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News Troon suicide rates have gone up by 72%

  • Thread starter Scatius Deletus
  • Start date
I don't think trans people should commit suicide. It could lead to social contagion where other groups think suicide is okay.
why would i care about other groups?? what has this world given me??
infact i am a pro war incel, war advocate. since male death = lower foid smv and higher male smv which means less incels and less suffering for males.

chinks and currydia has 40+ million extra males btw
why would i care about other groups?? what has this world given me??
Because social contagion might lead to you thinking suicide is okay for yourself. In fact, many incels are suicidal. This forum is evidence.

infact i am a pro war incel, war advocate. since male death = lower foid smv and higher male smv which means less incels and less suffering for males.
War is different from suicide. Suicide is worse than war.

chinks and currydia has 40+ million extra males btw

Females commit suicide too.
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Wolf Wall Street Feels Guy GIF by World of Wojak
Almost 3K death which means the odds that of one of those tranny mods that banned me from one of those websites and vidya by abusing the "toxicity" rule also died is NOT zero.

You get what you fucking deserve :feelsclown:
He only gets back to office in January and he's already implementing tranny death ahead of time :feelshaha:
Surely their abnormally high suicide rates would be an indicator of their abnormal brain wiring and lifestyle, but low IQ normies will still claim “it’s normal”.

okay trannies bad even doe their (male) death increases ratio of females in any given population?
You have more chances to score.
Trannies good for incel community
okay trannies bad even doe their (male) death increases ratio of females in any given population?
You have more chances to score.
Trannies good for incel community
Get out of this community and please kill yourself fucking IT infiltrator troon.

You stupid IT retards, YOU are so pathetic that there is nothing going for your miserable life, you spend all your time and energy witchunting incels just because they refer themselves as such.

Get out of this community and please kill yourself fucking IT infiltrator troon.

You stupid IT retards, YOU are so pathetic that there is nothing going for your miserable life, you spend all your time and energy witchunting incels just because they refer themselves as such.


Yes, troons are good because troons give us the ability to snatch a girl they'd normally be with if troons were straight.
In fact, they are males who kill themselves! Spread the troonification. The only objection here could be religious one, but I believe we're all Communists here so, Trans Rights.
Nothing changed
okay trannies bad even doe their (male) death increases ratio of females in any given population?
You have more chances to score.
Trannies good for incel community
most young trannies are females (>90%)
and no matter which tranny we are talking about, they are all disgusting and harming us Incels.
most young trannies are females (>90%)
and no matter which tranny we are talking about, they are all disgusting and harming us Incels.
source? Also how do they harm us by opting out from race for pussy

I say we turn Chad into a tranny through propaganda and get all the 10 girls he was juggling everyday.
Gotta cut the transphobic sentiment though. Must make it appealing for the Chad, lure him into it. So cut this transphobic bullshit, you're harming my chances to get laid.
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source? Also how do they harm us by opting out from race for pussy
can't find sources right now. but you should know that about 10% of the population identifies as lgbt. thats because most of them are young females. around 20-30% of all young females say they are trannies. whereas its only around 5% of young men. i know this because if >10% of young people identify as lgbt, and i know its 90% of young females, then its must be around 20-30% of all young females. i know this from another statistic that confirms this, and most of the time these women have a personality disorder as well (narcissism). it just makes sense that most are young females. statistics say its 2/3 of (young) TiF and 1/3 of (young) TiMs (trans identified males). BUT: most of all trannies say they are "non-binary", and there statistics say its way above 90% females. and just look around, almost all females nowadays says they are "they/them". and they do this because they dont want attention from men, because they are narcissists, they hate and discriminate against men.
Obviously they harm us by destroying their bodies. Or would you want to have such a asshole as your girlfirend? she would only take you because she has no other options left, and she destroyed her body just because she hated you. she will be bald, sitting in a wheelchair, because of weak bones, have some spastic attacks, have no curves, because chopped off breasts. and it's all part of 4B btw, which currently keeps getting popularity. the clinics that do these medical interventions keep spreading and growing. and just banning this for under 18 year olds will not be enough.
+ females will rather take these trannies than a real man, because they just find the female face more beautiful. although they will never have true attraction towards these trannies, they just cope, because they hate men. this obviously leads to even more competition. TiMs still try to date real females.
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can't find sources right now. but you should know that about 10% of the population identifies as lgbt. thats because most of them are young females. around 20-30% of all young females say they are trannies. whereas its only around 5% of young men. i know this because if >10% of young people identify as lgbt, and i know its 90% of young females, then its must be around 20-30% of all young females. i know this from another statistic that confirms this, and most of the time these women have a personality disorder as well (narcissism). it just makes sense that most are young females. statistics say its 2/3 of (young) TiF and 1/3 of (young) TiMs (trans identified males). BUT: most of all trannies say they are "non-binary", and there statistics say its way above 90% females. and just look around, almost all females nowadays says they are "they/them". and they do this because they dont want attention from men, because they are narcissists, they hate and discriminate against men.
Obviously they harm us by destroying their bodies. Or would you want to have such a asshole as your girlfirend? she would only take you because she has no other options left, and she destroyed her body just because she hated you. she will be bald, sitting in a wheelchair, because of weak bones, have some spastic attacks, have no curves, because chopped off breasts. and it's all part of 4B btw, which currently keeps getting popularity. the clinics that do these medical interventions keep spreading and growing. and just banning this for under 18 year olds will not be enough.
+ females will rather take these trannies than a real man, because they just find the female face more beautiful. although they will never have true attraction towards these trannies, they just cope, because they hate men. this obviously leads to even more competition. TiMs still try to date real females.
almost all females nowadays says they are "they/them". and they do this because they dont want attention from men
+ females will rather take these trannies than a real man, because they just find the female face more beautiful
You just contradict yourself.
Females find female face more beautiful so they choose to be not lesbian with ordinary girls, but to be with trannies. What?

No females say they are they them because it's a trend, not because they want smash faces in a bar in drunken fistfights and ride a motorbike
In Russian language a shitton of young females use male way of referencing to themselves, but they aren't trannies, it's to accentuate their feminity. I guess same goes for English but the only way to do this is to through they them, you don't have this feature in English where you can outright use verbs in masculine way.
You just contradict yourself.
Females find female face more beautiful so they choose to be not lesbian with ordinary girls, but to be with trannies. What?

No females say they are they them because it's a trend, not because they want smash faces in a bar in drunken fistfights and ride a motorbike
In Russian language a shitton of young females use male way of referencing to themselves, but they aren't trannies, it's to accentuate their feminity. I guess same goes for English but the only way to do this is to through they them, you don't have this feature in English where you can outright use verbs in masculine way.
yes, of the women living in capitcal cities 50% tried to date another women. its not a contradiciton. they still see these TiFs as females basically. (that doesn't mean they are lesbians or bi. they are not. they are just super narcissistic and get told by feminism propaganda to date women, rather than men.)

It's not to accentuate their feminity. it's because they dont want to appear feminine, because they want to harm men with it. That's esactly what this tranny trend is about.
yes, of the women living in capitcal cities 50% tried to date another women. its not a contradiciton. they still see these TiFs as females basically. (that doesn't mean they are lesbians or bi. they are not. they are just super narcissistic and get told by feminism propaganda to date women, rather than men.)

It's not to accentuate their feminity. it's because they dont want to appear feminine, because they want to harm men with it. That's esactly what this tranny trend is about.
if you don't appear feminine men don't want you and you're lagging behind in being desirable. a horror for any woman. You're logic here is flawed, if they are narcissistic they would want to appear as feminine as possible and reel in simp's attention

None of this explains why we target in bullying MtF and not FtM.
Okay, let's attack female trannies and leave male trannies cause male trannies are beneficial for the incel community, raises our chances of having sex.
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if you don't appear feminine men don't want you and you're lagging behind in being desirable. a horror for any woman. You're logic here is flawed, if they are narcissistic they would want to appear as feminine as possible and reel in simp's attention
no, they always criticize that they get approached that often. they don't want this attention. they are saturated.
+ many want it to be true that men are privileged. they think if you don't get approached often, then you're privileged. it needs alot of time until they just maybe realize men are not privileged at all. (many will never give you right. they rather cope after making this mistake)
+ they get this attention by trying to be "different". they try to be the victim. that's why they are all obsessed with these 'coming outs', because it puts them into the focus, and at the same time they solve their problem of getting approached by men. + most literally either already have a diagnosed personality disorder, or they could easily get diagnosed.
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no, they always criticize that they get approached that often. they don't want this attention. they are saturated.
+ many want it to be true that men are privileged. they think if you don't get approached often, then you're privileged. it needs alot of time until they just maybe realize men are not privileged at all.
+ they get this attention by trying to be "different". they try to be the victim. that's why they are all obsessed with these 'coming outs', because it puts them into the focus, and at the same time they solve their problem of getting approached by men.
they don't want this attention.
Or maybe they want even more attention by saying they don't, while retaining previous attention too, like from striaght male simps? They could go tomboy for this reason, but never the moustached hairy motorgang type of a man transition.

I deny the premise that most trannies are FtM in the first place. need a source for that.
Or maybe they want even more attention by saying they don't, while retaining previous attention too, like from striaght male simps? They could go tomboy for this reason, but never the moustached hairy motorgang type of a man transition.

I deny the premise that most trannies are FtM in the first place. need a source for that.
they don't understand their privilege until they destroyed their body basically. that's why your logic is flawed. and their desire for attention is superficial, they don't have a deep meaning behind sexual attention.

Of course if considered each age, the ratio is about balanced. but of all the old people its almost only men, and of the younger people almost only women. And it keeps getting worse, and you have to keep in mind that only the trend matters, which means that even in the older age groups females will dominate there. just look around, and it makes sense. and it's mostly females supporting this crap. there is one source and it's old. it has gotten worse since the lockdowns because everyone was more easily influenceable by tiktok-internet-propaganda. It mentions females more likely identify as trannies, but they are less likely to get mutilated. it needs politcial intervention to stop this crap, before it gets even worse. https://www.genderhq.org/increase-trans-females-nonbinary-dysphoria
Almost 3K death which means the odds that of one of those tranny mods that banned me from one of those websites and vidya by abusing the "toxicity" rule also died is NOT zero.

You get what you fucking deserve :feelsclown:
7K total.. that's AN ARMY

Good, let the garbage take care of itself. I hope feminists do the same. Let the left off itself, good fucking riddance.
Why?? They have more power than ever. You can't say anything critical about them. They have infiltrated every new video game, movie, TV series.

They have no fucking right to victimize themselves, THEY OWN THIS PLANET.
oh uh who’s going to bbc post on 4cuck now lmao
Good, this should increase to 100%
7K total.. that's AN ARMY
>the wokeniggers ban everyone from the media/vidya to create an echochamber
>troonifying intensifies
>I could've told them not to chop off their dick but i'm muted so... oh well
>they ack because of miga trump somehow
>the media was purified and is now like it was back then

I feel like we truly live with NPCs and they just hit their expiry date like after I turn the game on x4 speed to reach the next turn.

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