maybe enjoy a film together.
Reminds me of my early blackpill days
Ah, got it!
This is IT shooting themselves in the foot, really.
If to them, Incels.is is like the peak of Incel Evilness or whatever, wouldn't it be better to leave a community like IncelsWithoutHate up?
Both sides are at fault here tbh

IT for driving incels to more extreme forums

IWH for thinking that they could go up to normies and be like 'we're good incels now, we don't hate' and they would be spared

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