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Tried using bumble again

@wastedcodeine @Mecoja @Ron.Belgrade @FakeFakecel @TheJester @InceldianWarrior @Fevet @Nanoventor @Nagger @Cobscell @satima @SupremeAutist @NeverGetUp36
Guess what happened guys ?
2 messages or so of back and forth and now I'm ghosted
She also laughed at my attempts 'hahahaha I don't think so'
I actually feel disgusting for trying with a chick who I find ugly as fuck, nothing feminine about her (maybe the fat tits and ass) but she literally is a human embodiment of Fiona (shrek's wife) in my head
I feel gross that once again a foid got that dopamine of confidence and attention from me despite not deserving it at all
I wasn't a simp but you get the idea
burn my body at the stake, fucking kill me
Yup that's pretty much what you can expect from bumble bitches. Now you know not to bother again. E-dating is retarded and never works.
Brutal man :feelsbadman:

No show pic:feelshehe:
IMG 2260
Yup that's pretty much what you can expect from bumble bitches. Now you know not to bother again. E-dating is retarded and never works.
Bro I don't care really, when you kinda don't care about the results, they trying doesn't matter is what I'm realizing
I already know it's over, so I shoot my shot, if it works it works if it doesn't it's water to me
it was funny af
You have to wait for women to message you first on bumble [never gonna happen] so even more brutal for us truecels!
You have to wait for women to message you first on bumble [never gonna happen] so even more brutal for us truecels!
sometimes they do most time they don't
they also have 100 other dudes to message and one of them is chad
Bumble is for people that are far too ugly for tinder from my experience.
I agree, Hinge is even worse.

On Tinder all the women and men are on average 8/10s. Literally the girls all look like models, are highly motivated, hit the gym, extremly beautiful Profil pictures.

The guys...I mean i posted some already but like all 190 cm, status maxed, Chads its crazy. I got CEOs, Managers, Models, Influencers etc.

Bumble is like the 6/10 category, mid tier men and women with regular ass jobs like technician or farmer, stylist etc.

Hinge is just for the most part low tier and sub5 category. Landwhales, Ugly Chicks, fat sub5 dudes, NEETs, you name it.

I deleted all the Apps except Tinder for my catfish. I talk to some dudes and most Chads are actually sick of the dating game. Especially like the Chads in their 30s, like these dudes wanna settle down, like they want to start a family but it aint gonna work lmao

Like them niggas are fast as fuck

Screenshot20240628 185224

I chatted with one arabian dude for like 3 days, before I gave him my fake Snapchat. Like then He bombarded my fake Snapchat with "wanna marry me?" Lmao
You have to wait for women to message you first on bumble [never gonna happen] so even more brutal for us truecels!
No not since the latest Update now its just a worse Tinder, you can message chicks now, Problem is Chicks dont know on Bumble they need to swipe too.
Not sure why people who are sub7 use dating apps

Well, 6/10's still get occasional likes. If you're Sub-6 there are slim but still chances for matches. Even if you match as a sub-6, most toilets will never message you and many will immediately block or ghost you if you message them after matching.

As an experiment I used an average White guy and I got like one or two matches a week (basically what I got in a year), still basically no actual interaction.
a fat autistic foid with an ugly face
she has disability rights on her profile as well as neurodivergent rights
her first message is about my favorite movie that changed my life or perspective on things (as if a movie can do that to me lol)
yeah guys, i'm totally fucking or LTRing her (cope)
you are an absolute fakecel if you can even get her to message you first, i didnt get any at all. motherfucking bitch cunt shitfucker complaining about the foids who want you enough to talk to you, not LE GOOD ENOUGH? FUCK YOU, I TRIED AND GOT NOBODY!
On Tinder all the women and men are on average 8/10s. Literally the girls all look like models, are highly motivated, hit the gym, extremly beautiful Profil pictures.

Exactly, I have no idea where the ugly toilets are. I've been looking for ugly toilets to swipe right on but it's literally just 99% Instagram models and occasionally you'll find a high-tier Becky. I know that there are plenty of ugly toilets on Tinder because I know them in real life, but why don't they ever show up in my feed?!
you are an absolute fakecel if you can even get her to message you first, i didnt get any at all. motherfucking bitch cunt shitfucker complaining about the foids who want you enough to talk to you, not LE GOOD ENOUGH? FUCK YOU, I TRIED AND GOT NOBODY!

Remember, toilets also message men as a game, it's only genuine interest if she's actually sleeping with you.
you are an absolute fakecel if you can even get her to message you first, i didnt get any at all. motherfucking bitch cunt shitfucker complaining about the foids who want you enough to talk to you, not LE GOOD ENOUGH? FUCK YOU, I TRIED AND GOT NOBODY!
Eh its not hard, just make some nice Snap filter pics, swipe daily and use the "World wide" option. I had like tons of chats with girls but they all live like countries apart, they dont realize it because distance doesnt show.

If its regional its very difficult to do i agree
you are an absolute fakecel if you can even get her to message you first, i didnt get any at all. motherfucking bitch cunt shitfucker complaining about the foids who want you enough to talk to you, not LE GOOD ENOUGH? FUCK YOU, I TRIED AND GOT NOBODY!
No P in V, no meet, nothing
couple messages and she ghosted me and she got her attention and left
did you even read the rest of the thread and comments?
i'm still incel and nothing changed
go scream at a tree
No P in V, no meet, nothing
couple messages and she ghosted me and she got her attention and left
did you even read the rest of the thread and comments?
i'm still incel and nothing changed
go scream at a tree
Eh its not hard, just make some nice Snap filter pics, swipe daily and use the "World wide" option. I had like tons of chats with girls but they all live like countries apart, they dont realize it because distance doesnt show.

If its regional its very difficult to do i agree
I genuinely tried apps, apps not for dating. No filter fixes my face, so it's clear both of you just facemog me, fuck you both then
you are an absolute fakecel if you can even get her to message you first, i didnt get any at all. motherfucking bitch cunt shitfucker complaining about the foids who want you enough to talk to you, not LE GOOD ENOUGH? FUCK YOU, I TRIED AND GOT NOBODY!
oh she didn't message first btw, she just had an already set prompt for what to answer to talk to her
I genuinely tried apps, apps not for dating. No filter fixes my face, so it's clear both of you just facemog me, fuck you both then
bro this fakecel truecel shit is so cringe and annoying to me
and I have one eye and and a huge scar on my face
what are we 1 upping each other for over who is more of an incel
we all are and it's all pain
actually unironically rope with your ''muh facemog'' bullshit
I deleted all the Apps except Tinder for my catfish. I talk to some dudes and most Chads are actually sick of the dating game. Especially like the Chads in their 30s, like these dudes wanna settle down, like they want to start a family but it aint gonna work lmao

Like them niggas are fast as fuck

Screenshot20240628 185224

I chatted with one arabian dude for like 3 days, before I gave him my fake Snapchat. Like then He bombarded my fake Snapchat with "wanna marry me?" Lmao

I had that 16 years ago with some Tunisian dude on Facebook, Arab men are desperate as fuck. Even the really handsome ones. My guess is that polygyny makes them so desperate.

A female friend of mine who lost her virginity in her 30's and was always assumed to be a Lesbian by literally every man she met in her country got 3 marriage proposals from Arab men in a single week the moment she went online. It's absolutely brutal how desperate they are, even the thirstiest Western incel isn't as desperate as your average Arab.
Remember, toilets also message men as a game, it's only genuine interest if she's actually sleeping with you.
Oh i agree i had some that really only wanted to Chat. I had 3 chicks added to my Snap that eventually just said they wanted validation when i asked for a date or "What I am to you"

Literally matched with a Chick that i was in a class with on University, like she wasnt even good looking, like i mean she might have been below my looksmach a 4 maybe, of course she just didnt have anything to do and just chat for herself loath, she was like talking about a trip to UK and a foreign Semester or some shit. Like they are all from rich families. All the chicks on my Uni always like talk about how they want to do a world vacation soon and I sit lonely at the Window thinking to myself "Like where do they get that money, like they wanna go to Australia for 3 whole months? Like that shit must cost thousands upon thousands of dollars???"

Lol im so poor, i will never get to even betabuxx.
Bumble is like the 6/10 category, mid tier men and women with regular ass jobs like technician or farmer, stylist etc.

Hinge is just for the most part low tier and sub5 category. Landwhales, Ugly Chicks, fat sub5 dudes, NEETs, you name it.

Hinge is just like how you describe Tinder and I still get 0 likes on Hinge.

I don't even know where desperate toilets come from, because literally the ugliest, unemployed, unlikeable toilets can get top-tier men, yet I've met some toilets IRL that claimed that they didn't meet any men on dating apps. How?! Maybe they just literally only swipe left and wonder why they're not matching with anyone, I swipe left 200 times on a female account before swiping right and I still have a near perfect match rate.
All the chicks on my Uni always like talk about how they want to do a world vacation soon and I sit lonely at the Window thinking to myself "Like where do they get that money, like they wanna go to Australia for 3 whole months? Like that shit must cost thousands upon thousands of dollars???"

Lol im so poor, i will never get to even betabuxx.

That doesn't go away with age, I've seen toilets in their 40's wanting to go on world trips.
That doesn't go away with age, I've seen toilets in their 40's wanting to go on world trips.
A friend of my dad who is 60 is still searching for a women and my dad told me (because he knows ive been searching for a girlfriend for years now) this dude can barely even walk after working for 40 years and he said: "women want to go with him on bike trips and he should better drive a luxury car and you know what he said to these women" "What?" "I can maybe waltz to the beer garden for a couple cups but thats it :feelshaha:"

My dad and his friend are Redpilled he wants me to go MGTOW :feelsEhh::redpill:

But he doesn't know im already a step ahead of both of them :feelskek::blackpill:

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